
作者&投稿:宓急 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

守株待兔(英语短剧) 剧本
农夫:I’m a farmer.(稍停顿)[走两步]A modern farmer.(掏出墨镜戴上)[冷酷地走两步,突然被绊了一跤,回头生气地踢了下绊自己的石头,继续保持冷酷]When I was yong,I studied in Nan~tong Middle School[掏出胸卡骄傲地展示给观众看,收起]!So I’m rich now![开始展示名牌,边说边掏]Look!This is my modern mobile——Motorola WC 250!This is my Swatch!This my MP3!This is my shoes——ADI~DAS!This is… [不经意地掏出一个苹果]Oh,sorry. And look at this![从怀里掏出痒痒挠] Do U know what’s this?痒痒挠?No no no~~It’s my modern——锄头~!![看下表]It’s time to do some farming![开始弯下腰做出锄地的动作,锄了两下,突然] Oh yes!I think farming should be combined with music![掏出MP3戴上,开始很有激情地边锄地边唱]Farming farming,I’m farming!Farming should be combined with music~!Farming farming,I’m farming!Farming will be funny and easy~![边唱边锄边慢慢下台,把没用的道具拿走,把有用的道具准备在口袋里] [树走上前台]
树:I’m a tree!I can do many things!I can sing![做出疯狂摇滚歌手的动作,边做边唱:哼哼哈西!!!]I can dance![跳四小天鹅]I’m tall!And I’m Strong!IF you hit me,you will 挂掉!Oh?There comes a rabbit! [引导观众看兔子A)。树站回后台]
兔子A(一开始不知道状况。以为自己扮演周杰伦,所以很热情地上场跟观众打招呼):Hey everybody,I’m Jay!I love U!I love Nantong![展示新专辑《十一月的肖邦》]Now let me sing one of my new songs to U!The name of the song is 《发如雪》![清清嗓子正要唱,这时候导演(范冰)上]
导演:[拿手中纸筒狠狠打了下兔子A的头]What are U doing?! Now U are a rabbit,understand?![兔子A:Sorry sorry sorry] [导演边说边夺过《十一月的肖邦》。导演下台之前,看了下《十》] What’s this?[看了看,惊喜地]Oh!It’s mine!(很兴奋地拿着下场)
兔子A:OK,now I’m a rabbit. I just had my breakfast. Now I’m just walking around here. I think walking after meals is good for my health. [在场上转圈,悠闲散步]
农夫:(惊喜地)Lunch![扔掉痒痒挠]I will catch it! [偷偷摸摸地跟到兔子后面走]
兔子A:Wahhhh~!(吓一跳)What’s this!
农夫:Hnnnn…!I will kill U for lunch!
兔子A:But your gun… [帮农夫把枪头调转过来(农夫一开始把枪对着自己)]
农夫:Thank you!
兔子A:My pleasure. (突然想起来农夫要杀自己) Wah~~~~~~ [兔子跑,躲到树后面,农夫追到树前]
农夫:Where~ to go? Haha!
[农夫开了一枪“砰”。兔子在树后惊慌躲闪,没被打到。树做出受伤中弹状。 农夫又开枪,同上。 农夫开始加快频率,火力密集地开枪。兔子开始时惊慌躲闪,躲着躲着跳起舞来。树继续痛苦中弹状。]
兔子A[自我陶醉中,边跳边说]You didn’t hurt me! You didn’t hurt me!
树:[痛苦万分地]But…U…Hurt me….[痛苦地慢慢挪动到兔子背后]
[兔子继续兴奋地跳舞。农夫停止开枪,走到兔子面前,看着它。 兔子猛然抬头发现]
农夫:Ah ha~! Bye bye ! [举枪对准兔子,开枪,没声音,看看枪,示意没子弹了。兔子见状,非常兴奋地大笑起来]
兔子A:Ha ha ha ha! You can’t kill me now! [兴奋大笑,笑到抽筋,笑到后仰。突然头撞倒了后面的树] Wa ![兔子晕两下~~ “我倒!” 倒地]
农夫:OH! [很兴奋地过去两个手指提起兔子]My lunch , I caught you !!! [想一下] But I’m still full now.Let me tie it to the tree and have a sleep.I will eat it after sleeping.[把兔子绑到树上。倒地睡到树旁边]
兔子A:[兔子很快醒了,看看四周,发现自己被绑了,很惊讶]Where am I? What happened?
树:[指着农夫]He caught you and wanted to eat you.
兔子A:What?! I must leave here! But how can I escape?[东张西望,看到农夫的手机]
[兔子不知不觉地把树杈移开,走到手机前看了看]咦?What’s this?[捡起来看]Oh,a mobile.[再看]It’s beautiful.[放回原处。 又自觉地把自己绑在树上。 突然想起来]A mobile!Maybe I can call some one to help me! [又不知不觉地把自己放出来,那起手机] But how to use it???
