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I, Robot 电影剧情简介:

I, Robot is a science fiction film produced in the United States, filmed in Vancouver, British Columbia, and released on July 16, 2004. Although the story is attributed to Isaac Asimov's Robot Series, including a short story collection of the same name (Isaac Asimov's I, Robot), it is actually based on Hardwired, a spec script by Jeff Vintar. It also bears some resemblance to a pre-Asimov, 1939 science fiction short story, "I, Robot" by Eando Binder, concerning a sapient humanoid robot charged for the murder of its creator. Asimov's story collection was given the same name by its publisher against Asimov's wishes. The movie's plot is not directly based on any story or group of stories by Asimov. Some of Asimov's ideas about robots were added to Vintar's script after the film's producers acquired the rights to the anthology title--most importantly the Three Laws of Robotics.

A country occupying most of the island of Ireland. Established as the Irish Free State in 1922, Ireland officially became the sovereign state of Eire in 1937. The Republic of Ireland was proclaimed on Easter Monday (April 18), 1949. Dublin is the capital and the largest city. Population, 3,443,405.

seeing God in his creation, and not only as the Creator. Knowledge and insight could be obtained through intuition. Though the flourish of this trend only lasted about 10 years, the influence of Transcendentalism was pervasive and far-flung; many American writers succeeded Emerson and published their transcendental works: Henry David Thoreau[11] and Margaret Fuller[12]. Examples of the spirit of transcendentalism can be seen continuing into the 20th century. Walt Whitman claimed transcendentalism lid him in the writing of Leaves of Grass; more than likely, Emily Dickinson could have said the same about her poetry. Nathaniel Hawthorne, although never fully accepting the principles of transcendentalism, was profoundly affected by it.

Realism is not a novel term in literature. Early back to Dickens time, many European Realists committed themselves to “faithful representation of the reality” and established a great many vivid characters. However, this term was endowed with new meaning in American literature. It encompasses the period of time from the Civil War to the turn of the century during which William Dean Howells, Rebecca Harding Davis, Henry James, Mark Twain[13], and others wrote fiction devoted to accurate representation and an exploration of American lives in various contexts. As the United States grew rapidly after the Civil War, the increasing rates of democracy and literacy, the rapid growth in industrialism and urbanization, an expanding population base due to immigration, and a relative rise in middle-class affluence provided a fertile literary environment for readers interested in understanding these rapid shifts in culture. It would apprehend in all particulars the connection between the familiar and the extraordinary, and the seen and unseen of human nature[14]. Again, Realism in America developed into a new phase: Naturalism[15]. Despite its clear heritance for Realism, Naturalism is more of a new trend distinctly different. Both Naturalism and Realism excel in truthful descriptions of life, while Naturalism implies a philosophical position that human beings can be studied through their interrelation with surroundings. The motif of Naturalism is human beings instead of incidents. In some sense, Naturalistic novels are more real than Realism, for their descriptions and concerns are more life-like: their settings common and unpleasant, their characters inferior and less heroic. Characters do not have free will; external and internal forces, environment, or heredity control their behavior and pessimism due to the pressure of material society is prevailing. Representatives of this phase are Frank Norris (1870-1902 Moran of the Lady Letty published in 1899); Theodore Dreiser (1971-1945 Sister Carrie in 1900); Jack London (1876-1916 The Call of the Wild in 1903); Stephen Crane (1871-1900 The Red Badge of Courage); Edith Wharton (1862-1937 The House of Mirth in 1905); Ellen Glasgow (1874-1945 Barren Ground in 1925)[16].

With the accrual possibility of global cultural intermingle, modern society is no longer developing in a hermetic environment; modern literature is especially so. When touching upon Modernism, people usually perceive European and American Modernism as a whole. Here we put our focus on the proper characteristics of American Modernism. When Europe was bemisted in world wars, American economy, on the contrary, was developing by leaps and bounds; therefore, industrialization of America was far more complete and downright than European continent. The pressure of highly industrialized society and diversified culture brought by immigrants strengthened people’s zest and determination to break away from the old social norms and an equally enthusiastic search for the real meaning of life. Many new terms suddenly sprout out: “Lost generation”, “hippies”, etc. serve as a proclamation of independence from the past traditions. American modernists, as profound and abstruse as their European contemporaries, are undoubtedly more comprehensive and diversified. Writers of this phase created many immortal masterpieces: F. Scott Fitzgerald[17] summarized the experiences and attitudes of the decade in his The Great Gatsby (1926); Ernest Hemingway explored eternal question of life and death in his Farewell to Arms (1929) and The Sun Also Rises (1926); Henry James displayed themes of morality in The Portrait of a Lady (1881). At the same time, literature concerning minorities, American blacks, Judaism, etc. also starts glittering. Literature has entered a diversified age.


