给校长的一封信,英语作文 带翻译的

作者&投稿:万炊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A Letter to the Headmaster(给校长的一封信)
Dear Headmaster,
As the minister of students' life in the Student Union,I am writing to you to reflect something about our canteen.
To our satisfaction,the canteen supplies us with various kinds of food.This gives us many choices.At the same time the price for the food is low and the food is tasty.And the surroundings for having a meal have been improved.The canteen has become clean.And when we are eating,we can watch TV.
But something unsatisfactory exists,too.For example,the quantity of a helping is less than it should be.This is unfair.And in the canteen,the seats are not enough.Some students have to stand while eating.We hope that the school will consider addingmore seats for us.
Finally we hope that they can improve the quality of the food and their
service.We will be very happy if our advice is taken.
Yours respectfully,

Dear headmaster
Thank You for Give me a chance to send You our invitation for The party Which is to welcome our Foreign friends from Russia This Sunday afternoon at 3 in the meeting hall. If You Can make a short lecture in The party, We Will be So glad!
We are Looking forward to your coming.

Dear principals:
Hello, I know you deal with a host of problems every day every day, but your busy schedule took some time to take a look at. You are a long, busy things to burn every day, organized in schools.
Here, I took the liberty to put forward two proposals to you:
1. each toilet install a door. Because we are students, toilets without doors, after all, can we have some trouble, inconvenience. If you are concerned about individual students can damage or random graffiti, you can this demerit points or penalties, mutual supervision of students!
2. give us a covered car park of wind and rain. From far away we have hit the car, sometimes wind or rain, and rain. Car tire easily or rusted, you bear to see colorful car rusting??? So I hope you can give us a car on a House.
Above recommendations hope you adopt, if there is inappropriate, please indulge!! 敬爱的校长:

您好!Hello.冒昧给您写这封建议书,请您在百忙中抽空看一看。您是学校的校长,每天有很多事要做。您为我们呕心沥血地工作,对学校注入了满腔热忱。使得学校井井有条。Take the liberty to write you this letter of recommendation, please your taking the time to look at. You are the principal...

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