
作者&投稿:凭舍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Reflect the Exquisite Taste,Exhibit the Vogue Personality !

简洁表达:Exquisite Taste,Vogue Personality


7.打印机操作 打印操作
确定操作功能 设置操作功能
使用那些饲料和经营功能的要确定那些打印机的swithes权力,( 开电源, 设置打印进操作功能! )下列功能已经被最初定在工厂。 (下列各项功能在出厂的时候已经设置)在之后你执行( 执行)确定,保留( 保持, 保留)甚至( 偶校验)在之后( 在……以后)你转身( 调整)离权力( 电源) .
(1)开始( 开始)测试( 测试)打印打印当今( 电流)打印机确定( 设置, 安装)方式( 模式) , 然后( 那么)它停止( 停止) .

模型名字 型号名字
国际性格: japanese 国际字符= 日本式
字符大小: 24种小圆点方法
波特率: 9600每秒的比特数 波特率9600
数据位长度:8 位 数据位长度= 8 位
控制系统:SBUSY 控制系统
离残疾的自动能力 电源自动关闭= 不可用
接口:rs232c 接口模式= 232 c
包括公开的察觉: 使成为可能 检测位= 打开激活
电源开关检测时间:2秒d 电源开关检测= 2 S
空的缓冲区清洁的纸: 使成为可能
内部的地位 内部状态
压( 按)饲料swtch(供给 开关)停止操作affer考试打印。 按下喂 开关, 在打印机打印之后停止操作.
压( 按)和分开( 分开, 分离) 电源开关去操作( 操作)确定( 设置)方式( 模式) .


经过考证:“魔芋”应该是“Konjac”,你提供的名称有误。它的拉丁学名:Amorphaphallus konjac C.),我想这也就是你采用“康驿”这个名字的由来,你的前半部分于另一问题重复,我直接拷贝过来,余下的部分重新做了翻译。“TM 十八加”不解其义,还望先生告知,此外,不要跪求,我也会热心帮助你的。
[疑问] “迁启介”按道理应该是一日本名字,未找到对应英文,抱歉只能按照汉字暂且给出。

konjac TM 十八加--Konjac Dietary Fiber
Product introduction
Konjac (Amorphaphallus konjac C.) is a perennial herb growing in tropic-subtropic mountain zones with the altitude range in 800-2500 meters. It has not successfully been grown in American and European countries yet for it has special requirement on its planting environment. Although konjac is distributed in Southeast Asia, Africa, and many south provinces in China, the quality of konjac planted in Yunnan Province (China) is the best among those of the growing regions mentioned above from a view of planting scale or nutrient ingredients contained. Currently, most of the konjac products demanded in Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia, American and European countries are imported from Yunnan Province, China. Although konjac has been cultivated for more than 2,000 years in China, the processing of konjac dietary fiber (DF) began at mid-1980s. And it has been cultivated and feed for more than 1,500 years in Japan, the processing of konjac DF only has a ten-year history. Therefore, the acceptance extent of konjac gel DF in Japan, South-Korea, and Singapore is higher than that in China.
According to the records in “The Compendium of Materia Medica”, our precursors had used konjac to cure diseases for more than 2000 years. Researchers found that konjac contained 16 amino acids, ten minerals & micro-elements, and rich dietary fibers having special effectiveness on improving immunity, thus it has special effectiveness on the cure of colonic ischemia, colonic cancer,and breast cancer;it contains low fat & sugar and non-calories, thus it is not only a feedstuff but also a curing & health food to people suffered obesity, hypertension, and disease Mellitus, additionally, it can cure many common chronic diseases of gastrointestinall digestive system. We can see that konjac is a best quality health food suitable for modern populations.
Products introduction
konjac TM十八加---Konjac DF serial products are achieved by more than ten famous domestic experts after the attempt of more than ten years, and the achievement fills in a gap of national product. The product is processed by choosing the round-bud konjac (especially in Yunnan Province) as the main material and the adoption of modern bio-engineering technology.
Its main advantages show as follows:
1, planting: Our Company not only plant round-bud konjac ourselves, but also instruct local small growers whose soil ingredients reach to the requirements to plant it. The company provides all the management technologies to them and is responsible for comprehensive monitoring management of its sowing, planting, and harvesting.
2, Extraction:All the konjac products produced by our company adopt the most advanced water extraction in the world, and effective ingredients extracted have excellent quality and safety, non-producing secondary pollution. And the products are the unique non-sulfate, non-pollution, natural green food in konjac industry.
3, Its characteristics of portable and quick-solution are very suitable for the demand of modern quick-rhythm lives and will be the quality expression of brand-new lives.