树:[走上前]Let me tell U.Look,press this button![给兔子]
兔子A:Oh I see. [做出打电话的样子] 喂?
李咏:[上台,激情澎湃地] Hello!This is lucky fifty-two![做出幸运52的手势]I’m Liyong!Now let’s start our first question!What’s the most probable relation between 康熙 and 雍正? A. Husband and wife B.Teacher and student C.Waiter and costomer Answer me,please!
兔子A:(很冷漠地)Sorry, wrong number.[挂掉]
李咏:Answer me!Answer me! En..?喂?喂喂?[很郁闷地下台]
兔子A:Now let me call again.[拨打] 喂?
兔子A:Hey Jackey!
兔子B:Hey tommy!
兔子A:How are you doing?
兔子B:Fine,thank you.And U?
兔子A:I’m fine too!How are your parents doing?
兔子B:They are fine,thank you.And U?
兔子A:They are fine,too!How is your uncle doing?
兔子B:He’s fine,thank you!And U?
兔子A:He’s fine , too!
兔子B:But why do you call me? If you want borrow some money from me…NO WAY!!!
兔子A:No no no!I’m in danger now!Come and help me!!!
兔子B:But where are you?
兔子A:I’m under a tree!
兔子B:[边打电话边在附近走,经过兔子A面前,两个人还没发现]What can you see around you?
兔子A:I see a rabbit ,rather like you!
兔子B:A rabbit…rather like me… OK! I’ll soon come!Wait for me! I will help you! [匆匆离开]
[兔子A 打完电话,小心翼翼地把手机放回农夫处,还很有礼貌地说了句“Thank you.” 然后又很自觉地把自己绑回了树上]
兔子A:Hahaha!My friend will come and save me,yeah! [兴奋过度,后仰,头又撞倒树上,昏眩中…“我晕!” 又晕了]
[兔子B上。]兔子B:I’m also rabbit!I’m clever! I’m brave ! And I’m strong! [展示肌肉] OH!My friend is here!Let me help him out! [费力地想把树枝(双臂)挪开,使了几次劲,还是不行] It’s too tight! I must think of a good way! [看到农夫扔掉的痒痒挠] Let’s see,what’s this!A 锄头![装作打高尔夫球,试了试锄头手感]Oh,it’s nice.[走到树面前,正要砍]
树:Stop!!!What will you do?
兔子B:I will cut you down to save my friend.
树:O. [突然醒悟] What?! Cut me down?! Teachers told us that we should protect the environment! Understand?!
兔子B:Oh yes!You are right! [扔掉锄头] I have to think of another idea! [想了想] Oh!![灵感突来][看了看手表] Oh it’s time to do morning exercise !Come on! [开始带头做早操。做着做着对树说“Follow me!” (企图让树动起来,两只手松开,这样就可以救出兔子A)树也开始跟着做起早操。 兔子B轻轻上前,想救出兔子A。但是树的广播操动作恰好都是会挡住营救的。兔子B狂汗… -_-b 广播操毕。树继续绑着兔子A]
兔子B:Why?! Maybe I need another idea. Oh!I’v got it!Music! [音响放起泰坦尼克号主题曲高潮前奏。 兔子B抱住树,企图引导树像女主角一样张开双臂,放出兔子A。树渐渐陶醉,手缓缓松开。兔子B正要搭救同伴,突然兔子A两只手张开,成了女主角动作。树又抱住了兔子A的腰,成了男主角动作。树和A陶醉其中。B要唤醒A:“Wake up!Wake up!”
兔子A沉醉其中,完全不理它,还用脚踹走要救它的B:“Don’t disturb me!”继续陶醉。]
兔子B:(无奈ing…)Stop!!!(音乐停) (沮丧)I can’t save my friend…[掏出纸巾想要擦汗,带出10块钱,掉在地上]
兔子A:[看四周] I’m free!!!Oh yes,I’m free!Thank you,Jackey! [慢动作深情扑向兔子B] Jackey~~~~ [突然兔子B低头系鞋带。兔子A控制不住一下子撞在树上,晕两下说:“暴头!”死翘。] [兔子B见状冲上去,深情地搂住A:“Tommy!Tommy!”[伤心地俯下身子,紧紧抱住A]
兔子B:I…can’t….breath……I’m dying!!!! [也翘了]
农夫:[农夫这时候醒了。擦了下口水,看见两只兔子] En..?Two rubbits! I rememer I have caught just one?! Oh,maybe I drank too much.
树:[还在验钞的树正在高兴,突然发现是假钞]A!It’s a fake!Wait for me![追下去]


