
作者&投稿:里钥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

IV 1. Hundreds of 2. grow up, 3. was able to 4. as long as 5. bring out 6. less than 7. cares about 8 agreed with 9 hangs out 10 take up

VI 3 with 4 at 5 with 6 in 7 with 8 to 9 For 10 with

VII 1 because of 2 hardly 3 is different from 4 So far 5 find out 6 wrote down 7 again and again 8 go on a trip 9 make up 10 At last

VIII 1 looking for 2 look after 3 quite a lot 4 quite a few 5 turn on 6 turn down 7 must 8 have to 9 how much 10 How many


Senior department,baoan middle school,xinan county,xinan district,shenzhen city.首字母都要大写,我就不改了

Senior Department of Baoan Middle School,Xin'an County,Xin'an District,Shenzhen

Xinan不打隔音符就有歧义(新安? 西南?),所以必须打上。

The Senior Department of Baoan middle school,In Xinan county,Baoan district,Shenzhen city.

求经典的幽默语录,有的大哥大姐麻烦发一下—— 5 最好不是脑筋急转弯那种——... 最好不是脑筋急转弯那种—— 展开  我来答 9个回答 #热议# 职场上受委屈要不要为自己解释? 孙亚涛666 2012-03-25 · TA获得超过302个赞 知道答主 回答量:88 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:25万 我也去答题...


希望能帮到你:The concept of body language and classification Body Language, also known as body language, body language, refers to the use of gestures, movements, including body movements and facial expressions to convey the message of non-verbal behavior. Communication at the time of...

Không biết bạn đang ở đâu, không biết rằng chúng tôi có cơ hội được gặp các bạn? Có lẽ bạn sẽ hỏi t&#...

大哥大姐帮帮忙 要60句好句子
大哥大姐帮帮忙 要60句好句子 要选择有特色的句子,或比喻新颖,或句式整齐,或用词优美等。最好能短一点...急求!拜托各位了!... 要选择有特色的句子,或比喻新颖,或句式整齐,或用词优美等。 最好能短一点...急求!拜托各位了! 展开 3个回答 #热议# 有哪些跨界“双奥”的运动员? 耶律离桑 2011-08-...

我觉得广告语最好能直接将品牌写进去,更能起到推xiao自我的作用。而不像电视上那样先说那么多话劝告性的话或者功能介绍,最后才亮出牌子。方案一:荣权门,安全门。方案二:荣权门业,就是安全。方案三:你安全 我荣耀——荣权 方案四:你的安全,是我光荣的权责。 (这条貌似字数多了,你看...


佛曰:坐亦禅,行亦禅,一花一世界,一叶一如来,春来花自青,秋至叶飘零,无穷般若心自在,语默动静体自然。佛说:万法皆生,皆系缘份,偶然的相遇,暮然的回首,注定彼此的一生,只为眼光交汇的刹那。缘起即灭,缘生已空。我也曾如你般天真 佛门中说一个人悟道有三阶段:“勘破、放下、自在。”...

美版战队(第一季)60集 (1-60)第一季改编自日本东映1992年的第16部作品《恐龙战队兽连者》,美版战队(第二季) (原61-115)(国61-112)第2季的机器人剪辑自日本东映的第17部战队作品《五星战队大连者》,乍得爵士出现,把Rita放逐进太空,亲自指挥对付战队,而Zordon为了应对此情况把队员们的...

汉语:我爱你 希腊语:S'agapo 德语:Ich liebe dich 法语:Je t'aime \/ Je t'adore 犹太语:Ani ohev otach(male or famale)匈牙利:Szeretlek 爱尔兰:taim i'ngra leat 爱沙尼亚:Mina armastan sind 芬兰:Min rakastan sinua 比利时佛兰芒语:IK zie u graag 意大利语:ti amo,ti vogliobene...

新抚区13856905560: 英语好的大哥大姐帮忙翻译下 -
干冉灵尔: If I have chances tomorrow , i still choose to fly up high , hiding my painful heart ,and face everything bravely !

新抚区13856905560: 英语好的大哥大姐进下!1.you aren't allowed to swim here.(同义句)please( ) not ( ) swim here.2.he has experience and knowledge.he has experinece ( ) ( ) ... -
干冉灵尔:[答案] 1.please do not swim here 2.he has experinece as well as knowledge 3.he does not understand this sculpture,either 4.what are they planning? 小朋友,这些还是比较基本的问题,以后要记得好好学哦

新抚区13856905560: 外教出的问题,如果我们全部穿一样的衣服,将会发生什么.用英文回答.英语好的大哥大姐请帮忙.答案需要是一段话,一篇小短文,只有一句话是不行的. -
干冉灵尔:[答案] That clothes must be an uniform.

新抚区13856905560: 英语好的大哥大姐们帮帮我啊!the.book.is.on.my.desk————(就划线部分提问)the.red.apple.is.on.the.table.(就划线部分提问,划线的是red)i.like.fish.... -
干冉灵尔:[答案] what is on my desk? what color is the apple on the table? fish is my favorite food.

新抚区13856905560: 英语好的大哥大姐们帮帮忙吧,急,1、 He - _____ - when the bus came to a sudden stop.A、was almost hurt B、was to hurt himselfC、was hurt himself D、... -
干冉灵尔:[答案] 1、 He (A、was almost hurt) when the bus came to a sudden stop.2、 My friend Bob sells his own programmers to doctors (A、wanting to put) their patients' records on disk.3、 My father will be here...

新抚区13856905560: 各位英语好的大哥大姐帮我做几道题~急!单词组句: 1.we'll;her; some;from;Shenyang;presents;buy 2.there;be;fewer;jims;will;traffic;perhaps 3.tells; how;to;it;... -
干冉灵尔:[答案] we'll buy her some presents from shenyang there will be fewer traffic jims perhaps it tells you how to look after the animals the sun in summer shines and shines he will be good at sports

新抚区13856905560: 英语好的大哥大姐进~(都很菜,但要保证100%哦!3Q)unit1 1变否定(1)This is a pig (2)that is dog2变一般疑问(1)these are hens(2)those are ducks3变... -
干冉灵尔:[答案] (1)This is a pig (2)that is dog 2变一般疑问 (1)these are hens (2)those are ducks 3变特殊 these are goats those are sheep ... He has a younger brother and a younger sister. (3)让他唱支英语歌.let him sing an English song (4)那些是老虎吗?不是,他...

新抚区13856905560: 英语好的大哥大姐们请来!
干冉灵尔: 后街:backstreet 大男孩:bigboy 孤独:lonely 摩天轮:Ferris wheel

新抚区13856905560: 快来帮帮我,英语好的大哥大姐 -
干冉灵尔: For students who learn from the safety bicycle, before we look at the vehicles can get around the bell, gates, locks, card is complete and effective, ensure that no problems before Sheung Road. On the road to non-motorized Road, travelling, no ...

新抚区13856905560: 跪求一英语好的大哥大姐翻译一句话!
干冉灵尔: I love you,but I can't give you blessedness! sorry ,I can't match!

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