
作者&投稿:陟吕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Dear Mr. ***,
Currently our company has some work of vehicle model design to be subcontracted. Through introduction of others, we’ve got your contact and expect of discussing with you about future cooperation. Could you please send us brief introduction documents of your company? Addtionally we hope to have a face-to-face meeting with you to conduct details discussion. Please inform the possible time.
Look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best Regards
(公司名称 联系方式等)




Through this contest / competition, I have leraned a great deal of oral skills but it also benefited me, making me to realize that I used to learn English just for the exams and I didn't know that English is actually a kind of language. Its biggest function is letting us to talk not purely to write. Our learning should not be a dummy English, therefore, oral English is rather important and I shall carry on with my hard work in the future days to come.
Thank you for listening.


1, power supply system
The building power supply uses the Yenchi international telegram supply line, the voltage class is 10KV. as a result of this line along the building edge, the lead wire is very convenient, considered the landscape and the personal security, the supply line uses buries the electric cable way wiring, the design power supply outwire 50 meters. uses electricity shoulders building project current collector total installed capacity 800 KVA. nearby the power supply way building complex supposes substation one, the placement (model) transformer, leaves the household voltage is 380/220, for building and plot internal force and illumination use. the fire fighting equipment operates the engine off according to the fire center instruction; ventilation system centralized linkage control; the life water pump according to the water level automatic control, all remote control equipment establishes the hand control function.
2, lighting system
Lighting system has the normal illumination, the emergency lighting and the outdoor landscape illumination. lighting standard according to national standards GB 133-90 value selection. the primary light source for the energy conservation fluorescent lamp, in public building positions and so on protected stairway mouth, underground garage channel, supposes fire escape the marker lamp; in the channel and the turning, supposes the scattered marker lamp.
3, fire acts
According to the high-rise construction design fire protection standard in a basement establishment fire fighting equipment between (fire control room, automatic electricity generation engine room, fire water plant) and the fire basin, according to the establish requirements storage sufficient water volume, satisfies fire the request, arranges a specialist 24 hour duty. in the exit passageway, the basement stair hall and the first room establishment fire prevention fire door, the fire door has voluntarily the closure function. the basement garage fortification smoke disperses the stair hall, in the various floors public spot and the office installs sprays the fire facility and the smoke feeling and the feeling warm sensor automatically. exit passageway, public spot establishment fire prevention emergency lighting, dispersal informational sign and fire hydrant.
4, the environmental protection and hygienic
The public sewage and the housing pollution discharge disperse into the urban sewage pipeline after septic tank processing. the sixth chapter of environmental effect and conservation program 。
一, ground water environmental effect and protects
This project water environmental effect is mainly the work sanitary sewage influence. the public sewage and the housing pollution discharge disperse into the urban sewage pipeline after septic tank processing.
二, atmospheric environments affect and protect
This project atmospheric environment influence are mainly face the street the exhaust which the road section and the underground parking garage automobile discharges to the ground surrounding air and the underground environment constitution environmental effect. the construction environmental protection green vegetation absorption waste gas, reduces the exhaust to the ground surrounding air and the underground environment influence.
三, the sound environmental effect and protects
This project the sound environmental effect is mainly the basement equipment movement noise effect. the underground facilities shaping selects the noise to be low as far as possible, when necessity makes sound-insulated processing to the related function district in the construction, achieves the environmental protection standard.
四, solid rejects affect and protect
This project the solid reject influence are mainly the work life solid reject environmental effects. solid trash will use packed in bags way collection processing, prevents two pollution. after five, project environmental protection goal the project completes, controls the environmental pollution basically, the environmental enhancement quality, enables it to achieve GB code to request, the active control pollutant discharge, achieves in the region the ecological equilibrium, the environment graceful work housing environment and the ecological environment intercoordination, the person and the nature harmonious relations.

1, power supply system The building power supply uses the Yenchi international telegram supply line, the voltage class is 10KV. as a result of this line along the building edge, the lead wire is very convenient, considered the landscape and the personal security, the supply line u...

好恶心,暴力的歌……应该是摇滚吧,全部手工翻译,累死我了 希望你喜欢

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