G: Oh,It must be the phantom,
MA: Phantom? I used to think it’s only a legend. What shall we do?
G: Every time there is a performance the No 5 balcony should be empty. For it’s phantom’s. And the 2 million franc that is given to the phantom should be continued. Or the accidents happened today won’t stop.
MA: That’s a bad news. But even worse Carlotta our leading actress also a bad temper woman refuse to play the role.
G: Not very difficult. Christine can take the place of her.
MA: Christine?
G: Yes. Though she is 16 in our troupe but I learn from my daughter that she is learning singing from a secret teacher. And she sings a wonderful voice.
MA: Ok…ok since I have no idea now. Christine could have a try.
P: I find the one I’m looking for eventually. A person who can understand my music has appeared. Christine for the first time I see her I know she is the one I’m looking for. Now I’m making effort to practice her to be the best singers. One day she will be able to sing my song in the stage.
CH: What a man he is. He always wears a mask. And I know nothing about him. His name, his backdrop, where he came from, only I know that he is a good person and help me lot. Maybe he is ugly. How he looks like?
… …
P: No, I can be sure that you won’t be interesting in it. And you never have chance to see my real appearance. Oh it’s already daybreak. You should go to the ground.
Ch: Bye
P: I think we would meet soon.
Some days later
G: what is the matter manager? You look so worried.
Ma: A serious problem. The phantom had sent me a letter.
G: what’s the content.
MA: It reads that he order us to let Christine be the leading actress of the new opera.
G: it doesn’t seem so bad as I think.
MA: But Carlotta won’t agree.
G: What are you going to do now.
MA: I choose Carlotta for she is more famous now. And she will of course make the opera successful.
G: Will the phantom take action to do sth?
MA: I hope he’d better not. Now strengthen the guard. It’s all I can do.

MA: who are you?
P: there is no need for you to know who I am. Take it.
MA: what’s this.
P: a playbook.
MA: a playbook
P: yes you ought to perform it as I tell you. Listen to me or you will regret.

