
作者&投稿:郗芝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

还有代词,是代替主语的,比如it 可以代指苹果;

Everyone, as a member of society, is entitled to the social, economic and cultural rightsnecessary to the unrestrained development of his/her personality and dignity, which arerealized through national effort and international cooperation and concordant with theorganization, resources and situation of each country.
as a member of society,作为社会的一个成员
social, economic and cultural right, 社会、经济、文化权利
national effort and international cooperation,国家努力和国际合作
concordant with ,与……相一致

Thanks your attention
2. China encourages to use the environmental protection shopping bag is for better protects our environment, reduces the environmental pollution.
3. This may reduce many white garbages, is also very advantageous artisticly.
4. I thought that the government does this is very right, everybody should maintain our environment.

5. we should use the environmental protection shopping bag, must supervise others to let others also use

thank for your attention
china promote environmental friendly plastic bags, is in the purpose of protecting our environment and reducing pollution
it can reduce much white litter, and also improve landscape
i think it is great for goverment claim this, and everybody should actively protect our enviroment,
we should not only use enviroment friendly plastic bags, but help others use it too.

Thank you for your attention.
To better preserve our environment and reduce environmental pollution are the main reasons that the usage of environmentally friendly shopping bags are encouraged in China.
This may reduce much white pollution, as well as make the world more nice and neat.
I think the government does the right thing and we all should protect our environment.
We all should use environmentally friendly shopping bags, and convince others to do so.

1. thank you for your attention
2. China encourages the usage of recycle shopping bafs is because for protecting the environment and reduce the pollution.
3. That would reduce tons of white trash, and maintan the beautiful environment.
4. I think the government has done right, it's our duty to protect the environment.
5. We should all use the recycle shopping bags, and we should encourage other to use them too.

1.Thank you very much concerned about
2.China encourages the use of reusable shopping bags in order to better protect our environment, reduce pollution
3.This will reduce a lot of white garbage, but also conducive to the very beautiful
4.I think that this is done right, we should safeguard our environment.
5.We should all use of reusable shopping bags so that other people have to supervise the use of other people

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