
作者&投稿:段昌 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


o’clock 前用数字或文字均可。文字更正式,数字更鲜明,如:

6点------ 6 o’clock ------six o’clock

8点------ 8 o’clock ------eight o’clock


时 + 分

6:30 = six thirty

7:45 = seven forty-five

8:01 = eight 0 one ( 0 读字母o 音 )


用“时 + 分”的方式表示时间,后面决不可有o’clock。

分 + past + 时 :表示“几点几分”,不超过半小时 ( 包括半小时half )

分 + to + 时 :表示超过半小时的 “几点差几分”


如:一点一刻: a quarter past one one fifteen

两点半: half past two two thirty

三点四十五分:a quarter to four three forty-five

七点二十: twenty past seven seven twenty

九点四十: twenty to ten nine forty

a.m. = in the morning 如:上午九点: 9 a.m. 9:00 a.m. nine a.m.

p.m. = in the afternoon

on 理由如下:
at, in, on, 在表示时间上的区别
1. at指时间表示:
They came home at sunrise (at noon, at midnight, at ten o’clock, at daybreak, at dawn).
He went home at Christmas (at New Year, at the Spring Festival, at night).
2. in指时间表示:
in 2004, in March, in spring, in the morning, in the evening, etc
He will arrive in two hours.
These products will be produced in a month.
He will arrive after two o’clock.
3. on指时间表示:
On Christmas Day(On May 4th), there will be a celebration.
He arrived at 10 o’clock on the night of the 5th.


1.What’s the time? What’s time is it? 

2.Do you know What’s time is?

3.What’s time do you know? Could you tell me the time? 

4.Can you tell me what’s time is?


1.所有的时间都可以用“小时 + 分钟”直接读:

6:10 six ten
8:30 eight thirty
2:40 two forty

2.如果所表述的时间在半小时之内,可以用“分钟 + past + 小时”:

6:10 ten past six
4:20 twenty past four
10:25 twenty-five past ten

3.如果所表述的时间在半小时之外,可以用“(相差的)分钟 + to + (下一)小时”:

10:35 twenty-five to eleven
5:50 ten to six
9:49 eleven to ten

4.如果所表述的时间恰好为半小时,可以用“half + past + 小时”:

11:30 half past eleven
2:30 half past two


(15分钟又叫一刻钟:a quarter)
9:15 - nine fifteen ; fifteen past nine ; a quarter past nine
3:45 - three forty-five ; fifteen to four ; a quarter to four


It's two.
It's two o'clock.
It's two o'clock sharp.
It's two o'clock on the dot.
It's two o'clock on the nose.
It's exactly two o'clock.

另外英语中的 noon 和 midnight 可分别直接表示白天和夜晚的12点:
It's (twelve) noon. 现在是中午十二点。
It's (twelve) midnight. 现在是半夜零点。


It's almost two. 马上到两点了。
It's not quite two. 还不到两点。
It's just after two. 刚过两点。


①若想表明是上午,可在时间后加上a.m.,如:thirteen past six a.m.(上午六点十三分)。若想表明是下午,可在时间后加上p.m.,如:four o'clock p.m.(下午四点)。

②如果分钟数多于30分钟,可用“60分钟-原分钟数+ to +原小时数+ 1”   to是介词,意思是“差”。

如   11:35 可表示为twenty-five to twelve 12点差二十五分(即十一点三十五,其中的分钟数twenty-five 是由60分钟减去35分钟得到的钟点数)

注: 当分钟数是15分钟时可用名词quarter一刻钟表示。

如:7:15可表示为 a quarter past seven

12:15可表示为 a quarter past twelve

③当分钟数是30分钟时可用名词half 一半表示。

如:30可表示为 half past

9:30可表示为 half past nine

What's today's date?
What's today's date?
What date is it today?
What's the date?
What's the date today?
What day is it?
What's today's date?
What day is it?
Do you have the time?
What time is it now?
Have you got the time?
What time have you got?
May I ask the time?
Could you tell me what time is it now?

一个用to 一个用past
to 表示差多少分到几点,比如:20 to 10就是差20分到十点
pass表示几点过了多少分钟,比如:9 pass 20就是9点20了

时间的几种问法 What's the time? What time is it? Have you got the time? May I know the time?


What time is it?或者 What's the time?

