
作者&投稿:茹炊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

义和团运动的领导阶级是农民阶级,基本群众是农民和小手工业者,提不出切合实际的革命纲领。最初,他们是以“反清复明”为宗旨,屡遭清政府的镇压。在严重的民族危机面前,义和团把斗争的矛头直指帝国主义,提出了“扶清灭洋”的口号。由于农民阶级的局限性,没有先进阶级的领导,以慈禧太后为首的清政府,为了躲开义和团运动打击锋芒,被迫采取假宣战,真投降的欺骗手法,对外投降帝国主义,对内镇压义和团运动,使义和团处于内外夹攻的境地。 在国内外敌人的夹击下遭到了失败。客观原因:中外反动势力的联合绞杀(即主要原因)主观原因:“扶清灭洋”中的“扶清”使义和团丧失了应有的警惕,盲目的排外

中国在1894年的甲午战争中被日本打败,被迫在1895年签署《马关条约》,标志着以“自强”、“求富”为口号的洋务运动失败,再次引起欧洲列强瓜分中国的野心。1896年,有意瓜分中国的欧洲强国,对清政府提出无理要求,并要求准许修建铁路和采矿。1897年11月,山东发生“曹州教案”,两名德国传教士能方济(Franz Niez)及理加略(Richard Heule)被冲入教堂的村民打死(起因不明)。德国立即作出了反应,乘机出兵占据了胶州湾和胶澳(今青岛)。德皇更对其舰队训言,谓:“如中国阻挠我事,以老拳挥之”。接下来的一个月,俄军进驻了辽阳南方的旅顺,英国和法国分别派兵占领威海和广州湾(今广东湛江)。
神助拳 义和团 只因鬼子闹中原
劝奉教 自信天 不信神 忘祖仙
男无伦 女行奸 鬼孩俱是子母产
如不信 仔细观 鬼子眼珠俱发蓝
天无雨 地焦旱 全是教堂止住天
神发怒 仙发怒 一同下山把道传
非是邪 非白莲 念咒语 法真言
升黄表 敬香烟 请下各洞诸神仙
仙出洞 神下山 附着人体把拳传
兵法艺 都学全 要平鬼子不费难
拆铁道 拔线杆 紧急毁坏大轮船
大法国 心胆寒 英美德俄尽消然
洋鬼子 尽除完 大清一统靖江山
弟子同心苦用功 遍地草木化成兵
愚蒙之体仙人艺 定灭洋人一扫平


从1860至1899年间,共有三次的反教高潮:光绪十年(1884)有48宗,光绪廿一年(1895)有60宗,光绪廿四年(1898)有77宗。主要是受当时的中法战争、中日甲午战争、列强瓜分等事件的影响[3] 。

