
作者&投稿:官强 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 1. What is the World Expo?
The World Expo, also known as the World's Fair or International Exposition, is a significant global event that showcases innovation, culture, and technology. It is often likened to the Olympic Games but for industries, economies, and scientific advancements instead of sports.
2. What was the theme of Expo 2010?
The theme of Expo 2010 was "Better City, Better Life," emphasizing the importance of urban development and the quality of life in modern cities.
3. What does the Expo emblem represent?
The Expo emblem symbolizes the unity and cooperation of people from different parts of the world. It is often depicted as three interconnected figures, representing the global community working together.
4. When did the Expo 2010 take place?
The Expo 2010 opened on May 1st and concluded on October 31st of the same year.
5. Where and when was the first World Expo held?
The first World Expo was held in London on May 1st, 1851.
6. Which countries have hosted the World Expo?
Multiple cities in various countries have hosted the World Expo. Thirteen countries have been host to this international event, including cities such as London, Paris, New York, Berlin, Brussels, Toronto, Tokyo, Sydney, Madrid, Milan, Seoul, Porto, and Shanghai.
Common English phrases related to the World Expo:
- "I aspire to be a volunteer at the 2010 World Expo."
- "It takes about an hour to reach the Expo Village from the airport."
- "You can walk through the scenic corridor to reach the Expo Center."
- "Accessing the Expo site in Pudong via the river tunnels is very convenient."
- "The shuttles on the Expo site run every ten minutes."

1. What is the World Expo?The World Expo, also known as the World's Fair or International Exposition, is a significant global event that showcases innovation, culture, and technology. It is often likened to the Olympic Games but for industries, economies, and scientific advancements...

Expo emblem 世博会会徽 Expo logo 世博会徽标 Expo mascot 世博会吉祥物 Expo park 世博园 Expo theme 世博会主题The theme pavilions 主题馆 International pavilion 国际馆Enterprise pavilion 企业馆 China pavilion 中国馆The Expo village 世博会村 Symposium 专题讨论会Volunteer 志愿者 1 What is t...

世博会会徽 Expo emblem 世博会徽标 Expo Logo 世博会吉祥物 Expo Mascot 世博会纪念品 Expo Souvenir 世博园 Expo Park 世博会主题 Expo theme 世博园区 the Expo Site 主题馆 the theme pavilions 国际馆 International Pavilion 主题馆 Theme Pavilion 企业馆 Enterprise Pavilion 中国馆 China Pavilion...

What is the World Expo?The World Expo is a large-scale, global, non-commercial Expo. The hosting of the World Expo must be applied for by a country and approved by the international World Expo committee. Expo aims to promote the exchange of ideas and development of the world ...

the World Expo

The Coming up of World Exposition 世博会的到来

"Treasure" full of meaning from head to toe. Chinese characters of "person" as the core of creativity. Only the world's "people" to support each other, man and nature, man and society, harmony between people, so that city life will be better. I think this is the spirit ...

上海世博会 Shanghai World Expo

1.世博会常用词语的英文翻译 中国上海2010年世博会:Eopo 2010 Shanghai China 世博会会徽: the Expo emblem 世博会会徽看起来像三个人手挽着手。The Expo emblem looks like three people holding hands. 世博会将持续半年。The Expo will last six months. 世博会的主题: the theme of Expo 城市,让生活更美好...

...World Expo”,能否介绍一点关于世博会的东西?
“The World Expo”上海成功获得2010年世界博览会的主办权,这无疑是继北京成功申奥之后中国的又一大盛事 。但相对于奥运会而言,人们对有“经济和科技领域的奥林匹克”之称的世博会还比较陌生。The World Expo is a large-scale, global, non- mercial Expo. It aims to promote the exchange of ...

湖里区15687977991: 世博会怎样用英语表达快 -
汪竿盖诺:[答案] (World Exhibition or Exposition,简称World Expo) 上海世博会 shanghai expo 2010

湖里区15687977991: 关于世博会:【1】世博会的英语怎么写呢? -
汪竿盖诺:[答案] 不过,至于“world”,“2010”,“China”和“Shanghai”的出现,我一直不清楚:这些词到底要不要写,如果要写的话,... “World Expo 2010 Shanghai”,等等.世博会的英语官方网站加“China”,忽略“World”:“Expo 2010 Shanghai China...

湖里区15687977991: 关于世博会的英语词语 -
汪竿盖诺: 世界博览会(World Exhibition or Exposition,简称World Expo) Expo emblem 世博会会徽 Expo logo 世博会徽标 Expo mascot 世博会吉祥物 Expo park 世博园 Expo theme 世博会主题The theme pavilions 主题馆 International pavilion 国际馆...

湖里区15687977991: 我要50个关于世博会的英语单词
汪竿盖诺: 2010 上海世博会 World Expo 2010 Shanghai 世博会徽标 Expo Logo 世博会吉祥物 Expo Mascot 世博会纪念品 Expo Souvenir 世博园 Expo Park 国际馆 International Pavilion 主题馆 Theme PavIlion 企业馆 Enterprise Pavilion 中国馆 China ...

湖里区15687977991: 有关于世博会的英语单词,我不要短语,两个字,拜托啦!!急着交作业,越多越好,拜托!
汪竿盖诺: EXPO SHANGHAI CHIAN中国上海世博会 Better city,better life.城市让生活更美好. volunteer志愿者

湖里区15687977991: 求50个有关世博会的英语单词 -
汪竿盖诺: 经典世博英语短语Constant dropping wears the stone. ( 滴水穿石.)Experience is the mother of wisdom. (经验是智慧之母.)Every man is his own worst enemy.( 一个人最大的敌人就是他自己.)Saying and doing are two different ...

湖里区15687977991: 世博专有名词英语
汪竿盖诺: 正好我有: 世博会名词介绍 世博会 World Expo 上海世博会 World Expo 2010 Shanghai 世博会徽标 Expo Logo 世博会吉祥物 Expo Mascot 世博会纪念品 Expo Souvenir 世博园 Expo Park 国际馆 International Pavilion 主题馆 Theme PavIlion 企业...

湖里区15687977991: 用英语介绍上海世博会至少50个单词, -
汪竿盖诺:[答案] 2010年世界博览会(Expo 2010)是一个筹备中的世界博览会,计划于2010年在中国上海市举行,也是历来首次由中国举办的世界博览会.博览会的主题是“城市,让生活更美好”(Better City, Better Life).主办机构预计吸引世界各地7000万人次参观者...

湖里区15687977991: 上海世博会的英语怎么说 -
汪竿盖诺: Shanghai World Expo 2010.

湖里区15687977991: 求8句世博英语
汪竿盖诺: 世博会 World Expo 上海世博会 World Expo 2010 Shanghai世博会徽标 Expo Logo世博会吉祥物 Expo Mascot世博会纪念品 Expo Souvenir世博园 Expo Park国际馆 International Pavilion主题馆 Theme PavIlion企业馆 Enterprise Pavilion...

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