
作者&投稿:梁芬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

面对设计师的其中一个重要挑战是调整式样翻新stiffnesses。而更软的soffter,更加灵活的元素简单地乘坐,地震装载将寻找,潜在地超载他们的最僵硬的道路或道路。因而设计师要四主要支持点有相等的僵硬相对甲板的变形样式。理想地,二扶垛和二个塔将分享地震装载更多或较少equally.by adutment,并且valls的厚度和安排在塔,一个调整的系统被开发了。设计师与广泛的计算机一起使用了一种trial-and-error方法塑造磨刀最后的设计。
特殊一精美操作通过每个塔的坚实基地介入了16大栓物体的用具船锚的设施。每船锚有是0.6 in.的27条子线(15.2毫米)直径并且有容量1,190张幼兽皮(5,293 kN)。存在unrenforced塔基础很好是插座入岩石倾斜峡谷屏障。每船锚要求一个10 in. (254毫米)直径孔被挖出果核30到50 ft (9到15 m)通过基础然后操练了一另外的35 ft (11 m)入岩石。增加到操作的困难是需要打击栓物体的用具在变化从1:10的倾斜到1:5。这加长了力矩臂在塔基础的基地,增加栓物体的用具能力抵抗大地震翻转片刻。

桥的 orginal 邻接被修正二-专栏弯曲以岩石 masonry 保有墙壁握住车道填充的背面。当在 bridge.Consequently 的 sevicelife 期间允许自由的热运动的时候 , 式样翻新需要了邻接以会在地震的事件期间非常强壮的和强烈, 深的漂浮平板 4 到 6 ft(1 到 2 m) 为主要的甲板 prestrssing 由于甲板和服务被做连续如 anchrage 区段。每平板漂流物在顶上一键入堆起 cap.with 六 72 在。(1,829 毫米) dianmeter CIDH 堆扩充 35 ft(11 m) 进地面之内。地震的负荷在甲板元素和基础堆之间被很重地加强的修剪锁对堆无边帽的漂浮平板的钥匙转移。 0.5 到 1.25个的小缝隙在。 (12.7 到 31.75 毫米) 在主要系统中不强迫在桥上的额外压迫力而允许对热的载入在 reponse 的横和纵观的运动。加强人造橡胶的填补扩大了在固定的和漂浮的元素 faxilitate 之间的 polyrene 这些小的运动。
对抵抗他们是必需的地震负荷的大小和坚硬在堆的大小方面被反映。 因为那大的修理-结束片刻形成堆,堆无边帽在两者的水平方向中被预力。
漂浮的平板钥匙系统也解决了另外的一个设计议题面对工程师。桥的弄短在 posttensioning 期间必须在邻接被适应。单一独石的邻接区段的使用会压迫堆团体使会在预力力量的好部分上面吸偏斜并且。上下两件的漂浮平板和堆无边帽系统,藉由钥匙不投,允许了甲板在 posttensioning 操作期间自由地缩短。钥匙然后被完成,锁定提高地震的负荷路径。

Hehe, hope you like my translation.

I am a homeless puppy.
I haven’t got any food for days. I am so hungry( starving to death.)

Who could be kind enough to give me some food? Who could that be???
Oh ,there comes a pretty little girl. Will she help me?
Little girl, could you give me some food? I am starving. 555555
Oh, little doggy, my poor thing, I am no better than you are. I was scolded by my mom for getting bad grades in my test. How I wish I could be just like you,,care-free, How I wish I could go wherever I want to go., no more worries about tests, no more worries about getting low grades.
little sister, oh how I wish I could have a sweet home like yours, with mom and dad feeding you nice meals. Actually your mom and dad do love you so much. They hope you could have more knowledge to be somebody in the future.
little doggy, can I take you home? You could hardly move at all. There are lots of good food in my house. Do you want to be my buddy? We will be happy together.
June First Children’s holliday is approaching. We all wish that our moms and dads could give back our real holiday. Wish we could grow up care-free, chatting and laughing. Wish we could have a happy, and a healthy childhood !

