
作者&投稿:城解 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1) My father is on his flight to Beijing.
2)My father is taking the flight to Beijing.
3) My father is on the plane to Beijing now .
4) My father is flying to Beijing.

My father went to Beijing last week.

1) My father went to Beijing by airplane last week.
2) My father took an airplane going to Bejing last week.
3) My father went to Beijing by taking a flight last week.
4) My father arrived in Bejing by taking an airplane last week.

Last week my dad took a plane to Beijing.
Last week my dad went to Beijing by plane.
Last week my dad flew to Beijing.
Last week my dad went to Beijing by air.

My father flied to Beijing last week.
My father went to Beijing by air last week.
My father took the plane to Beijing last week.
My father went to Beijing on the plane last week.

1) My father went to Beijing by airplane last week.2) My father took an airplane going to Bejing last week.3) My father went to Beijing by taking a flight last week.4) My father arrived in Bejing by taking an airplane last week....

My father went to Beijing last week.我爸爸上个星期去北京坐飞机

上个星期我爸爸乘飞机去北京用英语的四种方式怎么写 3、以去北京最好的方式是什么为题写一篇英语作文100字左右 以去北京最好的方式是什么为题写一篇英语作文,100字左右 4、你的爸爸是如何从上海去北京的英语 你的爸爸是如何从上海去北京的英语是How your father went from Shanghai to Beijing?就分布...

“我的爸爸是一名飞行员”。 自幼这句引以为自豪的回应一直伴随着我,几年前在走出校园选择工作时成为了一名乘务员。这一年是父亲在飞行岗位上的第三十三年。家人眼中的父亲热爱这份工作,经常与家人分享工作带给他的喜悦。培训结束开始了正式的乘务工作,一日父亲与我谈工作后的感受,说起每星期都在调...

乘飞机去北京作文1 星期六早上,我和爸爸乘飞机去北京。一路上我很兴奋,我们排队进去检票口,我看到了大飞机。真高兴!因为这是我第一次坐飞机,心里很激动!我们排队上了飞机,坐在固定的位置上。我看到机翼张开了,飞机起跑时很好笑。为什么呢?因为飞机起跑先是慢慢地跑,再快了起来,最后来飞...

My father My father is a handsome man . He is tall and medium build. He has short black hair and big eyes.My father works in a hospital. He is a doctor. He wears a uniform in the hospital. He drives his car go to work. He is a good doctor. He loves his job.He ...

看,我爸爸是多莫的辛苦啊! 我的爸爸是一位出租车司机。他没有豪华的宅子,也没有华丽的汽车,但他永远是我心目中最棒的爸爸。 早上五六点时,别人还躺在床上睡觉,爸爸已经早早地起床上班了,晚上十二点时,别人已进入梦乡,可他却仍末回家。 一个星期六的早晨,爸爸正在吃早餐。突然,电话“叮铃铃”地响了。原来...

作文 我的爸爸 急急急急急急

我的爸爸有一双炯炯有神的大眼睛,一头乌黑的短发,又高又瘦的身体,让人第一感就是帅气,阳光。 爸爸虽然已经38岁了,可是让人觉的他很帅气。星期六,爸爸送我上英语补习班。到了教室,老师领我进去,我对爸爸说:“爸爸,再见!”老师听了愣了愣。下课后,老师问我:“刚才那个人是你爸爸?”我点了点头。老师说:...

my father still patiently enlightened her and gave her advice. This also reflects the villagers' trust in him.爸爸做事很认真,工作上兢兢业业,村务工作事无巨细,他对村民们很有耐心,是我心目中的帅爸,也是我的偶像。记得有一次半夜,有村民给他打电话,哭诉她心爱的小狗找不到了,虽然已...

达州市18445202582: 上个星期我爸爸乘飞机去北京用英语的四种方式怎么写
幸伦猴头: 对应的英语句子:1) My father went to Beijing by airplane last week.2) My father took an airplane going to Bejing last week.3) My father went to Beijing by taking a flight last week.4) My father arrived in Bejing by taking an airplane last week.

达州市18445202582: 我爸爸上个星期去北京坐飞机的英文 -
幸伦猴头: My father went to Beijing last week. 我爸爸上个星期去北京坐飞机

达州市18445202582: 乘飞机去北京用英语怎么说(两种) -
幸伦猴头:[答案] 1.go to beijing by air 2.go to beijing by aeroplane(plane) 3.emplane to beijing

达州市18445202582: 乘飞机去北京用英语怎么说 -
幸伦猴头: 乘飞机去北京 Go to Beijing by plane 重点词汇乘飞机去go by aeroplane 北京Beijing; Peking (capital of the People's Republic of China)

达州市18445202582: 我的爸爸乘飞机去北京英文同义句
幸伦猴头: My dad takes the plane to Beijing. = My dad goes to Beijing by plane.

达州市18445202582: 乘飞机去北京用英文怎么拼 -
幸伦猴头: go to Beijing by air.

达州市18445202582: 乘飞机去北京的英文单词怎么拼? 第一个采纳哦 -
幸伦猴头:[答案] go to Beijing by plane

达州市18445202582: Yesterday afternoon my father( )the plane to Beijing on businness. A.caught. B.took -
幸伦猴头: B 两个词都可以搭配the plane使用,这里应该理解为乘飞机去....catch the plane 赶飞机 take the plane 乘飞机 如不明白请追问,如果满意请采纳 手机提问者如果满意,请在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可, 谢谢!祝学习进步

达州市18445202582: 英语翻译他上星期六坐飞机去了北京.(括号中不能用“went to”)He ( ) ( ) beijing last Sunday. -
幸伦猴头:[答案] He (flew ) (to ) beijing last Sunday. flt to是坐飞机的意思

达州市18445202582: (一周前我爸爸去北京了.他两天后将坐飞机回来.)翻译英语
幸伦猴头: A week ago,my father went to Beijing.Two days later,he would be back by plane.

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