
作者&投稿:人诗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1"You want to improve your IQ?"
2"You want to create record?"
3"If your answer is' yes', rob, join us in 11.15."

1. Sorry, I did not quite catch you, could you repeat it?

Sorry, I didn't hear you clearly, could you repeat it?
2. Sorry, I really don't know.
3. That's my self-introduction. Thanks.

1. The meeting will start at 8 PM next Thursday night.
2. The meeting will start at 10 AM on March 8th, 2009.
3. We will meet in front of the park at 9 AM this Saturday.

1.the meeting will be held at 8:00 PM next Thursday.
2.The meeting will be held at 10:00 AM on March.8,2009.
3.We will meet at the garden gate on 9:00AM this saturday.

1, convention will hold 2 on the eight o'clock in the evening next Thursday , convention will hold 3, Saturday of this week of bells in the morning at 9 o'clock on 10 o'clock in the morning on March 8 , 2009 we meet in park entrance

1.The conference will be held in next Thursday evening eight o'clock
2. Conference in March 8, 2009 10:00 am holds
3.This Saturday in the morning 9 o'clock we meet in the park entrance

1:下个星期我们会很忙 We will be very busy next week.2:我认为要下雨了 I think it's going to rain.3:我父亲已经从伦敦回来了 My dad has come back from London already.4:我看了书之后开始写作文 I started writing after finished reading the book.5:他说他会来看我的 He said he...

they asked whether i had been to the museum or not.i said i did.2.我喜欢的不是这幅画,而是它的框子。i didn't like the painting but the frame of it.3 人们逐渐学会搭建房屋来抵御野兽的威胁。people learn to establish houses gradually in order to prevent themselves from being m...

Can you give me show your new dress?

帮忙翻译一下英文短句 简单!
1.this is a stable 这是一个 马房 2.this is a kid 孩子 3.this is a haystack 干草堆 4.this is a rooster 公鸡 5.this is a chicken 鸡 6.this is a hen 母鸡 7.this is a chick 小鸡 8.this is a pigpen 9.this is a field 田 10.corn grows in the field 谷物生长...

However, from another perspective, downloading will take time, sometimes very slow speed, but also a long look at the screen will lead to decreased visual acuity, and sometimes the screen is not clear.I think that network TV very good, very convenient for people to save time and...

2-极美的星夜,天上没有一朵浮云。深蓝色的夜空,满缀着钻石般的繁星。This is a very beautiful starry night without floating cloud in the sky. The dark blue night sky is full of stars like diamonds.这里有两个句子。而且都是简单句。3-生命太短,没留时间给遗憾。若不是终点,请微笑一直...

可参考本人翻译成绩以便采纳 再量身定做一个简单的给楼主 A man die, his receiving angel says, congratulations, after you die, people cry more, smile less, this is good result because you were good to people, so the heaven's door is open for you. Who knows the man say, I ...

I want to reconfirm your flight number.Then we'll arrange a car to pick you up.See you tomorrow.Sorry to bother

1.:“昨天你去超市买了什么吗?”昨日(きのう)、スーパーでなにを买(か)ったの?“不 ,什么也没买。”いいえ、なにも买(か)ってなかった。2.在上海这个宾馆是最高的。上海(しゃんはい)ならこのホテルは最高(さいこう)ですよ。3.昨天天气很好,所以就和小王两个人去公园...

1.小李昨天打了乒乓球 昨日、李さんはピンポンをしました。2.田中从星期一到星期五工作 田中さんは月曜日から金曜日まで働きます。3.你在什么地方买的书?この本はどこで买いましたか。4.我个了小王一支新钢笔。①(是不是"送"了小王一支新钢笔?)私は王さんに新しいペンをあげまし...

龙海市15914336163: 请帮忙翻译三个简单句
敛官长源: 他们问我是不是去了博物馆,我说去了. they asked whether i had been to the museum or not.i said i did. 2.我喜欢的不是这幅画,而是它的框子. i didn't like the painting but the frame of it. 3 人们逐渐学会搭建房屋来抵御野兽的威胁. people learn to establish houses gradually in order to prevent themselves from being menaced by beasts

龙海市15914336163: 几个简单句子请帮忙汉译英1.太阳石地球上一切生物能量的来源2.太阳给我们提供光和热量3.因为有了太阳和月亮,我们才有白天和夜晚 -
敛官长源:[答案] 1.The sun is the energy source of all living things. 2.The sun provides us with lights and energy. 3.We have days and nights just because of the sun and the moon. 【俊狼猎英】团队为您解答.请尽快采纳.

龙海市15914336163: 请帮忙翻译几个简单的英语句子(需要绝对准确的) -
敛官长源: 1、它能破坏我们的环境 It damages our environment.2、它能伤害我们的身心 It does harm to us physically and mentally.3、它浪费了我们大量的时间和金钱 It wastes lots of time and money of us.4、它对我们有很大的帮助 It helps us a lot.5、我们需...

龙海市15914336163: 谁帮忙翻译一下这三个句子 很简单的(汉译英) -
敛官长源: 1.They are easy to communicate with each other in the similar age.2.He is value to trust because of his rich experience.

龙海市15914336163: 请帮忙用英语翻译三个句子
敛官长源: unless something terrible happens, lichang will mot eat in his restaurant. yonghui lied to people, and he won't let him get away. Maybe discount and a new sign can win his customers back.

龙海市15914336163: 请帮忙翻译几个英语句子1.谁想学我就教谁.(whatever)2.你什么时候准备好我们就可以开始.(whoever)3.不管你走哪条路,生活都不容易.(whenever)4.... -
敛官长源:[答案] 1.I will teach whoever wants to learn .2.We can start whenever you are ready .3.Life is not easy whichever way you choose .4.He makes friends wherever he goes .5.It rains throughout the night .6.They ...

龙海市15914336163: 几个简单句子请帮忙汉译英 -
敛官长源: 1.The sun is the energy source of all living things.2.The sun provides us with lights and energy.3.We have days and nights just because of the sun and the moon.【俊狼猎英】团队为您解答.请尽快采纳.

龙海市15914336163: 请帮忙翻译几句简单的句子1、建立欧盟统一货币区的原因2、欧洲货币一体化的过程3、统一货币将给欧盟带来重大利益4、欧元对中国和欧洲经济贸易关系的... -
敛官长源:[答案] 1,the reasons for the establishment of the EU single currency 2,the process of European monetary integration 3,the EU single currency will bring major benefits 4,the euro,the impact of economic and tr...

龙海市15914336163: 【10分】请翻译三个简单的句子 -
敛官长源: 1 地雷问题 每年由于地雷问题导致的伤亡人数在2000左右!2 饥荒问题 在莫桑比克,严重的干旱及洪水,导致500000人迫切的需要食物的援助!3 干旱问题 在整个莫桑比克,洁净物品的资源是相当紧缺的,因为缺少干净的水,每天有55个儿童死于痢疾!完全是我自己翻译的,保证准确度!希望满意!

龙海市15914336163: 请帮忙翻译几个短句,谢谢 -
敛官长源: 1.Internet将世界变bai小,将时间du缩短,将距离拉近. The internet makes the world smaller, the time shorter and the distance closer.2.新闻向世界开zhi放,dao消息来自全球. The news is open to the world and the information comes from every part of the world.3.在网络上以最快的专速度发布最属新的消息.The latest news is released at the quickest time possible on the internet.

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