《掌中解脱》学习总结 Gift of Liberation

作者&投稿:史茜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 《掌中解脱》为帕绷喀大师(第三世墀江仁波切)所著;

是作者在1921年藏历铁鸡年将《菩提道次第广论》Lam Rim讲义整理成书的一部重要佛学宝典。

1. 给予人们他们所需要的,物质,情感,精神修行相关支持;

Give others whatever they need: material, emotional,or spiritual;

2. 学习道德准则,全力持守并感到快乐,绝不伤害另一个生命;

Learn a code of ethic and to keep it strong and happy, never hurt other living thing;

3 . 耐心,即使面对最糟糕的状况或遇到最难相处的人也是如此;

Be patient, even in the worst situations, or with the most difficult people imaginable;

4 . 纯粹的享受做任何一件帮助他人的事情;

Simply enjoy, deeply, doing anything that helps someone else;

5 .冥想;

To Meditate;

6 . 运用冥想看到空性;

Use that meditation to see emptiness.

1. 你要长寿  You should have a Long Life

获得长寿的四个业力: Four Causes to Have a Long Life:

1) 不杀害各种形式的生命; Don't Kill Any Living Creatures; (素食,植物蛋白 Vegetarian)

2) 帮助处于紧急状况下的人,受饿的人;Help People Who is In Emergency or In Hungry;

3) 帮助囚犯; Help Prisoners

4) 帮助病人;Help Patience

2. 你要有高颜值 You should have a Nice Face 

获得高颜值的五个业力:Five Causes to Have a Nice Looking

1) 不对人产生怒气,相由心生;Don't get angry with other people;

2) 不对事物感到烦躁,如交通,天气冷热,飞机延误;Don't get upset with things, outer factors;

3) 供养佛像;Decorate Buddha

4) 给他人买衣服; Buy clothes for other people;

5) 给他人买点小饰品;Buy some jewelry for other people

注 :外在不是追求的目标,但好看确实会让人感觉舒服

PS : It's not always correct but people do see people's face and will feel better.

3. 获得他人尊重,较高的社会地位 Get Respect From others, High Social Statue

获得尊重的四个业力:Four Causes to Have high social statue

1) 在任何场合,不产生优人一等之心,戒骄戒躁;Check if you have any pride in any situation;

2) 当义工或志愿者,干别人不愿意干的活;Be volunteers, take the lower position take dirty works;

3) 尊重他人;Respect other people,show respect to everyone

4) 给服务人员小费以示对他工作的认可和尊重;Give tips to show respect

注 :获得高地位不是追求目标,但有一定的影响力帮助更多人

PS : It's not always correct but higher social statue do have power of influence to help more people;

4. 获得额外的财富帮助他人; Have Extra Money to Help People    [DBANG PHYUG CHE BA]

获得额外财富的三个业力:Three Causes to Have extra money   

1) 修建寺庙; Build temple;

2) 装饰佛像;Decorate Temple and Buddha;

3) 帮助需要的人; Help People In Need

这里有三类布施的重要对象  There Are Three Kinds of People to Give Support

① 你的父母,给金钱给父母;Give support to your parents;

② 帮助处于紧急状况下的人; Give support to someone in Emergency;

③ 能够帮助更多人的人;Give support to someone who can help many other people

5. 他人听从于你;People Listen To You  [TSIG BTZUN PA]


获得他人听从的三个业力:Three Causes to Have people listen to you

1)不伤害他人的感受;Don't Hurt Other People's feeling;

2) 言前三思;Think Before You Speak;

3) 反驳的智慧;Any one criticize you, get back to him three days later, have wisdom.

