20个简单短句翻译 可能含网络用语

作者&投稿:爱盲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

[2004-10-23 10:40:00]
1. It’s time for sth. 该到做某事的时间了.
It’s time to do sth.(It’s time for sb. to do sth) 该到(某人)做某事的时间了.
2. can’t wait to do sth. 迫不及待地要求做某事.
3. ask (tell)sb. (not )to do sth . 请(告诉)某人(不)做某事.
4. make/let sb. to do sth. 让某人做某事.
5. hear/see/sb. do sth 听见/看见某人做某事.
6. had better(not )do sth 最好不做某事.
7. It’s better to do sth最好做某事
8. It’s best to do sth最好做某事
9. enjoy 喜欢做某事
10. finish 结束做某事
11. keep 继续做某事
12. keep on doing sth. 继续做某事
13. carry on 继续做某事
14. go on 继续做某事
15. feel like 喜欢做某事
16. stop to do sth 与stop doing sth 停下来去做某事(与)停止做某事.
17. forget/remember to do 与 forget/remember doing sth.忘记/记得去做某事(与) 忘记/记得曾经做过事.
18. keep(precent,stop)sb. from doing sth阻止/防止/阻栏栽人做某事
19. prefer….to ……喜欢…..胜过……
20. prefer to do sth. rather than do ath.宁愿做某事,而不原做某事.
21. used to do sth.过去常常做某事.
22. What’s wong with……? …..出了问题(事)?
23. have nothing to do with….. 与…..无关
24. be busy doing sth . 在忙于做某事
25. too…..to….. 太……以致知于不……
26. so ……that ….. 如此….. 以致知于不……
27. such…..that…… 如此….. 以致知于不……
28. It take sb. some time to do sth .某人做某事用了一些时间.
29. spend …..on sth.(doing sth.)花钱/时间做某事.
30. pay…..for sth.花费(钱)买某物.
31. What /how about……? …….怎么样(好吗)?
32. would like to do sth .想要/愿意做某事..
33. I don’t think that我认为……不…..
34. Why not do sth.? Why don’t you do sth .?为什么不做某事呢?
35. What do you mean by….?你….是什么意思?
36. What do you think of …..(How do you like ….)你认为….怎么样?
37. Mike enjoys collecting stamps . So do I.迈克喜欢集邮.我也也喜欢.
38. The more, the better . 越多越剧好.
39. Thanks for doing sth.谢谢你做了某事.
40. It is said that….. 据说……
a bit (of)有一点儿
a couple of 两个;几个
a few一些; 几个
a group of一群
a kind of一种; 一类
a little一点; 少量
a lot of (lots of)许多
a pair of一双; 一副
a piece of一(块,张,片,件)
according to按照;根据
after all终究, 毕竟
after school放学后
agree with sb.同意某人的意见
all day long整天
all kinds of各种各样的
all over到处
all right行了;好吧;(病)好了
all the same还是, 仍然
all the time一直
all the way一路上
and so on等等
apologize to sb. for sth.为某事向某人道歉
arrive at / in a place到达某地
as well也;又
ask for请求; 寻求
at a time每次, 一次
at breakfast /lunch /supper早/午/晚餐时
at first起先;开始的时候
at home在家(里)
at last最后;终于
at least至少
at most至多
at once立刻;马上
at present现在, 目前
at school在学校;在上课
at the moment此刻,目前; 那时,当时
at the same time同时
at work在工作
at/on weekends在周末
be able to能够(有能力)
be afraid of害怕
be angry with sb.生某人的气
be bad for有害于
be born出生于
be busy with sth.忙于做某事
be careful with小心
be covered with被……覆盖
different from与……不同
be familiar to 对……熟悉
be famous for以……而著名
be fond of爱好
be full of充满
be good at善长于
be interested in对……感兴趣
be keen on喜爱
be late (for)迟到
be located (in/on/at)位于
be made of由……制成
be made up of由……组成
be on上演, 上映
be pleased with 对……满意
be poor at在……比较差
be proud of为……而感到自豪
be ready for为……作准备
be surprised (at)感到惊奇
be thankful to sb.对……很感激
be used to习惯于
be worried about为……而担心
because of由于
belong to属于
break into闯入, 破门而入
bring up抚养大
burn up着火,焚烧
by air mail寄航空邮件
by bus乘公共汽车
by oneself亲自
by phone打电话
by the side of在……旁边
by the way顺便说;顺便问一下
call on拜访
care for照顾; 喜欢
carry out执行
catch (a) cold着凉;伤风
catch one's eye引起某人注意
change one's mind改变主意
check in办理登机
come across被理解; 遇见
come along一起来
come back回来
come from出生于;来自
come in进入;进来
come on快;走吧;跟我来
come out出来
come to an end结束
come to know知道
come to life显得逼真; 苏醒
come true实现
communicate with与……交流
compare with与……比较
cover an area of占地面积
cut down砍倒
deal with处理
decide on (sth)对某事作出决定
depend on依靠,依赖
die of因……病而死
do one's best尽最大努力
do sb. a favour帮某人忙
do some shopping买东西
do with处置, 处理
dream of梦见
dress up穿着打扮
each other互相
eat up吃光,吞噬
end up告终
enjoy oneself过得愉快
enter for报名参加
except for除……以外
fall off跌落
far away (from)(离)遥远
fill in填充, 填写
find out找出;查明;了解
finish off吃完; 喝完
for ever永远
for example例如
for the first time第一次
for the time being暂时,眼下
from door to door挨家挨户
from now on从此以后; 今后
from time to time有时
get along进展, 相处
get back返回
get in进入;收集
get in the way挡道
get it right使它正确
get off下车
get on上车
get ready for为……作准备
get rid of摆脱
get tired of对……感到厌倦
get to到达
get together召集, 团聚
get up起床
give back归还;送回
give out分发
give sb. a hand助人……一臂之力
give up放弃
go ahead先走;向前走;去吧;干吧
go bowling/shopping去打保龄球(购物)
go by走过, 路过
go for a swim去游泳