询问时间的词语有when,what time,what day,how long,how soon,how often等。虽然这些词语都是询问时间的,但用法却不相同。1.when用来询问某一点时间,也可询问某一段时间,是“什么时候、什么时间”之意。①He will go to Beijing next week.→When will he go to Beijing?②Han Mei came...

一.时间有以下四种问法 1.What’s the time? What’s time is it? 2.Do you know What’s time is?3.What’s time do you know? Could you tellQ...

(1)What's the time now?现在几点了?(2)When is it? 现在什么时候?(3)What time is it?现在几点?(4)May I ask the time? 我可以问您现在几点吗?(5)Could you tell me what time is it now? 您能告诉我现在几点吗?2、询问日期 (1)What's the date today?今天几号?(...

②Public lavatory,公厕 lavatory是个客气的词,但不如toilet常用,比较过时的说法。③bathroom,浴室 bathroom是书面语,因欧美等国家洗手的地方通常是浴室,因此可以用:Where’s the bathroom? (浴室在哪里?)④rest room,休息室、(公共建筑物内的)厕所、洗手间 Where’s the rest room? (休息室...

一、用于熟人问句 How are you doing? 最近忙什么?How are you today?今天过得怎么样?二、老式的说法 How are you?你好吗?三、较为随意的问法 What’s up? 怎么了?Good to see you. 很高兴见到你。四、久未见面的朋友问候 Long time no see!好久不见!五、用于朋友之间 How’s life ...

在英语中,询问一个人的来自地有以下三种常见的问法:"Where are you from?"(你来自哪里?)- 这是最常见和直接的问法,用于询问一个人的出生地或原籍。"Where do you come from?"(你从哪里来?)- 这个问法强调了对一个人当前所在地的兴趣,可能是针对旅行或长时间居住在不同地方的人。"...

英语中问时间 日期的问法
时间 What's the time now?日期 What's the date today? What day is it today?

1、问星期几:What day of the week is today?今天是星期几?2、问日期:(1)What's today?今天几号?(2)What day of the month is today? 今天是几号?3、问年月:What is the date?今天是什么日期?4、问时间:(1)What’s the time?现在几点?(2)What time is it?几点了...

how,when, what , who,where.一般疑问句,特殊疑问句,反义疑问句,。。。还有忘了。。。

天气 what's the weather like 时刻what's the time now 日期 what's the date today 性格how do you feel someone看法what do you think of 人口what's the population of the city 职业 what's the profession of someone

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方径维博:[答案] 询问时间的词语有when,what time,what day,how long,how soon,how often等.虽然这些词语都是询问时间的,但用法却不相同.1.when用来询问某一点时间,也可询问某一段时间,是“什么时候、什么时间”之意. ...

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广州市17386934697: 用英语来表示询问时间的四种发问 -
方径维博: 询问时间的词语有when,what time,what day,how long,how soon,how often等.虽然这些词语都是询问时间的,但用法却不相同.1.when用来询问某一点时间,也可询问某一段时间,是“什么时候、什么时间”之意. ①He will go to Beijing ...

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方径维博:[答案] 英语时间通常用以下两种方法表达:1.直接表达法A.用基数词 + o'clock来表示整点,注意o'clock须用单数,可以省略.如:eight o'clock 八点钟,ten (o'clock) 十点钟B.用基数词按钟点 + 分钟的顺序直接写出时间.如:eleve...

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方径维博:[答案] 所有的时间都可以用“小时 + 分钟”直接读: 6:10 six ten 8:30 eight thirty 2:40 two forty 如果所表述的时间在半小时之内,可以用“分钟 + past + 小时”: 6:10 ten past six 4:20 twenty past four 10:25 twenty-five past ten 如果所表述的时间在半小时之内...

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方径维博: 时间的几种问法 What's the time?What time is it? Have you got the time? May I know the time?

广州市17386934697: 英语中用来表达时间的方法有几种?(请举例子说明)例如几点几分钟,差几点钟就到8点呀等等的. -
方径维博:[答案] 一、整点的表达:o'clock 前用数字或文字均可.文字更正式,数字更鲜明,如:6点------ 6 o'clock ------six o'clock8点------ 8 o'clock ------eight o'clock二、非整点表达的两种方法:时 + 分6:30 = six thirt...

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方径维博:[答案] 日常生活中怎样用英语询问日期和时间 ●询问时间 今天几号? What's today's date? Fill out the form.(请填这张表.) What's today's date?(今天几号?) It's the tenth.(今天10号.) What date is it today? What's the date? What's the date today? 8月...

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