
作者&投稿:鄹钧 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

同义句( synonymic sentences) 亦称“同义异构句”,同义句转换的意思是:句法结构不同而命题意义相同的一组句子,转换同义句的时候可以调换原句子中的主谓宾结构,在保证句子的含义不变的情况下,保证句子的通顺性。
举例来说:“老张批评了小王”、“老张把小王批评了”、“小王被老张批评了”,这三个句子就是同义句。 同义句之间可以互相转换而命题意义不变。

he teacher always takes good care of the children in the school.The teacher always_______ ______the children well in the school.答案为looks after
解析:take good care of与look after…well都表示“好好照顾”
I think wealth is less important than health.I ___ think wealth is ___ important than health.答案为:don’t,more
解析:less important的意思是“没有(不及)……重要”;more important的意思是“(比)……更重要”,该结构与not连用,则表示“不比……更重要”
1.Everyone should give back his library books on time.
Library books should____ ____ ____ on time.答案为:be given back

1.Are you all here today?

2.Please be seated.

3.Glad to meet you.

4.May I know your name,please?

5.She studies in No.2 Middle School.

6.His parents are Mr.Brown and Mrs.Brown

everyone is here today?
Please sit down
Nice to meet you
can you spell your name
she study in
His parents are

gf gft
gjft uy
jkgj f

1. Is everyone here today?
=Are we/they/you all here today?

2. Sit down, please.
=Please (sit down)/(be seated).

3. Nice to meet you.
=(Glad/Happy) to meet you.

4. What's your name, please?
=(May/Can/Could I know your name), please?

5. She is a student in NO.2 middle school.
=She (studies in) No.2 Middle School.

6. His father is Mr. Brown and his mother is Mrs Brown.
=His (parents are) Mr.Brown and Mrs.Brown.

为你解答。1.I will try my best to study English well.I will (do my best) to study English well.我会尽全力学好英语。2.I am sorry that I lost your book.I am (sorry to lose) your book.很抱歉把你的书弄丢了。3.With his mother's help ,he became a writer.With (...

同义句转换的方法 (英语)
所谓同义句转换就是将一个句子用另一种形式表达出来,而且意思不变。因此,掌握的句型越多,做题就越方便、快捷、容易。但每种练习的方式总有一定的规律可循。1. 用具有相同意思的词或词组进行转换。如:例:She has a good time in Wuhan.转换:She enjoys herself in Wuhan.例:He spends some...

so that同义句转换
一、so...that与too...to的转换 二、so...that与enough to的转换 一、so...that与too...to的转换当that引导的从句为否定式时,从句主语与主语的主语相同时,so...that可转换为too...to结构;若从句主语与主句的主语不相同时,so...that可转换为too...for sb.to结构...



1. We used not to like Peking opera.= We (didn't use) to like peking opera.used to意思是“过去常常”,其否定形式有两种:didn't use to和used not to \/ usedn't to.2. The sick girl needs an operation.= The sick girl needs to be (operated on).need sth = need doing ...

12. call up 【考点】give sb a call = call sb up 13. What或How going 【考点】let's do sth = What\/How about doing sth 14. had time 【考点】玩得开心 enjoy oneself = have a great time 15. for us 【考点】provide sb with sth = provide sth for sb 请放心采纳,...

1His father flew to New York three days ago(3种)=His father went to New York three days ago.=His father has been in New York for three days.=His father has been in New York since three days ago .2,THE children are wearing beautiful cloths on children's day The children...

1.Could you pass me the salt,please?would you like to pass me the salt,please 2.Could you lend me some money?would you like to lend me some money 3.Could I borrow youy pen?would you like to borrow me your pen 4.Would you mind opening the window for me?Do you mind...

1. 变换:The old house in Europe and Britain were very dark. This was not changed until windows started to be used.=The old house in Europe and Britain were very dark (but) changed (when) windows started to be used.2. 解释:1)前后句表转折,所以用but.而且but是个并列连词...

郎溪县18448185287: 同义句怎么转换 -
穰宁复方:[答案] 所谓同义句转换句子用另种形式表达出来而且意思变因此掌握句型越多做题越方便、快捷、容易每种练习方式总有定规律循 1.用具有相同意思词或词组进行转换: 例:She has a good time in Wuhan. 转换:She enjoys herself in Wuhan. 例:He ...

郎溪县18448185287: 同义句转换是什么意思 -
穰宁复方: 同义e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e58685e5aeb931333431353239句( synonymic sentences) 亦称“同义异构句”,同义句转换的意思是:句法结构不同而命题意义相同的一组句子,转换同义句的时候可以调换原句子中的主谓宾结构,在保...

郎溪县18448185287: 英语同义句转换 -
穰宁复方:[答案] 找出同义词 或者 可相互转换的句式 ,即可转换.(PS:有无例句让我给你解答?)

郎溪县18448185287: 同义句转换 -
穰宁复方: 同义句转换例句如下: 中国队大败美国队!中国队大胜美国队(意思都是中国队胜出) 今天过节,好热闹!今天过节,好不热闹!(意思都是很热闹) 我差点来晚.我差点没来晚(意思都是没来晚) 小心摔了.小心别摔了.(意思都是提醒别人摔倒) 同义句指的是表示同一语义关系的一组句子.在言语交际的过程中,人们往往根据实际语境,通过语序的变化、虚词的增减、语气的变换等手段,选用不同的句式表达基本相同、语用含义却不很相同甚至很不相同的意思,从而生成多种多样的同义句.同义句使汉语灵活多变,表面语义丰富细腻.

郎溪县18448185287: 同义句转换 -
穰宁复方: 1. is filled with 2. must be finished3. are used for4. Instwad using5. With the help6. There must be 7. must plant8. was broke9. didn't until10. has died for

郎溪县18448185287: 三道简单的同义句转换,我急啊,先到的.对的.先得分啊!同义句转换,写括号里的答案,直接写1.Please show us your new video. Please (...) your new video ... -
穰宁复方:[答案] 1.Please show us your new video.Please (show) your new video (to)(us).2.Uncle Wang rides a bike to work every day.(1)Uncle Wang (goes)(to) work (by)(riding)(bike) every day.(2)Uncle Wang (goes)(to) wo...

郎溪县18448185287: 英语同义句转换题Is Mrs.Dinosaur in(同义句转换)Is Mrs.Dinosaur____ - ______?请说明原因 -
穰宁复方:[答案] 1.答案: Is Mrs.Dinosaur in(同义句转换) =Is Mrs.Dinosaur (at home)? 2. be in=be at home 在家

郎溪县18448185287: 同义句转换!!
穰宁复方: ①look after ourselves well =take good care of ourselves ②I think it ......=I consider that ③no air and no water=without air and water ④matter with =have difficulties

郎溪县18448185287: 同义句如何转换 -
穰宁复方: What an expensive skirt it is! 感叹句的转换就这两种... 个人认为,只要语法正确,意思不变就可以叻.希望采纳,谢谢.

郎溪县18448185287: 转换同义句 -
穰宁复方: The Greens want to visit the Great Wall 同义句:The Greens want to pay a visit to the Great Wall.或者:The Great wall is wanted to be visited by the Greens.

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