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Smile, and sometimes can be to retain the power of life.
"Retain the smile of life," the story of a place in the true story of the war years, in this story, a huge smile to show her the magic.
Times of war, some German soldiers found guilty of a terrible mistake was jiangjunguan up, including one soldier in particular would like to get out alive, but this possibility is too remote. He was informed of the death of his life in the ultimatum had been issued - there are three months would be shot, so he did not have any hope of survival. Two weeks later, he calmed down. Every day he would come to inspect the generals facing the smile, the generals began to totally neglect and ignore him, and later on he had a little goodwill, and began talking with him ... ... the day after three months on the blink of an eye later, shot to death The time is up, this is a very strange shot by: General give his left hand on the shot, lifting his right hand, says you can return to the ranks of continuation of the war. Turn to him, his eyes closed, waiting for death to come, may be time, the generals saw him, he slowly raised his right hand ... ...
This is the life-saving power, which is hard to imagine magic! General an apology a day to smile, actually can have their bottom line back to the origin from the dead, Is not this great power of a smile?
If we are able to smile the face of every person and every thing, smiled, and cope with success and honor, with a smile the face of everything, with a real smile soul sentiment a better life, it would be an enormous pleasure and happiness.
Yang mouth one can draw a beautiful arc, which is how simple matter! However, we really have added a daily heart smile? Can not be - a good test did not test, simply Poguanposhuai; job search is unsuccessful, they feel depressed; to buy lottery tickets with the first prize by only one number on the crying in the corner ... ...
Strictly speaking, these trivial too trivial! But sometimes we do these things trouble one day, which affected many of the dry matter.
Smiling is a force, a smile is a habit, accustomed to smile will not be trivial led by the nose, a smile is not just facial expressions, or state of mind, a smile should be spontaneous. The story of that soldier if only the blunt expression, then, the generals would certainly think that is just a pleasing only.
So, smile is a positive state of mind, you smile for others, others also will answer you with a smile.
A smile is a light at the hearts, the hearts of light, then full of hope.
A smile is embedded in the heart of love, there is the magic of love.
Smile face life bar! We will find that this world is so beautiful.
Friends, to their own ray of smiling sunshine bar!

I've never been away from home for so long after having children, unless it was on business.

The night before my flight, Tom followed me around in silence as I packed. After a while, he stood in front of me and reluctantly said "I... dropped two inside..."

"Huh? Dropped two what? Inside where?" I asked in confusion, my hands still full of clothes.

"I dropped two tears in your luggage, and prayed twice for God to bring mummy back safely..." Tom blinked, brushing off another pair of crystal-clear teardrops.


How to say it in English? It is an orange. Please spell it out. O-R-A-N-G-E.

Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.


1祝你早上好。 Good morning.
2你好吗?我很好,谢谢。你好吗?我还好。 How are you? I am good, thank you. And you? I am good, too.
3它是什么颜色?红色。 What color is it? Red.
4她的电话号码是多少?她的电话号码是535-2375 What is her phone number? Her number is 535-2375
5他的姓是什么?他德姓是布朗 What is his last name? His last name is Brown.
6.她的名字是什么?她德名字是琳达. What is her name? Her name is Linda.

1这是你的铅笔吗?是,它是 Is this your pencil? Yes, it is.
2那是你的词典吗?不,它不是 Is that your dictionary? No, it isn't.
3你怎样拼写eraser How do you spell eraser?
4你能拼写reaser吗? Can you spell eraser?
5在失物招领箱里 It is in the lost and found box.
6给艾伦打电话495-3539 Please call Helen at 495-3539
7一串钥匙 a chain of keys

1这是你的女儿吗?是./不,不是 Is this your daughter? No, she isn't.
2那些是我的两个兄弟 Those are my two brothers.
3她是你的姨母吗?是她是/不,她不是 Is she your aunt? No, she isn't.
4家谱 family tree
5谢谢你的全家照 Thank you for the picture of your entire family.

1背包在那里?它在桌子下面. The backpack is over there.It is under the desk.
2我的书在那里?他们在沙发上 Where are my books? They are under the sofa.
3他的钥匙在那里?他们在柜子上 Where are his keys? They are on the table.
4它在地板上吗?不,它不在 Is it on the floor? No, it isn't.
对不起,我不知道 Sorry, I don't know.
5他们在抽屉里吗?是,他们在 Are they in the drawer? Yes, they are.
6把这些东西带去给你姐姐 Please return these to your sister.
7请把它带到学校来 Please bring it to school.