6. 获得力量;Power  [DBANG CHE BAR GRAGS PA]

获得力量的三个业力:Three Causes to Have Power

1) 尊重你的老师; Respect Your Teacher (if they are doing good things)

2) 帮助你的父母; Help Your Parents;

3) 帮助穷人,病人,老人;Help Poor, sick, and old people

7. 祝愿全世界男女 生来平等;

Make A Pray for Man&Woman are Born Equal [SKYES PA NYID YIN PA]


I Bow in Respect

To the Lama of Wisdom

To the Spear of Light

To the Heart of Prayer

To Quiet Sense

And the Gentle Voice

8. 强健的身心; Strong Body and Strong Mind

获得强健身心的四个业力:Four Causes to Have Strong Body and Mind

1) 帮他人提东西;Help People Carry Something;

2) 与人同行; Accompany Someone to Go Somewhere

3) 不要给他人不好的食物; Don't give bad food to others

4) 时刻有单纯美好的动机;Always Have a Good Motivation


There are 4 powers to remove bad karma:


Think About Pen/Emptiness(Basic power)


Stop Planting Bad Seeds Right Away When you have that Consciousness


Promise that you will never make the same mistake again


Do Something Good to Balance the karma

平衡业力的六种方法 Six ways to Balance bad Karma:

① 唱诵佛陀名号 Sing the Names of Buddha  [DE BZHIN GSHEGS PA'I MTSAN]

② 念经持咒 Recite Sutra  [GZUNGS SNGAGS DANG]

③ 学习佛法 Learn Buddha Dharma  [MDO DANG]

④ 学习空性 思维空性 Learn Emptiness, Think Emptiness  [STONG NYID DANG]

⑤ 供养佛像 Offering Flower, Fruits to Buddha [MCHOD PA DANG]



PS: Intelligent Regret; No need feel sad or guilty but take action right away. Have the courage to remove bad seeds happily.

业力法则四定律 Four Laws of Karma 

1.种什么因,得什么果 What seed you plant is what Fruit you get

如: 我们的生命老师授予我们的是知识和智慧,当我们种出老师的种子,我们必定曾与他人分享过知识和智慧。

Eg: What our life teacher has granted us is knowledge and wisdom, and so when we planted the seed for them, we must have shared with someone else, knowledge and wisdom.


The grew up of seed will be much bigger than the seed we planted in. 

3.不种因,不得果 There is No Fruit without Planting Seed

4.种因必得果 What you Planted in is What You're Going to Get

四步骤 Four Steps


Decide What You Want in your Life;


Choose a Person Who Want The Same as You, make an appointment in a coffee shop;


Take The Real Action To Help That Person


Coffee Meditation; When you go to bed, think of the kind deeds you did for other people

四朵花(种子成熟的四种方式 ) Four Flowers, Seeds Open

1.给予什么就得到什么回馈 What you give out will get back to you very soon;

2.行为变成习惯 Your good behavior becomes your Habits;

3.你的所作所为,创造出周遭的人们与你的世界 What You do is creating people and your world around you;

4.你创造出你接下来要进入的世界 You Also create a World That You Are going to Enter

佛教把世界分成欲界、 色界 、 无色界 ,合称三界;

Buddhism Divided The World into Three Realms:

 Desire Realm/Form Realm/ Formless Realm

0 层=观想聆听周围的噪音= 欲界 :有五觉:听觉 味觉 嗅觉 触觉  视觉

0 Ground Level= Desire Realm: Normal Human state of mind/ Five Senses

色界  分为四层:There are Four layers in The Form Realm

1层=观想自己的心跳 First Layer Listen to your own heart beat

2层=观想自己住在心内,感受心在外的跳动 Second layer feel you are inside your heart beat

3层=观想心在你的远处跳动 Third layer feel your heart beating in a distance

4层=观想意识在一颗水晶般的糖粒中,你在糖粒之内 Forth layer a crystal sugar you are inside 

无色界分为四层:There are four layers in The Formless Realm

1层:意识在一片平静的海洋中 Your Mind in a vast peaceful ocean

2层:小石头落入平静海洋中荡起的涟漪一圈圈无限扩大到星球之外 A stone in the ocean create ripples expanding to the other planet or outside the universe

