
作者&投稿:边耍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Shrek: Who knows where this Farquad guy is?
Donkey: Oh, I do .I know where he is.
Shrek: Does anyone else know where to find him? Anyone at all?
Donkey: Me! Me!
Shrek: Anyone?
Donkey: Oh! Oh, pick me! Oh, I know! I know! Me, me!
Shrek: Okay, fine. Attention, all fairy tale things. Do not get comfortable. Yourwelcome is officially worn out. In fact, I’m gonna see this guy Farquad right now…and get all off my land and back where you came from!
Shrek: Oh! You!
Donkey: You’re comin’ with me. All right, that’s what I like to hear, man Shrekand Donkey, two stalwart friends off on a whirl wins big-city adventure. I love it! “On the road again” Sing it with me, Shrek. Hey. Oh, oh! I can’t wait to get onthe road again!
Shrek: What did I say about singing?
Donkey: Can I whistle?
Shrek: No!
Donkey: Can I hum it?
Shrek: All right, hum it.

1. Oh, pick me! 哦,请让我来回答!
2. Your welcome is officially worn out. 你们不受欢迎。
3. You’re comin’ with me. 你现在让我来说了!
4. I can’t wait to get on the road again! 我已经等不及要上路了!
5. Can I whistle? 可以吹口哨吗?
6. Can I hum it? 可以哼小曲吗?

Yesterday I watched a movie named with my brother .It is so funny.
It is about a ogre.He is upset because he cannot be acceptted by other men because of his awful look.One day he gets a mission to rescue a princess so that the King gives back his mire.He,along with a talking donkey,goes through fire and water and finally reaches the tower where the princess is kept.He fights against the dragon that guards the princess.At last he rescues the princess.After that ,he gives her his first kiss.
This movie tells us,when we are not acceptted by others,at least,we should try to let them know us and don't say die.

1. Oh, pick me! 哦,请让我来回答!
2. Your welcome is officially worn out. 你们不受欢迎。
3. You’re comin’ with me. 你现在让我来说了!
4. I can’t wait to get on the road again! 我已经等不及要上路了!
5. Can I whistle? 可以吹口哨吗?
6. Can I hum it? 可以哼小曲吗?



4. I can’t wait to get on the road again! 我已经等不及要上路了!5. Can I whistle? 可以吹口哨吗?6. Can I hum it? 可以哼小曲吗?

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怪物史莱克4 英文版观后感

我最喜欢的卡通形象是怪物史瑞克。以下是我喜欢他的原因。虽然他的外貌不美,他有一颗善良的心。他乐于帮助别人。当别人危难时,他敢于挺身而出。所以我喜欢他My favorite cartoon image is Shrek. The following are the reasons why I like him. Although his appearance is not beautiful, he has ...


怪物史瑞克1234 部 谁有高清国语的百度云,麻烦给一下,感谢感谢,_百度知...
怪物史莱克观看指南 可以在百度搜索lol电影天堂,迅雷下载后,在线观看。直接搜索后,一些网页能够观看,能够观看,但要下载播放器,例如西瓜。或者购买观看 百度云正在上传,若前3种不可以。请追问。勿喷。

介词滥用导致成分残缺,缺少主语 删去“通过”或“使”


20部适合小孩看的经典电影 《怪物史莱克》教人学会善良(4)
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第一步,下载一部英文配音,中文字幕的电影,这个对于你来说也许是非常简单的,我就不多说了,好吧?第二步,下载字幕文件。你可以到射手网(www.shooter.cn)或者TLF字幕网上去下载一个字幕文件。字幕文件通常有两种形式:一是srt文件,直接下载srt文件待用。 二是idx和sub文件。由于这两个文件需要...

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主父勤舒普: 弟弟/妹妹... 作业还是要自己做的.25个单词太简单啦,2,3句就好了.你可以写shrek 很善良(kind,nice...) donkey 很啰嗦(talkative) Fiona 很漂亮(pretty) 可以用到的单词:城堡(castle), 龙(dragon), ogre(怪物),swamp(shrek 住的沼泽地)

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