
作者&投稿:缪夜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

《士兵突击》剧情梗概:The soldiers surprise "the synopsis: 青山绿水之间,人们日出而作,日落而息。许三多喜欢读书,父亲却要把他送进部队,认为只有这样,这个从小怯懦被他叫做龟儿子的许三多才会有些出息。懵懵懂懂就踏入了军营,许三多把班长史今视作依靠,副班长伍六一却仇恨般地看着他——担心许三多拖垮班长,还让班集体蒙羞。新兵训练结束了,三多被分到了偏远艰苦的后勤管道维护班,一同来部队的老乡成才则去了鼎鼎大名的钢七连。维护班的生活寂寞无聊,老兵们靠打牌、找乐趣来打发时光。单纯的三多依然每天出操、训练,老兵们觉得他不合群,许三多却不明所以……Blue mountains and green waters, people between the lamb, and stopped work at sunset. , he enjoyed reading befoing his father will send him to troops, think only in this way by his childhood called cowardice of turtles son saying-more than three will some ambition. MengMengDongDong will step into the barracks, the monitor history saying-more than three depend on, the vice President today as 550 61 but hatred at him - worry as saying-more than three monitor, still let down class to shame. Recruit training ended, san-duo district was assigned to remote hard logistical pipeline maintenance class, with troops went to the villagers success is the steel even seven big names. Maintenance class life lonely boring and veterans on CARDS and fun to kill the time. Simple san-duo district still everyday doing drill, training and veterans felt he unsocial, but saying-more than three unidentified so...

英文名:Soldiers Sortie
类型:军事动作、青春励志电视连续剧(军事 动作 励志)
出品人:明振江 舒崇福 王中军 杨文虎
总监制:陈全胜 王中磊
制片人:吴 毅 郭 宏
主演:王宝强 陈思成 段奕宏 张译 邢佳栋 张国强 李博 范雷 马帅



Soldiers Sortie

Soldiers Sortie is a story about a young man named Xu San Duo who comes from the rural area and joined the PLA when he was a teenager with his father's hope to live a better life.

Xu San Duo is a young, timid, sky boy who knows nothing about army and soldier but curious about the outside world. He joined PLA with a squad leader’s promise which is to make xu sanduo a true soldier within a year. Due to xu’s bad performances in the recruits training he was sent to a remote place to guard oil equipment which is a job without hope, dignity and honour. However xu built a road all by himself while with the encouragement from Lao Ma who was xu’s first squad leader. Since then five soldiers in the squad became united with each other after their learning of xu’s spirit of “Make life meaningful”but at the same time xu was ordered to return to the regiment.

After entering the seventh company because of xu's unconfidence and bad show Shi Jin's squad lagged behind.For helping xu Shi Jin injured his arm thus his score slid and his military career in PLA became gloomy.In an important military maneuver Shi Jin was “KIA”at the very begining while Xu Sanduo captured the Captain of the special force.Shi Jin lost his last chance to get promotion thus he had to leave although he he had so much love to PLA.

Shi Jin's leaving made Xu Sanduo steadier,maturer and stronger.Due to a new military reform was coming the seventh company was rearranged and most of the soliders were arranged in other companies but only Xu was left in the empty building for more than half a year.Xu and many other outstanding soliders were invited to entered a competition through which only three have the opportunities to enter the “A” Brigade(specil force).In this competition Xu and Cheng Cai stood the test of Yuan Lang(the captain of special force) but his friend Wu Liuyi lost because Wu injured his leg in the competition while Wu accepted xu to be his friend.

Xu and Cheng Cai took pride in being members of “A” Brigade but they were soon upset by the treatment in the test period.They got to know a young major whose name is Wu Zhe and they three helped and encouraged each other to get through the tough test period.They succeeded,but their treatment was still bad.Sooner, in another plausible action they accepted the last test in which Cheng Cai was eliminated.Xu and Wu Zhe became true menbers of the “A” brigade while Cheng Cai had to back the five squad to keep the oil equipment.

