
作者&投稿:玉裴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Way back in 2001, from Xian to Busan, from Phnom Penh to Oman, from Wuli to Tashkent, along with the Chinese football proudly qualify imbalance among eight thousand feet in mind, the famous reporter Li Xiang to her "Zero" He opened with eight thousand foot distance in mind. Proficient in foreign languages do not understand football, but a woman, yet holds the fate of Chinese football Top Ten, Milutinovic magic with her than it really cloud of mud ah. Li Xiang looked at from all sides back to Milutinovic exclusive interview, countless foot note exclaiming: master a foreign language how important it is!
It is said that during that time, many fledgling Adi Mei are aggressive pain resolved: Be sure to learn a foreign language, but also to specialize in famous coach's mother tongue. A time of sweeping foreign language inside and outside the Great Wall north and south, the world's leading coach up largely been mastered Chinese foot in mind, any coach which country you come, you can not escape the Dip, be prepared na.
To master a foreign language, for reporters who, like this, against a player who is more important, especially to foreigners working for a star, it is even more important. However, the United Arab has chosen to run into such problems. Nets Fan Marshal arranged tactics, the United Arab often can not understand, the language barrier ah, gesturing course not, but they can not always ogle it, you know, "Flirt" by many, is very harmful to the eyes, down a Nita eyed, black-eyed benevolence less sequelae is not impossible. A critical moment can not find a Chinese translation to, alas, to this time, the United Arab can only hate "Western hates few when goes with" myself.
Way back when again, the television audience simply by virtue of their eyes, the singer Sun Yue when singing and dancing, to see that enlivened her waist few English "dirty word." Fu Mingxia has even wearing a skirt with the English word "dirty word" in the streets, they have been inundated countless saliva. Sun Yue and Fu Mingxia, the English are eating bad loss.
To master a foreign language, in the moment is not only old rat small rat 'demands, it is the era for me and other requirements of the majority of young people. Although the master a foreign language is not an easy thing, those lucky to Guo Siji, six had sleepless nights even Xunsimihuo, but still it is necessary not to all students through CET4 or CET6 some universities earnestly: A look at United now face, you should know a foreign language to learn how important it is!

Life is hard. We should not give up hope. By the time we have given up, we are finished. Chances are always there. We have to grab every single opportunity...to help, to love and to serve. To live our life happier, full of joy, we have to set our goal and even dream big. If we choose the shortest path in life, we will never learn. To be or not to be, we have to be SOMEBODY. The fastest way to gain love is to love others first!Do not hide your talent, your knowledge and your beautiful heart. Go for your dream and live for it.


Way back in 2001, from Xian to Busan, from Phnom Penh to Oman, from Wuli to Tashkent, along with the Chinese football proudly qualify imbalance among eight thousand feet in mind, the famous reporter Li Xiang to her "Zero" He opened with eight thousand foot distance in mind. Proficient in foreign languages do not understand football, but a woman, yet holds the fate of Chinese football Top Ten, Milutinovic magic with her than it really cloud of mud ah. Li Xiang looked at from all sides back to Milutinovic exclusive interview, countless foot note exclaiming: master a foreign language how important it is!
It is said that during that time, many fledgling Adi Mei are aggressive pain resolved: Be sure to learn a foreign language, but also to specialize in famous coach's mother tongue. A time of sweeping foreign language inside and outside the Great Wall north and south, the world's leading coach up largely been mastered Chinese foot in mind, any coach which country you come, you can not escape the Dip, be prepared na.
To master a foreign language, for reporters who, like this, against a player who is more important, especially to foreigners working for a star, it is even more important. However, the United Arab has chosen to run into such problems. Nets Fan Marshal arranged tactics, the United Arab often can not understand, the language barrier ah, gesturing course not, but they can not always ogle it, you know, "Flirt" by many, is very harmful to the eyes, down a Nita eyed, black-eyed benevolence less sequelae is not impossible. A critical moment can not find a Chinese translation to, alas, to this time, the United Arab can only hate "Western hates few when goes with" myself.
Way back when again, the television audience simply by virtue of their eyes, the singer Sun Yue when singing and dancing, to see that enlivened her waist few English "dirty word." Fu Mingxia has even wearing a skirt with the English word "dirty word" in the streets, they have been inundated countless saliva. Sun Yue and Fu Mingxia, the English are eating bad loss.
To master a foreign language, in the moment is not only old rat small rat 'demands, it is the era for me and other requirements of the majority of young people. Although the master a foreign language is not an easy thing, those lucky to Guo Siji, six had sleepless nights even Xunsimihuo, but still it is necessary not to all students through CET4 or CET6 some universities earnestly: A look at United now face, you should know a foreign language to learn how important it is!

along with the Chinese football proudly qualify imbalance among eight thousand feet in mind, the famous reporter Li Xiang to her "Zero" He opened with eight thousand foot distance in mind. Proficient in foreign languages do not understand football, ...



我最喜欢看的漫画书就是《猫和老鼠》了,每次我看这本书时都会被逗得哈哈大笑,笑过后我非常敬佩小老鼠的聪明和勇气。 危险时刻都会发生,看:小老鼠又差点被猫抓到,机敏的它立刻拿起身边的工具打猫或者夹猫的鼻子,并借此机会马上溜走。有一次,许多恶猫一起围攻小老鼠,就在这个危急时刻,小老鼠突然变得力大无比,将...




