
作者&投稿:招伏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


I have work experience about six years, mainly engaged in various automobile, shipbuilding, machinery, pump body, impeller, fittings etc. Precise casting and machining technology and quality of work for different steel (stainless steel, duplex stainless steel, carbon steel, the material composition,), casting, machining, heat treatment, surface treatment, have higher knowledge and experience. Is America, Europe, Japan, Spain, England in dozens of automobile, shipbuilding, Co., LTD and fittings of pump production management experience, understand all kinds of products from drawings to product process needs of the various raw materials, equipment, and key to understanding of the processes, scrapping product processing technology, the cutting performance, the necessary equipment. Skilled in the use of measuring devices.

1, responsible for customer's drawing of drawings, with customers in doubt.
2, the casting process for new products, processing and quality requirements and testing standards.
3 be responsible for the customer, the technical data and technical support.
4, responsible for production process and solve the technical problems of quality requirements.
5, responsible and customer quality and technical departments jointly formulate problems which parts of the solution and statistics
6, inspection and testing of the measuring point
7 and the data analysis and technical analysis
8, familiar with ISO9001

Performance: the main product development project
1, Germany Stirling company in China's 100 models of the pump body, impeller, intermediates for mass production to develop new products to confirm
2, the United States metso company sourcing in China's various types of even a accessories development
3, Germany, Japan's only love KaiFu, suzhou, Shanghai and new product development of companies such as
Four, the United States honeywell - tianjin company of new product development
5, suzhou, this company product in the online site monitoring, statistics and technical analysis
6, Japan GangBen pump of pump pressure pump parts production and scrap analysis.
7, the company needed materials requirements and testing
8 and the external sourcing of casting management and testing

Name: ** | Gender: male | date of birth: October 1984 Health | account: Beijing | current place of residence: Beijing |
Work experience: 4-a-half years of work experience | political landscape: to prepare party members |

E-mail: leeilove133@sohu.com
Job intention
Expectations of the nature of the work: a full-time
Expect to engage in occupations: doctors / physicians, other
Expect to engage in industry: medical equipment / devices, medical / nursing / beauty / health care, medical / bio-engineering, other
Look forward to working areas: Beijing
Expect a monthly salary :4001-6000 yuan / month
The current situation: I am currently in a state of separation, can immediately post

Career goals
I am a graduate of Beijing University Department of Medicine, three in the A-level laboratory work of the hospital four and a half years long for a better working environment, work, a desire to play capabilities, the new work
Work experience
2004/04 - so far: Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Oriental | laboratory immune Room | disability test
Medical / Care / Beauty / Health | institutions | size: 20 people-99 | 4001-6000 yuan / month
2004 has been engaged in the immunization inspection, is responsible for hepatitis, HIV, tumor markers, and other items of inspection. Johnson master the OCD-Vitros
ECI chemiluminescence analysis system, Elecsys 2010 ECL instrument, Cabos e
411 light-emitting electrochemical device, Siemens DPC's Immulite Chemiluminescence Instrument, quality control and daily maintenance, master Dade Behring (Siemens-de-ling), BN
PRospec protein analyzer, Sysmex Corporation SF-3000, Sysmex X800i blood analysis system, CA-1500 blood analysis system, Vitros
350 dry chemical analysis systems, as well as a variety of test equipment applications

Education and experience
2005/11 - so far: Peking University Health Science | Medical examinations | college

2000/08 - 2004/01: Beijing School of Health | Medical examinations | secondary
Training experience
2007/04 - 2007/04: Fengtai District of Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Training courses: Summer out-intestinal operation norms and common food-borne diseases prevention
Received a certificate: Certificate of out-intestinal
Training Location: Fengtai District of Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention

2007/03 - 2007/03: Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Training courses: Beijing gut out the backbone of training
Received certificates: Beijing gut out the backbone of qualification certificates
Training Location: Jiuhuashanzhuang

2006/04 - 2006/04: Fengtai District of Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Training courses: Summer out-intestinal operation norms and common food-borne diseases prevention
Received certificates: intestinal out-patient examination certificate
Training Location: Fengtai District Disease Prevention and Control Center

2005/04 - 2005/04: Fengtai District of Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Training courses: Summer out-intestinal operation norms and common food-borne diseases prevention
Obtained the certificate: a certificate of training for out-intestinal
Training Location: Huairou
Received certificates: the People's Republic of clinical testing technical qualification certificates

Language skills
English: good reading and writing skills | listening and speaking ability in general
I love the broad, like sports, writing painting, computers, English, reading, hands-on production of a formal curriculum vitae in English, and would like to thank the players to help translate the next, and curriculum vitae are as follows:



个人简历Biographical note 姓 名:Full name: 性 别:Sex: 男 Male 民 族: 汉族 nation: The Han nationality 出生年月: Year and month of birth:联系电话:Phone number for contact:政治面貌: 团员Politics face: League member ,学 历: 中专 educational background: T...

