
作者&投稿:养狐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
别看我 用英语怎么说?~

Don't stare at me.

Don't look at me.
[词典] in spite of; despite;
I may be an old codger, but I've sharp ears.

Don't look at me

Don't look at me.

don't look at me

Don't look at me

I Do not

Don't look at me

直译Do not look down upon me.(别看扁我)或Do not underestimate me.(别看轻我)意译还可以是wait and see.(走着瞧)

Go down, don't look back to me

Do not look at me as small and exquisite, I am a capable assistant in class.

Don't underestimate me! I speak English well.或I'm fluent in English, so don't sell me short.或I have a good command of English, don't belittle me. (好像有点儿书面化) :(

我叫汤圆,别看我胖,其实我很强壮 My name is Glutinous Rice Balls, I don't look fat, actually I am strong

谁能给我翻译成英文[别站在你的角度看我 你看不懂]
英语在思维上更具体、实际一些,而汉语往往是过于夸张或转义。例如这里的“看”一个人,实际上你是在内心如何评价而不是用眼睛看,翻译成英语就应为 think,而不是watch ,watch是观看的意思。这里的“角度”自认也不是视角,而是立场,所以用“position”你看不懂的实际意思是:你不懂我。

Between us. 你知,我知。  Sure thing! 当然!  Talk truly. 有话直说。  I'm going to go. 我这就去。  Never mind. 不要紧。  Why are you so sure? 怎么这样肯定?  Is that so? 是这样吗?  Come on, be reasonable. 嗨,你怎么不讲道理。  When are you leaving...

别看我只是一只羊 中译英
because I become night-watch incense the sky because I become bluer the white clouds because I become soft do not look that I only am sheep Yang Er intelligent imagine day high mood equally bold to pursue solar every day again with difficultywhen will have any difficult problem to...

英语中,"besides""except""except for"究竟什么区别?
翻译为:除了他女朋友外,还有他的妈妈也去看了这个电影。即女朋友和妈妈都去看了电影。2、except 和except for 则表示一种排除关系,意思是“除了什么之外,不再有……”,把...除外。需要注意except 主要用来谈论同类的东西,这点跟except for 是有区别的。【例句】 Nobody like him,except his...

右江区15672219470: 别看我 用英语怎么说? -
漆晓祖卡: Don't look at me..Don't stare at me- stare..looking at someone for a long time

右江区15672219470: 别看我小的英语怎么说 -
漆晓祖卡: 别看我小 Don't look at me. 别看 [词典] in spite of; despite; [例句]别看我门神老了不捉鬼,我耳朵可灵着哩.I may be an old codger, but I've sharp ears.

右江区15672219470: 别看我小的英语怎么说? -
漆晓祖卡:[答案] Don't look down on mine English

右江区15672219470: 别看我面见装好好先生(英语怎么说)? -
漆晓祖卡: Don't try to be a Mr. Goody before me. You needn't bother to be a Mr. Goody before me. There is no need for you to pretend a Mr, Goody before me.

右江区15672219470: 别看我很壮,其实我只是虚胖,英语怎么翻译啊 -
漆晓祖卡: Don't look at me very strong, in fact I just puffiness望采纳!

右江区15672219470: “别看我笑得很开心,其实在背后却很寂寞”英文翻译是?
漆晓祖卡: Don't think I'm very happy when I loughing,In fact, I'm very lonely in back.

右江区15672219470: 请各位英语高手帮忙将喜洋洋与灰太狼的主题曲翻译成英文版的,要押韵,流畅.急需,谢了! -
漆晓祖卡: 别看我只是一只羊.Wolf Red. 在什么时间都爱开心 I am happy at any time,Lamb Joy,Lamb Beauty.. 就算会摔倒站得起来永远不会沮丧 Standing up after falling, 懒羊羊. Run after the sun every day,never be depressed,沸羊羊. 每天都追赶太阳,...

右江区15672219470: “请别看我眼睛”用英文怎么写?
漆晓祖卡: 请别看我眼睛 Please don't look at my eyes

右江区15672219470: 我叫汤圆,别看我胖,其实我很强壮.把这句话翻译成英语改哪样? -
漆晓祖卡: 我叫汤圆,别看我胖,其实我很强壮 My name is Glutinous Rice Balls, I don't look fat, actually I am strong

右江区15672219470: 别看我只是一只羊 中译英 -
漆晓祖卡: Happy Yang Yang and the ash Tarou theme song do not look that I only am sheep give to my wife - Luo Yan (Jian Bin to deliver) happy Yang Yangmei Yang Yang lazy Yang Yangfei Yang Yangman sheep sheep soft red too wolf ash too wolf not to ...

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