The main effective ingredients of the product make people not digest food in their stomach, and they can effectively absorb cholesterol and bile acid, as well as inhibit the adsorption of cholesterol and bile acid in the gastrointestinal tract. It has the functions of lipid-lowering, blood pressure lowering, appetizing, constipation, and anti-cancer. At the same time, it has significant effect on gastrointestinal disease, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, hemorrhoid, obesity, and skin-nourishing due to its characteristics of non-absorbing by saliva and non-hydrolytic by pancreatic amylase.
Generally speaking, it has eight effectiveness:
★Lipid-lowering:the effective ingredients has formed a selective absorption mechanism in gastrointestinal tract, thus it avoid the adsorption of high-calorie substances such as fats and oils. Lipid-lowering with intaking of konjac products becomes the best fat-lowering method of people in some developed countries such as those in Europe, America, especially in Japan and South-Korea.
★Toxin-discharging and constipation: its rich botanical fibers help activate gastrointestinal tract and effectively simulate the intestinal wall, clean the intestinal tract, accumulate the discharging of toxins in body, prevent the diseases of intestinal tract system and reduce their occurrence rate. It has an almost immediate effect on curing internal and external hemorrhoids. (It has won a beautiful name of “Intestinal Tract Cleaner” in Japan and South-east Asian regions).
★ Stomach cleaning: plenty of soluble botanical fibers can promote stomach and intestine's peristalsis, shorten the retention time of harmful substances in stomach, intestine, and bile duct, and effectively protect stomach mucosa and clean the stomach wall.
★Anti-drunk: the effective ingredients can quickly form a coating in gastrointestinal tract and reduce the absorbing capacity of the body to some harmful substances such as alcohol. Additionally, it contains rich Konjac Glucomanan (KGM) having the promotion effect of alcohol’s metabolism; therefore, taking konjac products before or after drinking can prevent the body from alcohol’s hurt.
★ Curing diseases: It has been proven by medicine field that Konjac Glucomanan has the effects of inhibitory of cholesterol, blood fat-reducing, blood sugar declining, vessel expansion, prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, and promising longevity.
★Prevention of diabetes:the botanical fibers in konjac have been proven having effects on increasing insulin content in the blood, reducing blood glucose, as well as extremely aided effect on the controlling, prevention, and curing of diabetes.
★ Perfect endocrine metabolism: konjac polysaccharides have multi-functions of regulating and balancing biology and metabolism, and long-term taking of them will significantly perfect endocrine metabolism in body.
★Calcium supplementation: konjac gel food contains calcium as high as 43 milligrams per gram, and the contained calcium can be absorbed in the body easily, thus the calcium supplementation effect is very good.
Health-caring function of Konjac to body
After Konjac being intaken into the digestive tract of the body, its KGM is transferred to oligosaccharides affecting by small intestine hydrolases, oligosaccharides has the bio-function of perfect internal intestine environment. According to animal tests and plenty of clinical researches of “迁启介”, the health-caring functions of Konjac is generally summarized as the following aspects:
Prolonging of the retention time of food in stomach
The feeding test of “迁启介” using 14C-labeled food containing 5% KGM (Konjac fine powder) to feed small white mice showed that the retention time of labeled food in their stomachs was prolonged. After intaking Konjac products, the body will has a satiety stomach flu, and the decreasing of gastric juice PH value makes the absorbing speed of sugar become slow, then reduce insulin consumption, this is benefit to diabetes suffers.

