
作者&投稿:笃刻 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Property management fee difficult essential reason analysis
Property management as an emerging industry of our country, after 20 years of development, in most regions enters into primary stage, and has gradually formed in the national cities of enterprise management, professional management and socialized service pattern. But, in its development process still exist many problems, it is facing many difficulties, including the most outstanding is property management fee difficult question. This paper focuses on the property management fee difficult essential reason is analyzed.


Continuous progress of society, changes in people's living environment, quality of life improvement of people's tastes are also appropriate for the city changed, so increasing emphasis on managed properties. As property and people's lives can be very closely linked. Then it will inevitably have conflict between them, but after the conflict is simply the result of property services companies refuse to provide services to the property owners refused to pay fees, or both to the court, which also created the necessity of the difficult problem of property management fees .

This is difficult to talk about the status of property management fees, causes, and countermeasures.

Property management fees difficult situation for the urban 57 property management companies, mostly in the rates between 60% -70%, can reach more than 90% accounting for the low collection rate of only some 30% -40%. Currently, the city charges property worrying, property service charges difficult to keep up with leading property management services, property management services to keep up with people not willing to pay more lead to a vicious circle. Even worse, some district emerging to replace the owners committee of property owners to keep the Commission to replace the Commission from the management companies and owners of various phenomena of self-government, etc.

Property management fees from the analysis was difficult due to a property services company of their own reasons, the owner of the delinquent acts of their own causes, the developer left too many problems caused by inadequate laws and regulations in arrears behavior, lack of government guidance, media The strength and accuracy is not enough.

Difficult Situation of property management fees are, for the property services enterprises, the market and the government reasons, multi-joint, to increase efforts to deal with arrears of property management.

To everyone's advantage, the owner must be in accordance with their commitment to the Convention and consciously pay property services, property services company also provides contract owners should provide the highest quality of service. So that the parties to reduce conflict, to the residential community harmony and warmth of life the owners. Property services industries can better future.

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江心心可: 你好,这事我为您翻译的答案:I know, I just love the feeling of her simple, I know she has been in my mind is the most important man, though these words come out is not very convincing, but those feelings I know, never had the feeling, I used the ...

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江心心可: Good morning! Girls and boys! Today the weather is sunny. Our class are all here. This is our English teacher -- teacher su.

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江心心可: 供参考用: Products in the warranty period, a res...

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江心心可:[答案] 很高兴可以回答你的问题, 1,在赡养孝敬自己的长辈时不应忘记其他与自己没有亲缘关系的老人.在抚养教育自己的小辈时不应忘记其他与自己没有血缘关系的小孩. 2,人民放在第一位,国家其次,君在最后.

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合水县18692047715: 有那位高手能帮忙把这段文字翻译成英语.谢谢了 -
江心心可: 6 English level of proficiency in reading and writing heard, in the West are familiar with financial accounting, specialized outstanding achievements, both in more than 80 minutes. A quick mind, good at analysis, the modern concept of financial ...

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江心心可: 地道的翻译: Piggy I know that I'm not the one you want most But I'll be always waiting for you I love you forever`

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