
作者&投稿:察丽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~   经典 广告 影响着一代人,那么相关的广告词的英文翻译大概有哪些?下面是我带来相关的内容,欢迎阅读!
   经典广告词 介绍
  1. Motorola hello, moto impressive

  2. Anerle sanitary napkins Aner music protection and thoughtful

  3. Melatonin this year does not receive gifts, gifts received only brain white Platinum Platinum advertising despite the garbage, but the classic still pretty ad, almost all to see

  4. TV people know

  5. China Unicom to lead the future of communications

  Metersbonwe not take the unusual way, Metersbonwe

  7. Li Ning everything is possible

  8. Coca-Cola Forever Coca-Cola, a unique taste

  9. Kentucky Fried Chicken with KFC, a good taste of life

  10. China Mobile communication is everywhere

  11. Fiyta once owned, nothing to do

  12. Master delicious delicious see

  13. New flying refrigerator new fly advertising done, not as good as the new flying refrigerator

  14. Ouni shampoo black hair, Chinese goods

  15. Comfort good health promotion for the whole family

  16. Nongfushangquan Nongfushangquan a bit sweet

  17. Lenovo lost the world association, the world will be like

  18 Remy Martin was the first to open, a good thing to come naturally

  19. Nescafe coffee tastes great

  20. ibm universal solution

  21. Goldlion man's world

  22. Toyota cars to the Piedmont Road, there must be a Toyota car
  1. Guangzhou Peugeot car advertising language --- a new generation of automotive industry

  2. Peugeot Maple automobile advertising language --- life dream can carry

  3. Lobo car advertising language --- Hafei Lobo Road, the modern fashion show in the treasure

  4. BMW car slogan - even if you split it down, it is still a beauty (foreign)

  5. German BMW 7 Series auto slogan - life art only you with respect

  6. German Mercedes-Benz advertising language - leading the times, control the future

  7. Audi car advertising language - breaking technology, inspiring the future

  8. US Cadillac car slogan - the power of speed and luxury blend

  9. Franklin car advertising slogan - this is a car will never give you trouble Volkswagen advertising language - the value of a model car

  10. volvo car slogan - care for life, enjoy life

  11. Ford Motor Advertising - your world, from unbounded

  12. Nissan car slogan - beyond the future

  13. Beetle car slogan - the car shape has remained unchanged, so the shape is ugly, but its performance has been improved.

  14. Toyota car slogan - car to the piedmont must have a road, there will be a road Toyota car.

  15. Farther and freer

  16. US Chrysler car slogan - you do not buy a car to consider our Chrysler's car that you suffer, not only you lose, we also suffer

  17. Fiat car slogan - to create a new era of Fiat, reborn, menacing, Super Leima 1000

  18. Modern automotive advertising language - control of modern, achievements in the future.

  19. Audi A1, with small see big. From the small and flexible appearance, to the simple personality of the color equipment; from the dynamic interior of the intelligent load, to the precise and comfortable power control - it will you for life's great desire to focus on the subtle.

  20. Audi A3, director of wonderful life. Confident and energetic and dynamic and clear, always the essence of freedom to break the usual driving standards, this is the Audi A3.
  1. Agile and flexible, dynamic and excellent between the filling style ------- Mercedes-Benz new C-Class sedan

  2. C gravity wave with you ------- Mercedes-Benz new C-Class sedan

  3. Independence trend elite color ------- Mercedes-Benz new C-Class sedan

  4. The most beautiful moment, in front of you - Mercedes-Benz CLK Roadster

  5. A moment never forget ------- Mercedes-Benz CLK Roadster

  6. Travel - ready to drive on the road ------- Mercedes-Benz CLK Roadster

  7. Can be immersed in the enjoyment, without distraction ------- Mercedes-Benz CLK Roadster

  8. Show hidden beauty ------- Mercedes-Benz CLK class coupe

  9. Can the passage of time better? ------- Mercedes-Benz CLK class coupe

  10. Performance on the road - agility and timeless elegance ------- Mercedes-Benz CLK class coupe

  11. Free and smooth lines gathered in one place: with your heart ------- Mercedes-Benz CLS class coupe

  12. The essence of the temptation ------- Benz CLS class coupe

  13. beyond the limit ------- a new generation of Mercedes-Benz E-Class

  14. Le alone as the music of the public ------- Mercedes-Benz luxury GL-class off-road vehicles

  15. sharp lines, interpretation of tough nature ------- Mercedes-Benz GLK-class luxury medium-sized SUV