Intestine cleaning
After Konjac being intaken into the digestive tract of the body, the discharging quantity of KGM (Konjac fine powder) is not reduced, but it promote the generation of hundreds of microorganisms in the intestine. The degrading of short-chain fatty acids is strengthened and passed the digestive tract quickly resulting in microorganism community changing in the intestine, benefit microorganisms such as bifidus prolifically production, acid degree increasing, various pathogens and harmful bacteria are effectively inhibited, toxins generation is controlled, the attacking of cancer-inducing substances to body is reduced, thus it has prevention effect on rectal cancer and rectal inflammation.
Policosanol metabolism inhibitory
The 20-year animal tests and plenty of clinical experiments have proven that KGM gel had significant inhibitory to the forming of policosanol in blood serum even in the whole body. This provides enough theoretical accordance for the development of policosanol-decreasing food with Konjac as the material.
Promotion of bile acid metabolism
Bile acid is synthesized from policosanolin livers, but KGM gel may promote the discharging of bile acid. Additionally, its combination with amino sulfonic acid and glycine produced during digestive course also produces positive effect on the reduction of bile acid.
Reduction of triglyceride content
It ‘s not enough for atherosclerosis suffers to only pay attention to the promotion of policosanoldeclining, triglyceride is also an important index. Research showed that KGM gel could reduce the content of triglyceride in blood serum.
Hypertension control
KGM gel in Konjac is also called “soluble DF” for it contains high content of fibers and these fibers are soluble in water. According to the report of “迁启介”, KGM gel has important function of regulating blood pressure.
In summary, plenty of modern clinical researches and experiments showed that the food contained Konjac are called “digestive sweeper” or “blood cleaner” being real.
Intake method: powder of two bags is poured into cup or bowl, and then 150-250ml boiled water is added to the powder and blended evenly. After 1-5 minutes, it will form a lotus-dust-like shape and can be intaken. Various flavors can be added freely to it, and it also can be intaken combined with other foods.
Available population: men, women, elders, youths, babies, almost all the aging populations.
Product size: 3g/per bag ×10 bags
Quality term: 24 months
Storage: cool place, avoiding moisture
Enterprise: Yunnan Xiangrui Bio-tech Co., Ltd.



Product Summary

Amorphophallus is a tropical plant found in mountainous regions between 800 and 2500 metres above sea level. Because of the special environmental conditions required, there are currently no successful cultivations of the Amorphophallus plant in Europe and America. Although Amorphophallus can be found in South East Asia, Africa and many southern provinces of China, but judging from production scale and nutrition, Yunnan province (China) produces Amorphophallus of the highest quality.


【简介】魔芋是一种生长在海拔800—2500米的热带与亚热带山区多年生草本植物。由于魔芋对生长环境有比较特殊的要求, 美洲和欧洲等地目前还没有种植成功,魔芋虽然分布在东南亚、非洲和我国南方多个省区,但从种植规模与所含营养成分上来看还是我国云南所种植的魔芋质量最好,目前日本、韩国、东南亚、欧美等国所需的魔芋制品多数都是从云南出口。而魔芋在中国虽有2000多年的栽种历史,但魔芋膳食纤维加工只是八十年代中期才开始。在日本也有1500多年的种植和食用历史,但其魔芋膳食纤维加工史已经有数十年历史了,因此魔芋胶膳食纤维在日韩新的接受程度比国内要高出许多。
。 。

魔芋食用进入人体消化道后,葡甘聚糖在小肠水解酶的作用下转化为低聚糖 ,低聚糖有改善肠内环境的生理作用。据迁启介用动物实验及大量的临床研究表明:魔芋对人体的保健功能可概括为以下几个方面:
据迁启介用14c标记物添加在含有5%葡甘聚糖(既魔芋精粉)的饲料喂小白鼠,发现标记物在胃内滞留时间延长,人体食用魔芋产品后的饱胀感,胃液PH值下降,使糖的吸收速度放慢,从而减少 体内胰岛素的消耗,这对糖尿病患者十分有利。
魔芋食品进入人体消化道后,葡甘聚糖(魔芋精粉)并未减少排泄量;但却使数以百种微生物在肠内形成。短链脂肪酸降解加强,并迅速通过消化道, 使肠内微生物群落发生变化,肠内双岐杆菌酸菌等有益微生物大量繁殖,酸度增加,各种致病菌有害细菌得到有效抑制,毒素产生得到控制,减少了致癌物对人体的侵袭,因此对直肠癌、肠炎等病有预防作用。



sorry,,,way too hard

汉翻英 翻译短文
This is my day at school。纯手工.

怎么把中文时间翻译 成纯英文时间求大神帮助
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Danna Corporation has given me an interview opportunity, and has carried on the happy exchange with you, I thank! And I also hoped that can have the position Danna Corporation potency opportunity.再次表示感谢并致以美好祝愿!Indicated once more thanks and extends the best wish!

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