
作者&投稿:达奚廖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
请帮忙翻译一下 谢谢!~

The living Treasures Program originated in Santa Fe, New Mexico in the USA in 1984 and has now spread to dozens of other communities across the country.
It started when a Santa Fe organization called the Network for the Common Good was established. The idea was to celebrate the lives of members of the older generation. ―Older people are easily forgotten or ignored in a country like the USA,‖ said Robin Rodar, one of the organizers. ―Youth and new things seem more important to a lot of people.‖
在圣达菲市一个名为公益网络的组织成立后,这个计划也随之产生。该计划的主旨在于赞美社会中的老年人。计划组织者之一Robin Rodar这样说道:“在像美国这样的国家里,老年人很容易会被社会遗忘或者忽视,对于很大一部分人来说,年轻人和新鲜事物显得更加重要”
This isn‘t the way with other cultures. In New Mexico, older people from Hispanic and native American cultures preserve their traditions and languages. The extended family is important and grandparents are respected. This is also true in Asian cultures. In fact, the Santa Fe organizers got the idea for the Living Treasures Program from a Japanese tradition of honouring folk artists.
Twice a year, in spring and autumn, the program
honours three older New Mexicans. They are asked to give a long interview – an oral history – which is taped and preserved at the Santa Fe Public Library. A photographer spends a day with each living treasure and the photographs are also displayed at the library.
Then there is a ceremony to which the whole town is invited. Everyone meets at the Museum of International Folk Art. Friends and neighbors of the living treasures give a speech. ―It‘s just amazing,‖ said Robin Rodar‘s husband, Sam. ―The ceremony holds the community together.‖
The living treasures are honoured for their achievements in many different areas of life. It might be in their working life: medicine, education, the environment, architecture, literature and journalism; and it might be because of their contribution to the cultural and social life of the area: art, music, theatre, farming, sport etc.; or it might be because they have such good stories to tell about ―the old days‖
接着还会有个向全市开放的庆祝会。人们在国际民间艺术博物馆内聚会,“活宝库”的朋友和邻居们也会在这里进行演讲。“这真是棒极了”Robin Rodar的丈夫Sam说道“这个庆祝会把全市的人都聚到一起了”。“活宝库”将因他们在生活中许多不同的领域中获得的成就而得到嘉奖,这些成就可能来源于他们的工作:如医药、教育、环境、建筑、文学和新闻等方面,也可能源自他们对本地区文化与社区生活的贡献:如艺术、音乐、戏剧、农耕以及体育等方面,又或者是因为他们能给我们讲个好故事:想当年……”

The living Treasures Program originated in Santa Fe, New Mexico in the USA in 1984 and has now spread to dozens of other communities across the country.
It started when a Santa Fe organization called the Network for the Common Good was established. The idea was to celebrate the lives of members of the older generation. ―Older people are easily forgotten or ignored in a country like the USA,‖ said Robin Rodar, one of the organizers. ―Youth and new things seem more important to a lot of people.‖
在圣达菲市一个名为公益网络的组织成立后,这个计划也随之产生。该计划的主旨在于赞美社会中的老年人。计划组织者之一Robin Rodar这样说道:“在像美国这样的国家里,老年人很容易会被社会遗忘或者忽视,对于很大一部分人来说,年轻人和新鲜事物显得更加重要”
This isn‘t the way with other cultures. In New Mexico, older people from Hispanic and native American cultures preserve their traditions and languages. The extended family is important and grandparents are respected. This is also true in Asian cultures. In fact, the Santa Fe organizers got the idea for the Living Treasures Program from a Japanese tradition of honouring folk artists.
Twice a year, in spring and autumn, the program
honours three older New Mexicans. They are asked to give a long interview – an oral history – which is taped and preserved at the Santa Fe Public Library. A photographer spends a day with each living treasure and the photographs are also displayed at the library.
Then there is a ceremony to which the whole town is invited. Everyone meets at the Museum of International Folk Art. Friends and neighbors of the living treasures give a speech. ―It‘s just amazing,‖ said Robin Rodar‘s husband, Sam. ―The ceremony holds the community together.‖
The living treasures are honoured for their achievements in many different areas of life. It might be in their working life: medicine, education, the environment, architecture, literature and journalism; and it might be because of their contribution to the cultural and social life of the area: art, music, theatre, farming, sport etc.; or it might be because they have such good stories to tell about ―the old days‖
接着还会有个向全市开放的庆祝会。人们在国际民间艺术博物馆内聚会,“活宝库”的朋友和邻居们也会在这里进行演讲。“这真是棒极了”Robin Rodar的丈夫Sam说道“这个庆祝会把全市的人都聚到一起了”。“活宝库”将因他们在生活中许多不同的领域中获得的成就而得到嘉奖,这些成就可能来源于他们的工作:如医药、教育、环境、建筑、文学和新闻等方面,也可能源自他们对本地区文化与社区生活的贡献:如艺术、音乐、戏剧、农耕以及体育等方面,又或者是因为他们能给我们讲个好故事:想当年……”

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The reason that I like 《 the chaotic beauty 》 of is because I like the beauty of 斯 brave strong, like the 瑞 especially of tactful is resolute, like the outside of the 玫兰妮 soft inside just.The beauty of 斯 is a person for having the character very much, loving two men in her whole life, but she didn't an is an understanding of.If she understands the rare gift of 阿 , that she will not love him;If she understands the 瑞 especially, that she will not lose him.She always is to be ungrateful to the 瑞 especially of, she is just not to stop the rare gift of prince- 阿 who make track for oneself's in a dream.She is just to think the characteristics that loves by herself that the rare gift of 阿 have, she just does a gorgeous clothes, letting rare gift of 阿 put on, being in love with him and then.But fact is, she love just that clothes.For all that, for her, I still have to admire of.I admire her strong, admire her to the persist of land, admire her ability under the education that that in environment under let go of before be subjected to the farmland stem live, admiring the speech that she can neglect the society but founding own business.Her life contain a few souls, an is her mother.His mother is a madam with expensive very able and gentle and soft typical model, is the person who she respect and admire most .But, mother typhoid for saving the person but ising infect, die.Another, is her more than ten in the last years favourite of person- 阿 rare gift.Her ability stands up in the adverse circumstances, have very greatly a part of reason is a rare gift of 阿 .She the rare to阿 gift persists unusually.Still have a, is the 玫兰妮 .More than ten years that struggle together in, the 玫兰妮 has already become her life in the indispensability of a part.

