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专门的浏览器插件,可以在谷歌、火狐、edge 等主流浏览器中安装插件进行使用,安装插件后可以进行全网页的翻译,彩云小译查件提供的翻译还是带中英对照的。

Sorry, 第2句好像有点别扭,但也勉强可以。1. About two thirds of Earth is covered by water.=Around seventy-five percent of Earth is covered with water.2. Remember not to waste or pollute me(water?).=Don't forget never to waste or pollute me(water?).3. It's not easy for...

she is called li xiaoming.can i borrow your pencil?andy is one of the school basketball team members.i can see a lot of flowers on the desk.the boy is good at football.they begin to read the books.where does he come from?what is that in english?she owns dark blue eyes ...

1.Are you all here today?2.Please be seated.3.Glad to meet you.4.May I know your name,please?5.She studies in No.2 Middle School.6.His parents are Mr.Brown and Mrs.Brown

所谓同义句转换就是将一个句子用另一种形式表达出来,而且意思不变。因此,掌握的句型越多,做题就越方便、快捷、容易。但每种练习的方式总有一定的规律可循。1. 用具有相同意思的词或词组进行转换。如:例:She has a good time in Wuhan.转换:She enjoys herself in Wuhan.例:He spends some ...


第1\/2\/3\/4\/8题都和楼上不一样!1. When I go back to school, I will not play computer games any longer.=I (will no longer) play computer games when I (return to) school.2. A window of the classroom was broken by a strong wind.=(One of) the windows in classroom (...

=The tree only ___ ___ apple ___ it. 《八年级英语同义句转换》由英语我整理,更多请访问:https:\/\/www.liuxue86.com\/english\/ 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 推荐律师服务: 若未解决您的问题,请您详细描述您的问题,通过百度律临进行免费专业咨询 为你推荐:特别推荐...

How do you like the parks in our city?what do you think of= How do you like:【你觉得...怎么样】

1,It is reported that home of Liu Shaoqi is well preserved .. ==Home of Liu Shaoqi is reported to be in good preservation.2.Your bedroom is twice larger than mine.=Your bedroom is three times as large as mine.=Your bedroom is three times the size of mine.有不明白的...

What is your name 同义句如下:1、May I know your name?2、Could you tell me your name?3、Can I have your name?4、What is the name of you?句子转换,就是通过扩展或减缩的方法对原句的整个结构或对某个成分进行变换,使变换后的句子和原句的语义基本等同。学习这种句子转换,不仅有助...

宁晋县19754975783: 英语同义句在线转换器 -
班转藿香: 可以填 主谓一致 instead of watching

宁晋县19754975783: 谁可以给一个英语同义句转换器 -
班转藿香: 貌似可能没有你说的这种转换器,就算有也不敢保证100%正确啊……我觉得查字典-比如那种多功能字典啊什么的-的话一般是可以找到一个单词的同义词或近义词/一种表达的同义表达或近义表达的.句子的话是会比近义词和同义词要复杂啊,毕竟后者只是一个词而已而前者是句子,而且关于英语单词的意思最好不要只盯着它的中文解释,如果你看它的英文释义会发现有细微区别的,所以即便是同/近义词也不是可以百分之百代替原来那个词,如果你对这个问题感到头疼……我也没办法,只能说平时多多留意……嗯.

宁晋县19754975783: 英语同义句在线转换 -
班转藿香: There is something wrong with your ears. 你的耳朵有毛病了 There is something wrong with = Something is wrong with...出毛病了

宁晋县19754975783: 在线英语同义句转换 -
班转藿香: 1.I feel like going to the People's Square with my friends this Saturday. 同义句:I (would )like to (go ) the People's Square with my friends this Saturday. 2.It's 7.30.He goes to school,but he doesn't have breakfast. 同义句: It's 7.30.He goes to school( ...

宁晋县19754975783: 有什么软件可以改英语的同义句 -
班转藿香: 目前为止,这样的软件还没有研发出来.

宁晋县19754975783: 英语同义句转换!! -
班转藿香: 1, you should 2, does well 3, been in 4, give up 5, generous of, to share 6, heard from 7, won't until 8, neither does 9, am often told 10, him honest

宁晋县19754975783: 同义句转换 -
班转藿香: You won't (be) (able) (to) pass the exam.

宁晋县19754975783: we play all day 同义句转换,we play - _ - ___ - ____ - _____.注意是有四个空 -
班转藿香:[答案] 很高兴为您 during the whole day

宁晋县19754975783: I have many books.(同义句转换) I have - __ - ___ - books. -
班转藿香:[答案] many= lots of 表示许多 many + 可数名词复数 lots of = a lot of + 可数、不可数名词都可以

宁晋县19754975783: It' time to have lunch.(同义句转换) -
班转藿香:[答案] It's time for lunch It's time for having lunch 希望对你有所帮助,有不会的可以再问,

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