have & had

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have had &had~

应该是had had,根据句式可得是过去式,had,又有had done句式可得是had had

1、have +过去分词,构成完成时态。
例句:He has left for Japan.。他已去了日本。
2、have + been +现在分词,构成完成进行时。
例句:I have been studying English for 8 years。我学英语已达八年了。
3、have+been +过去分词,构成完成式被动语态。
例句:English has been taught in China for many years。中国教英语已经多年。
例句:He has gone to Beijing。他已经到北京去了。
例句:I had my hair cut yesterday. 我昨天理了发。

美 [həv] 英 [həv]
第三人称单数:has 现在分词:having 过去分词:had
美 [hæd] 英 [hæd]
网络有空穴储存层的光敏二极管(Hole Accumulation Diode);吃;have的过去式
同义词:must,make sure,think of,suffer from,organize

一、have作实意动词。 1.表示“有”的意思。 Look,I have wings,just like you.(JBⅤL1) He had fair hair and blue eyes.(JBⅥL2) 〔注1〕:其否定和疑问形式变化,在美国通常用助动词do。 〔注2〕:在英国口语中常用have got代替have. Look,can't you see I've got teeth,too,(JBⅤL1) I haven't got any jewelry.(SBⅠL5) 2.have和一些其他名词连用,表示: (1)一种活动。 We have no classes on Sunday.(上课)(JBⅡL11) They're going to have a volleyball match.(举行比赛)(JBⅢL11) Are we going to have a meeting this week?(开会)(JBⅢL11) We are going to have a talk this afternoon.(听报告)(JBⅢL11) (2) 患病。 I have got a headache.(JBⅣL8) I have a bad cold.(JBⅤL3) (3)发生的情况。 I've had so many falls that I'm black and blue all over.(跌跤)(JBⅣL10) (4)生育。 The queen ant may have tens of thousands of babies in onesummer.(SBⅠL14) 3.和一与动词同形的名词连用,表示一个动作(have+a+由动词转化和名词)。 Are you going to have a swim.(JBⅢL1) I have a long talk with the teacher.(JBⅣL10) 4.have on sth或have sth on,表示“穿着”、“戴着”(=to bewearing)。 I noticed he had on bedroom slippers.(SBⅡL6) At the ball Mathilde had a diamond necklace on. 5.表示“吃”、“喝”。 I wanted to have a cup of tea and some eggs.(JBⅢL10) Does she have lunch at home?(JBⅡL11) 6.组成复合 结构即“have+宾语+宾语补足语”。 (1)不加to的动词不定式作宾语补足语(have sb do sth),表示让、叫某人做某事。 The soldier had him stand with his back to his father.(SBⅠL17) 〔注〕:否定结构表示“不能让…”或“从未有人…”. We won't have you blame it on others. She had never had anybody speak to her that way before. (2)现在分词作宾语补足语(have sb(sth)doing),表示让(使)某人做某事。 …the two men had their lights burning all night long…. (3)过去分词作宾语补足语(have sb (sth)done),表示: ①使(让,请)别人作某事,表示的动作是别人做的。 Emperor Qin Shi Huang had all the walls joined up.(SBⅠL10) …he should have new clothes made of this splendid clothfor the coming great procession.(SBⅠ L8) ②遭遇到某事。 Houses near airports sometimes have their windows broken.(SBⅠL12) Workers in some industries h ave their hearing harmed by the noise of the machine.(SBⅠL12) 二、have与to一起构成情态动词,表示“不得不”、“必 须”,可用于各种时态。 I have to look after her at home.(JBⅢL4) 三、have做助动词与动词的过去分词一起构成现在完成时 和过去完成时。 Great changes have taken place the last two years.(JBⅥL3) They said that the Arab had stolen their camel.(JBⅤL4) 四、have用于“情态动词+have+过去分词”的结构,有 推测、假设之意。 1.must+have+过去分词,表示对过去时间发生的动作或存在的情况的推测,一般用于肯定句。 Her father thought that she must have met a fairy.(SBⅠL10) You must have left your bag in the theatre. 2.can(could)+have+过去分词,表示对过去发生事情的“不肯定”,常用于否定句和疑问句。 He can't have been to your home,he doesn't know youraddress. 3.should+have+过去分词,表示“某事本该早做而实际未 做”,用于肯定句。 You should have been here five minutes ago.(SBⅡL10) 五、have用于某些成语,表示固定的意思。 1.have a word(a few words)with sb,表示和某人说一(几)句话。 Where's Peter?I want to have a word with him.(SBⅢL13) 2.had better+不带to的动词不定式,表示“…最好…”。 I'd better go and look for him now.(JBⅢL2) 3.have nothing(something)to do with,表示“和…无(有)”关系。 Most of questions had nothing to do with Edison's lessons