1897年,山东冠县梨园屯村民与教堂因历史上的土地纠纷引起冲突。威县梅花拳师赵三多应村民阎书勤等的邀请,前往援助。后赵三多将梅花拳改名为义和拳。1898年6月,山东巡抚张汝梅上奏朝廷,认为义和拳本属乡团,建议“改拳勇为民团”。并明确说义和拳就是“义和团”,在清朝官员中首次提出了“义和团”的概念。同年10月赵三多等人在冠县蒋家庄竖起“扶清灭洋”的旗帜“起义”,遭清军镇压而失败。次年(1899年),山东平原县知县蒋楷镇压义和团,当地义和拳首领李长水请求荏平、高唐等地的义和拳首领朱红灯支援,朱红灯在杠子李庄整齐队伍正式竖起了“天下义和拳兴清灭洋”旗帜。10月11日,蒋楷率领勇役数十人前来镇压,被义和拳打败。这次事件后来被称为“平原起义”。后来清廷加派袁世敦等人前来镇压,在森罗殿战斗中击败义和拳。其后清军游击马金叙活捉义和拳首领朱红灯、心诚和尚等人。当时的山东巡抚是毓贤,他仇视外国侵略者,对民众反洋教斗争比较同情。他罢免了蒋楷、袁世敦等,对义和拳采取剿抚兼施,以抚为主的措施,有说法指出正是毓贤改拳为团,还向朝廷上奏将民教矛盾的责任归结于教会一方。其态度遭到外国敌视,在列强交涉下毓贤被革去职务。但毓贤对义和拳也进行了镇压,在其离职前下令将朱红灯、心诚和尚、于清水等义和团首领杀害。1899年12月,袁世凯代替毓贤署理山东巡抚[4] 。
1900年5月28日,英国全权公使窦纳乐(Claude Maxwell MacDonald 有感使馆区有危险,要求泊在大沽附近的17艘外国战船增援。337名外国水手及陆战队员在1900年5月31日登岸,乘火车于当晚抵京,防卫使馆区另外89名德国及奥国陆战队员在1900年6月3日抵京。
1900年6月11日,日本驻华使馆书记杉山彬被刚调入京的清兵甘军所杀 ,被开腹剖心。驻天津的各国领使组织二千人的联军,由英国的海军司令西摩尔(Edward Seymour)带领,乘火车增援北京十一国公使馆。因为铁路被拳民破坏,西摩尔受阻于天津城外的杨村、廊坊一带,与清兵及义和团展开战斗不利,退回城中,致使第一次试图解除清兵和义和拳民对公使馆的围困失败。该战事被清政府及义和团认为是一次抗击外敌的重大胜利,并被命名为“廊坊大捷”。
1900年6月16日,前门一带约千家(一说四千家)商铺因老德记西药房大火而被烧成废墟,正阳门楼、北京24家铸银厂也遭烧毁。拳民同时四处破坏教堂攻击教民,庄王府前大院被当成集体大屠杀的刑场。除了屠杀教民外,义和团更滥杀无辜,诬指许多市民(包括许多妇女小童)为白莲教而烧死戮死,如据当时目击者记载:“乡民适趋市集,七十余人悉絷以来;伪饰优伶冠服儿童戏物,指为白莲教;下刑部一夕,未讯供,骈斩西市。有妇人宁家,亦陷其中,杂诛之,儿犹在抱也”;也有被公报私仇而杀者,如扶持义和团的庄亲王载勋、端郡王载漪的好友副都统神机营翼长庆恒一家大小十三口因被寻仇于七月初被全部杀害。而义和团民的不同派别也互相武斗残杀。义和团、京师禁军和甘军也肆意奸杀妇女,不计其数。除了屠杀奸淫外,义和团及清军也掳掠洗劫商户平民,并将赃物公开拍卖。当时的权贵之家也不能幸免,如吏部尚书孙家鼐、大学士徐桐的家都被抢掠,徐桐(时年八十)更被义和团民拖出批斗。 是日慈禧召开御前会议后,一度发出勒令解散拳民的上谕。
1900年6月20日,德国驻华公使克林德(Klemens Freiherr von Ketteler)代表各国前去总理衙门要求保护,途中被清兵伏击(由于克林德曾经枪杀义和团众,此次行为被认为是报复);酿成战争的导火线。
清廷向各国宣战的同时,也悬赏捕杀洋人,规定“杀一洋人赏五十两;洋妇四十两;洋孩三十两”。义和团及朝廷军队围攻各国在北京的使馆。使馆区内被围人数约3,000人,当中约2000 为寻求保护之华人;400人为外国男性平民,147名妇女及76名小童。另有士兵、水兵及陆战队共409人,武装有3挺机枪及四门小口径火炮。各国在准备以武力解救使馆的同时,各使馆筑起防御工事,由英国公使窦纳乐负责指挥抵抗。
1900年6月25日,清廷当权派载漪、载勋、载濂、载滢四兄弟率义和团六十多人直奔瀛台欲弑光绪,被慈禧太后阻止而未果[6] 。