go home回家
go in for参加;从事于;酷爱
go off响起
go on继续
go on a diet实行节食
go on a picnic去野餐
go on with继续
go out熄灭
go over复习;仔细地再读一遍
go sightseeing去观光
go to (the) hospital去医院(看病)
go to a concert去听音乐会
go to bed就寝
go to college上大学
go to school上学
go to sleep入睡
go to the cinema / movie(s)去看电影
go up上去
go wrong出错
grow up成年;长大
had better最好还是;还是……好
hand in上交
happen to碰巧; 发生到
have (got) to不得不
have a class / lesson上课
have a good time玩得很愉快;过得很愉快
have breakfast吃早餐
have no idea不清楚
have pity on sb.怜悯某人
have sports进行体育活动
hear from收到……来信
hear of听说
help sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事
here and there到处
hold a meeting举行会议
hold on等一等(别挂电话)
hold one's breath屏住呼吸
hold up举起
how about怎么样
huge amounts of大量的
hurry off赶快;快点
in a hurry匆忙
in a minute一会儿
in addition另外
in all总共
in charge of主管,负责
in English用英语
in fact事实上;实际上
in favour of赞成; 有利于
in front of在……前面
in hospital住院
in line成一排;成一直线
in no time立刻
in one's fifties在某人五十多岁时
in one's opinion根据某人看法
in order to为了
in return作为回报
in surprise惊奇地
in the end最后;终于
in the future在将来
in the middle of在……中间
in the years to come在即将来临的几年里
in this way这样
in time及时
in trouble处于困境中
instead of代替;而不是
join in参加;加入
jump the queue(不按循序排队)插队
just a minute等一下
just now现在;刚才
just wait and see等着看吧
keep doing sth.继续做某事
keep fit保持健康
keep from免除
keep in touch (with)(与……)保持联系
keep off阻挡;不让……接近
keep quiet保持安静
keep sb. busy让某人忙个不停
keep up-to-date赶时髦
knock down撞倒
knock over撞倒;撞翻
later on过后;后来
laugh at嘲笑
lay the table(饭前)摆好餐具
leave (secondary) school(中学)毕业
leave a message留个口信
leave for动身去
less than少于
let out放出
line up整队; 排成行
listen to听……(讲话)
live on靠……为生
look after照料;照顾
look at看;观看
look for寻找
look forward to期待着
look like看上去象;显得
look out of从……朝外看
look up查寻; 抬头看
lose one's way迷路
lose weight减肥
make a film排电影
make a fire生火
make a living谋生
make a mistake出差错;犯错误
make a noise弄出声
make electricity发电
make friends with 与……交朋友
make fun of拿…...开玩笑
make money挣钱;赚钱
make one's bed整理床铺
make out辨认出
make progress取得进步
make up one's mind下决心
meet the needs of迎合……的需要
meet with遭遇
more and more越来越多
more than多于
next to紧挨着;紧靠着
no longer不再
not at all(客套话)别客气;不用谢
not…any longer不再
not…at all(用来加强语气)一点也不,根本不
now and then (again)时而; 偶而
now that既然;由于
of course当然
of one's own属于某人自己的
on business有事, 出差
on foot步行;走路
on holiday在休假
on one's side在某人一边
on show在展出
on the other hand另一方面
on the phone在听电话
on the right在右边
on the/one's way (to)在去……的路上
on time准时
on weekdays在工作日
once a day每天一次
once every four years每四年一次
once more再次
one after another一个接一个,连续地
one another互相
operate on sb.为某人动手术
ought to应该, 应当
out of在……外;从……里出来; 缺乏; 没有
out of date过时
over and over再三; 一遍又一遍
over there在那边
pay for付…...钱; 买
pick out挑选出
pick up拾起
play a trick on捉弄
play with玩弄
plenty of许多
point at指向;指着
point out指出
praise sb. for sth.为某事表扬某人
prepare for准备
pull down推倒
put off延期
put on穿; 戴上;上演
put out伸出
put up举起; 挂起
queue up排队
rely on依靠
right now立刻,马上
run after追捕;追踪
run away逃跑
run out of用完
save one's life挽救某人生命
search for搜寻; 搜查
sell out售完
set off出发, 起程
set out出发, 起程
set up建立;设立
shake hands with与……握手
show off炫耀
show sb. the way给某人指路
show sb. around带某人参观
shut up住口
sit up坐起来, 坐直
so as to为的是;使得
some day将来有一天
sooner or later迟早
speed up加快速度
such as例如
take a boat坐船
take a message for sb给某人捎个口信
take an exam参加考试
take away拿走
take care of照料
take charge of负责, 管理
take hold of抓住
take in吸入, 吸收
take it easy别紧张
take notes记笔记
take off脱掉(衣物等); 起飞
take one's advice听从某人劝告
take out 取出
take part in参加考试
take place发生; 举行
take the place of取代
take up开始从事
talk about谈到
talk over探讨;研究
talk to / with sb与某人谈话
tell…from区别; 分辨
the same…as与……同样
the week after next下下周
think about考虑(做某事的可行性)
think of想起; 想到
think over仔细考虑
throw away拿走
tie up捆绑
to one's joy使某人高兴的是
to one's surprise使某人惊奇的是
try on试穿
turn down(把音量)调低
turn into变成
turn off关掉(电灯,电视,收音机等)
turn on开,旋开(电灯,电视,收音机等)
turn out结果是, 证明是
turn over翻车;翻阅;翻身
under way在筹建中
up and down上上下下
up to达到
used to过去常常
wait for等候; 等待
wake up醒来; 叫醒
what about怎么样
what's more此外; 而且; 更重要的是
with great care非常小心
with one voice异口同声
with one's own eyes亲眼(目睹)
with pleasure愉快地
with the help of在……的帮助下
work out做出; 算出; 制定出
would like (to)想要
would love to(表示喜欢,愿意)很想;很愿意
would rather宁愿, 宁可
write down写下;记下