After the party
R: what are you looking at manager.
MA: oh my venerable viscount. It is just a playbook.
R: who wrote it? What a fantastic story it is.
MA: it is…
R: the phantom isn’t he. Only he can do it.
MA: yes viscount.
R: so what are you going to deal with it.
MA: as you say the story is so strange I don’t think it should be performed.
R: I think it should. For phantom always make my fiancée Christine worried. And he had killed Carlotta.
MA: you mean that…
R: try to perform the play. And the phantom would appear the police would catch him.
MA: a good plan. But…
R: take it easy. I think it will succeed.
R: where are they had gone. It seems that they had disappear.
G: What’s wrong. Why are you here, viscount?
R: you should know I lost my way. I must find my fiancée as soon as I can. You Mrs. Giry know a lot of phantom should know where he had gone. Tell me.
G: (should I tell him what I know, I’m the passenger of phantom but.) now tell me young one you love Christine and she loves you don’t you.
R: yes I can swear. I would take care of her for the whole life.
G: Ok I feel for Christine so much. Ok you go down through the door of the mirror. This is all I can help
R: Thank you so much.
G: be careful young man.
R: I will dear madam. My thanks to you again.
R: Free her! Do what you like, only free her!
P: now dear Christine you have to make a Choose. GO with me and I will release this gentleman. If you don’t this young man will certainly die.
R: don’t listen to him Christine. Phantom let Christine go you can kill me. Why don’t. I’m prey for you lust for blood. You are a demon.
CH: I have never been recognizing that you are such a cruel one. You have taught me, and you have changed now.
P: Cruel. You say cruel. Who is cruel? It’s me who give you the chance to be the famous actress. And you have betrayed me.
Ch: how can you say so! I respect you so much. But I loved Raoul. I will follow him not you.
R: I love her! Show some compassion.
P: shut up. The world shows no compassion to me.
Police: viscount. Are you in? Track down this murderer - he must be found!
We will burst in.
P: too late to turn back. You must pay for what you have down to me
CH: not too late my friend. What you need is others care.
R: either way you choose, my love, he wins. Forgive me, I can’t do as I promise to be with you.
CH: why torment yourself my friend. End it.
P: either way you choose, I lose. Maybe you are right Christine. Oh see what I have down to you.
P: young man you are free now. Forget all this and all you have seen. Take her away.
R: Why. You set us free.
P: no reason, perhaps. Christine, listen. Only you can take my song flight.
CH: I will. But what are you going to do.
P: It is over now. The play has concluded. There is no phantom in the world from now and forever.


