
作者&投稿:洪承 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
我是个哈韩族 我过几天想演讲关于韩国的文章 总体介绍下韩国的繁荣和习惯~


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Korean Culture:
Three Mrs. Kims dressed in traditional hanboks

Like all agricultural societies, Korean life has always centered on tightly knit families. Large families have been prized and over many centuries families intermarried within the regions of Korea to form large clans. Family names reflect this. A dozen family names predominate, especially Kim, Park, Lee, Kang, and Cho. But Kims from the city of Pusan in the south are not the Kims from Seoul and all the Kims know exactly which group they belong to. Custom forbids people marrying within their own clan, no matter how distant the cousin might be. In order to know who is who, families and clan keep detailed genealogical records that might go back many hundreds of years. Even in today's westernized Korea many people can still recite the glorious history of their clans and take pride in them.

Religions of Korea:
Republic of Korea

Koreans follow a variety of religious ideas and organized religions. They always have because as practical people, they have tried different ways to reach a fundamental Korean ideal; a sense of harmony and balance in everything. The Republic of Korea's flag represents this ideal. The central circle is divided in two halves. The top red part is yang, the positive cosmic force meaning fire, day, light, and all things constructive. The bottom blue half represents the passive side of existence - water, night, death and repose. Yet the two are joined perfectly into a whole. The bars in the four corners of the flag are also about harmony and balance. The three lines at the top left means "heaven." The broken lines opposite it at the bottom right are "earth." The bars at the top right, two broken and one solid, mean "water," while the lines opposite mean "fire." According to this theory all life, and even the cosmos, is balanced in this way

The oldest religious ideas in Korea are called Shamanism today.These are beliefs that the natural world is filled with spirits, both helpful and harmful, that can be addressed by people with special powers called shamans. Herbal medicines, dances, chants and other ceremonies mark the work of shamans, most of whom are women. Though few people believe in the religious ideas today, they do accept old ideas about the natural world and use many ancient herbal remedies.

The Kim Family bowing at their ancestor's burial mound

Until recent times, Koreans used a different calendar to calculate the year and dates for holidays. This was the old Chinese lunar calendar in which months began with each new moon. Because lunar calendars rarely coincide with modern solar calendars Asia festivals such as Lunar New Year hardly ever fall on January 1. Perhaps the greatest Korean holiday is Ch'usok, or Harvest Moon Festival, which is held on the 15th day of the Eighth Moon according to the lunar calendar. That is usually in September or October and is marked by the rising of a full "Harvest Moon." Ch'usok is usually described as a kind of Thanksgiving for a good harvest, but it is really an ancient holiday dedicated to the ancestors. Families gather from all over the country and from overseas for the great holiday. Visitors to Korea are always warned to stay where they are at Ch'usok time because almost everyone is on the road going back their ancestral homes: journeys that by car would normally take two hours might take fifteen
Korean Food:
Making the famous dish, Pibimpap

Koreans' food is a defining element of their culture for several reasons. One is that food is directly related to Korea's environment - the country's location, its geography, and climate. Korea is a peninsula with a climate that resembles the north central region of the United States: cold winters, warm summers and long, pleasant autumns. Because the land is composed mostly of mountains and extends from the North Asian landmass into warmer seas in the south, Korea has many microenvironments. Rice, beans, and vegetables are grown in the valleys while in the mountains mushrooms and many wild plants such as bracken and bellflower are either collected or cultivated. Each region has its own dishes unique to its climate. In the mountainous northeastern part of the country, for instance, the most famous dishes have plenty of wild ferns and native roots in them. In the rice-growing valleys of the south, in the region of Chonju city, the best known dish is a large bowl of rice covered in a variety of finely sliced vegetables, meats, and a spicy sauce called Pibimpap.

Koreans eat lots of seafood. Fish from the Yellow Sea differs from those of the Eastern Sea (Sea of Japan) and those of the south coast differ from the others. Koreans are seafood connoisseurs and seek out the specialties of each region. But all Koreans eat three types of seafood all the time. One kind is a small dried sardine. Bowls of these appear at every meal, including breakfast. They're used not as a main dish but as condiments to be eaten with others. Another is dried cuttlefish. Drive along any road or street near fishing ports and you will see lines of these cephalopods hanging out to dry. Dried cuttlefish is Korea's most popular snack food and is even sold in vending machines. Seaweed is also a seafood, of the plant variety. There are several kinds that Koreans routinely eat. Seaweeds are nutritious and useful in a country that endures long winters. Babies are fed seaweed soups and traditional birthday celebrations include seaweed soup on the menu.


Dried squid is a favorite snack


Three Mrs. Kims dressed in traditional hanboks Like all agricultural societies, Korean life has always centered on tightly knit families. Large families have been prized and over many centuries families intermarried within the regions of Korea to form large clans. Family names reflect th...