I am a little stray doggie..I haven’t got any food for several days. I am so hungry. Who can help me ? Who can give me some food ?
Oh, there comes a pretty little girl.Will she help me ?
“ Oh, sister ,can you help me? I am so hungry.”
“ Oh, little doggie, my poor fellow.I am no better than you. My mummy scolded me just now , because I failed in the test. How I wish I could be just like you, care-free, How I wish I could go anywhere I want to go , no more worries about tests .no more worries about the marks .”
“ Little sister, Oh, how I wish I could have a sweet family likes yours, with mummy and daddy feeding you nice meals. Actually, your mummy and daddy love you very much. They hope you can learn more knowledge.”
“ Little doggie, let me take you home . Look , you are too hungry to walk .There are lots of delicious food in my house..Do you want to be my buddy? We will be happy.”
Children’s Day is coming .We hope our daddies and mummies can return the holiday to us .Let’s grow healthily and freely. Do you agree with us ?

I was a wandered about for a long time for a long time of puppy dog.Did not have a meal several days, the belly is very hungry and very hungry.Who can have mercy on me, eat for some thing?
诶 , Have a beautiful young lady elder sister to come over there, will she help me?
" Elder sister, beg you order thing for me eat good?My belly is very hungry.Blare 》 "
" The puppy dog, you how so pitiful?I am also similar to you.Just now return to be scolded by mother at one feed.Examine yesterday did not test good.I imagine you more similar, footloose, want to go to where go to where, much good, need not worry about examination, need not receive scolding for the score."
" Elder sister, I like to envy you have one house that is warm, having mother father to eat for your rice.In fact mother father is to love you, hoping that you learn knowledge more, useful to your future."
" The puppy dog, I take you go home, see you all hungry have to can not walk anymore.Our house contain a lot of lot of delicious things!BE the friend with me, we will have lots of fun of!"
61 Children's Days to, hope we of mother fathers can return the festival to us, make us healthy to grow up at liberty, let us freely healthy growth for our childhood filled with laughter!

I am a little puppy, who wandered for ages.I haven't had a meal for a couple of days. I am starved. Who knows I am a wretch and wants to give me something to eat?
Oh,A little elder sister is coming there, Can she give ma a hand?
"Sister, would you please be bothered to give me something to eat ? I am very starved,coo, coo,coo."
"Small puppy, how could you be so merciful? I am as unlucky as you,too. I was cursed by my mother just now because I failed the exam yesterday."I want to be as free as you very much,thus I can go wherever I want to go. How luck it is! If so,I am not annoyed for exams and not cursed for scores."
"Sister,I admire you very much because you have a nice family, among whom Dad and mum can cook dinner for you. In fact dad and mum do love you.They hope you learn a lot of knowedge, which is useful for your future."
"Small puppy, Let me take you home, look, you are too hungry to walk.There are lots of delicious things to eat at my home.Let's be friends! We will have a good time!"
Children's Day will be coming,we hope our dads and mums can return the holiday to us.Let us grow healthily and freely,make our childhood full of joys and laughters!

I was a stray dog for a long time a small. Not eat for several days, stomach Haoehaoe Oh. I pity the poor who have to point to eat? Eh, there is a pretty small sister back, she was going to help me? "sister, I seek to point to the things you eat? Haoe Oh my stomach. Wuwuwu "" "Small dogs, so how poor you!? I and you. If the mother has just been treated to. Yesterday examinations did not test well. I imagine you more freely, go where teams where, how wonderful, no trouble for the examination, not to score and kicks. " "sister, I envy you a good warm home, parents give you money. In fact, parents are love you and hope that you learn more knowledge, you will be useful. " "Small dog, I take you home? See if you have a late class. We have a lot of family and I like to make friends! Delicious things you will be playing very happy! " 61 Children's Day to come and hope that our parents we have to be festive, let us freely healthy growth for our childhood filled with laughter!

Ask sb for help 。词汇搭配:1、ask an advice :征求意见。2、ask an excuse: 请求原谅。3、ask an name: 问姓名。4、ask a price :要价。5、ask a question :提问 。ask的词义辨析:ask,demand,inquire,question这些动词均含有“问,询问”之意。区别:1、ask最普通用词,可与demand...

寻求帮助的英文:"seek help"或"ask for help"。1. 为什么寻求帮助是重要的:知识不尽相同: 每个人的知识和经验都是有限的。在某些领域,我们可能并不了解所有的信息,所以需要向懂行的人请教。集思广益: 多个头脑比一个头脑更聪明。通过向他人请教,我们可以从不同的角度看问题,获得更多的解决方...