1你有乒乓球吗?是,我有/不,我没有 Do you have a ping-pong ball?Yes, I have./No, I don't.
2我们有网球拍.他们没有网球拍. We have tennis rackets. They don't have tennis rackets.
3他有足球吗?是他有/不.他没有 Does he have a football? Yes, he does./No, he doesn't.
4让我们打网球/篮球把 Let's play tennis/basketball.
5那听起来真好. That sounds good.
6做运动 do exercise
7看电视 watch TV
8每天 every day

1他们喜欢梨吗?是,他们喜欢/不,他们不喜欢 Do they like pears? Yes, they do./No, they don't.
2我们喜欢汉堡包 We like hamburgers..
3她喜欢冰淇淋 She likes icecream.
4她喜欢冰淇淋吗?是,她喜欢/不,她不惜换。 Does she like icecream?Yes, she does. No, she doesn't.
5跑步明星 running star
6许多 a lot
7健康食品 healthy food
8午餐他要吃什么?午餐他吃肌肉,胡萝卜和花椰菜 What does he want for lunch? He wants to eat chicken,carrots and broccoli.
9晚餐你喜欢吃什么?晚餐我喜欢吃蔬菜. What do you like to have for dinner? I like to have vegetables for dinner.

How to say this in English? It is a orange, please spell it . O-R-A-N-G-E

Nice to meet you too

Good morning

How are you? I'm fine,thank you.And you? I'm fine too.

What's the color? It's red

What's her telephone number ? Her telephone number is 535-2375

What's his family name? His family name is Brown.

What's her name ? Her name is Linda.

Is this your pencil? Yes,it is

Is that your dictionary? No,it isn't

How do you spell ERASER ?

Can you spell the reaser

It's in the LOST THING BOX ..

Call Alen at 495-3539

A bunch of keys

Is this your daught? Yes,she is/No she isn't

Those two people are my brothers

Is her your aunt ? Yes,she is/No she isn't

a family tree

Thank you for your entire family picture

Where is the bag? It's under the table

Where are my books ? They're under the sofa

Is it on the floor it? No, it is not /Sorry, I do not know

Are they in the drawer ? Yes,they are

Please bring these things to your sister

Please bring it to school

Do you have a table tennis ball? Yes, I have / No, I do not have

We have a tennis racket. They do not have a tennis racket.

Does he have a football? Yes, he does / No he doesn't

Let's play tennis / basketball

That sounds good.


watch TV


Do they like pears? Yes, they do / No, they do not

We like hamburgers

She likes ice cream

Does she like ice cream? Yes, she does / No she doesn't

mystletain 自译 复制的咬自己舌头!

Running star 这个貌似是个课文的题目...

many/ much/ a lot of

healthy food

What does he eat for lunch ? he eats chiken,carrots and broccoli for lunch

What do you like to eat for dinner? I like to eat vegetables for lunch


How to say this in English? It is a orange, please spell it
Glad to meet you

你去上那个Google 翻译


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回答:-7x-6 =22-6x 3.7x-4=-2.3x-3 -7x+6x=22+6 3.7x+ 2.3x =-3+4 -x =28 6x=1 x =-28 x=1\/6 4分之1x=-2分之1x+3 4分之1x+2分之1x=3 4分之3x=3 x=4 求采纳

初一地理只是。 速度!
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工作时间*工作效率=工作总量 工作总量÷工作效率=工作时间 工作总量÷工作时间=工作效率 速度×时间=路程 路程÷速度=时间 路程÷时间=速度本金*利率=利息 单价*数量=总价 工效*时间=工作总量 单产量*数量=总产量 每份数*份数=总数 速度=时间*路程 本金*利率*时间=利息 密度ρ...


(a+2)²+|3b-1|=0 ∵(a+2)^2恒≥0 , |3b-1|恒≥0 ∴a=-2 , b=1\/3 3a²b-[2ab²-6(ab-1\/2a²b)+4ab]-2ab =3a²b - (2ab² - 6ab + 3a²b + 4ab) - 2ab =3a²b - 2ab² + 6ab - 3a...