武昌区18377165718: have、had、has的区别与用法是什么? -
蒋郑亿松: have had has这三个单词中文意思都是“拥有(表示一种状态)”的意思,但英文上用法有些区别,具体如下: 1.在英语句子中,若句子的时态是一般现在时,则have/has适用于这种情况下,其中当主语是第一人称,第二人称,第三人称复数(I,...

武昌区18377165718: have 加 had 么子意思??
蒋郑亿松: have加had是一种语态,叫现在完成时,表示补充过去发生并且已经完成的动作对现在造成影响或后果或过去某一时间开始并一直持续到现在的动作或状态.基本结构:主语+have/has+过去分词(done)①肯定句:主语+have/has+过去分词+其他 ②否定句:主语+have/has+not+过去分词+其他 ③一般疑问句:Have/Has+主语+过去分词+其他 ④特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句(have/has+主语+过去分词+其他)

武昌区18377165718: have has had 该怎么用 -
蒋郑亿松:[答案] has have had 当主语是(I,we,they)时用have,当主语是第三人称he,she,it 时用hashad 是has和have的过去式.用法:1、后接过去分词,构成现在和过去完成、完成进行时.例如:a) He has gone to Beijing.他已经到北京去...

武昌区18377165718: 怎样才能正确理解have和had.不知道什么时候用HAVE & HAD -
蒋郑亿松:[答案] 1.当作“有”讲时,现在时用have,过去时用“had” 2.在时态里面,现在完成时的助动词是“has”或“have”,过去完成时不论主语是什么人称,助动词都用“had”.

武昌区18377165718: have & has & had用于句子中有什么区别呢最好有例句 -
蒋郑亿松:[答案] have是原型,has是第三人称单数,had是过去式,例句:1.I have a beautiful room.2.He has a beautiful room.3.I had a beautiful room when I was 3 years old.

武昌区18377165718: have,has,had的区别? -
蒋郑亿松: have,has用于现在时其中have用于第一,第二人称,也就是Ihave..../youhave....has用于第三人称单数he,she,Tom等等had是has和have的过去式,用于过去发生的事情.比如说:他原来有一辆自行车,但现在已经没有了.Hehadabicycle.Butnowhehasn't.

武昌区18377165718: have had 和什么have have,见过好多次了,这些形式的原型是什么? -
蒋郑亿松:[答案] 1.have had是现在完成时态且谓语动词是have的句子的谓语构成.其中have是助动词,表明时态特征,而had是谓语动词have”有”的过去分词.即“助动词have + (have的)过去分词had“.如:I have had this car for 5 years.我...

武昌区18377165718: have had 的用法. -
蒋郑亿松: 1.have had 是现在完成时,have是助动词,had是动词过去式(现在完成时的结构:助动词have/has+动词过去式done)2.had my bike repaired 让别人修我的自行车-----have(助动词) sth done 让别人做某事 = get sth done如:I got my ears pierced. 我去(让别人给我)扎耳洞.3.这两个句子不能互相替换.I have repaired my bike.我已经修过我的自行车了. 可能是你自己修的,也可能是别人修的.

武昌区18377165718: has和 had有啥区别呀?(顺便造个句子区分一下嘛! -
蒋郑亿松:[答案] has 是 have的第三人称单数形式.强调现在 had是have的过去式,强调过去 He has finished his homework. I have finished my homework. I had done it yesterday. 字数太少,不好解释,给分吧.

武昌区18377165718: 怎么区别has have had用法? -
蒋郑亿松: has ,一般用在第三人称单数的场合,而且还是现在时.have,用在第一和第二人称,还有的、复数的一般现在时或者将来时场合,had呢,明显就是过去时啦

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