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根号2 : 2 radical sign

the square root of two

the fifth power of two

  根号2用英语表达为:the square root of two.

  平方根应该表达为:square root。
  ①The square root of nine is three.
  ②The square root of 5 is a surd.

  相似地,立方根是:cube root 。


She's tiny, in this case some boys call her "square root of 2". Actually she is in deed a good teacher of physics.

She's quite short and even some boys named her "the root of 2"for fun, but anyway, she's a good physical teacher.

She's short, and some male students gave her nickname the "root No. 2" to make fun of her, but she is a really good teacher of physics"

根号2用英语表达为:the square root of two.平方根应该表达为:square root。例句:①The square root of nine is three.九的平方根是三。②The square root of 5 is a surd.5的平方根是不尽根.相似地,立方根是:cube root 。

根号2 : 2 radical sign

根号2:the square root of two 2的5次方:the fifth power of two

根号:radical sign 5根号5:5 times square root of 5 2根号2:2times square root of2 3根号6:3times square root of6 根号是一个数学符号。根号是用来表示对一个数或一个代数式进行开方运算的符号。若aⁿ=b,那么a是b开n次方的n次方根或a是b的1\/n次方。开n次方手写体和印刷体用...

minus one,负1 the square root of 2,根号2

英语里的根号怎么说? 5根号5 2根号2 3根号6 这些怎么念?
5根号5 是说5倍根号5吧,那么英语的话一般念5 times square root of 5,同样的2根号2 3根号6也是这么念.补充:平方根为square root 立方根为cubic root 11次方根eleventh root 12次方根twelfth root 13次方跟thirteenth root 21次方根twenty-first root 22次方根twenty-second root 23次方根twenty-...

问题描述:等腰三角形的腰为单位长度(即长度为1),找出使得三角形面积最大的第三边的长度。解答:设底角为x,则面积为1\/2*(2*cosx*sinx)=0.5sin2x,显然当x=45°时最大,面积为0.5,此时底边长为2*cosx=sqrt(2)sqrt(2)表示根号2 ...

log2 2^根号2

“2分之根号5"之类的···英文怎么说 The square root of 2 points 5 square意思是平方 root意思是根


云龙县15831463232: “根号2”用英语怎么表达? -
易梅加味: 根号2用英语表达为:the square root of two.平方根应该表达为:square root. 例句: ①The square root of nine is three. 九的平方根是三. ②The square root of 5 is a surd. 5的平方根是不尽根.相似地,立方根是:cube root .

云龙县15831463232: 根号2用英语怎么说
易梅加味: -这个问题.. 到大学都没人教过我.. 因为.. 好象一直都会写的.. 好象写是这样写.. √ 上面还有一横来着..

云龙县15831463232: 根号2英文怎么念?2的三次方英文怎么念? -
易梅加味:[答案] square root of two third power of two 1.圆周率三次方的平方根是什麽? What is the square root of the third power of Pi?

云龙县15831463232: 根号2英语咋说…谁知道
易梅加味: square two

云龙县15831463232: 英语里的根号怎么说? -
易梅加味: 5根号5 是说5倍根号5吧,那么英语的话一般念5 times square root of 5, 同样的2根号2 3根号6也是这么念. 补充:平方根为square root 立方根为cubic root 11次方根eleventh root 12次方根twelfth root 13次方跟thirteenth root 21次方根twenty-first ...

云龙县15831463232: 关于数学符号的英语说法!有关数学的英语,如10的6次方,根号,之类常用数学用语! -
易梅加味:[答案] For instance,2的3次方:2 to the power of 3 (or 2 to 3) 其中3叫 index,2叫base 根号2:the (square) root of 2 多项式:polynomials >:greater than

云龙县15831463232: 数学符号的英文表达 -
易梅加味: 加:plus(动词),addition(名词) 减:minus,subtracts(动词),subtraction(名词) 乘:multiplies,times(动词),multiplication(名词) 除:divided by(动词被动式),division(名词)开根号:root of 开平方:square

云龙县15831463232: '根号2',' - 1','3/7''5又3/7'用英语分别怎么念 -
易梅加味: square root of two minus one three sevenths five and three sevenths 不要漏了of,s这些小细节,希望对你有帮助. ^^

云龙县15831463232: 英语的?那位说一下加减乘除,平方,立方,根号等等的英文 -
易梅加味:[答案] 加:plus 减:subtract 乘:multiply 除:division 平方:square 立方:cube 根号:radical sign

云龙县15831463232: 求根号的英文读法
易梅加味: square root 根号10 square root of ten 10根号5 ten square root of five 2分之根号5 square root of five over two (divided by two)

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