英语自我介绍带翻译:1、Helloeveryone,l am XXXa studentI have a wide range of interests, like music,playing,basketball,skateboardingdancing and so on,it is a,great honor to meet you,l hope we can get along wel in the future life.大家好,我是XX是一名学生,我的兴趣爱好非常广泛...

“个人简历”的英文:personal resume resume 读法 英 [rɪˈzjuːm; ˈrɛzjʊmeɪ]1、v. (中断后)重新开始,继续;重新回到,恢复(席位,地位或职位);(停顿或被打断后)继续说;重选,重穿,重新占用 2、n. (文章、讲话等的)梗概,摘要;个人简...

in English, has been through four six, have a good speaking and writing. Two first class Mandarin for the country, sweet voice. The computer, proficiency in word, excel,

Now I would like to introduce myself to you I think I am a boy who has great responsibility I am good at commute with other people,besides I can get along well with the member in my group 。嗯 你可以把其中一些修改 其中有些词汇很专业 我没法翻译 希望能帮到你 ...

long-term in the activities and parties in the unit to play a total planning and moderator, has a wealth of experience, many times on behalf of the company went to Tianjin, Zhanjiang and other places to participate in the company's annual meeting.工作上我会一丝不苟地完成分内的...

1.能独立根据客户的要求进行模具设计,具备独立设计能力,模具图(制品,分割,组图,部品图,电极图)可独立完成。1.Designing the mould independently according to the requests of clients, capable of designing mould diagram products, separation, pattening diagram, specimen screen, electrode pattern...

翻译如下:Name: Xu Jianying Sex: Female Date of birth: April 12, 1982 National: Han Current address: Chaoyang District, Beijing Shibalidian E-mail: xujianying1982@126.com Mobile: 13161905435 Self-evaluation:I work is a serious and responsible, proactive, and be good at team work,...

具备多个行业和岗位的实践经验,Have practical experience in various industries and jobs 曾为国内外数十家企业提供过优质服务,Had provided quality service to dozens of domestic enterprises 是广受欢迎的讲师和教练。Is a very popular lecturer and trainer.主要工作经历: Main work experience 曾任...

英文简历怎么写 英文简历范文
Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you。2、翻译:亲爱的女士。我从一则上得知你们公司需秘书。我希望您考虑一下我。我叫李敏,23岁,现在在厦门大学学习经济管理,今年夏季即将毕业。我精通计算机操作及办公软件的使用,这可以帮助我做好办公室工作。我学了十年英语。在...

颍泉区13788632141: 谁可以帮我把汉语简历翻译成英文简历啊?很急,谢谢了!! -
勤岚女金: 可以用有道或者阿里翻译1688,词典有道很好用,整句翻译用阿里翻译1688,一般都很准确的!以后翻译都能自己搞定了!

颍泉区13788632141: 求专业人士帮忙翻译下我的简历(中译英),拜托了谢谢!
勤岚女金: Name: * * * * * * * * * 8 Sexual don't: male Date of birth: In 1983, January 10th Living in the land: In nanjing, Work experience: More than four years Door mouth: jiangsu Email: * * * * * * @ 163. Com Mobile phones: * * * * * * * * Since I appraisal Four ...

颍泉区13788632141: 请帮我把个人简历翻译成英文的,急,谢谢! -
勤岚女金: Work experience First Property Services (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Job Description: MOMA Project Service Center in the contemporary works do first clerk. Management of engineering data, the daily filing of documents and do weekly reports on the use of ...

颍泉区13788632141: 请帮我用英语翻译一下简历好吗我来自江西,毕业于渝州电子工业学院
勤岚女金: 我来自江西,毕业于渝州电子工业学院.毕业后,去泉州参加工作.我的第一份工作... ----- 将你的简历转换成如此的格式在翻译英文把,否则没有人能懂你在说什么. 在外...

颍泉区13788632141: 谁能帮我将中文简历翻译成英文啊?谢谢啦!
勤岚女金: Personal resume Name:=== Gender:man Renewal date:20.02.2011Nation:the Han nationality

颍泉区13788632141: 请帮我翻译一下工作经历自己的英语能力有限,还请哪位大师帮忙翻译下以下简历,感谢! 一共只有80分,还请帮助~~ 需翻译的内容: 第一部分: 工作描述... -
勤岚女金:[答案] Work Experience 1,Raw material purchasing management. 2,Supplier management, maintain good relation with supplier, do... manufacture process and assist with PM, superintend, port and export, finance department. 纯人脑翻译,就一段,上班先要...

颍泉区13788632141: 谁能帮我翻译一下这个简历 -
勤岚女金: Nationality: Han Chinese Date of Birth: Jan 8, 1992 Marriage status: single Education: Junior College Major: Human Resource Management Health Condition: Healthy Address: XXXX, 510663 (邮编可以放2113在这里5261,4102一起)1653 Job ...

颍泉区13788632141: 麻烦帮我翻译下简历,非常感谢,很急!!! -
勤岚女金: The university is majoring in course:2008|09-2011|06 Chinese firs in Shanghai reach the college machine electricity integral whole to turn a technique professionMajor course:The Gao Deng's mathematics, university English and calculator cultural ...

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