事件最终演变为国际军事冲突,在事件平息之前,约有45,000名来自日本、美国、奥匈帝国、英国(英军中包括英在威海卫训练的由中国人组成的中国兵团)、法国、德国、意大利及俄国的八国联军以及反抗拳乱的中国军队与义和团拳民对战。1900年7月至8月进军北京的联军指挥官是俄国人General Linevitch 。
在德皇威廉二世的坚持下,瓦德西(Count Waldersee)于8月7日被任为联军总司令。然而瓦德西及德军在联军攻进北京后两个月才到达中国。他们因为热切执行威廉二世1900年7月2日发布的命令:“你们知道,你们面对一个狡猾的、勇敢的、武备良好的和残忍的敌人。假如你们遇到他,记住:不要同情他,不要接收战俘。你们要勇敢地作战,让中国人在一千年后还不敢窥视德国人。”四处掳掠,而备受批评。威廉二世的这段讲话是对5世纪匈奴入侵欧洲的回忆。后来这段话也在第一次世界大战中被英国人借用来贬损他们的德国敌人。
俄国除了与随联军进攻北京外,更另外从南北两路派二十余万人进占中国东北。北路俄军8月攻占黑龙江省城齐齐哈尔,至9月占领吉林省城吉林;南路8月占据营口,10月占领沈阳,不久之后两军会师,占据了东北全境[7] 。  