  16. for the road born, the road at the foot of the new Mercedes-Benz M-class off-road vehicles

  17. a world full of endless, from the beginning ------- Mercedes-Benz R-class "luxury sports station wagon" (Grand Sports Tourer)

  18. leading, because the continuous forward ------- Mercedes-Benz S-Class sedan

  19. The future of security technology has been used in today's cars. ------- Mercedes-Benz S-Class sedan

  20. conquer the target to climb a new peak ------- Mercedes-Benz SL roadster

  21. From racing to car legend - Mercedes-Benz SL roadster

  22. perfect to enjoy this touch ------- Mercedes-Benz SLK Roadster

经典广告词的英文翻译相关 文章 :

1. 世界经典中英文翻译广告词

2. 令人难忘的经典英文广告词

3. 2015年经典的英语广告词

4. 英文的经典广告词集锦

5. 经典英语广告词50条欣赏

一) 阿甘正传:1.His back is as crooked as a politician. 不仅指出了后背的弯曲,而且顺便损了一顿政客的腐败。一语双雕。2.Life was like a box of chocolate ,you never know what you're gonna get. 人生就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道会尝到哪种滋味.为什么说巧克力而不说棒棒糖呢,因为在...

钻石恒久远,一颗永留传:A diamond is forever 这是代表爱情的纯洁和永恒,很美好.“钻石恒久远,一颗永留传”这句经典的广告词,“钻石恒久远,一颗永留传”的英文是“A diamond is forever”。这句在全世界影响最广泛的广告词,是由戴比尔斯中央统售机构属下的市场推广部提出来的。这句响亮的广告词已...

广告是一种实用问题,对它的翻译也许不能完全按文学的翻译翻译原则去作,这在香港学者周兆祥和金圣华(中国对外出版公司出版过两为学人的著作)的专著中也提到过广告翻译的原则。有人说,只要能促销的广告翻译就是最好的翻译。这也许是广告翻译最大的特点~~~广告英语翻译常用词汇~~~畅销全球 selling well all ove...

2. The leading supreme wine of China.(supreme一词表示登峰造极的境界,leading显示出品牌魅力。)3. Best wine - The king of drinks. (Best虽然意思较简单,但是更直截了当的说明酒的品质与定位。你想说水,但是既然是给外国人看的英文,就不能用water,因为water只是自来水一类的H2O清水,不...

life is like a journey,so attention should go to the sceneries along and your mood brought,instead of the destination.let your heart have a tour.

below-the-line advertising 线下广告 除线上广告以外的各种广告形式。如促销广告(sales promotion advertising)购物点广告(P.O.P advertising),直接邮递广告(direct mail advertising),还包括举办展览会(exhibition)和发起某项活动(sponsorship)等。 billboard advertising 路牌广告 张贴或直接描绘在固定路牌上的广告。一...

城市彼岸,心灵港湾 Metropolitan Bi'an,Spiritual bay 成功之路,彼岸起步 Road towards succuess rooted from Bi'an 彼岸咖啡,滴滴香浓,意犹未尽 Coffee Bi'an,fragrant your heart --- 晕,这个可是偶自己翻译的。感觉也拿不出来做广告词,修改后:Welcome to Coffee Bi'an,Classic romance from ...

如何翻译 Nike 的广告词
Just do it类似于 go for it just do it 耐克这句广告语是广告中的经典,既简单清楚又很口语,而且从不同人的角度都会有不同的意思。从消费者的角度,意思是:我只选择它;就用这个。从商人的角度是:来试试。而将这句话用在日常的生活中就有了更丰富的含义,这要看语境而定。可以理解为:想...

Than the face also big chicken.比脸还大的鸡排.【参考百度翻译】Face large chicken than.比脸还大的鸡排【参考有道词典】

卡地亚的广告语是什么啊 ?中英都要、急急急啊!谢了!
卡地亚广告语:1、And after all this time, you're still the one I love.【翻译】经过这么长时间,你仍是我的爱人。2、Miss a person is not every day with him, but always put him in my heart.【翻译】想念一个人不是天天和他在一起,而是永远把他放在心里。

义县18189967604: 求英语广告语(就是平时我们熟悉的经典广告台词的英语翻译) -
勇治赛增: The choice of a new generation.新一代的选择.(百事可乐) Take time to indulge 尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌) Just do it.只管去做.(耐克运动鞋) Make yourself heard.(Ericsson) 理解就是沟通.(爱立信) impossible is nothing (adidas)没...