我最喜欢看的漫画书就是《猫和老鼠》了,每次我看这本书时都会被逗得哈哈大笑,笑过后我非常敬佩小老鼠的聪明和勇气。 危险时刻都会发生,看:小老鼠又差点被猫抓到,机敏的它立刻拿起身边的工具打猫或者夹猫的鼻子,并借此机会马上溜走。有一次,许多恶猫一起围攻小老鼠,就在这个危急时刻,小老鼠突然变得力大无比,将...

老猫和小老鼠从前有只三岁的老猫,住在动物村里,但他很喜欢骗人,大家都不喜欢他,所以他被赶出了动物村,到了人村,成了人们的宠物。他的主人很好,每天给他吃好的喝好的,老猫也就越来越胖,越来越懒。 一次,主人家有了老鼠,主人就命令老猫:“老猫,你都活了三年了,也该有抓老鼠的技术...


郊区13554962803: 急求.谁知道关于一只猫捉老鼠后来老鼠学了一声狗叫还说学好一门外语是多么重要的英语笑话,小弟跪求,如果不知道可以请高手帮忙写下 -
厨人饲孚来: 这个版本是很多的,你看下这个是不是你需要的 大老鼠带着小老鼠散步. 忽然一只小猫追过来,大老鼠求救中生智, 学了几声狗叫, 猫被吓跑了. 大老鼠对小老鼠说:“孩子你看, 把握一门外语多重要啊!”Big rats with mouse walk. Suddenly a cat chase, rats help the Shengzhi, learning a few times dog, the cat ran away. Big Mouse, Little Mouse, said: "The children you see, to grasp a foreign language is more important ah!"

郊区13554962803: 有一个笑话是 关于猫和耗子的 ,耗子说学会一门外语是多么重要 -
厨人饲孚来: 是的,耗子学的是狗叫.

郊区13554962803: 学习一门外语很重要吗?
厨人饲孚来: 一只老鼠带着它的孩子们出去觅食,突然看见猫走了过来,老鼠妈妈立即装狗叫了几声,猫听见狗叫声,吓得跑开了.老鼠妈妈对它的孩子们说,学习一门外语是多么地重要哇.

郊区13554962803: 英文学了有什么好处? -
厨人饲孚来: 於地球村的世界里,交流是必然的,因此我们必须学好英语这个国际通用的语 言,才能让我们走向国际化的世界.并且有专家指出使用二种语言以上的人罹患 老年痴呆症的机率明显比一般人来得低,因此学英语是最好的选择了.既可降低 患病机率,又可具有迈向国际的基本能力,何乐而不为呢 英语的重要性 学英语不只是为了国际化的需求,更重要的是为了我们自己本身知识的扩充.这 又怎么说呢 因为西方的科技领先我们,进步且有许多好文章,好的研究丛书都 是用英文写成的;为了能进一步探索研究,扩展们我的知识与专业技能,首先必 须学好英语,才有办法不假他人之手翻译,而能得到最真实的第一手资料.

郊区13554962803: 现在的猫和老鼠怎么成了好朋友了?
厨人饲孚来: 现在的猫吃的太好了,都懒的费劲去抓老鼠了.不费劲还能吃的更好,还有人疼,干嘛去呢.

郊区13554962803: 终于明白为什么学好一门外语很重要了 -
厨人饲孚来: 嗯,就是.我看过一个笑话,老鼠学会狗叫,猫就不敢惹他了. 这充分说明了,掌握一门外语,就多了一条命的道理. 哈哈,希望对你有帮助,望采纳.

郊区13554962803: 为什么我们要学外语?
厨人饲孚来: 故事 一只大老鼠和一只小老鼠在 散步,突然听到猫叫,大老鼠听到后 害怕的要 逃走,而小老鼠仍旧悠闲的 走着.大老鼠就问 你不怕?? 小老鼠说 我有秘密武器,说完就学狗叫.猫吓跑了.小老鼠 说 这就是学好一门外语的 重要性

郊区13554962803: 英文学了有什么好处?
厨人饲孚来: 爱莫能助

郊区13554962803: 为什么猫和老鼠会结怨? -
厨人饲孚来: 有一则民间传说讲:一天,玉皇大帝要给十二种动物排次第,派猫去通知其它十一种动物,中间没有老鼠.老鼠偷听到了猫对牛的传话,便先下手为强,偷偷地第一个到天宫报到.醉眼朦胧的玉皇大帝见老鼠应卯,也不辨真伪,糊里糊涂当下排在第一位,第一个被通知的牛反而成了老二.猫给其它动物一个个传话完毕赶到天庭,十二个座位已排完,没有了它的位子,故十二生肖老鼠成了老大,反倒没了猫.从此,猫与老鼠结下了大仇. 但是事实上,老鼠怕猫是一种天性.就像羚羊天生怕狮子一样!不过由于城市的宠物猫不再抓老鼠,老鼠也渐渐变的不怕猫了.还有猫鼠和平共处的

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