3层: 关上所有意识 Turn off the light of the mind, stop anything that come into the mind

4层:关上意识,但有任何想法进出,不阻挡,静观 Turn off the mind still but when there is anything come to the mind, be quiet with them

空性:Practice to See Emptiness

1. 将曾经帮助过你的上师,真人的形象带进意识中 

Bring Your teacher to sit in front of you, a real teacher you can feel the smell and warmth from him;

2. 思考老师在你眼中具有的一个非常优秀的特质 

Think of one his best qualities that You feel very impressive about;

3. 将意识回到你的前额,想象前额有一个小房间里面放着5/6颗银光闪闪的种子

Your mind go to your forehead think about 5-6 silver seeds inside a room in your forehead;


The seed is opening when it open there is a picture of the teacher's quality come out from the seed

5. 这个特质通过你前额的后方,经过你的大脑意识打开投射在老师全身

The seed of the quality open and through the back of your forehead come out from your mind to project on and cover the whole body of your teacher;

6. 另外的种子逐个打开相同的图片出来经过同一个位置投射到老师的身上

Other seeds open one by one with the same picture of your teacher's quality and through the same channel project on your teacher's whole body;

7. 对于你对老师的特质的看法,思考这个特质实际上来源哪里?

Think About where actually  does the quality of the teacher comes from?

8. 在脑海中回顾想象你以往或上辈子的什么经历造就了现在你所看到的老师的特质,编一部电影;

Make a movie of your life or your past life which create that seed of the quality of your teacher;

9. 恭敬地请你的老师做到旁边,邀请同一个老师回到你的面前,这个老师是不具有任何特质的;

Politely invite your teacher to sit by a side and invite the teacher without any quality;

10. 这个不带有任何你的评价及不具有任何特质的老师是一个偶然的遇见,这个老师的肉身存在是从宇宙大爆炸到尘埃到雨水到微生物到细胞到海洋中的鱼到猴子到人类的一个偶然的存在体,由于不知什么原因跟你相遇的一个存在

This teacher is someone without any quality and you don't have any comment on him; He is someone come from the big bang of the universe from a dust from a drop of rain from a microorganism from a cell from a fish in the ocean from a monkey to become a human, he is an accidental existing being and it's a coincidence that you met him in a certain place at a certain time. 

11. 请这位不带有任何特质的老师坐到一边,在邀请具有特质的老师回来之前,先将自己的意识放在这个刚才老师坐过的这个空间之中

Invite this fake teacher to sit by the site and before inviting your real teacher come back, put your mind into this empty space, stay there for a moment;

12. 邀请你意识中的老师回来,跟他一起静静坐一分钟;

Invite your real teacher to comeback sit in front of you for a quiet minute;

13. 感谢老师

Be grateful to your teacher

14. 将意识倒序回到无色界的第四层/第三层/第二层/第一层/色界的第四层/第三层/第二层/第一层/


Bring your mind back from The 4th/3rd/2nd/1st level of Formless realm to 4th/3rd/2nd/1st level of Form Realm and slowly open your eyes and stretch to finish the lion dancing.


当你开启全新的一天, 你的身体就像海洋中的泡泡,泡泡的身体眨眼间就破灭了。




When you start a new day. your body is like a bubble in the ocean. Bubble will pop, until lose its body. The same with our body with shadow. After we die, we'll have a shadow of Karma, the karma we make this life is attached to us just like a shadow of our body, we can't get rid of it no matter with bad or good deeds. So try your very best to do good deeds. 

|| 希望本次学习整理,对您有帮助


Best Wishes

《掌中解脱》学习总结 Gift of Liberation
1层:意识在一片平静的海洋中 Your Mind in a vast peaceful ocean 2层:小石头落入平静海洋中荡起的涟漪一圈圈无限扩大到星球之外 A stone in the ocean create ripples expanding to the other planet or outside the universe 3层: 关上所有意识 Turn off the light of the mind, stop anything that come ...


大乘佛法禅定实修里 没有禅相(南传的一个名词)这一说吗?

