
作者&投稿:董芬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Drug is dredging the special commodity, relates directly to the people's health and lives, so, medicine industry related to the livelihood of the people. In recent years, our country medicine industry with higher speed vigorous development, with an average annual growth rate at about 16.6%. From the world scale, nearly 40 years, the world has been to the pharmaceutical industry with higher speed, the development of continuous, steady. In the 80 s began to drop, by the 90 s keep 8 to 10% of the speed of development, from 1951 ~ 1980 years of 29 years ask, the world $2.9 billion from drug total output value of up to $77.3 billion, increased by 25.9 times, the United States, Japan, the federal Germany's pharmaceutical industry the development speed of the country the whole industry mostly higher than average speed and the speed of the chemical industry. In particular, as noted, in the 70 s, of two world energy crisis, the impact of the worldwide economic depression in many western countries, the industrial development of the slow speed, even for negative growth, medicine industry in steady development. The reason is that the lives of the people more and more high quality requirements, the concept of health increasingly become mainstream.

I have a pen pal who lives in New York, he is now 14 years old now. He has a very healthy way of life. He campaigns on a daily basis, usually in his home after school. He is also very good eating habits, eat fruit and drink milk every day, never coke. So he has a healthy body. He went jogging every morning to go to school, his house, 1 km away from the school, about 5 minutes, so quick and physical.
He also told me that he intends to go to Hawaii this holiday season, he can dance and swimming. His life should forget all the troubles he has been impatient for the holidays this!

I have a pen pal. He lives in New York. He is 14 years old. He has a healthy life-style. He takes exercise everyday, usually after school. He also has a good diet, eating fruits, drinking milk, and never drinking cola. So he is very fit. He goes to school by running every morning. His home is 1 kilometres away from school, and it takes 5 minutes to get there. It is fast and good for health.
He also tells me that he is going to Hawaii for vacation. He can dance and swim. He wants to get rid of all the unpleasant things. He cannot wait!

i have a penpal, he lives in new york, america, he is fourteen this year.
he leads a healthy lifestyle.
he exercises daily,usually while he's heading home from school.
he has a healthy diet too, he eats fruits and drinks milk daily.
therefore he has a healthy body.
he jogs to school everyday, his house is a kilometer away from school and it takes him five minutes to reach there, this doesnt take much time and allows him to exercise at the same time.

plus, he told me that he plans to spend his holiday in hawaii, he could dance and swim. he wants to forget all the woes of life, he already can't wait for this holiday!

I have a pen pal.He lives in Nen Yock .he is 14 years old .he has health lifestyle,he eat fruit and drink milk He never drink cola.he told me that he plans to spend his holiday in hawaii, he could dance and swim. he wants to forget all the woes of life, he already can't wait for this holiday!

I have a pen pal, he live in New York, the United States, he is 14 years old this year。He has healthy life style.He has sport every day , usually after school .His food habit is also very good, everyday he eats some fruit and drink milk and never drink cola.So he has healthy body.He every morning runs to go to school, his house is 1,000 meters from school , he arrives at school about 5 minutes arrived, this is a very convenient way of exercising.
He also told me, he will plan to go to Hawaii this holidays .he can dance and swim.He want to forget annoyance all ,he can't wait for this vacation.

I have a pen pal who lives in New York in America. This year he is fourteen years old. He has a very healthy lifestyle. He exercises every day, usually after he gets off from school and goes home. His eating habits are also very good. Every day he eats fruit and drinks milk. He never drinks soda. So his body is very healthy. Every day, he runs to get to school. His home is one thousand meters from school and he takes about five minutes to get there. This is fast and a great way to train the body.

He told me that he plans to go to Hawaii this vacation. He can dance and swim. He wants to forget all of life's troubles. He can't wait for this vacation!

...如果够真诚朴实是就嫁给我 各位帅哥美女 帮帮小弟吧 有什么话能打动...
精典求婚1——如果爱你是错,我不愿对;如果对就是等于离开你,我情愿错一辈子。 精典求婚2——现在什么也不想说!快乐不在现在,只在未来!你愿意和我在网上共同守侯吗?精典求婚3——我想认识你!有缘吗?我平凡,但我自信 !精典求婚4——人生路途坎坷,我希望在这条砍坷的路上有你的陪伴...

Continuous progress of society, changes in people's living environment, quality of life improvement of people's tastes are also appropriate for the city changed, so increasing emphasis on managed properties. As property and people's lives can be very closely linked. Then it will ...



