
作者&投稿:戴叶 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.D 考查虚拟语气用法,从后面看应该是对过去的虚拟,从句用过去完成形式。

2.C what引导的一个主语从句,what这里相当于一个句词加一定语从句。这里=the thing that is called equality

3.A 考查主谓一致,together with the dean不是主语的一个部分,所以不影响主语与谓语的一致,根据主语,谓语动词仍用单数。

4。A 考查定语从句的用法,分成两句,An investigation was made into the accident。fifty people were killed in the accident. 所以用in which


1、Today I drove 125 miles in 110 minutes. What was my` average speed in miles per hour?(There are 60 minutes in one hour)

Ans:average speed v=total course/time cost=125/(110/60)≈68.18 miles/hour

2、Light travels through space at a constant speed of 3X10⁸m/s. What is the acceleration of a beam of light?

Ans:Since the speed of a beam of light is a constant, the acceleration is zero(0).

3、what is the acceleration of a car if it begins at 100km/h and comes to a stop after 8 seconds? you may write your answer with the units of km/h/s. In what direction is the car's acceleration (in the same direction or opposite direction of the car's motion)?

Ans: the acceleration a=(0-100)/8=-12.5km/h/s
where "-" suggests that the acceleration is opposite the direction of the car's motion.


lonely,looked forward to,bright,got separated,stay in touch with,


11.这个是小学生的语文考试题目 要求:把以下四句话用关联词连接:1、张海迪姐姐瘫痪了;2、张海迪姐姐顽强地学习;3、张海迪姐姐学会了多门外语;4、张海迪姐姐学会了针灸。(注:正确答案应该是:张海迪姐姐虽然瘫痪了,但顽强地学习,不仅学会了多门外语,而且还学会了针灸。)结果有一个孩子写:虽然...

求一个英语四人对话标准的英文翻译 急...
People ABCD A: Do you think the different clothes people will react to your not the same as you?B: would not you, you wear black clothes, white replaced tomorrow, I would not like your attitude?C: He said that is not your area ... I think the clothes will be on view ...

1.日本の自动车はガソリンの消费量が少ない。_外国でも人気がある。A.それに B.それにしても C.それで D.そこで 答案是选择C,可是我想不明白为什么不可以选择D。这里涉及到それで和そこで的用法,两个都是表示原因的接续词,翻译成汉语,それで是因此,そこで是于是,但 それで更...

C:非常容易误选,你一定认为这是一道时态题而不是虚拟语气题。题目中的you已经回来了,正确思路应为:我们在你回来之前一直期待着你更早的回家,应该用过去式而非现在时。D:不需要解释了> < 希望能够帮到你~。这道题涉及到的范围很广,我的表达不知道你能不能理解,如果不理解,可以在追问里把...

如何与人沟通的十五个技巧 57个沟通技巧受用一生
二.对话高手的 7 个技巧 1. 根据内容调整“语调与语速” 想活跃谈话氛围时,不妨用“高语调快语速”来附和,而在想让对方冷静时可以用“低语调的慢语速”。 2. 不知怎么办时可以“沉默地点头” “沉默地点头”是解决附和难题的万金油。不需说话,只需认真颔首就好。 3. 附和之前先等“1 秒钟” 大部分人...

2,可是,上海的夏天真热啊,现在还好呢,这以后可是会越来越热的。ところで这个打错了 だんだん是渐渐地,なる接形容词时词尾变く て形后接いく表示在时间上的从现在到将来

不要小题大做。Don't put off till tomorrow what should be done today.今日事,今日毕。Don't put the cart before the horse.不要本末倒置。Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.不要自找麻烦。Don't try to teach your grandmother to suck eggs.不要班门弄斧。Do well ...