根据美国作家马克·吐温撰文的揭露,仅在河北任丘县一处,美国基督传教士梅子明(William Ament)以‘用人头抵人头’为口号就杀害了中国无辜农民680人。

Righteousness and regiment exercise
Righteousness and regiment exercise in 19 centuries, is an end is launch by the righteousness and the regiment, main occurrence at north China region, each Chinese social stratum extensively participates of patriotic sport.Because Manchu Court and foreign country invade the consociation of soldier to wring to kill, righteousness and regiment finally fail.The affairs resulted in this time very great influence.The Chinese historiography house is again called"the G son country change" or"eight country allied troops' services"ses to this affairs and also someone devaluate to be called "the boxing be disorderly".Some western nations also use the name(Boxer Rebellion) of "the boxing be disorderly".
Originate Shandong
Because Germany invades behavior in Shandong, make people in Shandong outward the country invade extremely bad impression.As early as 1897 took place huge wild teaching plan and Shandong cruised to fondle Li3 Bing3 Heng2 to be devaluated a job therefore.After this, the people of Shandong's teaching an antinomy has already increase and reduces.In 1897, hat county theater Tun village people in Shandong and church cause conflict because of the historical land dispute.The Wei county plum flower boxer Zhao4 San much frequently waits in response to the village people Yan book of invitation, go to help.Empress Zhao4 San changes name to plum flower boxing more righteousness and boxing.In June, 1898, Shandong cruises to fondle Zhang Ru3 Mei2 to up move imperial government, think righteousness and boxing originally belong country regiment, the suggestion"change a boxing courageously is people's regiment".Combine to definitely say righteousness and boxing are "righteousness and regiment" and put forward the concept of "righteousness and regiment" for the very first time in the officials in Manchu Dynasty.October Zhao4 San much waits for someone at hat county Jiang3 Jia Zhuang to stick out the flag of "hand pure put out ocean" to"start revolution" at the same year and encounter pure soldier suppression but fail.Next year namely in 1899, plain county in Shandong knows a county Jiang3 Kai3 cracks down on righteousness and regiment, local righteousness and boxing leader Li3 Chang2 Shui3 claim Ren even, righteousness and boxing leader of Gao Tang2 Deng3's ground the scarlet light support and the scarlet light formally stuck out "world righteousness and boxing interest pure put out ocean" flag in the Gang tidy troops of sub- Li3 Zhuang.On October 11, Jiang3 Kai3 leads courageously service several people to come suppression, is vanquish by righteousness and boxing.The affairs is afterwards called "the plain start revolution" this time.Afterwards the Manchu Court adds the parties Yuan a life time Dun to wait for someone to come suppression and defeat righteousness and boxing in the Sen the palace the combat.The afterward pure soldier swims shot Ma3 Jin Xu4 to capture alive righteousness and the boxing leader scarlet light, heart truly a monk to wait for someone.The then Shandong's cruising to fondle is that the Yu is wise, he is hostile to a foreign country to invade and teach conflict to the people anti- ocean more sympathetic toward.He recalled Jiang3 Kai3, Yuan a life time Dun...etc. and fondle the righteousness and the boxing Jiao and, take fondle as a lord, there is parlance point out ising exactly that the Yu is wise to change the boxing as regiment.Still move to teach the self-contradict responsibility the people to return knot at the church toward the imperial government one square.Its attitude is regard with hostility by foreign country and negotiate in the great powers Yu's being wise be remove from the office by the Ge to work.But he also carried on suppression to the righteousness and the boxing, issue order before it leave office scarlet light, heart truly monk, kill at clear water's etc..In December, 1899, the Yuan a life time Kai office reason Shandong cruises to fondle.
Extend of war
On June 10, great powers regardless of pure government of obstruct, send the west Mo Er rate a soldier to enter hair toward Peking from Tienjin, there is theory taking this as eight country allied troops to invade the marking of Hua.But many because of along the road railroad have already been destroy by righteousness and regiment, the continuously take the offensive of the righteousness and regiment and sweet soldier add again, the west Mo Er sinks into a predicament at Yang2 Cun, compelled after withdraw, again the on the return journey encounter righteousness and the regiment gallery shop of fight and Nie private become the attack of department, hurt to return to Tienjin to rent boundary on June 26.The west Mo Er said "righteousness and regiment use to establish for the western arms and supplies, then rate allied troops necessarily whole army Fu didn't" when west Mo Er spoke of this time combat.Chinese historiography house call it is "overwhelming victory in the gallery shop".In righteousness and regiment and west Mo Er of gallery shop engage in the meantime, the great powers continues to gather troops, and guard a soldier a bottom to reach an ultimatum toward big Gu fort China on June 16, request to hand over a fort, encounter brush-off.Next day, be apart from the diplomatic note limit of time still differs for 70 minutes, the warship of great powers namely with guard a soldier to hand over fire, guard a military strength war not an enemy, the big Gu lose to the enemy and guard to lift the Ka Shi Ga Er Du brilliance sacrifice.
The pure government outward declares war