佛教讲座 谁讲的最好
四圣谛是对人生苦恼和解脱方法的系统讲述 是佛的教法 对于人来说是应该首先学习的佛法 修学四圣谛的目的应该是成就罗汉果 解脱轮回苦恼 四圣谛讲的是苦集灭道 集是人生因缘的聚合 由于各种缘的集合 而给人带来各种约是 而产生各种苦恼 爱别离 怨憎会 求不得苦 而灭是解脱苦恼的结果 ...


作者从死神的魔掌中解脱了出来,剩下的就是怎样活的问题。对于这个问题的回答,作者也不是一下子就找到的,它是以母亲的苦难甚至生命为代价才参悟透了的。今天,我们就一起来学习《我与地坛的第二部分》。 二、文本研习。“解读母亲的苦难与伟大”。 仔细阅读第二部分。 思考讨论: 1、 从哪些内容可以看出母亲的...

颍上县13439403880: 毗卢遮那佛七支坐法,端坐观想如何入定,求分享. -
言届宏强: 《掌中解脱》关于禅修的开示:http://hi.baidu.com/%D7%EE%CA%A4%D7%D3/blog/item/f1a9931b76adcb03413417a6.html “身具八法”中的八法,是指在“毗卢七法”之上再加“数息观”,如嘉瓦•温萨巴所说:“足手腰为三,唇齿舌合四...

颍上县13439403880: reload card是什么意思 -
言届宏强: 储值卡

颍上县13439403880: 修行如何入门?不干事修佛,还是修道,还是民间的,怎开始?
言届宏强: 修行入门先从学习佛经开始,找一部佛经看,听讲义(网上可以找到很多),理解佛经上到底讲的是什么. 另外每天抽出一点时间念心经,心经是开发自己的智慧的,念的时候不懂不要紧,每天念,自己的智慧慢慢就开了,再看佛经就容易理解.最好把心经背诵下来,每天坚持念3-7遍,看佛经就容易看下去了. 学习佛经自己就知道怎么修行了.

颍上县13439403880: E开头的英文单词组成的句子,对母亲的祝福句有没有?
言届宏强: 1,MISS YOU .2,ONLY YOU 3Together with you forever 4Happy to you everyday 5Eat good things 6 r give for you as a gift

颍上县13439403880: buy gifts的过去式和汉语意思?
言届宏强: buy这里字面是上虽然是原形,其实是一般现在时第三人称复数形式,因为一般现在时第三人称复数形式与动词原形一样.

颍上县13439403880: 小红到小明家做客的作文怎么写 -
言届宏强: ,yesterday was her brithday he had big party改为Her birthday was on yesterday and she had a big party .start in 8'o clock改为The party started at 8'oclockshe intive...

颍上县13439403880: 对They are doing homework at present.中的they进行提问,改为特殊疑问句 -
言届宏强: 应该是:Who are doing homework at present因为对they提问,they是复数,系动词只能用are

颍上县13439403880: [恋爱周年纪念日]恋爱周年纪念日咋选择礼物捏? -
言届宏强: 恋爱周年纪念日?我向你推荐忆*路-集.做忆录集,你只需要整理你LG的生活照片,讲述你LG的点滴故事,善解人意的设计师用生动的文字和唯美的影像,记录属于你LG的生活,记录你LG的回忆等等值得收藏和留念~~是一份非常有新意的礼物啊不知道忆~路~集可以去百度下~~ 觉得好就加分哈~~ 应该能解决你的问题了吧! 嘿嘿~~完毕咯

颍上县13439403880: the gift of time is the gift of life是什么意思 -
言届宏强: 时间是生活的礼物

颍上县13439403880: 同义句 He is going to buy a present for his mother. - --- - he going to - --- - a present - --- - his mot -
言届宏强: Isn't he going to buy a present for his mother? 这里用否定疑问句,用来加强语气,“难道他不会给他妈妈买礼物吗?”也就是说他一定会买,这就与你给出的句子同义啦!O(∩_∩)O~....呵呵


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