1. Our English teacher gave out the exam paper yesterday.2. Could you think up a plan better than this?3. I want to be a veterinarian when I grow up.4. Our school was set up in 1946.5. He called me up last night.6. My father is busy fixing up his bike.7. ...

高金悬赏 帅哥美女帮我找部电影

⒈比喻:整个的是块空灵的蓝水晶 ⒉拟人:桃树、杏树、梨树、你不让我,我不让你,都开满了花赶趟儿。⒊拟物:在群众的呼喝声中,那个恶霸夹着尾巴逃跑了。⒋扩大夸张:柏油路晒化了,甚至铺户门前的铜牌好像也要晒化 ⒌缩小夸张: 只能看到巴掌大的一块天地 ⒍超前夸张:她还没有端酒怀,就醉...

帮帮团 认证团队 合伙人 热推榜单 企业 媒体 政府 其他组织 商城 法律 手机答题 我的 15篇80词英语短文,和翻译,帅哥美女救我哦。1...所以,我在餐馆里得到了一份工作,在那里当服务员。每天早晨我早早地去工作,晚上很晚回到家。这份工作非常累人和无聊。这使我几乎半途而废。但是我用我的...

我想问的是,那个男的叫你同学老婆,她还打了他一下,是不想和他在一起,还是不好意思?如果是不想和他在一起那为什么还要知道那个男的是怎么想的 如果是不好意思,那你就帮帮她 不提你同学的名字你怎么问他是怎么想的?他都不知道你想问的是什么怎么回答,你怎么知道他说的是谁,想的什么 ...

第1、2题:http:\/\/zhidao.baidu.com\/question\/283268183.html 3、借:在途物资2200000 应交税费—应交增值税(进项税额)374000 贷:应付票据—A公司2574000 4、借:原材料180000 贷:应付账款180000 冲减9月末暂估入账(红字):借:原材料 180000 贷:应付账款 180000 借:原材料200000 应...

禹州市18266639922: 帅哥美女帮我翻译下英语 -
诸葛袁金蝉: 祝你今天过得好have a good day是人们说再见的时候的常用语,就是祝福的意思,也没必要翻译的多详细 别想我太多哦(这是调情咩?)

禹州市18266639922: 那位帅哥美女帮我翻译哈“头脑简单,四肢发达”这个英语短语蛮? -
诸葛袁金蝉: Simple mind and strong body.

禹州市18266639922: 那位帅哥,美女.帮我翻译下?
诸葛袁金蝉: Palm world power ,Foot pedal world territory ,All living things ,Life like ant

禹州市18266639922: 急!!!求各位帅哥美女帮我把下面的句子翻译成英文. 早上好!女孩们和男孩们!今天的天气是晴朗的.我们班的人都到齐了.这是我们的英语老师——苏老师. -
诸葛袁金蝉: Good morning! Girls and boys! Today the weather is sunny. Our class are all here. This is our English teacher -- teacher su.

禹州市18266639922: 帅哥,美女用英语怎么说? -
诸葛袁金蝉: handsome man 帅哥 femme fatale ,beautiful woman, beauty 美女 祝开心!

禹州市18266639922: (帅哥美女) 英语怎么说? -
诸葛袁金蝉: 帅哥 handsome guy / lady-killer 美女 pretty girl / beautiful lady他是个不折不扣的帅哥. He's a real lady-killer 像你这样的帅哥(美女)怎么会落单? What's a handsome guy (pretty girl) like you doing here alone? 美女如云 Pretty girls are as many as clouds

禹州市18266639922: 帅哥美女请帮忙用英语翻译一下
诸葛袁金蝉: . Our school is located in the city center, next to a beautiful lake, the school is green, the way clean, quiet 2. Capacious and bright classrooms, a six floors of the library, laboratory and computer room, have a football field and six basketball court, and a swimming pool

禹州市18266639922: 有哪位帅哥美女能帮我翻译一下地址,译成英文地址! -
诸葛袁金蝉: Lake Avenue Hongshan District of Hubei province Wuhan poly Xinyu three 10 Building 1 unit 1102 room

禹州市18266639922: 请哪位帅哥美女帮我来翻译下这句话`3Q拉
诸葛袁金蝉: 地道的翻译: Piggy I know that I'm not the one you want most But I'll be always waiting for you I love you forever`

禹州市18266639922: 麻烦哪位帅哥美女帮我翻译一下,谢谢!
诸葛袁金蝉: Executive吧... (真是疯了,,,这个如果一定要翻译的话就是) 执子之手,与子偕老 (不过怎么看怎么想chi-english)

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