Face the great powers Duo Duo pressing situation, the Manchu Court internal lord and fight with lord, main Jiao and lord fondle of rift more serious.The pure government sends Zhao4 Shu to raise on June 5 with is a Ying, send on June 6 resolute and firm go to the Zhuo state"advise to spread" righteousness and regiment, in really investigate a circumstance.The result resolute and firm"dint speech boxing people can Shi", again add it carry Yi etc. bureaucrat of stir up, pure government starts admit righteousness and regiment as legal organization gradually, directly cause 6 beginning of the month righteousnesses and regiment in great quantities get into Peking.Under the situation nervous circumstance, the queen mother of Ci Xi convenes to resist an ex- meeting in a row, and end made is go to the capital with force arrestment allied troops of decision, among them, a decision of importance would be to outward declare war.The reason that the pure government outward declares war is many to say different, but mostly think that the opinion of the queen mother of Ci Xi had a decisive function.The decision that the Manchu Court outward opens hostilities encounters the lord and the parties big minister of vigorous objection, but lord and parties lose support in the conflict, five lords and send big minister Xu3 Jing3 Cheng2, Yuan Chang, Xu2 Yong4 Yi2, sign mountain, allied dollar at afterward the allied troops approach Peking is kill successively.On June 21, the pure government outward "declares war" by the form which releases up the Yu.At this time be apart from a big Gu have already lose to the enemy for four days.
The Manchu Court declared war an imperial enactment and nominated to declare war toward He2 Guo2, would also declare war a message to deliver to a foreign diplomatic corps, in the war, Manchu Dynasty and great powers always keep a diplomacy relation.Past someone think the Manchu Court declares war have merely empty fame, only is 1 to mobilize to make.
Lay siege to legation
Lin2 De2 is after kill then become the target for attackstone in the foreign legation of Peking from the gram.Manchu Court's laying siege to move of legation is also 1 to endless debatablely hang a case.At that time at pure soldier and righteousness and regiment of Peking for according to guarded legation area and the west Shi foreign troops of the database bema to contain overwhelming advantage, but always can'ted capture.This relates to the actual decision maker Ci Xi queen mother of the pure government, she for herself stay enoughly, be not willing to with all strength take the offensive legation.Pure soldier many times stop take the offensive legation and also send to the vegetable and watermelon of rice, noodles, full car toward the legation.Lay siege to legation had been keep on till Peking is offend by the allied troops to sink, the French minister lefts for the west Shi database church to call on a Fan beam bishop of country after break siege, they"with each other celebrate remaining years, embrace each other for the gift".
Righteousness and regiment blindness enemy kill to teach a people
Because the great powers invade of deepen, and part of unprogressive parties bureaucrat of manipulate, parts of righteousnesses and regiment lose rational, carried on to the western culture general reject, among them, the biggest tragedy would be to kill to the blindness enemy which teaches a people
(The following data leads 100 sections from the Wei Ji)
In righteousness and regiment affairs, each province of whole country is to north China keep bemainly long to, mountain west, and Inner Mongolia and northeast, the widespread occurrence aims at foreigner the large-scale genocidal affairs of Chinese Christian even.Following dead and injured circumstance and death numeral mostly according to the church personage's covariance, the Chinese authorities didn't have a formal historical data confirmation: According to the covariance, if totally there are 241 Christians(the Catholic be 18000 people, Protestantism 5000 people) with Chinese foreigners(Catholic missionary 53 people, Protestantism missionary and its sons and daughters be total 188 people, among them 53 child), more than 20,000s, the death is in the massacre of 1900 summer.
At the mountain west, whole provinceses are kill of the Chinese Catholic account to it is said more than 5700 person, the protestant also has several thousand people, among them with hinterland would be most, other belong to justice meeting, British Baptist Church etc..On July 9, at too at first cruise to fondle Ya before the door, cruise to fondle Yu wise kill Catholic a square to help each meeting the missionary be 12 people(Italian book moxa private's hero and rich space 2 hot bishops, 3 fathers, monk, 7 nuns), Protestantism missionary and it is 34 sons and daughters(belong to British Baptist Church and life sun to preach religion meeting, among them 11 child) of family members and add up to 46 people.The mountain west is a national enemy to kill foreign resident peace residents in the most province.
At Inner Mongolia, July 19, the pure destrier brigade offends hall place into the Mongolia southwest diocese bishop of 24 just, the large quantity in the village the Catholic be kill, Han2 Mo4 of the Belgian book manages a bishop then drive"the brothers match to fasten, the Guan is with the bamboo pole, " then"wear a shoulder bone by iron cable, the jailbird is with the cage", swim street everywhere, July 24, is give a gram to give city to be kill.The Mongolia eastern diocese then takes place the Luan even county to bury alive absolute being affairs just.Mongolia central diocese in addition to at west gulf son(the river north Chong gift) bishop the hall seek refuge of more than 5000 fellow believer, the overwhelming majority(more than 3200 person) are kill.
The Catholic, who is kill in the Mukden(Liaoning), has more than 1400 persons, have a bishop among them, 10 absolute being just.
The Qu pedestal that is in Zhejiang is two states and also genocidal affairs happenned.Heng state in Hunan and Xia west also bishop's absolute being happen to be just killed affairs.At Shandong, river south, the church is ruined to share ten it 78.
The southeast with each other protects