初一数学求【速度】解答 关于二元一次方程组 多谢
mx+y=2m+1 (1)x-my=2-m (2)(1)×m+(2)m²x+x=2m²+m+2-m (m²+1)x=2m²+2=2(m²+1)所以 x=2 y=2m+1-mx=1

贡嘎县18773235347: 初一英语翻译!很急速度1.please give this letter to Maria.she is in class Four,Grade seven.2.sorry,I don`t know her.What does she look like?3.She is tall like you... -
展宰刺五:[答案] 1,请将这封信送给Maria,她在七年级四班 2,抱歉,我不认识她,她长什么样呢? 3,她和你一样高,但是不是长发,而是棕褐色的短发 4,噢,我知道了,我会给她的(你那个gice应该是give吧) 6,不客气

贡嘎县18773235347: 初一英语翻译!速度帮忙啦
展宰刺五: 1.在十字路口向右转,你会发现入口处就在你前面. Turn right at the crossing, and you'll find the entrance is in front of you. 2.看到他们的父母,这些孩子很惊奇. The children were surprised to see their parents. 3.一个穿红色衣服的女孩站在街道的拐角处. A girl in red stood/stands/is standing at the corner of a street.

贡嘎县18773235347: 请大家帮我翻译一篇初一小短文,中文翻译成英文,句子要正确,照这翻译就行了!我的家庭 内容:我是✘✘✘.今天是周末.我的爸爸妈妈正在厨房里做饭.... -
展宰刺五:[答案] 翻译为; Hey!I'm.It's weekend today.My father and my mother is cooking in the kitchen.My grandma and grandpa is in the living room to watch tv.I do my homework in the bedroom.My pet is a chair.

贡嘎县18773235347: 苏教版初一英语翻译题!速度速度哈!1.我叔叔留着短发,不戴眼镜 My uncle - _________________.He__________________________. 2.他们喜欢足球,... -
展宰刺五:[答案] 1 My uncle has short hair. He doesn't wear glasses. 2 They love playing football and often play it after school every day. 3 We often play badminton on the badminton court. 4 Our Eenglish teacher is o...

贡嘎县18773235347: 初一英语啊~~~速度!~~一.翻译What position do you play?二.选择题1.There are some children( ) football on the playgroundA.playing B.play C.to play2.They ... -
展宰刺五:[答案] 一 你担任什么职务 二 1.A 表现在正在进行 2.C 表装扮成. 3.B 固定形式,像go fishing等. 4.B 固定的搭配.

贡嘎县18773235347: 初一英语自我介绍帮我翻译,我很急快... -
展宰刺五: Hello,everyone my name is Lizhebo.I am 13 years old .I like running .And I am very active.I hope I can be one of the members in this classand I will use my efforts to make some contibutions to this class.I want to make some friends in this class.Thanks!

贡嘎县18773235347: 初一英语翻译句子,速度
展宰刺五: I can have a job for you as a waiter. 这个好理解. 都是学过的. 呵呵.

贡嘎县18773235347: 大家帮我翻译一段话,初中英语,谢谢,翻译成英文 速度呀... -
展宰刺五: My granny often helps me with my study and have imfluence on my mind. she always said failure is the mother of success. I never see my grandpa because he is in the heaven. I love my grandma and grandpa. They love me too.祝学习进步,望及时采纳!~~~

贡嘎县18773235347: 初一英语翻译,共四句,速度点,9点一刻之前给30悬赏..快再加. -
展宰刺五: Mary花了二年写了这本书.(两种方法) Mary spent two years in writing this book.It took Mary two years to write this book.杭州确实是一个旅游的好地方.Hangzhou is really a good place to take a visit.我们还要5给学生来打扫教室.We need five ...

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展宰刺五:[答案] (A)一只狐狸在寻找失物.他非常地饥饿.现在他到了一堵墙附近.墙很高,狐狸向上看,他看到墙头挂有很多串葡萄.他说,“葡萄看起来好美味!我想吃.”狐狸跳起来,但是他够不到葡萄.狐狸说,“我必须得走了.我不喜欢这些葡萄,他们还不熟.不好...

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