The reason that I like 《 the chaotic beauty 》 of is because I like the beauty of SIGALY brave strong, like the RUITE especially of tactful is resolute, like the outside of the MELANI soft inside just.The beauty of SIGALY is a person for having the character very much, loving two men in her whole life, but she didn't an is an understanding of.If she understands the rare gift of ASILY , that she will not love him;If she understands the RUITE especially, that she will not lose him.She always is to be ungrateful to the RUITE especially of, she is just not to stop the rare gift of prince- ASILY who make track for oneself's in a dream.She is just to think the characteristics that loves by herself that the rare gift of ASILY have, she just does a gorgeous clothes, letting rare gift of ASILY put on, being in love with him and then.But fact is, she love just that clothes.For all that, for her, I still have to admire of.I admire her strong, admire her to the persist of land, admire her ability under the education that that in environment under let go of before be subjected to the farmland stem live, admiring the speech that she can neglect the society but founding own business.Her life contain a few souls, an is her mother.His mother is a madam with expensive very able and gentle and soft typical model, is the person who she respect and admire most .But, mother typhoid for saving the person but ising infect, die.Another, is her more than ten in the last years favourite of person- ASILY rare gift.Her ability stands up in the adverse circumstances, have very greatly a part of reason is a rare gift of ASILY .She the rare to ASILY gift persists unusually.Still have a, is the MELANI.More than ten years that struggle together in, the MELANI has already become her life in the indispensability of a part.

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常见的有二种。Helps me to translate ,please.Could you please translate it for me?

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car burns too much gas, moreover the price almost is twice of the one I want to pay.5、要了解一起重大的国际事件,我们首先需要考虑其历史与政治背景。(background)In order to learn a intermational enent, we should consider its history and politics background.参考资料:自译 ...

1,是unit price,单价 2,数量 3,备件号 4,总量 5,货期

Someone to love me right 有人爱着我 That would be very nice 那样的感觉真好 Someone to understand 有人能理解我 Each little dream in me 每一个属于我的小小梦想 Someone to take my hand 有人牵起我的手 And be a team with me 并且与我同行 So nice, life would ...

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机场就是其中之一(为个前面应该有上句的),比如说坦帕(美国一城市)机场等等。8:too much goverment power though?政府太专权了?9:i work at fidelity financial in a surrogate company known as cat man do, inc. im a underwriter (basicly an analyst) who updates and prioritizes both...

芙蓉区15750143240: 请帮忙翻译一下 -
段干霍复方: If you have permit and bl of last shipment, pls email to me.pls check attached packing list for detail. thank you

芙蓉区15750143240: 请帮忙用英语翻译一下
段干霍复方: 1,be not good at 2,allay a fever 3,她正在和一位顾客谈话. 4,我认为这个地区太脏了而且很吵.房子离地铁也太远.(你这个句子有语病,是不是打错了.暂且这么翻吧.)

芙蓉区15750143240: 请帮忙翻译一下.. -
段干霍复方: 请注意,你没有被我们节目录用(或是没有被项目招用,等等,视具体情况而定).from bmouth

芙蓉区15750143240: 请帮忙翻译一下英语 -
段干霍复方: Let's walk.on and on... 让我们继续走下去...or让我们一直走下去...Earlg Summer 初夏

芙蓉区15750143240: 请帮忙翻译一下......... -
段干霍复方: I do agree with your company on October 9 of the titles are very helplessness, as a long-term thermal hasty in your company's loyal players the game I am very angry, there is no reason Fengting account on my invested time and money and feelings ...

芙蓉区15750143240: 请帮忙翻译一下、用英语.谢谢了
段干霍复方: 仅供参考. 1.You will find it is not so difficult to get good performance(grade) if you are careful enough. 2.This cinema is with most confort seats(chairs). 3.China is larger than any other country in Asia. 4. Mother is quite satisfied with my performance...

芙蓉区15750143240: 请帮忙翻译一下~
段干霍复方: please ask him to give me the invoice as soon as possible. due to/ for / because of some financial reasons. 这样就可以

芙蓉区15750143240: 请帮忙翻译一下这句话什么意思, -
段干霍复方: 通用卫生湿巾Universal Health WET TISSUE通用消毒湿巾General disinfection WET TISSUE

芙蓉区15750143240: 请帮忙翻译一下谢谢~急!!! -
段干霍复方: 作者好像是信教的吧.“父上”应该指的是“Holy Father”,也就是上帝吧. 我日语一般般,有的地方不是很确定,但大致意思是: “刚才下学了.但只是从天上散落的飘下来少许的雪.今年的...

芙蓉区15750143240: 请帮忙翻译一下
段干霍复方: 个人觉得这五个分类太细了.通常前台接待处Reception desk(Front desk)就会把这五类的服务都包括进去. 如果要细分的话,那么下面的翻译作为参考: 收银服务:Cashier's desk 代办服务:Representation desk 订票服务:Reservation desk 寄存服务:Deposition desk 问讯服务:Information desk

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