The Magic Beans
  Act 1 Scene 1
  (Jack’s mother was gambling.)
  Mom: Oh, no, not again. (Roaring) Jack, Jack, where are you?
  Jack: Here I am, mom. What’s up?
  Mom: Send that old cow to the market to exchange some money back.
  Jack: But mom, if I sold Rose, we would have no milk anymore.
  Mom: Shut up. Do as I said.
  Jack: (sign) All right, all right.
  Act 1 Scene 2
  (In the market.)
  Girl: Sir, do you want any matches? If you buy ten boxes, I’ll give a 40 percent discount.
  Jack: Sounds terrific. But I don’t have any money.
  Girl: Please, sir, I haven’t eaten anything for three days. I’d like to exchange your cow with my matches.
  Jack: Sorry, but I don’t need matches. Good-bye, and good luck to you.
  Old man: Sir, since the sun is burning, would you like some ice cream?
  Jack: Thank you, but I don’t really feel like eating ice cream. See you.
  Mr. Bean: I have soybeans, mung beans, green beans, broad beans, green soybeans, peas, and above all, the most amazing beans in the world --- magic beans.
  Jack: Wow, sounds wonderful. Beans is my favorite food, I can’t wait to have a bowl of bean soup. I want to buy all the beans with this cow.
  Mr. Bean: This cow? What do I need this old skinny cow for? Go away, don’t bother me, kid.
  Jack: Sir, please. My mom always told me “Helping someone in need is a honorable deed.”
  Mr. Bean: All right, all right. (Sign) Today isn’t my day.
  Act 2
  (Jack went home.)
  Jack: Mom, where are you? See what I have got.
  Mom: Oh, Jack, you must have brought me lots of shining gold. Oh, I’m so excited. (Walked to Jack) What? You used our pretty cow to buy all this junks? Have you lost your mind?
  Jack: Mom, these are no junks. There are soybeans, mung beans, green beans, broad beans, green soybeans and magic beans.
  Mom: Magic beans? It doesn’t look magical at all. The vendor must be cheating you. I’ll keep other beans, but these magic beans, (opened the window) I’ll just throw them away.
  Act 3
  (The next morning)
  Jack: Ah, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, the breeze is whispering, it should be a perfect day. (He looked out of the window) Oh, my God, the magic beans have grown to a huge beanstalk! It’s can be true, it must be my imagination!
  Prince: Help, help.
  Jack: The voice came from the clouds, how strange! I must go and see what’s going on up there. (He climbed up. Then he saw the prince was stocked in a castle.)
  Jack: Hi, what happen to you? How can I help you?
  Prince: It’s a long stories, I’ll tell you only if you take one of my leg hair.
  (Jack took the prince’s leg hair, and the prince became as small as normal people. The prince opened the door, and welcomed Jack in.)
  Prince: Thank you a million for saving my life. How can I ever repay you?
  Jack: That’s no big deal. So what’s your story?
  Prince: Once open a time, there’s a greedy witch who would even destroy the world only to get my hen and harp.
  Jack: Your hen and harp? I don’t see they worth it.
  Prince: You don’t understand, the hen can produce many golden eggs, and the harp is made of gold it can sing beautiful melodies. One day, the witch turned me to a giant and flew away with my hen and harp.
  Jack: What are you going to do now?
  Prince: Of course I’m going to pay my revenge. Are you going to come with me?
  Jack: Well, I’ll would like to, but -------
  Prince: What?
  Jack: My mom always told me “No money, no help.”
  Prince: Let’s make a deal—you help me to fight against the witch, and I’ll give you ten thousand golden eggs.
  Jack: That’s the deal.
  Act 4
  (At the witch’s house)
  Witch: One egg, two eggs, three eggs. Oh, I’m so rich, ha, ha, ha ---------
  (Jack and Prince ran into the house.)
  Prince: You devil, I’m here to fight for justice. Give me my hen and harp back.
  Witch: Very well, you want your stuff back? Then you have to knock me down first.
   (Took out a box) Here, pick two scripts to determine your destiny.
  Prince: (picked a script) Oh no, Jack, I don’t know how to gamble!
  Jack: That’s OK. Let me help you. My mother always told me “Get me a chair!”
  (Jack won)
  Prince: Oh yes, yes, we win. (They hugged)
  Witch: Not yet, you still have to go through another test – sumo.
  (Prince almost failed)
  Prince: Jack, do something, don’t just stand there watching.
  Jack: Don’t worry. I have a secret weapon.
   (Took out a basket of beans and spread them on the ground.)
   (Witch fell down)
  Jack & Prince: We’re the kings of the world.
  Act 5
  (They ran out of the witch’s house and returned to the prince’s palace.)
  Prince: Jack, thank for your generous help. I couldn’t defeat that wicked witch without you.
  Jack: Well, I’m flattered. Since you’ve finished your revenge, could you go home with me?
  Prince: Jack, you’re the best friend that I’ve ever had. But I belong here. This is my home.
  Jack: (start weeping) But what about me? What am I going to do?
  Prince: Trust me, you’ll be remembered in my mind until the end of time. In one of the stars I shall be living. In one of them I shall be laughing. And so it will be as if all the stars were laughing, when you look at the stars at nigh. You – only you – will have stars that can laugh.
  Jack: I’ll cherish the memories we had together as sparkling diamonds.
  (Jack’s mom was gambling)
  Mom: (shouting) Oh, my God, oh, my God. Jack, I become a millionaire.
  Jake: It’s time for me to go. Good-bye, my friend. Take good care of yourself.
  Prince: So do you, my friend. (They hugged) Go, go, I have a surprise for you down there.
  (Jack rushed down. He saw a present was wrapped neatly. He tore it off and burst out of yelling.)
  Jack: (hold the prince’s toy tightly and walked to the window, smiling at the stars.)
   Thank you, my friend.


The Gifts (礼物)

Mon.:Tomorrow will be Christmas. But Della feels very sad. Because she has no money to buy a present for her husband , Jim . She has only one dollar and eighty-seven cents . They have only 20 dollars a week, it doesn’t leave much for saving.

In fact, Della and Jim have two possessions in which they both take very great pride. One is Jim’s gold watch, which has been his father’s and his grandfather’s. The other is Della’s long beautiful hair.

D: Life is so hard for me. Though I saved the money for many months , I still have only one dollar and eighty seven cents.

D: I---- I---- I have to have my hair cut and sold it . In that way I can get some money and I can buy a beautiful present for Jim.

(At the shop—“Madame Sofronie. We Buy Hair Goods of All Kinds”)

D: Will you buy my hair?

M: Yes, I buy all kinds of hair. Sit down, please. Take your hat off and let me have a look. Oh, very beautiful. Very good! Twenty dollars , OK?

D: All right. But please give it to me quickly.

