
作者&投稿:斋支 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.do you know the way to postoffice?
2.how about playing football this afternoon?
3.I'd like to something to drink
4.thank you for your waiting
5.mary looks like her mother

I really desier to selfishly take possession of you like this.

To my enjoyment l got the prize in the contest.(enjoy)
The Great Wall is one of the seven ancient / in the world.
There are many places of history interest in beijing.(history)
We saw a lot of action in the street.They took in active in an act.(act)
He left Shanghai ten years ago.
He had already leave form Shanghai ten years.
It is mainly because l have not enouhg money.(main)
L am turth sorry.(true)

1.To my enjoyment l got the prize in the contest.(enjoy)
2.The Great Wall is one of the seven ancient / in the world.
3.There are many places of history interest in beijing.(history)
4.We saw a lot of action in the street.They took in active in an act.(act)
5.He left Shanghai ten years ago.
He had already leave form Shanghai ten years.
6.It is mainly because l have not enouhg money.(main)
7.L am turth sorry.(true)

1.enjoyment 2./ 3.history 4.action active act 5.left shanghai ten 6.mainiy 7.truthes


句子成分转换是指英语中的某一句子成分译成汉语时转换成另一种句子成分。句子成分转换在主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语和补语之间展开。例如:You can always tell the somebodies from the nobodies at a cocktail party.The somebodies come late.在鸡尾酒会上人们常常可以看出大人物和无名小卒来。那些迟...

1、标点变化。要将表示直接叙述的冒号改为逗号。2、人称变化。要将直接叙述句中的第一人称改为第三人称,(即“我”改为“他” “我们”改为“他们”)第二人称一般改为人名。3、文字变化。可以改动少量文字。 直接叙述改为间接叙述的原则:第一,不改变原句的意思;第二,句子通顺,无语病。 如果...


1. 如果遇到问句,则需要改为表示商量的祈使句。2. 扩句后变成:“ 时间、地点、方向+修饰词+名词+修饰词+动词+修饰词+名词”3. 我们不能做损人利己的事。(陈述句改反问句)4. 王老师对小华说:“我把你的书包缝好了。(间接引语改直接引语)5. 去掉‘得’字后面的词语 6. 反复:为了强调某...

句式变换就是保持句子内bai容基本不变,根du据表达和理解的需要把某种句式变成另zhi外一种句式。小学dao生学习和考试中常见句式变换主要有以下几种:1、扩句和缩句 扩句是把只有基本意思、表达简单的句子进行扩充,给其添加一些修饰、限制的词语,使句子的意思表达得更具体、更生动、更形象。 扩句时要...

原句:If you study hard, you'll pass同义:努力学习,你将通过(调整语序保持连贯)定语与状语从句转换 原句:The man who helped me is a doctor同义:帮助我的人是一位医生(强调关系,不改变主语)同义词组与短语 替换词语:alone→by oneself, actually→in fact拓展表达:lots of→许多, ...

1. “爸爸!”我说,“也许它不会死……”(提示语在中间)2. 把句末的 “吗”、“呢”等字去掉。3. 标点符号 “?”变“。”。4. 加上语气助词“呢”、“吗”。5. 看句子里的 有没有否定词“不”, 有的给删去, 没有的给加上。6. 改换标点符号。冒号与逗号互换,去掉或加上双引号...

1. 直述句改为转述句 2. 今年好时辰,群猴来报喜;春伊花复开,君亦临其景;祝君年年旺,团团又圆圆。3. 陈述句、被字句和把字句之间的转换:4. 按下面的两种方法进展改写:5. 董存瑞坚决地说:“我去炸掉它!〞6. ※ 同学说话被老师叫到跟前,〝说什么呢?〞〝...〞〝你说什么大点声〞〝...

2、借助书面方法消除歧义 譬如可以通过增设语境、调换词语、变更语序、增加修饰语、添加标点符号和添加关联词等方法来消除歧义。例如:①我去上课。可以利用加插词语的方法把句子的意思表达清楚。“我去(给学生)上课”或“我去(听老师)上课”。②他站在广场上,一边站着一个孩子。可以利用改换词语的方法...

大武口区19713544294: 英语词语与句子的转换,急!1.To my - __ - l got the prize in the contest.(enjoy)2.The Great Wall is one of the seven ancient - __ - in the world.3.There are many... -
长孙爬氨甲:[答案] 1.To my enjoyment l got the prize in the contest.(enjoy) 2.The Great Wall is one of the seven ancient / in the world.3.There are many places of history interest in beijing.(history) 4.We saw a lot of ...

大武口区19713544294: 英语词语与句子的转换,急!!!!!! -
长孙爬氨甲: 1.To my enjoyment l got the prize in the contest.(enjoy) 2.The Great Wall is one of the seven ancient / in the world. 3.There are many places of history interest in beijing.(history) 4.We saw a lot of action in the street.They took in active in an act.(act) ...

大武口区19713544294: 七年级英语词性和句子转换!!急~! -
长孙爬氨甲: 3.He hopes to be taller.4.There is not any water on the moon.5.Perhaps people won't be able to fly.6.We don't think there will be ETs' in our cities. 7. I think animals will think like us.---Yes,I think so.---No,I don't think so.8.I hope people can have longer lives.---Yes,they can.---No,they can't.9.

大武口区19713544294: 英语句型转换 -
长孙爬氨甲: How much用于问不可数名词名词的量化,可数名词的量化单数,a加量词单数,加of加可数名词复数. 加量词步数,加of加可数名词复数不可数名词的肯定句改否定句,有b用b在be动词后加not,友情用情在情态动词后加not.无比无情借两d.Do does在动词前加动词doesn't,注意主语是三单使用does,并且后面的动词用原形.

大武口区19713544294: 英语句子转换(急~) -
长孙爬氨甲: It is necessary for them to go to bed before 10:00PM.She doesn't need to finish her work before she play with her cat.

大武口区19713544294: 一个英语转换句子,很简单,急!!! -
长孙爬氨甲: you should return the book to Mary on time so that she won't be angry.you should return the book to Mary on time ,or ,she will be angry.you should bring some food with you so that you won't be hungry you should bring some food with you ,or ,you will be angry.

大武口区19713544294: 英语!句型转换!急急急
长孙爬氨甲: 1.had from 2.it's time to 3.at home

大武口区19713544294: 英语选这题!词性转换,改变句子!急啊!拜托了,请按顺序回答!最好写纸上!拜托了! -
长孙爬氨甲: 一、ACACB BBBB二、scolded;please;medical;honesty;patients;boring;narrower三、1、whose;visited;2、big;hers;3、satisfied with;4、don't;will;5、find;boring;

大武口区19713544294: 英语:翻译和转换句子(急!) -
长孙爬氨甲: it is true that very few individuals are not so good enough that can pick up the right gift.一份你送别人的礼物,应当反映出你对别人的不能用钱买到的爱,温心和关照.

大武口区19713544294: 英语的人称代词转换``急求问句里有 How do 的句子要怎样换其他人称 比如 How do you spell it?要换成我、他、她、它、我们、他们 -
长孙爬氨甲:[答案] How do I/we/they How does he/she/it

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