When he was 21 years old he lost squad leder Shi Jin

When he was 22 years old he lost the seventh company

When he was 23 years old he lost his naivete

Xu was deeply hurt in his heart for killing a drug dealer so that he lost himself even made the decision of leaving army,fortunatly with the help of Gao Cheng and Cheng Cai and after a series of experiences Xu refound the meaning of life but at the same time Xu's family encountered a terrible disaster for the explosion of explosive which was stored by Xu's farther.Xu stood another test of life and returned to his company to join another challenging action...He has been mature and strong to be a true solider to continue faighting...

No beauties, no love, no famous stars, "three nos" for a TV show seems quite out of fashion. But Soldier Sortie was quietly shown on regional TV stations first and then widely spread around the Internet. Now it is being broadcast on almost all TV stations repeatedly across the country. Today Soldier Sortie dominates the remote controls of many audiences and has turned into the hottest topic in offices. The show has accumulated hundreds of thousands "soldier fans" online.

But why it is so popular? This series of 28 episodes doesn't have a single woman character. Without beautiful women, tear-jerking love stories and famous stars, how can this series attract such a wide audience?

What lures the audience in this series is a dumb special task soldier, Xu Sanduo, and his comrades. Men who watch this series are convinced that "they are real men"; women can't help imagining that "they are dream guys".

During all of China's history, the temperament of soldiers has affected the Chinese people's character and even their way of life. The unexpected popularity of Soldier Sortie quickly became a new screen hit after people grew tired of PK TV shows. The unique temperament of a group of soldiers has captured the attention of thousands. In this entertainment-seeking era, the public still has a strong desire to view true-to-life human nature. Xu Sanduo is a rather dumb lad coming from the countryside but his tenacity exhibits a rare quality sadly lacking in our times.

The plot of Soldier Sortie is very simple: a young farmer called Xu Sanduo was forced to join the army by his father because his father thought he was a coward and training in the army might turn him into a brave man. Xu, as his father expected, finally became a special task soldier of "Steel 7th Company". He made a fool of himself many times during the devilishly hard training. Gradually he became the most outstanding soldier of his whole regiment. But he accidentally killed a criminal while carrying out a task. This accident gave him a great shock; he freaked out. But later he found his true self again in the army.

Soldier Sortie was first broadcast on a local channel of a Shanxi TV station on December 26, 2006. The ratings were not good. But at the same time, 30,000 audio-visual products went on sale. On January 18, the first post about Soldier Sortie appeared in a Baidu Post Bar. The netizen who wrote the post said: "I watched the DVD of this play." With the coming of summer, Soldier Sortie became increasingly hot in the Baidu Post Bar. As the months passed, each day there were at least 100 new posts discussing this play. The show became popular astonishingly fast.

A group relating to Soldier Sortie soon assembled together and they called themselves "soldier fans". They ranged widely in age but most of them were born after 1980. Compared with those who are interested in television PK shows, "soldier fans" are more reasonable. Both males and females love Soldier Sortie. Men love it because each soldier in the show is a "true man"; women love it because they can find their ideal man. Watching "dumb" soldiers like Xu Sanduo and company commander Shi, women couldn't help crying out: "They are true men, such manly men. There are no such men now!" or "Unconsciously, we are overwhelmed by them."

On the Army Day, Beijing TV broadcast Soldier Sortie during prime time. And the ratings that night hit 3.0 and ran higher every day afterward. Hebei, Henan and Sichuan satellite televisions broadcast Soldier Sortie simultaneously. From mid September, Jilin, Guangxi, Yunnan, Zhejiang satellite televisions and many others began broadcasting Soldier Sortie.

Now Soldier Sortie has become the hottest topic in offices across the country. And of course, the Internet is an important platform for the successful spread of this play. The posts concerning this play on the Baidu Post Bar have risen to 710,000. According to a survey organized by netizens, audience ages of Soldier Sortie range from 10 to 70, with 20 to 30 years old viewers being the most numerous. Viewers come from all walks of life.

