
作者&投稿:挚念 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Stewed Milk Beancurd

I made it for you, hope you like it.

杨枝甘露(Chilled Mango Sago Cream with Pomelo)
龟苓膏(Guiling Jelly)
蛋挞(Egg Tart)

Ingredients: 180 grams of thick soup, 500 ml of water, 1 scallion, 1 conch, 1 abalone, 1 crab, 100 g of flower buds, 60 g of fat, 100 g of medlar
Seasoning: 6 grams of ginger, 3 small rice peppers, 5 grams of cooking wine, 1 gram of salt(调料:姜片6克、小米椒3个、料酒5克、盐1克)
Practice steps:(做法步骤:)
1、Add thick soup in the pot, water(锅中加浓汤宝,水)

2、Add onions, ginger, conch, abalone, shuttle crab, boil over high heat(加入葱,姜片,海螺,鲍鱼,梭子蟹,大火煮沸)

3、Add calyx, millet pepper, fat, hazelnut, cooking wine, salt, stir well(加入花蛤,小米椒,肥蛤,蛏子,料酒,盐,搅拌均匀)

4、Turn to low heat for five minutes(转小火煮五分钟)

Shuangpi Nai, as the name suggests,

are containing double skin milk . In Shunde,A said that when the children of farmers called
Ho shisan cooked breakfast in the early morning,accidentally the milk curdle a pellicle ,soon
one old friends know the values and went to buy the formula,to open a food stall, E ating Shunde Shuangpi Nai has become a tradition,Shuangpi Nai was handed down from the end of Qing Dynasty.Eat Shuangpi Nai,in fact,the most important thing is the Smoothness and ellow of the milk pellicle beside the milk sweet.Shuang Pinai is white and slip,giving the feeling of a dignified and gentle;aroma,sour milk,enough egg flavor,The rich creamy tangy reminiscent the mild spring of boundless prairie.

STEP 1.do preparations: fullcream milk: 250ml, one egg white(uncooked)

(500 ml fullcream milk requires a double quantity of two egg white)

STEP 2.get the milk boiled, then pour it into a bowl(better a small one),leaving it untouched.

STEP 3.wait until the milk gets cool. by when a layer of cream will form floating above the milk.

STEP 4.pour the boiled milk out into another bowl without tearing or breaking the cream layer,which will stay at the bottom of the bowl after all the milk has been drained.

STEP 5.get the uncooked egg white thoroughly stired, then blend it with the boiled milk.

STEP 6.pour the mixture back to the bowl with the layer at bottom, slowly as you could so the layer will float again above the liquid.

STEP 7:steam it for about 10 minutes,and lt will come like this:

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接触过黑人留学生老外的进来= =
女孩怎么办?到时候可是身心的伤害啊!Anyway, 练习口语有很多种,可以自己对自己大声说话,对着镜子练习等等。不一定非要找外教,但是如果真的要找,请保护好自己,爱惜自己!我在国内读的英语专业,后来在国外呆了7年,这种老外找中国妞,然后始乱终弃的事情看的太多太多了!希望能帮到你!



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盈应龙珠:[答案] Shuangpi Nai,as the name suggests, are containing double skin milk .In Shunde,A said that when the children of farmers ... aroma,sour milk,enough egg flavor,The rich creamy tangy reminiscent the mild spring of boundless prairie. 做法的介绍是: STEP...

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盈应龙珠:[答案] Stewed Milk Beancurd I made it for you,hope you like it. 杨枝甘露(Chilled Mango Sago Cream with Pomelo) 龟苓膏(Guiling Jelly) 蛋挞(Egg Tart) 驴打滚(Ludagunr)

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