The southeast with each other protected to really protect the fruit of the southeast economic development of each province capitalism at that time, in really wise raise.The officials of south everyplace all clearly know the is exploited by Manchu Court of"exercise" oneself fantastic property and may bring of huge bane, richer and populous southern region officials obviously would not like to be toghter dragged along watering by the Manchu Court, hence adopt to boycott with ambiguous attitude towards send army widespreadly.This also reflects to settle a court to gradual economy alignment modern age turn of the south has already started to be out of control, this also actually is future the "southern independence in each province" and Manchu Dynasty collapse of omen.
The Tienjin protects a war
After the big Gu lose to the enemy, pure soldier and righteousness and regiment outward the country invaded a soldier to carry on aggressive holdout, righteousness and the regiment leader Cao blessing farmland and Zhang De2 to become etc. lead righteousness and regiment to get into attack in Tienjin to invade a soldier and keep belong to governor of province Yu the Lu mutually treat by gift.Righteousness and regiment carried on the war that the old group leader train station fight war and purple bamboo grove under the pure soldier help.Keep belong to governor of province Yu the Lu also speaks of the merit of righteousness and regiment in move the chapter.But in the meantime allied troops also at quick strengthen troops.On July 9, the Japan's Imperial Army take the offensive Chuang in Ji's house, defeat righteousness and regiment, then attack from both flanks Nie a private with other allied troops to become, Nie private become the department fail because of the few can not fight the many.The Nie private become in eight inside the set die for country.
After Nie private becomes sacrifice, Ma3 Yu4 Kun waits a pure soldier and will get the attitude variety toward the righteousness and the regiment.Ma3 Yu4 Kun's department let boxing people Chong vanguard, but is behind killing a boxing with gun a people.For example in July 9 day and night, strike against combat of rent the boundary in"Hua soldier at after, righteousness and regiment fore, match to offend to rent boundary;The ocean soldier opens a row gun to resist it, early dawn but, account to bomb to die righteousness and regiment more than 2,000s ……the boxing be many to hold to go before the knife, the ocean soldier opens fire to bombard, and the ex- row has already die;At the latter, the government troops namely uses to shoot dead.Past is Xi boxing many deads such of many, not all the ocean soldier kill".Sung which afterwards arrives Tienjin celebrates "meet regiment to namely kill" also.The result is "half day outside tree ensign inside the city establish an altar all spread go to" and consumedly weakenned own strength.But allied troops at work well full preparation after launch to Tienjin always to offend on July 13.Through the bloody battle, the allied troops blast open a city wall to offend into the city on July 14 under the instruction of the traitor of China and Tienjin lose to the enemy.The allied troops establish "all all Ya door" to carry on colonizing governance to Tienjin.
Sand Russia invades northeast
The parties soldier attends eight country allied troops to invade north China, besides which, , sand Russia also sends a troops to invade our country northeast, since July, the cent south of Russia troops of the sand north two roadses distinctly invade northeast region, finally offend to sink iron Ling on October 6 and east three provinces subjugate.Sand Russia return on July 17~21 made bubble and river's east of the sea orchid is 64 Tun murder cases, massacre large quantity Chinese civilian.Face invade of sand Russia, the Chinese armed forces and people strive holdout, the Ai Hun is all vice- generally, the Han soldier inset yellow Manchu Yang2 Feng4 to soar to fight hard sacrifice, general life mountain in Heilongjiang suicide.People in northeast everyplace attend six match boxing and loyalty volunteer army to wait various anti- Russia organization, determinedly resist aggression a soldier.
Suburb Zu shot in the city fight
On August 4, the allied troops start taking the offensive toward Peking.But pure soldier and righteousness and regiment are in Tienjin then lose to the enemy keep of ex- break out of to belong to under the governor of province Yu Lu conductor in the north camalig a take Zu shot allied troops.On August 5, the allied troops offend to sink a north camalig, and make track for the shot pure soldier to Yang2 Cun, August 6, the pure soldier once more loses war, Yu Lu suicide.
Have already allowed Li3 Bing3 Heng2 who inspect the navy in Yangtze River big minister to lead troops into"frequently king" in the city before north camalig lose to the enemy, and is definitely opposing with the meeting main force of the queen mother of Ci Xi and foreign argument with.Hence eight country allied troops capture Ci Xi in the Forbidden City to send its rate soldier to resist allied troops, Li3 Bing3 Heng2 leads each province frequently Wang2 Jun with 3,000 righteousnesses and regiment at August 6 sunrises hair, arrive a river west duty on August 9, stand opposite with allied troops for a day, the various soldier defeat, and Li3 Bing3 Heng2 also commits suicide to die for country.
Peking lose to the enemy
On August 13, the allied troops enter to arrive the bottom of city in Peking, the dawn of August 14, 1900, eight country the allied troops launch to Peking always to offend, and offend to break east to keep, dynasty sun, east then, wide each door of dike get into Peking and Dong3 Fu2 Xiang2's sweet soldier and righteousness and regiment insist holdout, the contemporaries calls the war"most for strive, only one soldier of Dong3 Fu2 Xiang2" in Peking.The Ci Xi sees certainly far from good at this time, hence lead emperor, Long Yu empress...etc. and parts of princes and dukeses, eunuch in Guangxu to appear lost in thought martial door west to escape at morning on the 15th.The allied troops continue to take the offensive Peking and after street fighting offend to sink Peking on the 16th.The great powers establishes committee in management Peking to carry on governance to Peking on December 10.Peking loses to the enemy to also symbolize righteousness and regiment to exercise to fail.