M: Here you are. Twenty dollars.

D: Thank you. Bye.

M: Bye.

Mon.:Della spent two hours in the streets. Then she stopped at a Gold Shop and bought a gold watch chain. Now ,Della is at home.

D: Oh, what a beautiful gold watch chain. I think it must match Jim's watch. When he sees it he must be very happy .

(Suddenly the door opened and in came Jim . )

J: You-----?

D: Jim. Don’t look at me that way. I had my hair cut off and sold it because I couldn’t have lived through Christmas without giving you a present. Jim, it will grow quickly. You don’t mind, do you ? I just had to do it. My hair grows very fast, you know. Say “Merry Christmas!” Jim, and let’s be happy.

J: You’ve cut off your hair?

D: I’ve cut it off and sold it. It’s sold. I tell you -sold and gone, too. It’s Christmas Eve , Jim. Be good to me, for it went for you.

J: Well , Della. Don’t make any mistake about me. I don’t think there’s anything about a hair cut that could make me love you any less. I know, it went for me. Look at this package .

D: What ?

J: Look at it yourself. You 'll see.

D:Ah! The combs. They were in the shop windows for many months!

J:Yes, the beautiful combs, pure tortoiseshell, with jewelry rims--just the color to wear in your beautiful, hair.

D: But , Jim. They are expensive combs. I know, my heart had longed for them without the least hope of possession. Now they are mine. Thank you Jim.

J; Now, you will see why I was upset at first.

D: Jim, you don’t know what a nice –what a beautiful , nice gift I’ve got for you. Can you guess?

J: I'm sorry. I won't guess.

D: Look. A gold watch chain. Isn’t it lovely ,Jim? I hunted all over the town to find it. You’ll have to look at the time a hundred times a day now. Give me your watch. I want to see how it looks on it .

J: Della, Let’s put our Christmas gifts away and keep them a while. They’re too nice to use just at present. I sold the watch to get the money. And I bought the combs. Now, Let’s have our supper.

礼 物


































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v 英语小品剧本 -- 孙悟空vs猪八戒 (2007-03-30 12:03:58)
v 《孔雀东南飞》(英文搞笑话剧) (2007-03-30 12:03:58)
v 英语小品剧本 -- 英语剧本买药 (2007-03-30 12:03:57)
v 英语小品剧本 -- The Pocket Money (2007-03-30 12:03:57)
v 英语小剧本-----小红帽 (2007-03-30 12:03:56)
v 英语小品剧本 -- 貂禅 (2007-03-30 12:03:56)
v 英语表演剧本--小狮子找食物 (2007-03-30 12:03:54)
v 英语童话剧:白雪公主<剧本> (2007-03-30 12:03:54)
v 英语小品剧本-- 英语剧本买药 (2007-03-30 12:03:53)
v 英语小品剧本 -- 英语剧本 魔豆 (2007-03-30 12:03:53)
v 英语小品剧本 -- Big words of western tour (大话西游) (2007-03-30 12:03:52)
v 英语小品剧本 -- Learn to love (2007-03-30 12:03:52)
v 英语小品剧本 -- 防空洞英文剧本 (2007-03-30 12:03:51)
v 英语小品剧本 -- 男孩和他的树>----中英文 (2007-03-30 12:03:51)
v 英语小品 Another day in paradise (2007-03-30 12:03:50)
v 英语小品剧本 -- 英语话剧剧本●傻子春天 (2007-03-30 12:03:50)
v 英语短剧:Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (2007-03-30 12:03:49)
v 英语短剧:The Fox and the Tiger(狐假虎威) (2007-03-30 12:03:49)
v 英语小品剧本 -- The Gifts (礼物) (2007-03-30 12:03:47)
v 英语小品剧本 -- 音乐剧:Peter and the Wolf (彼德与狼) (2007-03-30 12:03:47)
v 英语小品剧本 -- 英语话剧《新梁祝外传》剧本 (2007-03-30 12:03:46)
v 英语小品剧本 -- THE MASK 面膜 (2007-03-30 12:03:46)

英语话剧剧本(最好在3 分钟以内)
问:妈妈,我还没有吃完早餐yet.I ,我刷我的牙齿当我下来.男:沙地,有什么不好你胳膊?问:什么...男:来这里.让我看看.沙地,您有纹身?S模式:不!这是一个图片我是抽奖.看!清洁的!没有真正纹身.男:沙地,我相信这不是好you.I都有看到其他青少年走动镇纹身和prercings 所有他们的bodies.they...