请求帮助英文是Request help,英[rɪˈkwest help]美[rɪˈkwest help]。双语例句:1.她8月初和我联系请求帮助时,我和沙伦便立即行动起来了。When she contacted me at the beginning of August to enlist support, Sharon and I sprang into action.2.想打电话给C请求帮助...

Help。帮助的英文表达为“Help”。这个词在日常交流中非常常见,其含义广泛,包括提供援助、协助、支持等。Help是一个动词,基本含义是帮助某人做某事。它也可以转化为名词形式,表示帮助的行为或事物。此外,help还可以与其他词汇组合,形成不同的短语和表达方式,如“help sb out”、“help sb with sth...

“帮助”的英文单词是“assist”。读音:英式读音:[əˈsɪst]美式读音:[əˈsɪst]释义:assist是一个动词,表示帮助、协助或支持某人完成某个任务或达到某个目标。用法:- Can you assist me with carrying these boxes?(你能帮我搬运这些盒子吗?)- The ...

“Help me, please. I'm struggling to understand this complex concept.”总之,“Help me, please.”是一句非常实用且多功能的英语表达。它简单易记,适用于各种场合,能够帮助我们有效地与他人沟通,解决问题。无论是在学习、工作还是生活中,掌握这句话都是非常有益的。

ask for help

帮助的英文说是help。 一、发音 英:[\/hɛlp\/];美:[\/hɛlp\/] 二、中文翻译 v. 帮助,援助;有助于;阻止,避免;改善 n. 帮助;帮手,助手;有益的事物 三、形式 现在分词:helping 过去式:helped 过去分词:helped 四、短语搭配 1. help out 帮忙 2. can't help but 不得不 3. help oneself to 随...

“姐姐,求求你给我点东西吃好吗?我肚子好饿哦。呜呜呜》”Little girl, could you give me some food? I am starving. 555555 “小狗狗,你怎么这么可怜啊?我也和你一样。刚才还被妈妈骂了一顿呢。昨天考试没考好。我多 Oh, little doggy, my poor thing, I am no better than you ...

通河县13152499157: “请求帮助”英文是: ?
令尚铝镁: ask for help for

通河县13152499157: 打电话请求帮助用英语怎么说 -
令尚铝镁: 打电话请求帮助翻译成英文就是Call for help,比较简单,请采纳~祝您好运

通河县13152499157: 英语翻译.....请求帮助 -
令尚铝镁: 1.I'm very happy to hear from you. 2.I'm so sorry to hear that news. 3.It's dangerous for children to play football on the street. 4.Tony found it difficult to use chopsticks. 5.They have already decided where to go. 6.He was too excited to fall asleep last night.

通河县13152499157: 英文翻译我们必须向我们的老师请求帮助 -
令尚铝镁:[答案] 你好: 我们必须向我们的老师请求帮助. 【翻译】:We must ask our teachers for help . ask sb for help 意思是“向某人寻求帮助” 不清楚的请追问!合作愉快! 希望对你有帮助!满意请采纳!

通河县13152499157: 请求老师帮助的英文短语 -
令尚铝镁:[答案] 翻译:turn to the teacher,望采纳~~

通河县13152499157: 请帮我翻译一句话.英文 -
令尚铝镁: I have sent out the bag you ordered, but there is something wrong with your payment.Ask for you help!“---有问题”的固定搭配是there is something wrong with ---;“请求你的帮助”也有一种常用说法:Ask for you help!翻译无需复杂、繁琐,力求精准、到位.

通河县13152499157: 请求帮助英语翻译 -
令尚铝镁: 1.We are putting the shoes into the box. 改疑问句什么意思? 2.How is the weather today?It is very hot in Fuzhou. 3.给的词好像打错了 4.She didn't put on a hat just now. 5.My sister rarely flies to New York.

通河县13152499157: 至少和请求帮助的英文初一 -
令尚铝镁: 至少和请求帮助的英文初一 至少:at least 请求帮助:ask for help

通河县13152499157: “我们应该一直向他请求帮助”用英文怎么说?We - __ - ____ - him____help___ - ____ - _____. -
令尚铝镁:[答案] We should ask him for help all the time.

通河县13152499157: “马上打电话给警察,说在这里遇到了抢劫,需要请求帮助“用英语怎么说? -
令尚铝镁:[答案] Call the police immediately.Tell them you've been robbed.You need help.

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