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The concept of body language and classification

    Body Language, also known as body language, body language, refers to the use of gestures, movements, including body movements and facial expressions to convey the message of non-verbal behavior. Communication at the time of people nodding, waving, raised his eyebrows, shrug-profile moves such as body language constitute the units. (Wang-chun, 1997) Body Language for the specialized terminology kinesics, which means "science of human action", which studies the human body moves through the laws of science communication, to explore the origin and development of a variety of body movements (rather than a meaningful isolated position) mode. The 50 subjects during the 20th century, the rise of the United States, the famous anthropologist R. L. Represented by Dr. Birdwhistell. He pointed out that various parts of the body movement of the muscle movement, organ and so can express and exchange of information, feelings, attitudes, and these mechanisms often fail to play a speech by the results, and thus "the body of information." In his view, in expressing the feelings of meaning and the means, the more than 65% by facial expressions, movements, gestures and postures power language等身done. Their research shows that: there are about 23 kinds of eyebrow position change, and that a person's face can make about 250,000 different types of expression. David Abercombie psychologist also pointed out that: "We speak with organs of speech, but talk to the whole body." Body language words generally broken down into eyes / eye contact, physical touch language / body touch behavior, gesture / posture, gestures, manners , facial expressions, scent language, it can be body language and clothing from one language into.

Third, the concept of body language and classification
Body Language, also known as body language, body language, refers to the use of gestures, movements, including body movements and facial expressions to convey the message of non-verbal behavior. Communication at the time of people nodding, waving, raised his eyebrows, shrug-profile moves such as body language constitute the units.(Wang-chun, 1997) Body Language for the specialized terminology kinesics, which means "science of human action", which studies the human body moves through the laws of science communication, to explore the origin and development of a variety of body movements (rather than a meaningful isolated position) mode. The 50 subjects during the 20th century, the rise of the United States, the famous anthropologist R. L. Represented by Dr. Birdwhistell. He pointed out that various parts of the body movement of the muscle movement, organ and so can express and exchange of information, feelings, attitudes, and these mechanisms often fail to play a speech by the results, and thus "the body of information."In his view, in expressing the feelings of meaning and the means, the more than 65% by facial expressions, movements, gestures and postures power language等身done. Their research shows that: there are about 23 kinds of eyebrow position change, and that a person's face can make about 250,000 different types of expression. David Abercombie psychologist also pointed out that: "We speak with organs of speech, but talk to the whole body.”Body Language is broken down into general eye language / eye contact, physical touch language / body touch behavior, gesture / posture, gestures, behavior, facial expressions, scent language, it can b

Third, the concept of body language and classification
Body Language, also known as body language, body language, refers to the use of gestures, movements, including body movements and facial expressions to convey the message of non-verbal behavior. Communication at the time of people nodding, waving, raised his eyebrows, shrug-profile moves such as body language constitute the units.(Wang-chun, 1997) Body Language for the specialized terminology kinesics, which means "science of human action", which studies the human body moves through the laws of science communication, to explore the origin and development of a variety of body movements (rather than a meaningful isolated position) mode. The 50 subjects during the 20th century, the rise of the United States, the famous anthropologist R. L. Represented by Dr. Birdwhistell. He pointed out that various parts of the body movement of the muscle movement, organ and so can express and exchange of information, feelings, attitudes, and these mechanisms often fail to play a speech by the results, and thus "the body of information."In his view, in expressing the feelings of meaning and the means, the more than 65% by facial expressions, movements, gestures and postures power language等身done. Their research shows that: there are about 23 kinds of eyebrow position change, and that a person's face can make about 250,000 different types of expression. David Abercombie psychologist also pointed out that: "We speak with organs of speech, but talk to the whole body.”Body Language is broken down into general eye language / eye contact, physical touch language / body touch behavior, gesture / posture, gestures, behavior, facial expressions, scent language, it can be body language and clothing from one language into.

ボディーランゲージ、ボディランゲージ、身体言语として知られており、ジェスチャーの使用を参照し、体の动きや表情などの动きは、口头での动作以外のメッセージを伝えること。通信の人がうなずいている时点で、振る、肩をすくめる、ボディーランゲージのようなプロフィールの动きは、ユニットを构成する彼を惊かせた。(王春、 1997 )は、 "人间の行动"の科学コミュニケーションの法律を介して人间の体の动きの研究の原点と体の动きを、さまざまな开発(というよりも、有意义な孤立を探求する科学、手段としては、専门用语キネシクス、ボディランゲージ位置)モード。 20世纪中は、 50科目は、アメリカ合众国の台头、有名な人类学者rをL.博士Birdwhistellで表现。彼は、筋肉の动き、臓器などの身体の动きの様々な部分を表现し、情报の交换、感情、态度、そしてその结果、これらのメカニズムはしばしば失败して音声を再生し、それゆえ、 "情报の身体"と指摘した。彼の考えでは、意味の感情を表现すると、颜の表情、动き、ジェスチャーやポーズ力言语等身完了して65 %以上を意味します。彼らの研究を见ると:眉の位置を変更するのは约23种类、としている人の颜を表现することができますさまざまな种类の约25万人。デビッドAbercombie心理学者は: "私たちは言论の臓器を持って话す、と指摘したが、全身に话しています。”身体言语の一般的な目の言语に分けている/アイコンタクトを、物理的な接触言语/体に触れるの行动、しぐさ/姿势、身振り、动作、表情、香り言语は、ボディランゲージや衣服に1つの言语からすることができます。