607 使眼色 签名是:今晚请你疯狂的抱我!拜托你好好看看对话的顺序和台词内容!你这个死家伙 (小字:去死吧 郁闷)609_1 这个贱人看起来还真像你啊~看起来令人恶心 我觉得看到这个丑陋的妖怪就像看到你,忍不住想吐啊 ……(放杯子声)磕 634 啊——呀,手滑了一下 咦?我还以为是苍蝇呢 杀...

某日闲逛至亚贸,被班上一快言快语的哈尔滨女生看见,兴奋地就冲我大喊着冲过来:“唉呀——小偷——...全班人仰马翻.(注.教授原题:<论理性与感性> 2 50条全新口误现已降临地球!——暴笑口误2007酷热

上街区13066671447: 英语对话题,麻烦高手们帮帮忙,谢谢. -
封昭保法: 1.lonely

上街区13066671447: 英语高手们,麻烦可以帮我写段对话吗?小妹急需一分英文对话的稿子,希望大家帮帮忙!~~对话,2分钟左右,内容是"Where would you like to go on ... -
封昭保法:[答案] Hello!I'm excited today because it's Friday and that means the weekend's here...but also because I'm off on holiday tomorrow...two whole weeks in America including Las Vegas (above)...can't wait!One b...

上街区13066671447: 麻烦哪位高手帮忙编个英语对话,谢谢了! 题目是:What are they doing?
封昭保法: A:Where is John and Tom? B:They are in the liberary now. A:What are they doing? B:They are doing their homework.

上街区13066671447: 求英语高手帮忙写10个情景对话啊~~是我们英语口语考试要用的~~1.A and B are a couple . You plan to buy a house ,but find that you can't agree on anything... -
封昭保法:[答案] 我来帮你搞定!我在美国住了10年了,用最口语化的英文帮你写吧~1.A and B are a couple . You plan to buy a house ,but find that you can't agree on anything.A: Honey, what kind of house are we looking for? A...

上街区13066671447: 急需3段简单的英语对话.懂的麻烦帮忙下
封昭保法: 1.-what do want to be when you grow up? I want to be a policeman2. - how much the book? It costs 500RMB oh ,lt's too expensive3. what's wrong with you ? I feel cold and weak不晓得可不可以哈

上街区13066671447: 简单英语对话!!!口语考试!急!!现在就要!! -
封昭保法: A: Which one is more important, oral English or written English?B: In my opinion, both are so much important,besides I prefer oreal English more.A: Would you explain for me?B: OK, for people speaking is going on everyday,however,writting is not. ...

上街区13066671447: 英语口语话题 在下面 麻烦英语高手帮帮忙 我只有20分了 谢谢谢谢!!!!感激不敬啊!! -
封昭保法: 是口语课上的那种话题小作文吗?比如NO.11I came to college because I want to make more frends and know more about the world. What I mean is that I came here for knoledge and relationship.As we know, the relationship plays more and more ...

上街区13066671447: 英语高手帮忙啦!...
封昭保法: 点评一下sunshine的回答 I can't agree with you .// I don't agree. 后面的with you还是多余(虽然没有错误) This is my own opinion.// I'll keep my point of view. I think the keypoint is ....// The key is...// My concern is// I'm concerning... It is good for....// ...

上街区13066671447: 高手们··可以帮忙弄个英文对话吗?问题是这个样···这是老师给我出的题目·要怎么做呢·?题目是这样的:with you partner create a conversation ... -
封昭保法:[答案] 题目的意思是:和你的同伴对话,对一个情景发表你的看法,6-8句话.句子应该是 ……giving your opinion on a situation about 6-8 sentences设想一个情景:你的同伴琼和她同桌吵架了,你劝告她.J-John Y-youJ: I qua...

上街区13066671447: 请各位帮帮忙写一段简短的英语对话,小女子感激不尽~~
封昭保法: (This is in the United State national park in the Washington D.C.) 1: Excuse me, sir? 2: yes? What can I help you? 3: This is our first time visit here. We want to go to the White House. Could you tell me how to get to the White House? 2: Oh, sure. ...

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