
作者&投稿:金巩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
翻译词组啊,急 初中的~

起床 get uo
穿衣 get dressed
刷牙 brush one's teeth
洗淋浴 have / take a shower
吃早餐 have breakfast
去上学 go to school
吃午餐 have lunch
做运动 do exercise / do sport
回家 go home
吃晚餐 have supper / have dinner
做作业 do one's homework
上床睡觉 go go bed
打扫房间 clean the room
散步 go for a walk
迟到 be late for
一份有趣的工作 an interesting job
上班 go to work
在周末 at weekends
在上学的日子 during the school day
睡得早 go to bed early
吃得快 eat quickly
或者 either ....or
吃一顿丰富的早餐 have a big breakfast
半小时 half an hour
有一个有趣的生活 have an interesting life

think of anyone who can talk to

1.Look at the signs
2.Many stickers
3.Her scarf
4.Some Bottle of Coca Cola
5.Your photo posted on this
6.A swimming pool
7.Soft at the end of a pair of sports shoes
8.No later than 8:00
9.Visit the Museum
10.Sitting in the balcony
11.make a wish
12.Performing a cake-cutting
13.The other one
14.Thank you for inviting me to

1, see that the card of designation
2, many decalses
3, her scarf
4, several hear the cola
5, stick your photograph here
6 and an a swimming pools
7 and a pairs of soft bottomses athletic shoes
8, no later than 8:00
9, visit museum
10, sit on the veranda
11, make a wish
12, slice the cake
13, other who
14, thank you to invite me

1, look at the signs

2, a number of stickers

3, her scarf

4, listen to a few Coke

5, you have to paste photographs in this

6, a swimming pool

7, soft at the end of a pair of sports shoes

8, no later than 8:00

9, visited the museum

10, sitting in the balcony

11, make a wish

12, performing a cake-cutting

13, the other one

14, thank you for inviting me to

1、作动词:(1)形声。从言,睾(yì)声。本义:翻译,把一种语言文字翻译成另一种语言文字(2)解释;阐述(3)通“择”。选择。2、作名词:(1)翻译人员(2)异域。三、“译”字组词及其释义 1、直译:翻译外国文字时,尽量按照原文直接译出。2、译者:把一种语言或体系译成另一种的人。


8BD1,GBK:D2EB, , 更多→ 译 [译]英文翻译 decode; encode; translate [译]为谜底的谜语 1.又生一计(打一字)[译]组词 译音 翻译 译著 译名 迻译 转译 译员 重译 传译 今译 译笔 译本 移译 直译 更多译组词 [译]相关搜寻 译文 解码 译者 译介 译著 译音 译本 译名 译员 ...

“译”换成竖心旁是“怿”字。拼 音 :【yì】部 首: 忄 笔 画 :8 五 笔:NCFH 【基本释义】〈形〉(形声。从心,睾( yì)声。本义:喜悦) 同本义 怿,悦也。——《说文新附》怿,悦也,乐也。——《广韵》说怿女美。——《诗·邶风·静女》辞之怿矣。——《诗·大雅·板》。传:...

权钧力齐 力敌千钧 雷霆万钧 钧天广乐 发引千钧 束矢钧金 一发千钧 千钧重负 千钧一发 力钧势敌 钧金束矢 钧折行仓 秉轴持钧 一字千钧 广乐钧天 势钧力敌 秉钧当轴 秉钧持轴 蝉翼为重,千钧为轻 蝉翼为重﹐千钧为轻 译没有找到 以上供参考 ...

1、阿①ā 阿罗汉 阿姨 ②ē 阿附 阿胶 2、挨①āi 挨个 挨近 ②ái 挨打 挨说 3、拗①ào 拗口 ②niǜ 执拗 蚌①bàng 蛤蚌 ②bèng 蚌埠 堡 ①bǎo碉堡 堡垒②bǔ瓦窑堡 吴堡③pù十里堡 便 ①biàn 方便 便利 便宜从事 ②pián便宜 ...

(《庄子与惠子游于濠梁》) ④以天下之所顺,攻亲戚之所畔.(《得道多助,失道寡助》) ⑤先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐.(《岳阳楼记》) 从这些例子可以看出,当“之”用在一个名词或代词(主语)和一个动词或形容词(谓语)之间时,“之”不译.3、“之”起调节音节作用,不译.这种用法,在初中阶段并不多见...

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休贸贝尔:[答案] 1.make dumplings until midnight 2.Halloween chocolate 3.face the problem carefully 4.clean the room cleanly 5.as white as snow 6.run as fast as train 7.Christmas Eve 8.cut the vegetable 9.go on to do my homework 10.help yourself 11.make meals in the...

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休贸贝尔: 1 走开2 炫耀3 属于4 第二 秒5 醒来

道真仡佬族苗族自治县17143118875: 初二英语翻译词组
休贸贝尔: 你好. 词组分别为:1、food on.2、The largest animal planet.3、in the air in the sky.4、Weigh 209 tons.5、A new set of teeth.6、A cm long.7、19 feet high. 希望对你有帮助.

道真仡佬族苗族自治县17143118875: 初中 英语 翻译词组回答好评 -
休贸贝尔: 1 take part in the singing contest2 live in another city3 make dinner for your parents4 参观故宫博物馆5 爬长城

道真仡佬族苗族自治县17143118875: 初中英语常用词组有哪些(有汉语翻译)?尽量多一点, -
休贸贝尔:[答案] like to do \doing sth“喜欢做某事” go to the movies=go to the cinema=see a film“看电影” surf the Internet“上网” the same as“与……相同” be different from“与……不同” go swimming\camping\fishing……“去……” how ofen “多久一次” ...

道真仡佬族苗族自治县17143118875: 初中英语词组的翻译 -
休贸贝尔: 1.不管怎样 no matter what2.入睡 fall asleep3.查明,确实 make sure 4.以```著名 be famous of5.尽快 as soon as possible 6.参加 join to1.slow down 放缓2.go straight ahead 直行3.be proud of 以...骄傲4.cut down 砍倒5.be amazed at 惊叹6.allow sb. to do sth 允许某人做某事7.wake up 苏醒8.set off 启程9.speak highly of 赞扬

道真仡佬族苗族自治县17143118875: 初中英语词组及翻译 -
休贸贝尔: 1 have been to 去过…2 have gone to 去了…3 have been in 在…4 an amusement park游乐场5 a water park 水上公园6 space museum 太空博物馆7 have a good \great\wonderful time玩的愉快8 go skating去滑冰9 most of…中的大多数10 hear of听...

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休贸贝尔: ①交换生 Exchange students.②熬夜 Stay up all night.③早上好 Good morning.④按时 On time ⑤多少 How much

道真仡佬族苗族自治县17143118875: 帮忙翻译几个初中英语词组
休贸贝尔: 1 help somebody 2 be replaced with 3 break the rule 4 don't speak loud 5 waste energy 6 prevend from doing something 7 have an accident 6 take a look 9 make a progress 10 have chance to do something

道真仡佬族苗族自治县17143118875: 初中英语词组翻译 -
休贸贝尔: industry destroy blood pressure chemical factory put...on be harmful to had better not do sth there is (are) sb/sth doingbe deaf as bad as all kinds of can not...

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