Some netizen exclaimed: "We were poisoned by Soldier Sortie this summer." "I was lost in this play, completely lost in it!" Huang Min expressed her feelings after watching Soldier Sortie, "I feel my whole world has changed." 24-year-old Huang is an administrator of the network service center in a large state-owned enterprise in Chengdu. She is in charge of the administration and maintenance of the LAN (local area network) of the company. She is also a yoga coach after work so she seldom watches TV shows.

One of Huang's friends recommended Soldier Sortie to her. But her initial response was, "I don't like this kind of TV series. Even the name doesn't appeal to me. The stories of soldiers have nothing to do with me." Her favorite plays are several Korean series such as Dae Jang Geum, Paris ei yeonin and All about Eve. "But later I watched it for I found everyone around me always talking about this play." Many viewers like Huang Min began to love this play via recommendations by others.

In Huang's eyes, each actor in Soldier Sortie is excellent and every one of them has his own personality. A great many people agree with her. Each character of the play has a large number of crazy supporters on the Internet. Their enthusiasm for this play is so high that some of them even make inquiries about the background of a minor guard who flashes only once in the play.

When talking about Soldier Sortie, the expression Huang Min uses most frequently is "will power". "I think people of our age like these kinds of series. Young people always encounter a lot of problems, difficulties and doubts," she said. So they also need will power and perseverance like Xu Sanduo to deal with their problems and difficulties.

Another soldier fan is already 61 years old. He is Peng Hailiang, a retired Beijing high school math teacher. He now devotes most of his time to learning English to welcome in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. But on Army Day, the 30-second promo of Soldier Sortie aroused his interest. He finished watching the show because he likes Xu Sanduo. He said, "He performed extremely well!" "Our times need such inspiring shows." He also gave his comments about the lines of the play, "They are easy to understand and are worth meditating upon, such as 'Never give up!' 'To live happily is meaningful; to live happily is to do something meaningful'"

(China.org.cn by Zhang Ming'ai, October 1, 2007)


《士兵突击》剧情梗概:The soldiers surprise "the synopsis: 青山绿水之间,人们日出而作,日落而息。许三多喜欢读书,父亲却要把他送进部队,认为只有这样,这个从小怯懦被他叫做龟儿子的许三多才会有些出息。懵懵懂懂就踏入了军营,许三多把班长史今视作依靠,副班长伍六一却仇恨般地看着他——担心...

2011-07-28 求《士兵突击》分集剧情介绍 30 2014-10-17 士兵突击第二部剧情介绍 260 2008-01-05 《士兵突击》英语名称是什么 3 更多类似问题 > 为你推荐:特别推荐 工业革命时期,工厂工人的卫生状况,是什么样的? 火星隐藏的极地“湖泊”可能只是冰冻的粘土? 2021年诺贝尔物理学奖,提醒世界注意气候变化? ...


士兵突击 每集剧情介绍(简洁)
伍六一和甘小宁等人施计帮助三多,众人谎称三多是他们的首长,并向他表示三多是一个很优秀的兵。 三多终于鼓起勇气告诉父亲自己不想复员,许百顺只能独自返乡,不久后三多转为一级士官。老A领导铁路来702团为特种大队挖人,王团长不情愿地同意让被选中的兵参与选拔。 第18集 袁朗来找三多,并邀请他参加特种兵选拔赛...

士兵突击剧情简介 士兵突击剧情介绍

《士兵突击》分集剧情介绍 一、新兵入伍 本剧以新兵许三多的成长历程为主线,描绘了他从新兵入伍到成为一名优秀士兵的历程。第一集中,许三多刚进入军营,面临严格的军事训练和集体生活的不适应,但凭借坚定的信念和不屈的意志,逐渐适应军营生活。同时,介绍了他的战友们,如性格各异的团队和班长史今...


剧情简介 青山绿水之间,人们日出而作,日落而息。许三多(王宝强饰演)喜欢读书,父亲却要把他送进部队,认为只有这样,这个从小怯懦被他叫做龟儿子的许三多才会有些出息。草原五班 懵懵懂懂就踏入了军营,许三多把班长史今(张译饰演)视作依靠,副班长伍六一(邢佳栋饰演)却仇恨般地看着他——担心许三...

