哪位高人知道 <欧洲性旅行> 里面的那首 sccot doesn't know 的摇滚歌曲的名字是什么??在哪里可以找到?

作者&投稿:终颜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

歌名叫Scotty doesn't know,我也喜欢这首歌,经常听呢,百度里有下的,这首歌是Echobelly乐队专辑中的一首,这个乐队我也不熟悉,好象中文名叫空城计乐队,下面是歌词
Scotty doesn't know,
That Fionna and me,
Do it in my van every Sunday.

She tells him shes in church,
But she doesn't go,
Still she's on her knees, and...

Scotty doesn't know, oh.
Scotty doesn't know-oh.
So don't tell Scotty!
Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know.

Fionna says shes out shopping,
But she's under me and I'm not stopping.

Cuz Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know.
So don't tell Scotty.
Scotty doesn't knoooooow....

I can't believe he's so trusting,
While I'm right behind you thrusting.

Fionna's got him on the phone,
and she's trying not to moan.
It's a three way call,
and he knows nothing.

Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know,
Don't tell Scotty.
Cuz Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't knoooooow....

What a show, everyone will go.
Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't knoooooow....

The, parking lot, why not?
It's so cool when you're on top.
His full on, your stuck.
Life is so hard, cuz...

Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know.

I did her on his birthday.

Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know,
Don't tell Scotty.
Scotty doesn't knoooooow....

Scotty will know,
Scotty has to know,
Scotty's gotta know,
Gonna tell Scotty,
Gonna tell him myself.

Scotty has to know,
Scotty has to know,
Scotty has to,
Scotty has to,
Scotty has to go!

Scotty doesn't know,
(Don't tell Scotty)
Scotty doesn't know,
(Don't tell Scotty)
Scotty doesn't know...
Scotty's gotta go!


Scotty Doesn't Know - Adams, Jason [2]
My Generation - Townshend, Pete
Wild One - Greenan, John
99 Red Balloons - Fahrenkrog-Petersen
In the City - Weller, Paul
Shooting Stars - Smith, Jesse
Nonchalant - Boyer, Charles
Scott Doesn't Know - Adams, J.
Make My Dreams Come True - Gray, Trevor
Du - Orloff, Peter
Les Promesses - Ensuque, Jean-Pierr
I Love Marijuana - Thompson, Linval
Turn It Up - Ugly Duckling
Get Loose - Ziemba, Dave

Scotty Doesn't Know


Scotty doesn't know,
That Fionna and me,
Do it in my van every Sunday.

She tells him shes in church,
But she doesn't go,
Still shes on her knees, and...

Scotty doens't know, oh.
Scotty doesn't know-oh.
So don't tell Scotty!
Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know.

Fionna says shes out shopping,
But shes under me and I'm not stopping.

Cuz Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know.
So don't tell Scotty.
Scotty doesn't knoooooow....

I can't believe he's so trusting,
While I'm right behind you thrusting.

Fionna's got him on the phone,
and she's trying not to moan.
It's a three way call,
and he knows nothing.

Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know,
Don't tell Scotty.
Cuz Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't knoooooow....

We'll put on a show, everyone will go.
Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't knoooooow....

The, parking lot, why not?
It's so cool when you're on top.
His front lawn, in the snow.
Laughing so hard, cuz...

Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know.

I did her on his birthday.

Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know,
Don't tell Scotty.
Scotty doesn't knoooooow....

Scotty will know,
Scotty has to know,
Scotty's gotta know,
Gonna tell Scotty,
Gonna tell him myself.

Scotty has to know,
Scotty has to know,
Scotty has to,
Scotty has to,
Scotty has to go!

Scotty doesn't know,
(Don't tell Scotty)
Scotty doesn't know,
(Don't tell Scotty)
Scotty doesn't know...
Scotty's gotta go!


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班盆金怡: 我是天津中山培训学校的手机维修培训师.你的问题应该详细一点.按照你目前的说话,只可能是你手机设置的问题,你做一下手机的回出厂设置,如果还不能解决,拨打人工服务台咨询是否为网络故障.如果依然不能解决的话,那就去手机维修部门测试功放性能,看是否为功放故障.至于软件也是有可能,但是一般来说很少.你试试看.不行的话请加QQ和我直接联系.

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班盆金怡: 再换个吧.一般建议不要用来夹卷,除非是高温丝材料做的哦, 如果是其它发丝不耐高温一下就会糊掉了,水洗也没有用, 就算用风筒吹也会糊的.如果假发毛糙可以清洗下, 加点洗发水拌在温和的水里泡10分钟左右哦,拿起来自然晾干, 然后喷些假发用的护理液让假发回复柔顺, 另外不要用塑料的梳去梳假发哦,用钢梳或木梳,防静电的. 搜索一下千色假发,里面有教你怎样护理的,我在他们那买过假发, 发质很好的都戴了1年多了

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班盆金怡: 10月1日-8日,共8天.

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