
作者&投稿:武莉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
accustomed 这个单词怎么读,方便的话写下“音标”和“译音”!!谢谢啦!~

accustomed [əˈkʌstəmd]



To habituate, familiarize (a person or thing to (in, into, for, with obs.) something, or to do something).


1和2是常用的用法,to是介词,后面跟名词或动名词.而根据牛津高级词典,accustom还有主动的意思,表示:To habituate, familiarize (a person or thing to (in, into, for, with obs.) something, or to do something).因此3和4是这个用法下的被动形式,表示(在外部影响下)形成了习惯 ...

accustomed 和 habit 的区别?
be accustomed to 习惯做什么事 accustom是动词啊~~habit是名词 造个句吧... I‘ve been accustomed to the inanity of the conversation because that's it.My habit is taking a cruise and making some friends. 提问者评价 太给力了,你的回答已经完美的解决了我问题! 评论| vianvee |六级采纳率71% 擅...

accustom和modate区别 一、含义不同 1.accustom 释义:使某人习惯做某事。2.modate 释义:使某人习惯做。二、用法不同 1.accustom 用法:beaccustomed后可接“to+动名词”,也可接动词不定式,其意义无明显差别,只是接“to+动名词”时更强调“习惯于(做)…”,接动词不定式时更强调“习以为常”。...

习惯于 be accustomed to习惯做某事

Accustomed. 是什么意思
适应 be accustomed to 适应于。。。您的支持就是我继续前行及帮助别人的动力 愿您与我一起传播『 爱心 』之种 望采纳↖(^ω^)↗

A c c u s t o m e d什么意思
语法标注解释 accustomed英音:[ə'kʌstəmd]美音:[ə'kʌstəmd 形容词 a.1.惯常的,通常的 2.习惯的,适应了的 参考资料:http:\/\/\/s?wd=accustomed

accustomed 和habit有什么区别和用法
accustomed是动词,habit是名词 be accustomed to doing 习惯于

be accustomed to后面可以跟什么?
"Be accustomed to" 是一个常见的英语表达,意为“习惯于”,后面可以跟名词、动名词、代词、不定式、从句等等。下面是一些常见的搭配:名词:be accustomed to + 名词,例如:I am accustomed to the cold weather.(我已经习惯了寒冷的天气。)动名词:be accustomed to + 动名词,例如:She is ...

be accustom to do(不是doing!)是什么意思?
be accustomed to do sth是经常如此的意思be accustomed to doing sth则是习惯于的意思,相当于be used to的意思.1.It will not take you very be accustomed to the way we do it.你不必花很长的时间就能习惯我们做事的方法。2.It will not take you very long to be accustomed to...

be accustomed to doing sth的意思是什么呢?
be accustomed to +doing sth. 或be accustomed to +sth.习惯于...与be used to 不同的是,虽然两者都有习惯于的意思,但be used to 通常指自然而然地成为习惯,而be accustomed to 常常用于指通过努力而成为习惯。加doing.可以理解为习惯于一种“东西”.而这个“东西”是名词.所以说,可以直接...

阿克苏市19571406282: accustomed这个单词怎样用啊?这几个句子:1:I have accustomed myself to working long hours.2:I am accustomed to waking up earlier in the morning.3:The ... -
藏唯再晟:[答案] 1和2是常用的用法,to是介词,后面跟名词或动名词.而根据牛津高级词典,accustom还有主动的意思,表示: To habituate,familiarize (a person or thing to (in,into,for,with obs.) something,or to do something). 因此3和4是这个用法下的被动形式,表...

阿克苏市19571406282: accustomed这个单词怎样用啊?? -
藏唯再晟: 1和2是常用的用法,to是介词,后面跟名词或动名词.而根据牛津高级词典,accustom还有主动的意思,表示:To habituate, familiarize (a person or thing to (in, into, for, with obs.) something, or to do something). 因此3和4是这个用法下的被动形式,表示(在外部影响下)形成了习惯

阿克苏市19571406282: 关于accustomed一词的问题accustomed的固定搭配是be accustomed to sth 但是在字典里有这样一个 my eyes slowly grew accustomed to the dark -
藏唯再晟:[答案] 这里graw是系动词,这里可与be有相同用法.graw译为逐渐. 我的眼睛逐渐习惯了黑夜.

阿克苏市19571406282: 关于Accustomed的用法Accustomed though we are speaking of the films made before 1927 as "silent".be accustomed to doing sth不是习惯做某事吗?这句... -
藏唯再晟:[答案] 这是表示让步的半个句子,应该还有主句.这个句子的正常语序是—— Though we are accustomed to speaking of the films made before 1927as "silent",… 【虽然我们习惯于谈起1927以前诸如“无声电影”这类的影片,(我们/人们……).】 无论...

阿克苏市19571406282: accustom的相关短语 -
藏唯再晟: accustomed to someone or something accustomed to staying up late; accustomed to the noise of the subway.accustomed to doing something The children are accustomed to eating late in the evening. So from an early age I became accustomed to talking to all sorts of people.

阿克苏市19571406282: accustom的相关短语搭配? -
藏唯再晟: 1. be accustomed to 习惯于 2. accustom oneself to 使自己习惯于; 养成...的习惯 例句 1. Then tell me, Haide, do you BElieve you shall BE able to accustom yourself to our present mode of life? “那么告诉我,海黛,你相信你能过得惯我们现在的这种生活吗?” 2. I Can accustom myself to cold weather. 我能习惯于冷天气.

阿克苏市19571406282: “习以为常”用英语怎么翻译?尽量漂亮点的哦! -
藏唯再晟: 1SB be usd to something 或 Sb be/get accustomed to something.2.只有当成语放到句子里面,才能出彩.3 希望能帮到你,O(∩_∩)O~.

阿克苏市19571406282: 有一种动词只能接反身代词,这个是什么语法结构? -
藏唯再晟: 这种动词英语中没有特定的称呼,但是法语中也有类似的动词,叫做自反动词.

阿克苏市19571406282: Accustomed这英文单词是什思 -
藏唯再晟: 习惯的

阿克苏市19571406282: 习惯,用英语怎么说? -
藏唯再晟: 习惯[xí guàn]词典habit; custom; be accustomed to; be used to; practice1他习惯于做艰苦的工作.He is accustomed to hard work. 《汉英大词典》2我们应该使自己习惯艰苦生活.We should inure ourselves to hard life. 《汉英大词典》3人们的生活...

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