
作者&投稿:致穆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My fellow citizens, at this hour American and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to free its people and to defend the world from grave danger.

"On my orders, coalition forces have begun striking selected targets of military importance to undermine Saddam Hussein's ability to wage war. These are opening stages of what will be a broad and concerted campaign. "

More than 35 countries are giving crucial support, from the use of naval and air bases, to help with intelligence and logistics, to the deployment of combat units. Every nation in this coalition has chosen to bear the duty and share the honor of serving in our common defense.

"To all of the men and women of the United States armed forces now in the Middle East, the peace of a troubled world and the hopes of an oppressed people now depend on you. "That trust is well placed.

"The enemies you confront will come to know your skill and bravery. The people you liberate will witness the honorable and decent spirit of the American military.

"In this conflict, America faces an enemy who has no regard for conventions of war or rules of morality. Saddam Hussein has placed Iraqi troops and equipment in civilian areas, attempting to use innocent men, women and children as shields for his own military; a final atrocity against his people. "I want Americans and all the world to know that coalition forces will make every effort to spare innocent civilians from harm. A campaign on the harsh terrain of a nation as large as California could be longer and more difficult than some predict. And helping Iraqis achieve a united, stable and free country will require our sustained commitment.

"We come to Iraq with respect for its citizens, for their great civilization and for the religious faiths they practice. We have no ambition in Iraq, except to remove a threat and restore control of that country to its own people. "I know that the families of our military are praying that all those who serve will return safely and soon.

"Millions of Americans are praying with you for the safety of your loved ones and for the protection of the innocent. "For your sacrifice, you have the gratitude and respect of the American people and you can know that our forces will be coming home as soon as their work is done. "Our nation enters this conflict reluctantly, yet our purpose is sure. The people of the United States and our friends and allies will not live at the mercy of an outlaw regime that threatens the peace with weapons of mass murder.

"We will meet that threat now with our Army, Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard and Marines, so that we do not have to meet it later with armies of firefighters and police and doctors on the streets of our cities. "Now that conflict has come, the only way to limit its duration is to apply decisive force. And I assure you, this will not be a campaign of half measures and we will accept no outcome but victory.

"My fellow citizens, the dangers to our country and the world will be overcome. We will pass through this time of peril and carry on the work of peace. We will defend our freedom. We will bring freedom to others. And we will prevail.

"May God bless our country and all who defend her."












你们的牺牲将换来美国人民的尊重,一旦任务完成,你们将尽快回家。 美国并不愿意这场冲突发生,然而我们的目标是明确的,美国人民、我们的盟友不会对一个非法的政权心慈手软,这个政权正使用大规模杀伤性武器威胁世界和平。





To the RAF
by Alfred Noyes
Never since English ships went out
To singe the beard of Spain
Or English sea-dogs hunted death
Along the Spanish Main
Never since Drake and Raleigh won
释义: 自从德雷克和罗利赢了以后就再也没赢过
Our freedom of the seas
Have sons of Britain dared and done
More valiantly than these
Whether at midnight or at noon,
Through mist or open sky,
Eagles of freedom, all our hearts
Are up with you on high;
While Britain's mighty ghosts look down
From realms beyond the sun
And whisper, as their record pales,
Their breathless, deep, Well Done


  Not a Hero

  by Clyde Hamilton

  The ANZAC day march was over - the old Digger had done his best.
  His body ached from marching - it was time to sit and rest.
  He made his way to a park bench and sat with lowered head.
  A young boy passing saw him - approached and politely said,
  "Please sir do you mind if I ask you what the medalsyou wear are for?
  Did you get them for being a hero, when fighting in awar?"

  Startled, the old Digger moved over and beckoned the boy to sit.
  Eagerly the lad accepted - he had not expected this!
  "First of all I was not a hero," said the old Digger in solemn tone,
  "But I served with many heroes, the once that never came home.
  So when you talk of heroes, it's important to understand,
  the greatest of all heroes gave their lives defending this land

  "The medals are worn in their honor, as a symbol of respect.
  All diggers wear them on ANZAC Day - it shows they don't forget."
  The old digger then climbed to his feet and asked the boy to stand.
  Carefully he removed the medals and placed them in his hand.
  He told him he could keep them - to treasure throughout his life,
  a legacy of a kind - left behind -paid for in sacrifice.

