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Winter Olympic Games (Olympic Winter Games), referred to as the Winter Olympic Games for short. It is mainly held in regions all over the world. It is the largest comprehensive Winter Games in the world.
It is held every four years and has been held alternately with the summer Olympic Games since 1994. The participating countries are mainly distributed all over the world, including Europe, Africa, America, Asia and Oceania.
It is organized by the International Olympic Committee Hosted by the International Olympic Committee. The number of sessions shall be calculated according to the actual number of sessions.

冬季奥林匹克运动会(Olympic Winter Games),简称为冬季奥运会、冬奥会。主要由全世界地区举行,是世界规模最大的冬季综合性运动会,每四年举办一届,1994年起与夏季奥林匹克运动会相间举行。
参与国主要分布在世界各地,包括欧洲、非洲、美洲、亚洲、大洋洲。由国际奥林匹克委员会(International Olympic Committee)主办。按实际举行次数计算届数。

The Winter Olympic Games are called the Winter Olympic Games and the Winter Olympic Games for short.

Mainly held by the world, is the world's largest comprehensive winter games, held every four years.

The participating countries are mainly distributed around the world, including Europe, Africa, America, Asia and Oceania.

The first edition was held in 1924, and 23 editions have been held every four years until 2018.

The 24th Winter Olympic Games will be held in Beijing and Zhangjiakou, China, from February 4 to February 20, 2022.


  1. The Winter Olympic Games are a major international sporting event that occurs once every four years. Unlike the Summer Olympics.(冬奥会是一项重要的国际体育赛事,每四年举办一次。)

  2. the Winter Olympics feature sports practiced on snow and ice.(与夏季奥运会不同,冬季奥运会以冰雪运动为特色。)

  3. China is areliable partner because we always honor our commitment, The Beijing 2008 Summer Games are a perfect example.(中国是可靠的合作伙伴,因为我们一直信守我们的承诺,2008年的北京奥运会就是一个很好的例子。)

  4. 一、速度滑冰(speed skating)
    二、短跑道速度滑冰(short track speed skating)
    三、高山滑雪(alpine skiing)
    四、自由式滑雪(freestyle skiing)
    五、越野滑雪(cross-country skiing)
    六、北欧两项(nordic combined)
    七、跳台滑雪(ski jumping)
    十一、花样滑冰(figure skating
    十三、冰球(ice hockey)

  5. Beijing is now thefirst city to host both the summer and the winter Olympics.(北京成为了第一个主办夏季和冬季奥运会的城市。)

  6. The National Speed Skating Oval will host the speed skating competitions during the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. People would love to address it as "The Ice Ribbon", the shape of which resembles the skating trails of fast-speed skaters. (国家速滑馆是2022年北京冬奥会和冬残奥会期间速滑项目的比赛场地。因其建筑外形就像速滑运动员高速滑行时留下的轨迹,人们也称其为“冰丝带”。)

  7. Wukesong gymnasium was designed and built for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. It has an instantly recognisable exterior, which can be lit up in an array of different colours at night.(五棵松体育馆是为2008年北京奥运会设计和建造的,其建筑外观极易识别,夜间呈现不同色彩。)

  8. The Chinese National Alpine Skiing Centre is situated in the Xiaohaituo Mountain Area in northwest Yanqing. The starting point of the skiing centre has a maximum steepness of 68 degrees—one of the steepest race tracks in the world.(国家高山滑雪中心位于延庆西北小海陀山区,其滑降赛道最大坡度达68度,是世界上最难最险的赛道之一。)

  9. The facade of the national Indoor Stadium is decorated with 863 pieces of ice flower pattern embossed glass, so the National Indoor Stadium is nicknamed as Ice Castle.(国家体育馆的外面由863块冰花图案的压花玻璃装饰,因此国家体育馆被称为“冰堡”。)

  10. The National Ski Jumping Center's S-type curve resembles the shape of a jade Ruyi scepter, a traditional Chinese ceremonial object-earning it the nickname "Snow Ruyi".(国家跳台滑雪中心场馆 S型的曲线宛若中国传统吉祥饰物“如意”,因此又被称为“雪如意”。)

