
作者&投稿:巨适 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


微波激射与激光的诞生 (Invention of the Maser and Laser)

2007年5月5日:激光先驱梅曼去世 (Laser pioneer dies)

七十五公里:世界上最长的激光 (A 75-kilometer-long Laser)

China's Economy(中国经济)由于文章字数比较多,很少能有中文翻译的,以下内容可以参考:)~~

China's economy held the line on growth in 1999, mainly with government assistance, as the economy continues to suffer from the effects of massive, and accelerating, restructuring. The coming year could see some improvement, though the economy is likely to remain under stress as the restructuring intensifies over the next three to five years.
Large-scale job loss and gluts of consumer goods are still dampening demand, but deflation has begun to flatten out. Recovery in the rest of Asia helped keep exports strong, though foreign investment dipped (see Trade and Foreign Direct Investment).

China's preparations to enter the World Trade Organization (WTO) will accelerate the pace of the toughest reforms yet in agriculture, the state-owned sector, and banking, among others. Economic performance depends in large part on how well China implements these reforms and on non-state sector growth. Foreign firms are also likely to see these reforms as crucial, as WTO implementation is deeply entwined with these issues.

The size of the Chinese economy is likely to climb, in world rankings, from its current position as the sixth largest to the second largest by 2030, said economists with global investment bank Lehman Brothers.

With its gross domestic product (GDP) growing at an annual rate of 6 per cent, China will come in after the United States to secure the second place spot, the economists said.

Such an economy stands to offer exciting business and capital market opportunities to foreigners over the next 10 years or so, said Robert Subbaraman, a Lehman Brothers senior economist who is the co-author of a newly released comprehensive report on China's economic, political, social and foreign policy prospects over the next 10 years.

At a press conference last week in Beijing, Subbaraman and his colleagues offered detailed explanations of their forecasts regarding the impact of the country's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO), growth opportunities and how to do business in China.

"If the economy develops too fast because of naked pursuit of growth, we will be punished by the laws of economics and the laws of nature," Zheng said.

"The lesson of big ups and downs is vivid in our minds and we should avoid the one-sided and blind pursuit of speed."

President Hu is currently on a crucial US visit being dominated by China's emergence as an economic powerhouse and the trade and currency issues being thrown up as a result.

China's economy expanded 9.9 percent in 2005 and the government, hoping to switch the focus to domestic consumption away from exports, had earlier set a more modest goal of about 8.0 percent growth for 2006.

At the same time, Zheng also argued that China, still a developing nation, needs fast growth to help lift millions out of grinding poverty.

"In solving poverty and subsistence issues, we need relatively fast economic growth," he said.

Some analysts made the same point, saying that fast growth rates were natural for an economy at China's stage of development.

"A 10 percent growth rate is inevitable, It's just like the growing process of a baby. Its necessary," said Chen Xingdong, Beijing-based chief China economist with BNP Paribas Peregrine.

Other data such as inflation suggested no signs of overheating.

The consumer price index rose 1.2 percent in the first quarter. In urban areas, prices increased 1.2 percent and in rural areas they were up 1.1 percent.

Inflation in 2005 came in at 1.8 percent.

China's industrial output, from sweatshops to its massive factory floors across the vast nation, climbed 16.7 percent in the first quarter, largely in line with previous figures and suggesting no imminent break out.

The figures indicated again, however, that China's economy continued to be driven by the twin engines of investment and exports, while consumers in the world's most populous country remain cautious spenders.

Exports increased 26.6 percent in the first quarter, the NBS said, reflecting China's status as the factory of the world.

Retail sales, the main indicator of consumer spending, rose 12.2 percent but that figure, while impressive by most nation's standards, does not reflect the real potential of the Chinese consuming public, analysts say.

China's 1.3 billion people instead continue to put too much money in the bank because of a weak social safety net and fears for the future.



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of low profit in manufacturing and processing industry.发挥重要作用:play an important role;take an important role 经济不景气(衰退):depression; recession; sluggish economy 投入使用:go into service; come into play; brought into operation; bring...into operation; come into service....

容县19836759520: 请问哪里有经济类中英文互译的文章呀? -
司马伦注射: 你去附近的报刊亭买几份英文杂志啊,比如"英语文摘",里头很多经济类的中英互怿的文章

容县19836759520: 谁知道哪里找中英对照的有关经济学的文章?急要! -
司马伦注射: www.verycd.com上可以用电骡下载《Economist》周刊,全球著名的财经读物,在外文书店也可以买到,70元人民币薄薄一本.

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司马伦注射: Since reform and opening, China's sustained, rapid and healthy development has made great achievements for the environmental protection. While the central environmental and resource protection acts as one of the basic national policies, but ...

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司马伦注射:[答案] 可以上译言网的经济学人小组看一下,还不错

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司马伦注射:http://www.8nn8.com/gpsj.htm 您可以复制到您的档案里.但就不能下载.

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司马伦注射: 你指的文章是什么类型的文章?布啦布啦书库,有中英文对照的小说.排版很好,很精制的英汉对小说网站. http://read.blabla.cn

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