义县18189967604: 求著名品牌的经典广告词(英文版),越多越好,谢谢! -
勇治赛增: 经典英语广告词语 1. Good to the last drop.滴滴香浓,意犹未尽.(麦斯威尔咖啡)2. Obey your thirst.服从你的渴望.(雪碧)3. The new digital era.数码新时代.(索尼影碟机)4. We lead. Others copy.我们领先,他人仿效.(理光复...

义县18189967604: 我需要10句广告语,英语的 -
勇治赛增: Connecting People.诺基亚广告词Intelligence Everywhere.MOTO广告词Ask for more.百事可乐广告词Make every drop count.可口可乐广告词ten sites of West Lake 西湖十景.You will feel like writing with it all the time.笔记本上经常出现的广告科比的...

义县18189967604: 下面是几句常见的英文广告词,你能写出它们的中文翻译吗?1.Take TOSHIB,take the world.(东芝电子)2.Good to the last drop.(麦斯威尔咖啡)3.Let's ... -
勇治赛增:[答案] 1拥有东支,拥有世界. 2好的一滴不留 3让我们做的更好 4服从你的渴望 5去做吧.

义县18189967604: 求20句英语广告词及中文翻译..比如阿迪 耐克 李宁的..
勇治赛增: 李宁:Angthing is possible一切皆有可能 安踏:Keep moving 永不止步 阿迪:Impossible is nothing 没有不可能的事情 耐克:Just do it. 只管去做 雪碧(Sprite)Obey your thirst.晶晶亮,透心 凉! 百事可乐(Pepsi) Ask for more.渴望无限 索尼...

义县18189967604: 最近对广告宣传语的中英文翻译感兴趣,求一些经典广告语! -
勇治赛增: 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽——Good to the last drop. 这么经典的当然记得, “壹品实木整装,呵护一生的选择”这个应该是壹品家装的广告语吧,上次刚好去了他们官网,应该是:Superior wood ready, care for the choice of a lifetime

义县18189967604: 广告词英语翻译 -
勇治赛增: 没有 梦牵鼓浪屿 心恋嘴口酥 的英语,你还是说你是什么食品产品,有什么卖点,特点,香味,包装,再帮你想个像样的英语slogan不更好?老外是不会也不懂 “梦牵鼓浪屿 心恋嘴口酥”的寓意的.广告是吸引他买东西的, 要是他都不懂你说什么那广告的效果便没有了.1)什么食品产品 (属于甜品,零食,糕点 或内含什么红豆绿豆什么什么)2)特点(只溶在口不溶在手?每一颗都是XX拉亚山上吸收XX年的精华什么的,特点)3)香味,外形(有没有独特的外形、例:字母意大利粉....)4)包装:独立包装?罐装?瓶装?盒装?这样大家才好帮你想 英语slogan.在线等你.

义县18189967604: 求含英语的广告词,简单易懂(有中文意思和商品名) -
勇治赛增: Start Ahead.(Rejoice)成功之路,从头开始.(飘柔) Obey your thirst. 服从你的渴望.(雪碧)

义县18189967604: 经典英文广告词 -
勇治赛增: Money is not everything. There's Mastercard & Visa. 钞票不是万能的,有时还需要信用卡. One should love animals. They are so tasty. 每个人都应该热爱动物,因为它们很好吃. Love the neighbor. But don't get caught. 要用心去爱你的邻...

义县18189967604: 高手帮忙翻译下英文广告词以下是一些英文广告词的原版.请按照中文翻译我要的是新的翻译.不要和原版一样,谢谢.1.Time is what you make of it.(Swatch)天... -
勇治赛增:[答案] 1.缔造时间./时间便是你花时间所做的一切. 2.让你被听见 3.灵魂引擎 4.从头做起 5.一颗钻石,无限闪耀 6.七喜一口,清醒一刻 7.因特尔在“芯”中(原文无法超越) 8.联系你我 9.因为路在那儿(模仿“因为山在那儿”)/为了前方 10.更进一步 11.可...

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