
作者&投稿:俞翟 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Mathematics is an important part of human culture,as a special cultural system,the culture of mathematical has unique individual character, the significance education of mathematical culture that can cultivate people's rational thinking and creative thinking and other basic quality, How to put the significance education of mathematical culture to mathematics education in full penetration, we must joint effort from education idea、curriculum reform and the method of teaching strategies 。
自己看看是不是机器翻译的。 给分吧,熬夜抹黑打出来的。


I think he is wrong.

He does`t like thrillers,so do I.
I really like comedies.
Every student is great.
August is the eighth month of a year.

1.I think he was wrong.
2. He does not like horror film, I do not like.
3.I really like comedy.
4.Each of the students are great.
5.In the first eight months of the year is in August.

1.I don't think he is right
2.He don't like horror movie ,nether do I
3.I relly like comedies
4.Each students is perfect
5.Agust is the eighth month of the year

据说这本书被翻译成很多种语言,在国际上享誉盛名。13,Shall I carry the suitcase for you,madam? Oh,it's very kind of you.请问我能帮你拿一下行李吗?噢,你太好心了。14,It's a bad practice to allow children much money as a New York gift.给孩子很多的钱作为新年礼物,是一次很不...

加油加油~~还有两个~【19】A lot of people are afraid of heights,not me I'afraid of widths.最后一个了!Fighting哟~~许多人畏惧高度,而我不是,我害怕广度。【20】If you have a finger in a pie,you have an interest in something 最后这句我不太明白,只知道一个短语是have your ...

你是怎么知道我们医院的?How did You know our hospitals?一方面通过访问你们的网站,一方面因为离家很近,从门口经过很多次。On one hand, you visit the website, partly because close to home, a lot of times from the doorway.你的口语不是很好,我们医院对于英语的要求是很高的。You are not...

1. This is my toy bunny. It has accompanied me for almost 16 years since I was 2. Now it has been regarded as one of our families and I feel not being able to leave it since I've loved it so much.2. My hobby is watching Japanies aminations, because they are fun, ...

2.Some of the best letters are written in a burst of inspiration, so keep your writing stuff in one place where you can sit down for a few minutes and write a quick note to a friend.一些写得最好的信往往在写作的时候有突发的灵感,因此当你在某地方坐几分钟给一个朋友写快速便条...

1.玛里出什么事了? Memalihow this movie ends 2.他太小,还不能去上学 He is too youngdoubtgo to school 3.我希望每天都早起 I Wish get up early each day 4. .3年前,我去过北京 three years agoI went to Beijing 5.不要躺在课桌上! don'toverlie on the desk ...

1.他的朋友在一个刮风的早晨离开北京前往纽约 His friend left Beijing for New York on a windy morning.2.我不知道他为什么没有来参加生日晚会.I wondered why he didn't come to the birthday party.3.这就是我们昨天谈起的那个男孩.It is the boy who we talked about yesterday.[用强调...

1. 小心!别接近屋顶正在维修的房子。2.我们看见几个本地人看着我们的聚会,其中一个我们给过他玻璃杯和钟的像我们走来 3 .我被告知有大约50名外国学生在这所学校学习中文,其中大部分来自德国。4.她结束了在北京大学的学业之后就去国外接受先进的教育了 5. 我得到了三本烹饪方面的书,其中有一本...

答案:1.科学家认为火星上没有生命。(assume)Scientists assumed that there is no life on Mars.2.不同的民族有不同的生活方式。(way)Different nations have different ways of life.3.健康和饮食习惯有关。(have to do)Health has something to do with diet.4.这两张相片如此相像,我说...

翻译下面几个句子成英文,可适当改动别用翻译器: 对此我有以下这些建议...
I have the following suggestions :first of all, I think everyone should own fitness plan, exercise is very big, to ensure that can do some exercise every day.

海安县17338213969: 把下列几个句子译成英语 :1.昨天风刮的很猛,雨也下的很大 2.你什么时候到达学校?半小时前 3.复习功课 -
秘瑞胃力:[答案] 1There was fierce wind and big rain yesterday. 2When did you arrive the school?I arrived here half hour ago. 3Reviewing classwork. 请及时采纳

海安县17338213969: 把下列的句子翻译成英语 -
秘瑞胃力: 1.These photos will be displayed in time sequence for convenience.2.you need to stop the car after the accident .3.The ideas and methods of educating the children vary from different culture.4.He is more of a poet than a musician.5.My father has ...

海安县17338213969: 把几句话翻译成英文,在线等 -
秘瑞胃力: 1. Australia is a country with vast territory,small population and pleasant climate.2. Surrounded by water on all sides, Australia has a beautiful landscape.3. In Australia ,there are many kinds of rare species hardly seen anywhere else in the world.希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O

海安县17338213969: 把这些句子翻译成英语 急啊 在线等长江是中国的第一长河,它有6300米长世界上最快的动物是猎豹,它的奔跑速度达每小时100公里珠穆朗玛峰比泰山高得... -
秘瑞胃力:[答案] The Yangtze River is the longest river in China,and it's 6300 metres long. Cheetah is the fastest animal in the world,when it's ... you'd better buy more. Mountaineering is one of the world's most dangerous sports. What astonishing feat it is. 我自己翻译的 ...

海安县17338213969: 请把以下几个句子翻译成英文 -
秘瑞胃力: 你好,很高兴为您解答\(^o^)/~祝你学业有成1. Try to talk (高级用communicate)with your classmates in English.2. Keep every word in your mind after learning it.(简洁用Mmemorize)

海安县17338213969: 谁能帮我把下面几个句子翻译成英文:一分钱难倒英雄汉.钱不是万能的,没钱是万万不能的. -
秘瑞胃力:[答案] A man without money is no man at all 一分钱难倒英雄汉. Money is not everything,but without it you can do nothing 钱不是万能的,没钱是万万不能的.

海安县17338213969: 把几个句子翻译成英语 -
秘瑞胃力: 1. Nap at the moment, you will dream; and learning at the moment, you realize their dreams; 2. Deserted today, I die is the person who pray for tomorrow's; 3. To learn when the pain is temporary, and may be suffering from life-long 4. Now the water ...

海安县17338213969: 请大侠帮我把以下几个句子翻译成英语,谢谢! -
秘瑞胃力: 1.Our house was built in 1969.2.My car has been fixed.3.The house will be pulled down next year.4.He will be surprised when he comes.5.It is peculiar to someone...

海安县17338213969: 帮我把下面八个句子翻译成英文~ -
秘瑞胃力: 1. When I was a little gal/boy, I was always terrified sleeping in the darkness.2. In tradition, the eagle is often treated as the symbol of courage.3. The traffic in the downtown is very bad. It takes me approximately 1 hour to get home everyday.4. ...

海安县17338213969: 请帮忙翻译以下几句句子 译成英文 谢谢 声明(请不要在翻译软件复制过来的)要有正确语法的 拜托了 -
秘瑞胃力: 1.Wow!You has a good vision2.This style looks very good.3.This is our new style.4.How about it?Do you like i...

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