The Winter Olympic Games are a major international sporting event that occurs once every four years. Unlike the Summer Olympics.(冬奥会是一项重要的国际体育赛事,每四年举办一次。)
the Winter Olympics feature sports practiced on snow and ice.(与夏季奥运会不同,冬季奥运会以冰雪运动为特色。)
China is areliable partner because we always honor our commitment, The Beijing 2008 Summer Games are a perfect example.(中国是可靠的合作伙伴,因为我们一直信守我们的承诺,2008年的北京奥运会就是一个很好的例子。)
一、速度滑冰(speed skating)
二、短跑道速度滑冰(short track speed skating)
三、高山滑雪(alpine skiing)
四、自由式滑雪(freestyle skiing)
五、越野滑雪(cross-country skiing)
六、北欧两项(nordic combined)
七、跳台滑雪(ski jumping)
十一、花样滑冰(figure skating
十三、冰球(ice hockey)
Beijing is now thefirst city to host both the summer and the winter Olympics.(北京成为了第一个主办夏季和冬季奥运会的城市。)
The National Speed Skating Oval will host the speed skating competitions during the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. People would love to address it as "The Ice Ribbon", the shape of which resembles the skating trails of fast-speed skaters. (国家速滑馆是2022年北京冬奥会和冬残奥会期间速滑项目的比赛场地。因其建筑外形就像速滑运动员高速滑行时留下的轨迹,人们也称其为“冰丝带”。)
Wukesong gymnasium was designed and built for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. It has an instantly recognisable exterior, which can be lit up in an array of different colours at night.(五棵松体育馆是为2008年北京奥运会设计和建造的,其建筑外观极易识别,夜间呈现不同色彩。)
The Chinese National Alpine Skiing Centre is situated in the Xiaohaituo Mountain Area in northwest Yanqing. The starting point of the skiing centre has a maximum steepness of 68 degrees—one of the steepest race tracks in the world.(国家高山滑雪中心位于延庆西北小海陀山区,其滑降赛道最大坡度达68度,是世界上最难最险的赛道之一。)
The facade of the national Indoor Stadium is decorated with 863 pieces of ice flower pattern embossed glass, so the National Indoor Stadium is nicknamed as Ice Castle.(国家体育馆的外面由863块冰花图案的压花玻璃装饰,因此国家体育馆被称为“冰堡”。)
The National Ski Jumping Center's S-type curve resembles the shape of a jade Ruyi scepter, a traditional Chinese ceremonial object-earning it the nickname "Snow Ruyi".(国家跳台滑雪中心场馆 S型的曲线宛若中国传统吉祥饰物“如意”,因此又被称为“雪如意”。)

The Winter Olympic Games are a major international sporting event that occurs once every four years. Unlike the Summer Olympics.(冬奥会是一项重要的国际体育赛事,每四年举办一次。)
the Winter Olympics feature sports practiced on snow and ice.(与夏季奥运会不同,冬季奥运会以冰雪运动为特色。)
China is areliable partner because we always honor our commitment, The Beijing 2008 Summer Games are a perfect example.(中国是可靠的合作伙伴,因为我们一直信守我们的承诺,2008年的北京奥运会就是一个很好的例子。)
一、速度滑冰(speed skating)
二、短跑道速度滑冰(short track speed skating)
三、高山滑雪(alpine skiing)
四、自由式滑雪(freestyle skiing)
五、越野滑雪(cross-country skiing)
六、北欧两项(nordic combined)
七、跳台滑雪(ski jumping)
十一、花样滑冰(figure skating

The Winter Olympic Games are a major international sporting event that occurs once every four years. Unlike the Summer Olympics.(冬奥会是一项重要的国际体育赛事,每四年举办一次。)
the Winter Olympics feature sports practiced on snow and ice.(与夏季奥运会不同,冬季奥运会以冰雪运动为特色。)
China is areliable partner because we always honor our commitment, The Beijing 2008 Summer Games are a perfect example.(中国是可靠的合作伙伴,因为我们一直信守我们的承诺,2008年的北京奥运会就是一个很好的例子。)
一、速度滑冰(speed skating)
二、短跑道速度滑冰(short track speed skating)
三、高山滑雪(alpine skiing)
四、自由式滑雪(freestyle skiing)
五、越野滑雪(cross-country skiing)
六、北欧两项(nordic combined)
七、跳台滑雪(ski jumping)
十一、花样滑冰(figure skating
十三、冰球(ice hockey)
Beijing is now thefirst city to host both the summer and the winter Olympics.(北京成为了第一个主办夏季和冬季奥运会的城市。)
The National Speed Skating Oval will host the speed skating competitions during the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. People would love to address

10.Let‘s move towards a better future together.让我们一同携手,一起走向美好未来!

一、速度滑冰(speed skating)二、短跑道速度滑冰(short track speed skating)三、高山滑雪(alpine skiing)四、自由式滑雪(freestyle skiing)五、越野滑雪(cross-country skiing)六、北欧两项(nordic combined)七、跳台滑雪(ski jumping)八、现代冬季两项(biathlon)九、雪撬(luge)十、雪车(...

3、The Olympic flame is a symbol reminiscent of the ancient Olympic Games。奥运圣火是人们缅怀古代奥运会的象征。4、The Olympic Games consist of the Games of the Olympiad and the Olympic Winter Games. Both take place every four years。奥运会包括夏季奥运会和冬季奥运会,它们都是每四年...

On October 20, the Beijing Winter Olympic flame arrived in Beijing.10月20日,北京冬奥会火种抵达北京。On November 15, the new MV of the theme slogan promotion song "together to the future" of 2022 Winter Olympic Games and winter Paralympic Games was officially launched on the whole...