英语短剧: The Tortoise and the Hare(龟兔赛跑) 旁白:Good morning everyone. Now, I will tell you a story about Mr. Tortoise and Miss Hare. In a very big forest, there lives many different kinds of animals, like monkeys, chicks, a Hare and an honest Tortoise. Miss Hare is very proud ...

Anny:Mummy,I’m in hospital now.I felt pain,but I didn’t cry.Dad says the one who cries is not a good girl.Then you won’t e back.Mummy,can you e back to see me?I’m waiting for you with no tears.Angel:Anny,I’m,I’m not… Oh,yes,mummy will e back to see...

唐僧正在奇怪,老妈闻声抬起头,仔细打量唐僧,突然扑到唐僧面前。老妈:高僧啊,你可要救救我的女儿,救救我们一家啊。Master, please save my daughter, save my family…唐僧:老施主休要伤心,有什么事慢慢说。Don’t be sad, madam. Take it easy. What happened?老头:高僧有所不知,我们这里...

(兔子和乌龟站在同一起跑线上做准备赛跑状)Are...you...ready?Rabbit and Tortoise: (异口同声)Yes, I'm ready.Parrot: One, two ,three. Go!(兔子撒腿向前面的大苹果树跑去,而乌龟则在后面慢慢的,一步一步的向前爬.)Rabbit:(跑到一棵梨树附近,回头看乌龟)Oh, I'm fast. Mr Tortoise ...

经典英语话剧剧本 (一) 演员表: 西门吹雪 叶孤城 花满楼 king 旁白 道具:牛奶两袋,匕首一把,戒子一枚,纸屑若干。 第一幕:决战紫荆城之颠 旁白:A quiet villageiscoveredwithwhitesnow . Birdsaredancinginthecold . Amaniswalkingalongthestreet ,stepbystep . Windiscominginsilence. Another mysteriousmanapproache...

急求!3~5分钟的英语小剧本 要求: 内容健康、有意义(家长会上要用的...
(I Am Hungry)角色:雄狮、小狮、小白兔、三只小熊、小松鼠、小女孩。道具:雄狮、小狮、小白兔、三只小熊和小松鼠头套、红萝卜、三碗粥、花生一把、苹果一个。Act 1 雄狮:(怒吼)Roar, roar!I am the lion,the king of the forest.No one is stronger than me.Roar, roar!小狮:Daddy!

幼儿英语话剧剧本1:小熊请客 幼儿英语话剧剧本小熊请客第一幕:(旁白):在美丽的大森林里,住着一群可爱的小动物,它们快乐的 生活着。小熊要在新年这天邀请朋友们做客,一大清早,小熊们就开 始忙里忙外了。(音乐起,房子,树,小熊上场)Tree: I’m Tree. Tree: I’m green. Tree: ...

英语话剧剧本 (一) 领衔主演: M: 猪妈妈 P1: 猪哥哥 P2: 猪二哥 P3: 猪弟弟 W: 老狼 主要演员: B1:小鸟1 B2: 小鸟2 旁白 故事内容: 旁白:Long long ago, there were three little pigs with their mother. They were very happy and they were very kind to their friends. Look! They are coming...

《孔雀东南飞》(英文搞笑话剧)http:\/\/donotdot.cn\/post\/34.htm 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 更多回答(1) 其他类似问题 2010-05-31 急求几篇英语短剧剧本 要10个人的 9 2018-01-17 急求10人10分钟左右的英语口语剧本 1 2013-12-15 急求10分钟左右幽默英语短剧(8—10人) ...

呼伦贝尔市15234696684: 求好的英语剧本(要在舞台上演)5到8分钟,可以提供多个这样的剧本,最好可以体现人物鲜明的性格~一定要可行!不要太幼稚的.分是多多的有.谁可以直接... -
卫庭炎热:[答案] v 英文剧本 Legend of phoenix (2007-09-06 21:36:03) v 英文电影剧本 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2007-09-06 21:35:00) v 英语短剧剧本The Pocket Money (2007-06-30 10:48:31) v 英语小品剧本 -- ...

