
作者&投稿:况进 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

海鲜类: Seafood
Sauteed Prawns In Shanghai Style
Crystal Shrimps
Sautéed Shelled Shrimps
40.生爆鳝背 Fried Water Eels With Black Vinegar Sauce
41.响油鳝丝 Stir-Fried Eel With Hot Oil
42.银芽鳝丝 Shredded Eel With Bean Sprouts
43.酸菜鱼片 Fish Filet Stir Fried With Sour Pickle
44.双果虾球 Sautéed Shrimp Balls With (双果)
45.菠萝虾球 Sautéed Prawn With Pineapple
46.松籽黄鱼 Stewed Yellow Croaker With Pine Seeds
47.剁椒鱼头 Stir Fry Fish Head With Chopped Hot Chili
半个 48 壹个 88
Half 48 Whole 88
48.松籽海鲈鱼 Steamed Sea Bass With Pine Seeds
49.葱香海鲈鱼 Steamed Sea Bass With Scallion
50.酸菜海鲈鱼锅仔 Sea Bass With Pickled Cabbage In Hot Pot


11。spicy and sour soup
hot and sour soup : regular 24 Medium 38 Large 58
12。“宋嫂”fish soup
13。“west lake”beef soup
14。salted-meat with beancurd soup
15。special recipe clay-pot fish-head soup
16。coriander,shredded meat and beancurd soup
17。coriander,fish-ball and century-egg soup

上海私房菜:本店特色菜Shanghai private kitchens: the specialty of the house
25.葱油鸡Scallion Chicken 78RMB/half 150RMB/one
27.蜜制金蹄 honey sauce-elbow
28.私房小炒皇private cook-king
29.一品香脆肉 I Pin Hsiang crispy meat
30.脆果掌中宝 Crisp fruit the in-hand
31自制虾面筋 Home made Shrimp gluten
32.甘香基围虾fragrant and sweet greasyback Shrimps
33.翅汤海鲈鱼 soup of Sea Bass
34.白玉赛螃蟹 Crab meat styleegg
35.咸蛋黄锅巴 Rice Crispy with Salted Egg
37.茄汁虾仁锅巴 Shrimp and Rice Crispy with Tomato Sauce
38.特色卤蛋红烧肉 distinctive Spiced eggs with Braised pork in brown sauce



比如:白玉赛螃蟹 -> Stirfried Egg Whites
咸蛋黄锅巴 -> Rice Crispy with Salted Egg
茄汁虾仁锅巴 -> Shrimp and Rice Crispy with Tomato Sauce


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Wine is wine in the Western countries the main species, the West continues to explore over a long period, and has gradually formed a set of table manners to enjoy wine. Such as wine and wine-oriented mix of wine and food matching species; about at the right temperature range ...

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China has become an aging population is one of the countries, which account for more than 70% of rural ageing population, and over the years, the rural old-age rely mainly on family income and land income, rural social security is almost a blank state, rural endowment insurance ...

The hoses that Paris, lived with the dream Remy named little mice But who will be the joke Remy dream, because it actually has been thinking about a 5 star of the French restaurant chefs, obviously, this dream is just impossible!However, is a senior French restaurant on his ...

任县15920641174: 请英语高手翻译一下菜单!感谢 -
程罚阿奇: 63. Guru pineapple meat Jiang Bao 64.XO fish 65. Jiangrou Beijing fo...

任县15920641174: 请英语高手翻译一下菜单上海私房菜:本店特色菜 25.葱油鸡 半只 78 壹只 150 26.龙穿凤翅 27.蜜制金蹄 28.私房小炒皇 29.一品香脆肉 30.脆果掌中宝 31自制... -
程罚阿奇:[答案] 上海私房菜:本店特色菜Shanghai private kitchens: the specialty of the house 25.葱油鸡Scallion Chicken 78RMB/half 150... 38.特色卤蛋红烧肉 distinctive Spiced eggs with Braised pork in brown sauce 新人浅尝翻译,望请多多指教~~

任县15920641174: 请英语高手翻译一下菜单!
程罚阿奇: 39. Shrimp stirfry 40. Fried Eel 41. Sliced Eel in oil 42. Sliced Eel with Bean Sprouts 43. Fish & Pickled Vegetables 44. shrimp balls with two kinds of nuts (fruits) 45. Pineapple Shrimp 46. Yellow Croaker with Pine Seeds 47. Fish Head in chopped ...

任县15920641174: 英语翻译请各位英语高手帮我翻译一下以下几个菜名,焦糖布丁——黑桃派——琪淋脆饼糕——黄桃布丁——猪皮——黑椒鸡心——鸡肉青椒串——德国咸猪... -
程罚阿奇:[答案] 焦糖布丁Caramel pudding黑桃派Send spade 琪淋脆饼糕Qi Lin shortbread cake黄桃布丁Yellow peach pudding猪皮Pigskin黑椒鸡心Black Pepper Jixin.鸡肉青椒串Green pepper chicken string德国咸猪蹄Germany Ham Pig...

任县15920641174: 英语高手快来帮帮忙啊,小弟不懂英文菜单的翻译,帮帮忙翻译翻译啦!! -
程罚阿奇: 汤类本国自制,新鲜&美味浓菜汤法式洋葱汤一杯:1.5美金 一碗:2.0美金主菜之外的食物(可以理解为开胃菜,法国人吃饭很讲究过程)正餐(也就是主菜)之前要少量食用小虾鸡尾酒蘑菇熏肉鸡肝色拉水果色拉可供选择:苹果、菠萝、香蕉...

任县15920641174: 英语翻译还有下列菜谱:红烧鲤鱼;清炒土豆丝;啤酒鸭;辣子鸡;鸳鸯火锅;臭豆腐;豆腐乳,炒田螺,腐竹;卤水拼盘;毛血旺;老火靓汤.请那位高手翻... -
程罚阿奇:[答案] 鱼香茄子 Fry Eggplant 红烧鲤鱼 braised carp with soy sauce清炒土豆丝 fry shredded potatoes; fry potato strips; fry potato啤酒鸭 braised duck with beer (也有直译为beer duck的)辣子鸡 stir fry chicken wi...

任县15920641174: 请帮我翻译一下酒店的菜单 -
程罚阿奇: 一、Salad bar 11, 2 sand eggs potatoes, onions lap 3, 4 carrots, mandarin-orange, cucumber, 5, 6 films cucumber, green pepper lap seven, eight parsley, Continental 9 fruit sala...

任县15920641174: 请英语高手翻译一下:May I have you order now please -
程罚阿奇: 餐馆里服务员问顾客:您现在可以点菜了吗?your order 指的是顾客选定的菜单.

任县15920641174: 急急,请英语高手帮忙翻译《凉拌黄瓜》的菜谱,机器翻译的闪!
程罚阿奇: Cucumber in Sauce ingredient :2 cucumbers 2 garlic 2 dried-peppers Seasoning: 1 teaspoon sesame oil 1 / 8 teaspoon vinegar 1 / 8 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon MSG 1 teaspoon sugar Production method: 1 wash the cucumbers,shave them with ...

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