It is held every four years and has been held alternately with the summer Olympic Games since 1994. The participating countries are mainly distributed all over the world, including Europe, Africa, America, Asia and Oceania.It is organized by the International Olympic Committee Hosted by...

It will open on February 4, 2022 and close on February 20.于2022年2月4日开幕,2月20日闭幕。The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games consists of 7 major events, 15 sub items and 109 minor events.2022年北京冬季奥运会共设7个大项,15个分项,109个小项。The Beijing division undertakes...

北京成为了第一个主办夏季和冬季奥运会的城市。“China is areliable partner because we always honor our commitment,”Wei Jizhong, a senior consultant for the Beijing bid, told the Chinese newsagency Xinhua before the vote.“The Beijing 2008 Summer Games are a perfectexample.”“中国是...


冬奥会项目英语是:Winter Olympic events。例句:星期二的时候,观众最爱看的冬奥会项目花样滑冰,也没贡献多少收视率。Even figure skating, the most popular winter Olympics sport for viewers, didnt help much on Tuesday.冬奥会项目英语:一、速度滑冰(speed skating )二、短跑道速度滑冰(short ...

奥林匹克运动会(英语:Olympic Games 希腊语:Ολυμπιακοί Αγώνες),简称“奥运会”,是一个由国际奥林匹克委员会主办的国际性综合运动会,包括夏季奥林匹克运动会、冬季奥林匹克运动会、青少年奥林匹克运动会、残疾人奥林匹克运动会、听障奥林匹克运动会和特殊奥林匹克运动会。奥林匹克运动会...

金家庄区17893585394: 谁能用英文简单介绍冬奥会的历史及其发展~ -
翟闻培古:[答案] The earliest record found on the hockey Dutch 17th-century publications,tied to a gentry shoed bones ground into the blade of the skates,in the frozen river with a taxiing round cake.In the early 19th century,began to record Canada's Indian Sri Lanka (...

金家庄区17893585394: 中国在本次冬奥会上取得了5块金牌. 英语翻译.现在急需写篇文章.中间要用几句话,望大家帮忙.1.中国在本次冬奥会上取得了5块金牌.2.他们是中国的骄傲.3.... -
翟闻培古:[答案] China has got five gold medals in winter olympic gamesChina is proud of themthr GDP of China take the third place compared with other countriesthis is China ,a country i love so muchwe believe China w...

金家庄区17893585394: 介绍奥运会的英语小短文?(不要生词、难词) -
翟闻培古: 这里是最符合你要求的:http://hi.baidu.com/xuanhuaxiang/blog/item/2e7ccd03e11576743812bbed.htmlThe 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing, China in 2008. Be...

金家庄区17893585394: 英语小作文:给我们介绍一下冬天的特点和人们的活动吧!只要10句话就ok了.求解,谢谢 -
翟闻培古: My favorite season are winter.Though it is very cold,it is good for skating.i often go skating on weekends with my friends.When it snows,everything turns into whits.i think everyone likes snow.And winter holiday is very important for us because Spring Festival is the happiset time a year.

金家庄区17893585394: 用几句英文介绍奥运会以北京为例,包括届数(29),地点(中国北京),时间(2008年8月8日到8月24日),得金牌最多(中国,51),得总奖牌最多(... -
翟闻培古:[答案] 第29届夏季奥林匹克运动会,又称2008年北京奥运会,于2008年8月8日在中华人民共和国首都北京开幕,2008年8月24日闭幕.主办城市是中国首都北京,参赛国家及地区204个,参赛运动员11438人,设302项(28种运动),共有60000多...

金家庄区17893585394: 用英文介绍一个国家,十句话左右,小学五年级水平. -
翟闻培古: china is one of the biggest country in the world. it is an old country with more than 5000year.there are 34 provinces in china.beijing is the capital city of china.people from all over the world came to beijing beacuse of the olympic games in 2008. as a ...

金家庄区17893585394: 一段英文自我介绍要求有十句要短一点的 -
翟闻培古: Good morning/afternoon,ladies and gentlemen.I'm X XX ,my English name is XXX.I'm XXyears old.I come from XX province.my favourite sport is XX( football).I like making friends,I hope we can became good friends.你的自我介绍是要用在哪个场合呢?你针对的人群是哪个年龄段的?每个场合和针对不同的人群,自我介绍都是不一样的.如果你能提供比较详细点的资料,我回答会按照你的要求写的

金家庄区17893585394: 现代奥运会每四年举办一次,包括冬奥会和夏奥会”用英文怎么写 -
翟闻培古: Modern Olympic Games held every four years, including the Olympic Winter Games and Summer Games.

金家庄区17893585394: 写一篇自我简介英语10句话 -
翟闻培古: My name is .... I come fromXX School. I am (twelve) years old. I like listening to music, reading books ,playing computer games and watching TV. There are three people in my family. They are my father,mother and me. My parents are both teachers. ...

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