
作者&投稿:郴许 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



孢子悬浮液一毫升的浓度2×107孢子/ ml被用作一接种物在每个实验。
糖是硫酸苯酚估计的方法和柠檬酸、苏达权等。杜伯伊由乙酸酐和吡啶的方法,Marier Boulet。

This is my first diary in English. 放假前的运动会和文艺汇演让我印象颇深。 Leave before the Games and the variety show me deep impression. 班里的每一个人都努力做到最好,也都乐在其中。 Everyone in the class to do our best, have fun. 开学一个月了,我已经融入到这个集体中,看着拍摄回来的照片,就好像都是老朋友一样。 The opening of the month, I have into this group, looking at photos shot back, it seems that, like an old friend. 我越发期待在7班中的每一天了。 I look forward to more in 7 classes each day.

今天开始着手写功课。 Today, the beginning of a hand-written homework. 作业那么多真不知道从何写起。 Operating so many really do not know how to write from. 高一以来生活变得忙碌,很像初三的最后几天,甚至有些不安。 Since a high-busy life, much like the third in the last few days, and even some anxiety. 课业负担和家庭的压力确实让我手足无措。 Load and the pressure of the family has given me so unprepared. 不过我相信一切都会好起来,毕竟高中才刚刚开始,我们还有很长的路要走,我们会自信,微笑,诚恳的面对每一天,每一个人。 However, I believe that everything will be fine, high school, after all, has only just begun, we still have a long way to go, we will be confident, smiling and sincere in the face every day, everyone.

This is my first time to write my diary in English.
The sports meeting and the show before vacation were very impressive. Everyone in our class tried to do their best and enjoy themselves during those two activities. Althought just one month past, we are worked as a team, and I am the member it this team. Looking at photoes I have taken, all of us like old friend which makes me expecting the coming days in this class.

I begin to finish my homework today, there are so many homeworks and I really don't know how to strat. High school study became busy, same as the very last days in 9th Grade. The pressure of study as well as family have confused me. But I believe everything will getting better and better. It is just the beginning of high school life, we still have a long way to go. We will become confident, happy and sincere when facing every single day and people.

This is my first time to diary in English. The Games and the varieties before the vacation gave me deep impression. Everyone in the class is trying to do our best, and also have fun doing it. The school has started for a month, and I have already come into this group.Looking at photos , it seems that we are all old friends. I look forward to the days in class 7 more and more.

Today is the beginning of a hand-written homework day. We have so much homework that i really do not know where to start. The busy life is much like the life in grade 9.The big pressure makes me don't know what to do.But I believe that everything will be fine.The life in high school started just now and there's a long way to go.We will be confident,and smile to everybody,everyday.


悬赏分:10 - 离问题结束还有 14 天 23 小时


提问者: 雪紫∮冰雨_Z - 见习魔法师 二级

Leave before the Games and the variety show me deep impression. 班里的每一个人都努力做到最好,也都乐在其中。 Everyone in the class to do our best, have fun. 开学一个月了,我已经融入到这个集体中,看着拍摄回来的照片,就好像都是老朋友一样。 The opening of the month, I have ...

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闽迹盐酸: This is my first time to write my diary in English.The sports meeting and the show before vacation were very impressive. Everyone in our class tried to do their best and enjoy themselves during those two activities. Althought just one month past, we ...

安泽县17291983985: 麻烦英语高手帮我翻译一段英语论文的段落,感谢啦!!
闽迹盐酸: Once a time in the United States, the world's hot Hollywood Catch Me If You Can in China has suffered a surprising defeat at the box office. While the reasons are many, but the title's translation is one of the important reasons can not be ignored. ...

安泽县17291983985: 希望英语高手来帮我翻译.中译英 两段短文.不胜感谢. -
闽迹盐酸: We have always to the pursuit of quality excellence, commitment, customer service for the first business policy, the majority of employees in an efficient, pragmatic, enterprising, altruistic ideals into great enthusiasm, to "let the fresh forever, public ...

安泽县17291983985: 请英语高手帮个忙,帮我翻译一段话,请不要出现语病哦,最好口译,谢谢!
闽迹盐酸: After reading your message, i felt so sorry~ i should've made such a huge mistake that i thought i was not that important in your heart for so long. The each word you said to me that "we will be friends forever" which i am to keep in mind forever. You ...

安泽县17291983985: 请英语高手帮我翻译一小段话,谢谢(汉译英) -
闽迹盐酸: Sorry, my oral English is not good enough. There is no problems for us to provide samples to you. But I hope you can pay the expense for them. Please let me know your address,after getting it, We will send our samples as soon as possible.

安泽县17291983985: 20分求英语高手帮忙翻个句子,『失去的不再回来,回来的不再完美』...要求简短,灵活些,不要翻的太死板..谢谢
闽迹盐酸: The lost is gone; the returned is no longer perfect. 仅供参考啊……

安泽县17291983985: 请英语高手帮忙翻译两段话,好的加钱
闽迹盐酸: 1. In different season baihe has different beauty. Spring, there are lots of new buds of the willow trees on both sides of the river, the wind blows, the wicker dancing like the girl's hair . In the summer, the river shining in the sun, and people enjoy in ...

安泽县17291983985: 请求高手帮忙翻译两段英语文章.谢谢.
闽迹盐酸: 1.How时间飞行,也接近学期的最后阶段的眨眼. 召回过去,和来了到夫斯汉大学报告也记住天,如果梳子的太阳经常难怪说! 要总结在情况的所有方面的这个学期,它在以下可能大概被总结一些个关键. First,在学会,与第一个学期比较比...

安泽县17291983985: 请英语高手帮个忙,帮我翻译一段话,请不要出现语病哦,最好口译,谢谢!看了你的留言,我很报歉.我一直都认为我在你心中没那么重要,原来我错了.我... -
闽迹盐酸:[答案] After reading your message,i felt so sorry~i should've made such a huge mistake that i thought i was not that important in your heart for so long.The each word you said to me that "we will be friends forever" which i am to keep in mind forever.You will be ...

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