1. Which occupation do you think requires a lot of creativity?
Firstly, writers need to write about many things that do not happen in real life. For example, in J.K. Rowling’s “Harry Potter” series, all those stories are just imaginary, but after all they are amazing.
Secondly, not only the characters and the scenes, but also every element like plots 情节 and conflicts 冲突in books are created by writers.
Thirdly, good writers can also know how to develop their readers’ creativity.

2. What are 3 adjectives that best describe you?
(这道题,你没有寻求帮助,应该不难,对吧? Open-minded, outgoing, enthusiastic, cool, active, optimistic, cooperative, diligent/hard-working, brave, ambitious这些好词都可以用)

3. What do you think is the most useful invention of the 20th century?
In my opinion, computers are the most useful invention of the 20th century.
Firstly, I can have a video talk or chat with my parents who are living in distant China by computers. Besides, every time when I miss them, I can turn on the computers and then find their most recent photos on the desktop.
Secondly, I can also finish my assignments with the help of computers, which can of course save me a lot of time.
Thirdly, through the computers, I can watch much latest news about China. Even if now I am living abroad, I still can know what is happening in China.

4. Is it a good idea to be a risk taker?
No, I don’t believe this is a good idea to be a risk taker.
Firstly, a risk taker has to take risks at any moment, which means that his life is full of danger.
Secondly, to be a risk taker may cost one person a lot of time and money. However, this does not necessarily mean he can succeed then.
Thirdly, sometimes it’s hard for people to understand those risk takers. For example, a risk taker may choose to climb a high building like a Spiderman without protection, and this worries many people.

