
作者&投稿:汝追 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

go down steps 下滑下降
hand out 分发
bring up 抚养长大

不上班 off duty 或 on leave
患感冒 have/get/catch a cold
进行2小时的锻炼 have 2 hours of excercises

对。。着迷 be fascinated with 或sweep sb. off sb's feet 或 be crazy/mad about
He swept me off my feet when I met him.
Besides,I‘m crazy about animals.
Molly : I am mad about you. You charmed my socks off last night.
The child was fascinated with his new toy.

以。。开始 Start with / begin with
把自己描述为 describe oneself as
稍微,有点 a little bit

渴望做 。。be eager/anxious to do sth 或 die to do sth
不敢靠近 too afraid to approach 或 afraid to come near
keep away from
用车接某人 pick up sb.
牙痛 have a toothache
对所有人都是免费的 free for everyone
每周一次 Once a week
太好了/不可能再好了 very good / could not be better/ too good to be true
痴迷于。。be crazy about sth /doing sth
go mad about sth./doing

单词 Words:

队长 captain / leader
饮食 Diet
呼吸 breathe /respiration / breathing
健康的 healthy/robust/fit
正常的 normal /regular

句子 Sentence:
It is rare to meet the opportunity like this.

Mining is a unhealthy job (to the body).

He panted hard when finished the race.

I was injured in a car accident

John is very anxious about his exam results.

be lost in thought
fetch sth.
go and have a look at what is going on
share a room with sb.
to move the big rock with great efforts
carry a heavy bag on one's back
to go and have meal
to bear a heavy load of homework
invite sb.

Afterwards, the car knocked down the old man who was crossing the road.
Our library was located in the place which used to be the playground.

1.陷入深思 get into deeply thought
2.返回取某物 return to get back sth.
3.走过去看一看发生了什么 go and see what happened
4.与某人同住一个房间 share one room with sb.
5.使劲移开那块大石头 move the stone with force
6.背着一个沉重的包 carry a heavy bag
7.去吃饭 go to have a meal
8.背负沉重的课业负担 carry the heavy burden of lessons
9.约某人 make a date with sb.

1.接下来车便撞上了过马路的老人。 And then the car knocked into the old man who was crossing the road.
We stay at the other side of the libary where it used to be the playground.

1.be lost in thought
2.fetch sth.
3.go and have a look at what is going on
4.share a room with sb.
5.to move the big rock with great efforts
6.carry a heavy bag on one's back
7.to go and have meal
8.to bear a heavy load of homework
9.invite sb.

Afterwards, the car knocked down the old man who was crossing the road.

Our library was located in the place which used to be the playground.


谁能帮我列一些初三英语重点的句子 词组 短语 惯用法和句型
谁能帮我列一些初三英语重点的句子 词组 短语 惯用法和句型 具体一点最好是常考的是新目标的人教版的... 具体一点最好是常考的是新目标的人教版的 展开 3个回答 #热议# 公司那些设施可以提高员工幸福感?chq0621 2006-01-08 · TA获得超过5.3万个赞 知道大有可为答主 回答量:6622 采纳率:100% ...


一、英语中,有些动词(词组)如:admit,avoid,appreciate,consider,deny,enjoy,escape,finish,give up,imagine,insist on,mind(在乎),miss,object to,practise,resist 等的后面只能用动名词作宾语,不能用动词不定式作宾语。例如:① I have just finished typing my paper.我刚刚打完试卷。② Would you...

用。。充满 be filled with 开始吧,继续吧 go ahead\/ come on 为。。骄傲 be proud for 一流的 first class 向。。学习 learn from 与。。反应 react with 把。。有序排列 arrange ... in order 使。。不进入;挡在外面 keep ... out of 没有空气的水 water without air 四分之三 ...

二类句子:1、Happy Teachers’ Day! 教师节快乐!2、What’s in your pencil case? 你的笔袋里有什么? I’ve got two pencils. 我有两支铅笔。3、May I come in? 我可以进来吗? Come in, please. 请进。4、Here’s a card for you. 这是给你的贺卡。 第二单元 一类词组:1、my t...

I am angry with his bad manners.我对他的不礼貌很生气。Two years went by,I was still short。两年过去了,我还是那么矮。I try my best to overcome the difficulty。我尽力克服困难 We may break off relations with that country。我们有可能和那个国家断绝关系。To my surprise, the task...

四、介词词组 介词词组在句子中起到连接作用,帮助表达时间、地点和方式等关系。例如:in the morning(在早上)at night(在夜晚)on the table(在桌子上)等。这些词组在英语表达中非常常见,对于提高英语表达和写作能力至关重要。学习和掌握这些词组有助于更准确地道地运用英语进行交流。

Just look at what you‘ve done! 看看你都做了些什么!I wish I had never met you 我真后悔这辈子遇到你!You‘re a disgrace 你真丢人!I‘ll never forgive you! 我永远都不会饶恕你!Don‘t nag me! 别在我面前唠叨!I‘m sick of it 我都腻了。You‘re such a ***! 你这个...

1 外貌Appearance He is handsome\/ good-looking\/ athletic\/ muscular\/ fat (Negative)\/ overweight (Negative).He has fine\/ strong\/ sharp\/ regular features.She’s pretty\/ beautiful\/ good-looking\/ attractive\/ plain\/ slim\/ plump\/ thin (Negative)\/ skinny (Negative).S\/he’s in her \/ ...

翻译词组:1.吃垃圾食品 1.eat junk food 2.喝牛奶 2.drink milk 3.吃水果 eat fruit 4.和咖啡 drink coffee 5.吃蔬菜 eat vegetables 6.想睡觉 want to sleep 7.对身体有好处 be good for health 8.对身体有害处 be bad for health 9.一天5或6次 five of six times a day 10.一月1...

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唐纨利宝:[答案] 词组:1.feel good about oneself 2.in addition 3.speak in public 4.our advantages and disadvantages 5.along with... 句子:1.You are already 14 years old and should take care of yourself. 2.Mrs.Green cooked for the poor child by herself yesterday. 3.Did ...

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融安县18031571734: 英语词组、句子翻译!帮忙!
唐纨利宝: 1.和你一样 2.会下暴雨吗?(rain cats and dogs意思是倾盆大雨,不是下猫和狗) 3.Jim穿着蓝色和黑色的衣服(应该是……)

融安县18031571734: 英语词组和句子在线翻译,急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
唐纨利宝: Nice to meet you to(我也很高兴认识你) hello !(你好) 26个字母 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 望采纳!

融安县18031571734: 英语词组和句子翻译
唐纨利宝: 1. Sewer frequent blockage 2. Toilet blocked 3. Electricity, water 4. Air-conditioning refrigerator washing machine does not work

融安县18031571734: 翻译英语句子和词组
唐纨利宝: Social conditions Easy to get along ,...... A small circle the rest of the students come out top English speech contest without permission If the tests fail how to do?he wanted to give us to do a speech. my father was an energetic person. he would ...

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