Third, the body language of the concept and classification
Body language called body language, body language, people use gestures, movements, including body movements and facial expressions to transfer information of nonverbal behavior. The nod, waved, raised eyebrows, shrugging posture movement form of body language. WangDeChun (1997), body language kinesics for the special terms for "human action learning", it studies through human action of science communication, and to explore the various body movements are (not a solitary meaningful posture) mode. This subject in the 1950s, the famous American anthropologist R.L.B by dr irdwhistell represented. He pointed out that different parts of body movement of the movement, the organs and muscles can express and information exchange, emotions, attitudes, and these mechanisms are often have words to reach the effect, so that information "body". In his view, expressing the meaning and the means by which these feelings, 65% of facial expression, by action, gestures and postures etc. Body language. The study showed that were about 23 eyebrows, and position face can make about 250,000 different types of expressions. Psychologist David Abercombie also pointed out: "we speak, but with pronunciation organs in the body. For general body language, eye contact with eyes/body contact/body touch behavior and attitude, gestures and postures/manners, facial expressions, smell, can also be body language and costumes from one language into.

把下面一个段落翻译成英文 谢谢各位达人 真的非常感谢 2天后交稿论...
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1.The film about ancient war, in which advanced technology was introduced, left the audience under the illusion that they were actually in it.2.The old town was devastated by that conflagration (great fire), except for this fortunate monument.3.Having listening to the woman's ...

翻译 中译英 急急急 谢谢大人 小弟实在不会 麻烦各位了!
Informationization is the world's economic and social development trends. Along with our country market economy system, further mature market competition has entered into a higher level, the keen competition of the market highlighted the importance of human resources in enterprises, the ...

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翻译 中译英 急急急 谢谢大人 小弟实在不会 麻烦各位了!
真正的人工翻译,虽然不算完美,但意思表达清晰和完整了。我感觉你这段文字中有一句话显得多余了,“本文介绍了人事管理的开发过程。” 貌似可以删掉,保留下一句就OK了。还有,如果你是学位论文,请将 “article” 用“ thesis” 替代,因为我不确定你是不是学位论文。参考译文如下, 希望能帮到你O(...

英语好的人帮帮翻译成英文吧~~谢谢各位大侠啦 快一点哦 明天要用_百度...
有道翻译:Teachers, how do you do! My name is xx, is the 2010th flight attendant professional graduates. Once at the China guangzhou headquarters flight, and believe in business school three feet platform stand. Has served as the three semester courses, such as civil aviation flight...

First, in international express, the class, the goods traffic and theloan transports national permission foreign merchant investment theand so on the proxy domain legally carries on the investment Second, its investment enterprise's written request 1, iscarried unanimously after the board ...

宁化县17548693044: 帮忙翻译下越南的文字急用 谢谢大哥大姐叔叔阿姨 -
右翔复方: ong xa oi ba xa buon qua va nho ong xa nhieu lam 老公啊,老婆很郁闷,太想你了 QXA和BXA是老公老婆的缩写

宁化县17548693044: 求英语翻译,谢谢各位大哥大姐. -
右翔复方: 好俚语啊...但是求助了我的外国朋友,他告诉我这是句非常不好的话,脏话之类的吧...要致人死地的意思.他说thats an awful、primitive sentence..

宁化县17548693044: 急~英语翻译~谢谢大家
右翔复方: Mama is reading a book beside me. What is temperature outside? What is your country ? It is time to go to bed.

宁化县17548693044: 英语翻译急,请各位大哥哥大姐姐帮帮忙,我在这说声谢谢了. -
右翔复方:[答案] Failures come one after another.I have no idea but to step forward bravely,I'll surely succeed!

宁化县17548693044: 我想要英文的伤感句子 记得要给我翻译噢!各位大哥大姐们谢谢~ -
右翔复方: 也许会有些重复的句子..是我从别的地方剪切过来的.哎呀,到百度一搜,,多得是的.The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them. 失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边.To...

宁化县17548693044: 急求一篇英语作文.今天晚上就要.谢谢各位大哥大姐了 -
右翔复方: Father's or Mother's influence on his/child's qualities Parents are beyond question the first teachers of children(父母是孩子的第一任老师),it is no wonder that parents would have great effects on a child's qualities. People consider that a man's ...

宁化县17548693044: 急求英语句子翻译
右翔复方: This is I the knowledge which makes up for a missed lesson in the summer vacation obtains, this gives you, the hope can help you, if has the incorrect place to point out to me, refuels! So long as these academic societies, the third day have always reviewed can be very relaxed! Ha-ha!

宁化县17548693044: 请大哥大姐翻译成英文``求! -
右翔复方: 先生你好.欢迎光临金沙滩 Hi mister. welcome to golden beach 请问先生几位 Excuse me sir, how many of u in all? 先生里面请 Mr. please come in 先生你先请 Mister u first 对不起,先生打扰一下 Excuse me sir, sorry for interrupt 不好意思.请稍侯 ...

宁化县17548693044: 英语作文 a fantastic experience 80字~急求~!! 谢谢各位大哥大姐了!
右翔复方: 我的是原创的~~~ The last summer vacation, I and my dad went to Hunan's relatives to play. There 's the very next day, cousin to take me to the scene to see a name called happy base camp variety show. That is just I like the star of Zhang Jie be a ...

宁化县17548693044: 日语翻译,谢谢大哥大姐啊
右翔复方: 日语:今はとてもつまらないです. 罗马音:I MA WA TO TE MO TSU MA RA NA I DE SU. 翻译:现在很无聊.

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