Brief Introduction for the Boxer Rebellion and the reasons for their failure.

Is the end of the Qing Dynasty, from Shandong, Zhili (now Hebei) in the vicinity of the villagers in self-defense group for the protection of assets in order to help each other of 'justice' Wo Hop from the boxing and social organizations to teach the door. Zhao, including more than 3 "will Meihuaquan," White Lotus left branches of the "Big", Xi Guan Red Fist "Fukui 18," Quan Chi Pingxian 800 and a number of people learning boxing.

Shandong these areas will be civil society, through lesson plans Caozhou after learning some of the Fist of God to fight groups such as "Tie Bushan," "golden" and the Eight Diagrams Hongjin Inner Mongolia to teach the "Mission Hom word," Huang Jin Meng " Mission dry words, "wear black" words against the group ", composed of young women," Hong Dengzhao, "the widow of the composition of the" Qing Deng as "beggars and the composition of the elderly," according to casserole, "and so on, eventually evolve into hate Christians and foreigners co-organized by the Ching court officials permission to become a legitimate militia. Early boxing organizations will be fine-sounding name Boxer, in Jiaqing, prohibited by the above law.

Reasons for the failure of the Boxer Rebellion:


① is a spontaneous mass events has not advanced class leadership, there is no scientific theory;

② up with blindness, lack of purpose;

③ not form a close-knit organization, just "a leaflet, 1,000 Poly-li";

④ use of the means of superstition, with a strong feudal backwardness;

⑤ clear understanding of feudal rule, the performance of the limitations of the peasant class.

Objective: the joint Chinese and foreign reactionary forces powerful.

Lessons: As the farmers are small producers, is not representative of the advanced productive forces, advanced theory, can not be made to reflect the historical development of the law of that right. That is, because of the limitations of age and class, a simple peasant war of the Democratic Revolution can not be achieved victory.


原西县高一(1)班的农村学生孙少平,常常咀嚼着贫困带给自己的自卑和痛苦:由于同病相怜,他和班上最贫穷的女生郝红梅的关系密切起来,但不久,红梅疏远了少平,原来她被父母都是高级知识分子的班长顾养民吸引住了。少平的好友金波带人狠狠揍了顾养民一顿。 两年的高中生活转瞬即逝。少平凭着自己的顽强和勤奋,获得了大...