5. Which everyday object do find to be the most useful?
Well, I think credit cards are absolutely most useful.
Firstly, when I am short of cash, I can use my credit cards to pay for what I want, and thus I don’t need to put much cash in my pocket when I am out.
Secondly, I can use them to buy goods on line, which can save me a lot of time.
Thirdly, sometimes when using credit cards, I can get some discounts or coupons. And this saves me much money as well.

ambition전설 :怎么不登陆啊。
ambition진희 :去练习了。
나를 닮은 아침:임소 呵呵
ambition전설 :임소 看来很开呀
onavlo소희 :임소 真厉害
onavlo소희 :임소是个大高手
onavlo소희 :是임소;;
태풍꽃 :임소 他疯了。。。
태풍꽃 :임소 他最卡了
내사랑현주 :啊、、임소 卡的好。
성까칠호@카트 :送我一个나타키30天的券吧
달봉이라네 :임소
달봉이라네 :임소加我为好友吧
aj0803 :임소 送我렉키
INI워렌 :암소是中国人? (是骂中国人的,(짱개)直接翻译炸酱面。)
daland :임소 你也是中国人?
intl질주o :임소无语了。
intl예플o :임소你也是中国人吗?
혼수상태huny :不是암소是임소
elite뿌꾸o :임소,后面是是骂人的话
相似于(c n m),


임소 呵呵
임소 卡
임소 每次都输
임소 超高手
임소 风了吗
임소 卡王
임소 好卡
임소 让你送礼物他
임소 和我做朋友吧
임소 送我个车把
임소 你也是中国人


那些词语当中最厌恶的一个词 “짱개” 是骂人的 是骂中国人的!!!!

科尔沁左翼中旗15589284504: 日常的实用英语短句? -
鲁欧抗乙: 1. How are you doing?(你好吗?) 2. I'm doing great.(我过得很好.) 3. What's up?(出什么事了/你在忙些什么/怎么了?) 4. Nothing special.(没什么特别的.) 5. Hi. Long time no see.(嗨,好久不见了.) 6. So far so good.(到目前...

科尔沁左翼中旗15589284504: 10个简单的短语翻译 -
鲁欧抗乙: eat fish alone take care of baby go to school with me want to be happy want some fish hand by hand farmer of the farm get a job work in the farm my family photo study english by myself

科尔沁左翼中旗15589284504: 网络用语大全 -
鲁欧抗乙: 一、论坛日常用语: 1、BBS:①Bulletin Board System的缩写,指电子公告板系统,国内统称论坛.②波霸,Big-Breasted Sister的缩写. 2、斑竹:版主,也可写作板猪.由于拼音输入造成的美妙谐音.副版主叫“板斧”. 3、马甲:注册会员...

科尔沁左翼中旗15589284504: 急!!高分,帮忙翻译英文几个短句,很简单.初中水平.用网络翻译也行.只要文法正确.语句通顺就行. -
鲁欧抗乙: 1. Which occupation do you think requires a lot of creativity?(我相信这道题,你的答案是作家writers,对吧) 原因是:Firstly, writers need to write about many things that do not happen in real life. For example, in J.K. Rowling's “Harry Potter”...

科尔沁左翼中旗15589284504: 5个英语短句翻译,急~~~在线等 -
鲁欧抗乙: 1.What if they don't get along well? 2.You think this idea really wonderful. 3.I am sorry to disappoint you. 4.The book published last month, it is was famous writer writes 5.Just now he volunteered to help me do the rest part of the job. 记得加分哦~呵呵~

科尔沁左翼中旗15589284504: 帮我翻译几个简单的短句 -
鲁欧抗乙: “共有20条评论”20 comment in all “删除成功” successful deletion “请先登录” please log on first “用户名不能为空” the user name cannot be empty “评论内容不能为空” the comment cannot be empty “请检查您的邮箱地址” please ...

科尔沁左翼中旗15589284504: 求几个比较精典的英文短句,带上翻译哈: - )立志的爱情的都行 -
鲁欧抗乙: 世界对着它的爱人,把它浩翰的面具揭下了. 它变小了,小如一首歌,小如一回永恒的接吻. The world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover. It becomes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal 她的热切的脸,如夜雨似的,搅扰着我的梦...

科尔沁左翼中旗15589284504: 谁能给我20个很简单的交际用语???
鲁欧抗乙: 1.hello 2.How are you 3.Good morning 4.Good afternoon 5.Good evening 6.Good night 7.How do you do 8.Hi 9.Nice to meet you 10.Excuse me 11.Thank you 12.You're welcome 13.That's all right 就想到这些了 希望对你有帮助

科尔沁左翼中旗15589284504: 20个好句短 -
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