
作者&投稿:旁步 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


使用特殊的 (用户指定) 标记以指示何时重新启动基元。

1. A little penguin
2. Three shy of pandas
3. Four terror of tigers
4. Five friendly of elephants
5. Seven beautiful of giraffes
6. Eight cute of koalas
7. Nine smart of dolphins
8. ten ugly of lions

1,不错>Not bad
2,现在>Now or Currently
3,动身去某地> Set off for (someplace)
4,做某事的最佳时间> This is the best time for (something)
5,最好做某事> It is best to do (something)
6,离开> Depart from or Leave
7,赶快> Hurry up or quickly
8,可能是> Maybe or possible
9,你一定是在开玩笑吧!> You must be kidding!
10,四处走走> Walk around or Stroll around
11,到达某地> Arrive or Reach
12,照···的相片> Take a photograph
13,在西北部> In NorthWest region
14,有时> At times or sometime
15,在春天> In Spring
16,变凉> Getting cooler
17,整年(天)> 年-All year round or Whole year, 天-All day long or Whole day
18,和···作比较> Compare with or make comparison with
19,依赖> Rely on or be dependent on
20,确保> Make sure or Ensure or guarantee
21,温度是多少?How is the temperature?

1,不错 not bad!
2,现在 at the moment
3,动身去某地 start for some place
4,做某事的最佳时间 the best time to do sth
5,最好做某事 It's best to do sth
6,离开 depart from
7,赶快 hurry up
8,可能是 may be
9,你一定是在开玩笑吧! You must be joking!
10,四处走走 walk round
11,到达某地 arrive at some place
12,照···的相片 take the photos
13,在西北部 in the northwest
14,有时 at times
15,在春天 in spring
16,变凉 getting cool
17,整年(天)all the year/day
18,和···作比较 compare with
19,依赖 depend on
20,确保 make sure
21,温度是多少?What's the temperature?


9. you must be kidding.


21.What's the temperature?

3set out for
4the best time do sth
6get away
7hurry up
9.you must be joking
11.arrive at/on
15.in sping

9、你在开玩笑吗? Are you kidding?

英语翻译 短句
正式些的:1. Please come into the classroom 2 minutes before class starts.2. Please change your shoes before entering the classroom.3. Do not bring anything else except textbooks.4. Please follow the teacher's instructions.5. Please speak English insdead of Chinese during the class...

1.Absolutely not. 绝对不是。2.Are you coming with me? 你跟我一起去吗?3.Are you sure? 你能肯定吗?4.As soon as possible. 尽快。5.Believe me. 相信我。6.Buy it . 买下来!7.Call me tomorrow. 明天打电话给我。8.Can you speak slowly? 请您说得慢些好吗?9.Come with ...

like leaves in autumn 11、风,吹过;沙,漫过;在耳边的低语,消逝。the wind is blowing ,the sand is flowing, the whisper nearby my ears is just fading away 12、生如死般澄澈,死如生般坚强。life is as clear as death, death is as strong as life.纯手工翻译,希望你满意。

【求人工翻译】中译英 日常口语短句
1.The thing which made me the saddest I met.我遇见过的最令我伤心的事情:其实它不是一个句子 which后面的是对the thing的修饰 既是同位语。2.Take it easy.或Look before you leap.不要冲动行事,既是三思而行,慢慢来。3.pay attention to...集中注意力做某事。比较初级用法。4.That'...

We can use it to make medicine.我们能利用它来制造药品。Chemistry is essential to food and medical industry.食品,医药等等都离不开化学的帮助。

日常中文短句翻译英文有哪些好方法? 可以借助在线的操作完成 浏览器中搜索 迅捷pdf转换器 ,然后在进入工具以后,在【文档文本翻译】的下方选择【中译英】;随后在左侧输入框中输入中文的短句再点击【翻译】即可


My job is training new workers. 我任务是训练新的工人 Can you get the car going? 你能发动汽车吗?I’ve tried every way to comfort the crying girl. 我试过了所有方法去安慰那哭泣的女孩 Be quiet! He hasn’t finished speaking. 安静! 他并没有说完 Our teacher encourages us to ...


20个简单短句翻译 可能含网络用语
INI워렌 :암소是中国人? (是骂中国人的,(짱개)直接翻译炸酱面。)daland :임소 你也是中国人?intl질주o :임소无语了。intl예플o :임소你也是中国人吗?

高邮市19290472593: 100个英语短句及翻译十例句 -
詹泥尼美:[答案] 1.a heart that loves is always young.有爱的心永远年轻.2.at the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.3.distance makes the hearts grow fonder.4.i need him like i need the air to breathe.5.if equal affe...

高邮市19290472593: 英语的一些短句翻译
詹泥尼美: flower shop there comes a young man in a hurry a string of rose said in a hurry 不好意思,应该是a boundle of rose

高邮市19290472593: 翻译英语短句 -
詹泥尼美: The rain had cleaned in air.-下雨过后,空气非常清新.Don`t air your trouble too often.- 不要老是唠叨你的烦恼.The play ran long night.- 这场戏很长,播了整晚.My watch has run down.- 我的表停了.Water is runing short.- 水资源越来越少.My school runs a factory.- 学校经营了一家工厂.

高邮市19290472593: 英语翻译短句 -
詹泥尼美: 81.She is never late for school.82.I promise that I woudn't pollute the air amymore.83.She never goes out at night.84.The friend of the earth helps to keep the enviroment clean and tidy.85.I have never been to the aquarium.

高邮市19290472593: 英语短句翻译 -
詹泥尼美: 1.Mary is suffering(正遭受)ill health at moment.2.The company suffered tremendous losses(遭受了极大的损失)last year.

高邮市19290472593: 短句英语翻译 -
詹泥尼美: 1. Live to be 200 years old 2. In 100 years 3. In people's home 4. To stay at home through the computer-based learning 5. More pollution 6. Less idle time 7. In the paper 8. Two countries 分数加点吧,翻译这个工作也不易做的,谢谢.

高邮市19290472593: 英语短句翻译
詹泥尼美: 1. 我小的时候,我和母亲总是畅谈. 2. 现在我和母亲每周只有一天见面的时间. 3. 又一次,她带我和我最好的朋友一起出去吃晚饭. 4. She seems to be my friend. 或者 She looks like my friend. 5. That is why she was so sad when I met my friend at that time. 望采纳~~~

高邮市19290472593: 英语短句翻译
詹泥尼美: 1.使我们能跟上时代的步伐Let us keep up with the pace of the times. 2.更能体会到世界的不断变化 Better experience the continual change in the world3.给家庭带来负担Bring burdens to the family 4.对此,我深表惋惜I'm deeply sorry about that. 5自主招生资格自主招生资格 Autonomous enrolment qualification 6.这的却是一种诱惑 This really is a temptation.

高邮市19290472593: 英语小短句翻译 -
詹泥尼美: The train starts at 10 o 'clock in the morning、The bell rings、You are always forgetting something important、第四句不清楚、Kids are interested in interesting games.、They asked his age and he was very embarrassed

高邮市19290472593: 翻译英语短句
詹泥尼美: 但是有一个男人发现自己的心不在学习法律上边. 但是上周这个亿万富翁决定把他所有的钱捐献给慈善机构,不给子女

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