
作者&投稿:漆梅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ The Advantages of Trying New Things
Everyone likes to succeed at what he does,and it is more likely that we will succeed at things we already know how to do well.However,to limit ourselves to doing only those things which we are good at will cause us to miss many opportunities to develop other interests and skills.For this reason,I believe that it is to our advantage to try new things and take risks.
When we try something new we may fail.That is the risk that we take.But we can still learn something from our failure,even if it is only how to cope with failing.We may also succeed at a new activity and this will bring us a feeling of accomplishment and greater self-confidence.We may also discover a new interest that will bring pleasure to our lives or lead to a new line of work.Furthermore,it is not always possible to play it safe and do only those things that we know.We cannot control every situation and no doubt we will someday meet with challenges.If we already have the experience of testing ourselves in an unfamiliar situation,we will be better able to handle any situation which arises.
To sum up,trying new things and taking risks allow us to develop both our skills and our personal interests.When we take a risk we cannot know beforehand what will happen,but if we try our best we are certain to gain something positive from the experience whether we win or lose.尝试新事物的好处

My first experience with something new was when I first tried skydiving. I had heard so much about the adventure and the excitement of skydiving that I was eager to try it out. I met with a skydiving club and was given the opportunity to try the equipment out for free. It was a test drive, but it was enough to make me decide to get the training and actually skydive. I’ve since made it a point to skydive once or twice a year and it has been an incredible experience.

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My best way of going to school is by bike. Firstly, It is time saving. My home is not very far from our school. It's only about 15 minutes if I ride a bike. And if I take a bus, I have to walk about 10 minutes because the bus stop is quit far from our school....



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