呼伦贝尔市15234696684: 有什么英语话剧可以在舞台上容易表现,我们是要在大学表演的,不要白雪公主之类的. -
卫庭炎热:[答案] 《音乐之家》 很经典的一部音乐剧,噢,我就喜欢! 《安娜卡列柠娜》 《国王皇后》

呼伦贝尔市15234696684: 【求英语舞台剧本】急啊!要英文的 不要太难 3个人 1分钟以上 -
卫庭炎热: 龟兔赛跑(Hare and tortoise)<br><br>Bird: Friends, friends, come here and have a look.<br>(伙伴们,伙伴们,快来看啊!)<br>The hare and the tortoise will have a match again.<br>(小兔和乌龟又要比赛了.)<br><br>Monkey: The hare ...

呼伦贝尔市15234696684: 求英文话剧剧本急求一英文话剧剧本长度在15到20分钟左右 人数不要太少适合在公开大的场合下演出最好是中英文对照 -
卫庭炎热:[答案] 英语短剧:Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 旁白:Once upon a time, there was a queen. She had a pretty daughter named Snow White. Soon after the child was born, the queen died. The queen married another queen. The stepmother was very ...

呼伦贝尔市15234696684: 求一个英语表演的剧本,十分钟左右的需要有十个人的戏份(只要有台词就行)时间十分钟左右或以上都可以 -
卫庭炎热:[答案] 您好! 小红帽 Little Red Riding Hood 道具:篮子,玩具面包,狼的头饰、衣服,玩具尾巴,小红帽的帽子、衣服,妈妈的... C: That's nice. OK. Goodbye! See you later. B/C: Bye-bye! (The wolf runs to Grandmother's house. He knocks on the door.) ...

呼伦贝尔市15234696684: 寻求好的英语剧本(学校演出) -
卫庭炎热: 小红帽: 第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家 Mum: (妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌子上的水果放在篮子里) Little Red Riding Hood:(唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi,mummy, what are you doing? Mum: (一边把水果放在篮子里,心事重重地说)...

呼伦贝尔市15234696684: 求一个英语短剧剧本,适合六人演出的我们上次演出了一部搞笑版“灰姑娘”,效果不错.这次想找个非搞笑的,最好是很经典,又适合六人在较短时间演出的 -
卫庭炎热:[答案] 英语剧本第一幕 在歌剧《Hannibal》的排练中,两位新来的剧团经理,来到剧院观看.剧团的台柱,女高音Carlotta正在唱歌的时候,突然一个沙袋从舞台顶上落下,只差一点点就可能砸死她.在演员们的惊呼之中,伴唱的姑娘们尖叫...

呼伦贝尔市15234696684: 求英语舞台剧剧本 -
卫庭炎热: 焦仲卿Johnny(Jforshort) 刘兰芝Lunch(Lforshort) 焦母Johnny`smother(JMforshort) 刘母Lunch'smother(LMforshort) 太守之子Mayor'sson(MSforshort) 强盗Burglars(ABandC) Prologue (J作被打状跑上台,内砸出一卷纸筒,J被打中,狼狈不堪) J:...

呼伦贝尔市15234696684: 求一个比较好的英语话剧剧本
卫庭炎热: 高中生戏剧,还是英文演出,建议选择《罗密欧与朱丽叶》阳台相会一段、或《匹克梅梁》希金斯纠正卖花女发音一段.全演下来,基本是不大可能,也没有必要的.

呼伦贝尔市15234696684: 求几个5到6分钟的英语短剧的剧本! -
卫庭炎热: (第一幕) 场景:森林 (道具:椅子、草丛、树、鸭) (道具:篮子、面包、胡萝卜、玉米、斧头、笛子) ◎傻子坐在舞台上※下音乐(森林狂想曲) ◎动物两边后台进场 ◎傻子和动物一起嬉戏 ◎笛声音乐起时,精灵蹦蹦 跳跳进场 对白:...

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