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《我的大学》章节简介 要每一张都有!!!否则不给分哦
到1936年他去世前还写了《苏联游记》(1929)《英雄的故事》和多部剧作《耶戈尔·布雷乔夫等人》(1932)、《瓦萨·日烈兹诺娃》(1935),以及大量的文艺理论和政论文章。《我的大学》概要 本书是高尔基著名的自传体第三部曲,其余两部为《童年》、《在人间》。作者描写了他青年时代的生活经历。从这个...

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这一段时间里有工作上的收获,知识的丰富,经验的增长,同时也暴露出很多问题和不足。总结经验,吸取教训,本文将主要从几个方面来对工作进行总结:工作的主要内容;其中的失败和教训以及成功和经验;展望下一阶段的工作,确定自己的目标。以此作为惩前毖后的记录。 一、工作的主要内容 在这两个月的工作中,我的总体任务...

盐山县13362708278: 义和团失败原因!!!!!! -
阿怡肌苷: 义和团运动的失败是必然的,原因有三: 1.义和团不同于太平天国,组织性不强,没能设立具体的领导方针和领导思想.另外,义和团没有具体信仰,中国历代多以儒教思想为信仰,太平天国也是用了基督...

盐山县13362708278: 义和团运动失败的原因是什么? -
阿怡肌苷: 失败原因:①主观上:a.是自发的群众性活动,没有先进的政党领*导,没有科学理论指导;b.行动上具有盲目性,缺乏目的性;c.没有严密的组*织形式;d.义和团提出的“扶清灭洋”,容易放松对清统*治者的警惕,也带有盲目排外性质,表现了农*民阶*级的局限性.②客观上:中外势力联合力量强大.(5)既没有科学的指导思想、也没有坚强的领*导核心、更没有严格的纪律,而且还被统*治阶*级迷惑,上当受骗,在加上中外反*动势力的联合镇*压,义和团的失败是必然的.

盐山县13362708278: 义和团运动的性质是什么?特点是什么?有什么意义?失败原因是什么?有什么经验教训? -
阿怡肌苷: 义和团运动或称庚子事变、庚子国变、庚子拳乱,是19世纪末中国发生的一场以“扶清灭洋”为口号,针对西方在华人士包括在华传教士及中国基督徒所进行大规模群众暴力运动.性质:反帝爱国运动特点:1.愚昧与残暴义和团的行为除了杀害...

盐山县13362708278: 义和团失败的原因及其意义 -
阿怡肌苷:[答案] 义和团运动的意义和失败原因 1.义和团运动的意义 义和团运动虽然失败了,但它的历史意义是非常深远的. 首先,义和团运动表现了中国人民高尚的爱国主义精神、反侵略的伟大气魄和不甘屈服于帝国主义及其走狗的顽强的反抗精神,显示了中华民...

盐山县13362708278: 求老师解答:义和团运动失败的原因 -
阿怡肌苷:失败原因:(1)义和团面临的敌人的力量过于强大,它是被中外反动势力联合镇压的. (2)义和团是农民自发的斗争,没有科学的理论作指导,提不出正确的纲领和策略,斗争中又缺乏统一的严密组织.

盐山县13362708278: 从客观上,义和团失败的原因是什么? -
阿怡肌苷: 义和团失败的主要原因是由于清政府和帝国主义列强的联合绞杀 才导致义和团运动的失败

盐山县13362708278: 义和团运动是怎样失败的?
阿怡肌苷: 义和团原名“义和拳”,是山东民间白莲教的一个支派,后来,逐渐 成为反帝斗争的一个群众组织.当时的山东巡抚袁世凯奉慈禧太后之命, 对义和团进行血腥镇压.但...

盐山县13362708278: 义和团运动的起因是什么?
阿怡肌苷: 19世纪末,中国所兴起的义和团运动有着深刻的社会历史原因.总体上讲,义和团运动是帝国主义与中华民族的矛盾日益激化的产物.甲午战争后, 帝届主义掀起了瓜分...

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