[1] Washington Irving (1783-1859): Early American Novelist, was called “the Father of American Literature.” Major works include: The Sketch Book Of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. (1819-20), Columbus (1828), Alhambra (1832), The Cayon Miscellany (1835)

[2] Fennimore Cooper (1789-1851): Early American novelist, whose best-known tales of frontier adventure include The Last Of The Mohicans (1826), The Pathfinder (1841) and The Deerslayer (1840)

[3] Floruit: n. the period during which a person, school, or movement was most active or flourishing; 繁盛期

[4] Transcendentalism: n. a philosophy associated with Kant, holding that one must transcend empiricism or what is experienced in order to ascertain the a priori principles of all knowledge. 先验论与康德有关的一种哲学,认为人必须超越经验主义或体验到的东西以探知所有知识的先验原则; 先验说, 超越论

[5] Puritanism: n. the practices and doctrines of the Puritans; scrupulous moral rigor, especially hostility to social pleasures and indulgences; 清教徒的习俗和教义; 道德上的极端拘谨

[6] Quaker: n. a member of the Society of Friends; 贵格会教徒教友协会的成员

[7] Unitarianism: n. a Christian group that holds members should be free to believe what they want; 唯一神教派(基督教一派, 认为上帝系单一者, 反对三位一体的说法)的信徒

[8] Deism: n. the belief, based solely on reason; 自然神论, 自然神教派(信上帝之存在及创世界,但对其所创造的世界及世人未加以支配)

[9] See:http://www.csustan.edu/english/reuben/pal/chap4/4intro.html

[10] Orthodox: adj. adhering to the accepted or traditional and established faith, especially in religion; 正统的坚持 被接受的或传统的和业已建立的信念; 东正教的

[11] Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862): American author, major works: Civil Disobedience (1849), Walden (1854), Slavery in Massachusetts (1854)

[12] Margaret Fuller: Early American Essayist and writer. Major works include: The Great Lawsuit. Man versus Men. Woman versus Women.(1843), Summer On the Lakes (1844), Women in the Nineteenth Century (1845)

[13] William Dean Howells (1837-1920): American Dramatist and Novelist, major works: A Selected Edition of W. D. H. (1969); A Modern Instance and The Rise Of Silas Lapham (1875-86); The Minister's Charge, Annie Kilburn (1886-88); Rebecca Harding Davis (1831-1910): American Novelist. Major works: Life in the Iron Mills, Waiting for the Verdict, Rebecca Harding Davis: A Reader. Mark Twain: American novelist and humorist. Major works: The Innocents Abroad (1869), The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876), The Prince and the Pauper (1881), Life on the Mississippi (1883), Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884), The Mysterious Stranger (1916)

[14] See: http://guweb2.gonzaga.edu/faculty/campbell/enl311/realism.htm

[15] Naturalism: n. a literary trend that practice describing precisely the actual circumstances of human life in literature; 一种精确地描述人类现实环境的实践的文学流派;自然主义

[16] Frank Norris (Moran of the Lady Letty); 弗兰克·诺里斯《莱蒂夫人号的莫兰》;Theodore Dreiser (Sister Carrie); 德莱赛《嘉莉妹妹》;Jack London (The Call of the Wild); 杰克·伦敦 《野性的呼唤》;Stephen Crane (The Red Badge of Courage); 斯蒂芬·克莱恩《红色英勇勋章》;Edith Wharton (The House of Mirth); 华顿《欢乐之家》;Ellen Glasgow (Barren Ground);埃伦‧格拉斯哥《荒凉地》

[17] F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) : American novelist. The Great Gatsby:《了不起的盖茨比》

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I, Robot 电影剧情简介:I, Robot is a science fiction film produced in the United States, filmed in Vancouver, British Columbia, and released on July 16, 2004. Although the story is attributed to Isaac Asimov's Robot Series, including a short story collection of the same name (I...

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干詹益源:[答案] I, Robot 电影剧情简介: I, Robot is a science fiction film produced in the United States, filmed in Vancouver, British Columbia, and released on July 16, 2004. Although the story is attributed to Isaac Asimov's Robot Series, including a short story ...

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干詹益源: I, Robot 电影剧情简介:I, Robot is a science fiction film produced in the United States, filmed in Vancouver, British Columbia, and released on July 16, 2004. Although the story is attributed to Isaac Asimov's Robot Series, including a short story ...

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干詹益源:[答案] Jurassic Park is a science fiction novel that was written by the late Michael Crichton and published in 1990. Often considered a cautionary tale on unconsidered biological tinkering in the same spirit...

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