  Overwhelmed the young boy was speechless - he couldn't find words to say.
  It was there the old Digger left him - going quietly on hisway.
  In the distance the young boy glimpsed him - saw him turn and wave goodbye.
  Saddened he sat alone on the bench - tears welled in hiseyes.
  He never saw him ever - but still remembers with pride,
  when the old Digger told him of Heroes and a young boy sat and cried.
  (注:这是一篇来自澳大利亚诗人的诗歌,ANZAC Day,是纪念那些为保卫澳大利亚死去的士兵的节日, Digger:老战士)

  To the RAF (RAF: Reyal armed forces)

  by Alfred Noyes
  Never since English ships went out
  To singe the beard of Spain
  Or English sea-dogs hunted death
  Along the Spanish Main,
  Never since Drake and Raleigh won
  Our freedom of the seas,
  Have sons of Britain dared and done
  More valiantly than these.

  Whether at midnight or at noon,
  Through mist or open sky,
  Eagles of freedom, all our hearts
  Are up with you on high;
  While Britain's mighty ghosts look down
  From realms beyond the sun
  And whisper, as their record pales,
  Their breathless, deep, Well Done!

  第3 首

  The soldier
  by Rupert Brooke

  if I should die, think only this on me:
  That there's some corner of a foreign field
  that is forever England.there shall be
  in that rich earth a richer dust concealed;
  a dust whom England bore, shaped, made aware,
  gave, once, her flowers to love, her ways to roam;
  a body of England’s, breathing English air
  washed by the rivers, blest by suns of home,
  and think, this heart, all evil shed away,
  a pulse in the eternal mind, no less
  gives somewhere back the thoughts by England given;
  her sights and sounds; dreams happy as her day;
  and laughter, learnt of friends; and gentleness,
  in hearts at peace, under an English heaven.

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和硕县19196693693: 能给我提供一些关于战争的英文诗吗?谢谢大家了!
老嘉柴黄: Not a Hero by Clyde Hamilton The ANZAC day march was over - the old Digger had ... think only this on me: That there's some corner of a foreign field that is forever England...

和硕县19196693693: 求一篇短点的英文诗,关于战争的,带翻译 -
老嘉柴黄: My Family Soldiers'Night In the darkness of this lonely night Family is my amber light People left me behind Family always holding me beside Oh,God,omnipotent God, Bless me to come back this time To see my parents' gleeful smile Family give...

和硕县19196693693: 谁能写一篇短的关于战争的英文诗?会的来
老嘉柴黄:First,I tell you ,this poem is not my write,the writer is Alfred Noyes . To the RAF (RAF: Reyal armed forces) Never since English ships went out To singe the beard of Spain Or English sea-dogs hunted death Along the Spanish Main, Never since ...

和硕县19196693693: 关于西方战争的诗文
老嘉柴黄:The Assyrian came down like the wolf on the fold, And his cohorts were gleaming in purple and gold; And the sheen of their spears was like stars on the sea, When the blue wave rolls nightly on deep Galilee. Like the leaves of the forest when ...

和硕县19196693693: 关于战争的诗歌 -
老嘉柴黄: 1、《一场战争》没有硝烟的一场战争谁先爱了谁便败了风拍落了一个梦跌在地上两个人黯然伤神一个在沙漠一个在沼泽2、《和平》是什么让英雄的血迹染红了我们的历史是什么让仇恨的硝烟微笑地离开大地我们可以拒绝一种...

和硕县19196693693: 求拜伦一些和战斗或是革命有关的话(中英文都有的)
老嘉柴黄: 耶弗他之女① 拜伦 父亲呵,祖国和上帝 既然要女儿去死, 许愿能换来胜利-- 那就刺穿这袒露的胸膛,让我就义. 我的悲哀已平息, 山恋无法将我觅, 是你亲手送我去, 这是毫无痛苦的分离. 父亲啊,请相信我, 孩儿周身的血液纯净无比, ...

和硕县19196693693: 有没有一些关于爱国的英语诗歌,要短一点的
老嘉柴黄: Athletes in the sense approach Haila situation Shing Athena, Reunion pentacyclic shiny red cheeks. 100 athletes RUF hand dance, I am pure red flag of China.

和硕县19196693693: 用英语自由诗写一篇关于没有战争题材的诗12到15行左右做好用到一些英语的修辞手法! -
老嘉柴黄:[答案] 说个道理:战争中诞生了很多的诗,比在和平时期的好得多!不能用有没有战争做要求的.

和硕县19196693693: 谁能给我提供几首战争诗歌
老嘉柴黄: 上个网友的第五篇就是一首,《...人要不要战争》相信应该符合你的要求,这是一首很著名的战争体裁的现代诗,而且够悲壮,也很有激情

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