《士兵突击》记载了普通士兵的心路历程,讲述了一个中国军人的传奇故事。剧情纯粹 故事和人物的纯粹,剧中没有一个女性角色,完全是男人的情感世界——意气飞扬的军旅生涯,生死与共的成长岁月...金戈铁马,斗志男儿,士兵的精神世界丰富而冷峻;一个有着性格缺点的普通农村孩子,他单纯而执着,在军人的世...


攀枝花市13979785653: 《士兵突击》用英语怎么说??不要直译过来的·····
慕福调经: Soldiers Attack

攀枝花市13979785653: 士兵突击 内容简介(400字左右) -
慕福调经: 【作品简介】 他来自农村,他生性层懦,他经常让人失望,他直接影响连队的荣誉,但他有着一种本能的直扑,和潜藏着一种超人的智慧与耐力,一经发挥,即可战胜自己,同时战胜他人.他有过无比的骄傲,也有过无比的孤独.因为杀死了一...

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慕福调经:[答案] 1.The Fifth Element Two hundred and fifty years in the future,life as we know it is threatened by the arrival of Evil.Only the fifth element can stop the Evil from extinguishing life,as it tries to do every five thousand years.She is helped by ex-soldier,current-...

攀枝花市13979785653: 英语翻译《士兵突击》是07年很受欢迎的一部电视剧.其中有一个经常被人认为弱智的角色,叫许三多.他显得很木纳,或者说有点蠢.因为他,班里整体成绩总... -
慕福调经:[答案] Soldiers Sortie was a TV drama program which was very popular in 2007.There was a role named Xusanduo who was always treated to be a retarded person.He seemed to be honest and slow-witted,or a little simple-minded.Because of him,the integral ...

攀枝花市13979785653: [士兵突击]的分集剧情介绍(要具体)?
慕福调经: http://www.tvpad.cn/dangdai/n0857a.html

攀枝花市13979785653: 《士兵突击》用英语怎么说 -
慕福调经: 代号Silent,沉默,战争伊始便保持绝对的沉默,在预计将被敌军占领的区域潜伏下来,四天后,当双方都在包扎伤口休养生息的时候,我们将不再沉默.

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慕福调经: 很喜欢看军人题材的电视剧比如《激情燃烧的岁月》、《暗算》、《狼毒花》等等,最近又迷上了《士兵突击》,一位朋友开玩笑说,这么文静的一个人怎么就爱看这些,一点都不女人.自己也觉得奇怪,想想大概是因为里面反映的思想并不那...

攀枝花市13979785653: 士兵突击的简介,注意,要简短但详细
慕福调经: 这真的不是一部小说,它是哲学、是人生、是我们成长的历史.每一位读者都能在许三多身上找到自己的一些影子.许多三像是两个人,可根子里的他还是让你佩服、让你回味,甚至是他的“傻”,也足以让你去喜欢.你会觉得:“一本好书,能教会你怎样做人!” 金戈铁马,斗志男儿,士兵的精神世界丰富而冷峻;一个有着性格缺点的普通农村孩子,他单纯而执着,在军人的世界里跌打滚爬.因为他的笨,让全连队受累;因为他的认真,让全连队为之感动;因为他的执着,让全连队战士为之骄傲. 虽然他家的祖屋在爆炸声中变成一堆瓦砾,却无法阻止他坚毅的军人步伐;善良的怜悯,并未使他忘记军人的职责,追捕毒犯……他在种种困境和磨难中百炼成钢. 他的名字叫——许三多.

攀枝花市13979785653: 士兵突击每集介绍 -
慕福调经: 22集士兵突击分集剧情第22集 那是许三多的午餐罐头,这小子根本连开也不曾开过.成才终于没有动伙房里的东西,但也没有吃那听罐头.五班的兵在看电视,最近很火的一个电视连续剧,乐声与台词缓缓飘来,成才听着,益发感叹做一个好...

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