
作者&投稿:仝民 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. 求一篇我的家乡长沙的英语作文 带中文翻译,要70字

there has been a lot of significant changes in my hometown in recent years.

on the one hand, industry gave its way to touri *** . there used to be many factories that produce coal in the mountains nearby my hometown. but over years, local government has made an effort in controlling the environment pollution. as a result, the leading economy has bee touri *** instead of industry. downtown areas saw the change of many citizens taking new jobs as tour guides or running souvenir stores.

on the other hand, there are more schools and universities in my hometown pared to the situation several years ago. nowadays more and more people have the chance to attend schools or to further their studies in high-level educational institutions.

in general, my hometown has developed to a great extent in these years.


一方面,工业转型为了旅游业。过去在我家乡附近的山中,曾经有很多产煤的工厂。但是经过这几年,当地 *** 努力控制环境污染。所以,引领经济已经变成了旅游业,而不再是工业。镇中心目睹了城镇居民的工作转变,许多人当上了导游,或者开了纪念品商店。



2. 写一篇介绍长沙的英语作文四五十字左右




3. 求介绍长沙的英语作文

My name is XXX.I am XXX years old.I am from Changsha.I love my country.There are three people in my family.My father、my mother and me.My father is a teacher.My mother is a nurse.I am a student in XXX school.Do you want to be my friends?


4. 写一篇介绍长沙的英语作文四五十字左右

A Brief Introduction to Changsha's Tourist Industry ChangshaChangsha is rich in tourist resources because of its unique geographical location.Surrounding the city are the beautiful Yuelu Mountain,Dawei Mountain and Weishan Mountain,and the Xiangjiang River and Liuyang River flow across it.The Juzizhou scenic spot in the city is regarded as one of the eight most charming places in Hunan attracting both domestic and overseas visitors.The rapid social and economic development in Changsha has laid the foundation for the local touri *** boom.In 1998,the city realized 54.285 billion yuan of GNP,which meant it had reached its strategic goal ahead of schedule and that local residents enjoy a higher standard of living.Changsha is also among the 50 top Chinese cities in terms of general economic strength.Being the political,economic,scientific and technological,educational,cultural and transportation center in Hunan,Changsha is quite a large place occupying land of 11,800 sq.km.With a population of 5.63 million.Changsha is among the first group of Chinese cities which were selected as famous historical and cultural cities in the country and allowed to open-up to the outside world.Thus,it has bee an important city in central China enjoying the fastest economic growth and immense vitality.。

5. 英语作文写美丽的长沙三十字左右

i had a very happy weekend. on saturday morning ,the weather was sunny. i got up at 6:30am ,then i did exercise for half an hour. after breakfast, i visited my uncle, and player with my cousin,mary . we went to a restaurant for lunch . and we went to xinghai park in the afternoon . in the evening,i got home and watched tv. on sunday ,i played tennis with my friend the whole day . in the evening ,i went to mary's birthday party and ate a big cake , it was so deliciuos! what a fun weekend !。

6. 长沙巨变作文

[长沙巨变作文]长 沙 巨 变 路通了!桥架了!灯亮了!长沙的变化实在太大了,从外地回来的老乡都找不到回家的路了!——长沙的确变了!变大了,变绿了,变高了,变美了!长沙随着五城会的临近,正在加紧建房、修路、刷新……从2000年起:五一大道、劳动西路、雨花大道都在加紧拓改、修建、绿化,长沙巨变作文.其中五一大道东起火车站广场,西至湘江一桥东桥头,全长4.138公里,路幅宽60米,总投资约4.6亿元.长沙四方坪路段,湘江大道等相继通车路通车.汽车行驶在湘江风光带上,举目四望,一棵棵绿树在绿色的灯光下,显得十分耀眼,呈鲜绿色,没有一点污垢、灰尘.向远处望,对岸隐隐约约可以看见霓红灯下的高楼大厦,那玻璃是那样闪闪发光,好似一个大水池,那玻璃就是上面波光粼粼的水面,象一条小河,小学五年级作文《长沙巨变作文》.江上一只只渔船停泊在岸上,有时一艘巨轮从江上滑过,把渔船荡漾起来.好象要把渔船从梦中惊醒.它是那么调皮呀!河边有很多人在嘻水,有的在游泳,有的在打水仗……我真想下去跟他们一起玩耍.夜晚一座座高楼上闪烁着霓虹灯,走在路上一辆辆高级小轿车从身旁呼啸而过.再也没有中巴车到处乱停乱靠的踪影.一盏盏路灯给人们带来温暖;给车辆带来安全;给长沙带来美丽;给河里的人们带来喜悦…… 随着长沙的道路广场不段修建、拓改,道路两旁的楼房也迅速拨地而起.烂尾楼危房和旧房也迅速拆除和刷新.长沙正在日新月异地巨变,在向繁荣、开放、文明的中心城市迈进.长沙巨变作文550字小学生作文(/)。

7. 长沙发生的变化作文














8. 【一篇向外国友人介绍长沙风景名胜的中考英语作文,60字左右】作业

Normally I have fun and a good time. During the work days I study in the classes, and during the weekends, I play with my friends happily.But sometimes I will feel blue and really worried about this or that, for example, the result of an examination, or whether an event owned by me will go on *** oothly.My family never made me feel unfortable or crazy. They only cared about my condition and majority of the time they cared too much (if you know what i mean).Hard time in life will put our relationship's foundation to the test. We must be realistic in life, but do not loose faith in the person we love. Every chapter in life as an end, this will too. I regret time, education, and faith in God will help those foundations in our relationships hold firm till the storm is over.。

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四级 作文 刚写的 请高手们给点评一下 感激不尽!! 谢谢!!
以期帮助学生掌握基本的英语写作技能,提高英语写作水平和应试能力。 本书具有如下特点: 1. 汇集了大学英语四级考试大纲对作文的要求、评分原则、评分标准、样卷实例及1990-2006年的写作真题和参考范文,使读者接触到最新、最全的考试信息,更有针对性地准备考试。

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舟学门冬: my hometown is a beautiful place and i love it. However, many years ago, it was different. At that moment, people lived a poor life with old houses. The pollution was serious, rubbish was seen everywhere and it wasn't convinient to go anywhere at all, ...

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舟学门冬: My HometownMy home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice. But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town.Many people had no work. They lived a hard life. In 1949 my hometown was liberated...

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舟学门冬: Changsha presentation Changsha is a 2000-year long cultural history of the ancient ... Han Liu founded, in 206 BC, the change of Linjiang Changsha, and the establishment ...

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舟学门冬: Great Changes in My Hometown I used to live in a small town with trees all around. There was no tall building and the only street was narrow. Just outside the town,e69da5e6ba903231313335323631343130323136353331333332626634 there ...

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舟学门冬: There are great changes in my hometown during the last few years. People's housing conditions are apparently improved, all the roads have been widened and there are some newly-built significant scenes attracting more travellers.

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