初二英语 根据括号内的短语提示翻译句子

作者&投稿:泊新 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 It have been raining for half a month.2 Do you mind not to cough so loudly, ok?3 What should I get for teacher's birthday?4 What do you think of these flowers?5 Paul got up too late this morning to catch the school bus.6 We have never been to the Great Wall.7 Eric has to work hard all year round in order to make his living.8 Two thirds of the students in this class are boys.9 Do you enjoy pop music?10 Our new neighbours are very friendly to us.

Steam engine transforms heat into energy.
Please convey my wishes to your mother.
Take it easy. Tell us what happened exactly.
With only two days left we can't relax.

1.那家超市的鲜草莓价钱很高!(at a price)
the fresh strawberries in that supermarket are sold at a high price.
2.今早我只能呆在家里,因为我奶奶病了。(fall ill)
I had to stay at home this morning, because my grandma fell ill.
3.我喝咖啡时,通常会用蜂蜜来代替糖。(in place of)
when I drink coffee, I usually use honey in place of suger
4.你能明早给我回电话吗?(call back)
can you call me back tomorrow morning?
5.我们应该随时帮助有困难的人。(give sb a hand)
we should give the man who has trouble a hand at any time.
6.不论你遇到多少困难,都不要放弃。(give up)
never give up no matter how much difficulty you will meet.
7.汤姆决定从这个月起攒点儿零花钱。(save up)
tom decide to save up pin money from this month on.
8.我有很多衣服要洗。(mountains of)
I have mountains of clothes to wash.
9.他通过游泳来锻炼身体。(in the form of)
he exercies in the form of swimming.
10.那辆红色跑车一路领先。(all the way)
the red sports car leads all the way.

1.那家超市的鲜草莓价钱很高!(at a price)
That supermarket sales fresh strawberry at a very high price.
2.今早我只能呆在家里,因为我奶奶病了。(fall ill)
I have to stay at home this morning because my grandmother fell ill.

3.我喝咖啡时,通常会用蜂蜜来代替糖。(in place of)
I usually use honey in place of sugar when I'm drinking coffee.

4.你能明早给我回电话吗?(call back)
Can you call me back tomorrow morning?

5.我们应该随时帮助有困难的人。(give sb a hand)
We should give people a hand whenever they are having troubles.

6.不论你遇到多少困难,都不要放弃。(give up)
No matter how difficult it is, never give up.

7.汤姆决定从这个月起攒点儿零花钱。(save up)
Tom decided to save up allowances from this month on.

8.我有很多衣服要洗。(mountains of)
I have mountains of laundries to do.

9.他通过游泳来锻炼身体。(in the form of)
He exercises in the form of swimming.

10.那辆红色跑车一路领先。(all the way)
That red sports car is all the way in the front.

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