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是。。《拿什么拯救你我的爱人》?还是。。。《我的心里只有你》 男主韩彻 女主况小欢 简介:活泼可爱的况小欢对冷酷睿智的韩彻一见钟情,这位名律师为了吓阻前来找碴的流氓,竟然当众砍了自己一刀而面不改色!她就这样爱上了他!爱得无怨无悔、荡气回肠!韩彻不是不懂她的心,但他只想拿...

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帮我找一篇用英文介绍韩国组合HOT的文章 最好是配有中文翻译的,谢谢帮忙,如果能在13中午之前找到给我的话我还会适当的给加分的哦~~谢谢^^你能给我配上中文吗?... 最好是配有中文翻译的,谢谢帮忙,如果能在13中午之前找到给我的话我还会适当的给加分的哦~~谢谢^^你能给我配上中文吗? 展开  我来...


我帮你转一个北京大学教授孔庆东在自己博客写道: [韩国这是奴性心态的两面,一方面极度仇视日本,另一方面又极度巴结日本。我在韩国两年,参加汉学学术会议时,韩国主办者都是先请日本学者上车,鞠躬90度,然后请台湾学者上车,不鞠躬。最后轮到大陆学者,车就不够了,长者还可以挤一辆,年轻的就自己打车走了。而私下,他们又...

韩国有钱作秀;当然,还有一点,就是韩国人为了极力摆脱汉文化的影响,先高姿态申请,成功了就说明那文化就是他们的了,好阴险的勾当。我很庆幸生在中国,因为少了韩国人日本人的那种费尽心机的遮蔽,当然更幸福的是我能光明正大地写我们的汉字,学我们的孔夫子,过我们的端午节 ...



赤坎区13269772244: 求一篇关于韩国风俗习惯的英语作文(要带有中文解释) 要点:一,韩国人见面时的传统礼节是鞠躬.二,吃...求一篇关于韩国风俗习惯的英语作文(要带有中... -
旗将尤尼:[答案] Korean traditional etiquette when meeting a bow. Mutual exchange information card, look carefully and then close up. When having a meal can not sound, are not allowed to carry the bowl to eat, should ...

赤坎区13269772244: 用英语写韩国习俗,不许少于6句 -
旗将尤尼: 1,Andong Mask Dance Festival2,South Korean officials could deal with the general point to shake hands or nod gently. Women generally do not shake hands with people.3,Banquet at the collective and society, the social activities carried out ...

赤坎区13269772244: 求一篇关于韩国风俗习惯的英语作文(要带有中文解释) 要点:一,韩国人见面时的传统礼节是鞠躬.二,吃... -
旗将尤尼: Korean traditional etiquette when meeting a bow. Mutual exchange information card, look carefully and then close up. When having a meal can not sound, are not allowed to carry the bowl to eat, should put the bowl on the left, on the right side of the ...

赤坎区13269772244: 求一篇关于中韩文化差异的英语作文,250词左右.简单点就行. -
旗将尤尼: The South Korean is familiar with the collective action, thinks only then can manifest own value in the group and receive the protection.Has this idea the South Korean who eats meal to the Chinese dining room to see 40% Chinese when alone are ...

赤坎区13269772244: 求一篇关于谈论不同国家的风俗习惯的英语短文,简单一点的,80词左右, -
旗将尤尼:[答案] In Britain people drive on the left. Dimitri Poulos, from Greece, thought this was very strange. “I've been in Britain for nearly a month now, but I never remember to look right instead of left befo...

赤坎区13269772244: 寻找韩国婚礼(婚嫁)的风俗,要包括图片(或者图片链接),最好是英文版的!谢谢!女朋友做英语幻灯片用 -
旗将尤尼: 1.婚谈 在韩国的传统婚礼举办前,男女双方家人都要通过媒人互相了解对方的家庭状况、学识以及人品等.如果互相有好感的话就先要父母们相见,所以有的时候本人结婚前并没有看到过对方.互相同意结婚后,一般男方先把“请婚书”送给女...

赤坎区13269772244: 韩国的饮食习惯 (英文翻译) -
旗将尤尼: South Korea's diet custom

赤坎区13269772244: 关于"各国风俗"的英语作文,通俗易懂
旗将尤尼: Spring festival is the most important festival in China,as important as Christmas in the UK.Family will get together in Eve.They will have a big meal.In Spring festival,children will very happy for the lucky money.And people will visit their relative.At night,we can see the beacon.What a interesting festival!

赤坎区13269772244: 拜求 英语作文 根据要求帮我英语写篇作文,谢谢了. 某国际性英语刊物有一个介绍各国风俗习惯的专题,请为 -
旗将尤尼: The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese. It falls on the first day of the first month in the Chinese lunar calendar. On the eve of the Spring Festival the Chinese have a family feast. After that they stay up till midnight to welcome ...

赤坎区13269772244: 紧要一篇关于介绍韩国首尔的英语文章,最好有中文.急!!! -
旗将尤尼: The total area of Seoul is 605.52 square kilometers , or 0.6 percent of the entire country. The Hangang (River) bisects the city into two parts: northern part ( Gangbuk ) and southern one (Gangnam). The Gangbuk area totals 297.97 square kilometers...

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