
作者&投稿:倚宇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

摘要 1
Des 2
1 驱动桥结构方案分析 4
2主减速器总成的设计 5
2.1 主减速器的结构形式的选择 6
2.1.1 主减速器的齿轮类型选择 6
2.1.2 主减速器的减速形式选择 9
2.1.3主减速器主、从动锥齿轮的支承型式 9
2.2主减速器基本参数的选择与计算载荷的确定 12
2.2.1主减速器齿轮计算载荷的确定 12
2.2.2主减速器齿轮基本参数的确定 13
2.3主减速器锥齿轮强度的计算 14
2.3.1单位齿长上的圆周力 15
2.3.2轮齿的弯曲强度计算 16
2.3.3轮齿的接触强度计算 18
3 差速器总成的设计 19
3.1差速器结构形式选择 19
3.2 差速器齿轮主要参数选择 21
3.3差速器齿轮强度计算 24
4 半轴的形式选择 25
5 驱动桥壳设计 27
5.1桥壳的结构型式选择 28
5.2桥壳成型方式 29
参考文献 29
致谢 31 :
Summary 1
Des 2
A drive of 4 Bridge Structures
2 Main reducer assembly design 5
2.1 Structure of the primary reducer option 6
2.1.1 Type of main reducer gear selection 6
2.1.2 Main reducer reducer to select 9
2.1.3 main reducer driving and driven bevel gear bearing type 9
2.2 The basic parameters of main reducer selection and calculation of load to determine 12
2.2.1 Calculation of Main Gear Load in 12
Main Gear 2.2.2 Basic Parameters 13
2.3 The main bevel gear strength calculation 14
2.3.1 unit circle on the edge tooth length 15
2.3.2 Calculation of flexural strength of tooth 16
2.3.3 tooth contact strength calculation 18
3, the design of differential assembly 19
3.1 The choice of 19 differential structure
3.2 differential gear 21, the main parameters
3.3 differential gear strength calculation 24
4 axle 25 in the form of options
5 27 Drive Axle Design
5.1 Axle structure type selection 28
5.2 axle means 29, forming
29 references
31 Thanks

Let's suppose you were a pig living in a dark pigpen, you would regard eating rice bran as the happiest thing in your life and forget your fate of being slaughtered sooner or later.
If you were merely a pig living all your life in a dark pigpen, you would regard eating rice bran as the greatest joy in your life and, therefore, forget the fact that it is just a matter of time before you are slaughtered.


第一章 前言
Chapter One Introduction
1.1研究背景 Research Backgroud
1.2国内外研究现状和文献综述 Research Status in and out of China and Review
1.3本文结构和研究的主要内容和方法 Framework, Contents and Major Methodology
1.4 本文的创新和不足 Innovation and Deficiency

第二章 电子商务的发展与经济学分析
Chapter Two Development History and Economic Analysis of EC
2.1电子商务概述 Overview of EC
2.1.1电子商务的基本流程和模式 Basic process and mode of EC
2.2 电子商务的发展与演变 History and Development of EC
2.2.1 全球电子商务发展与趋势 Development Trend of Global EC
2.2.2 我国电子商务的发展与趋势Development Trend of China's EC
2.3 电子商务的经济学分析 Economic Analysis of EC
第三章 电子商务给税收带来的机遇与挑战
Chapter Three Opportunities and Challenges brought by EC to Taxation
Opportunities to Tax Collection and Administration
EC can accelerate informatization of tax collection and administration
EC can reduce cost of of tax collection and administration
Challenges to Tas System
To Tax Principles
To Tax Factors
To Tax Collection and Administration
3.2.4 电子商务对国际税收协定的影响
To International Tax Treaty
第四章 电子商务税收政策的国际比较与借鉴
Chapter Four
EC Tax Policy in Major developped countries
EC Tax Policy in the United States
4.1.2经济合作与发展组织(OECD)的电子商务对策 EC plan of OECD
EC Tax Policy of European Union
4.1.4 加拿大的电子商务税收政策
EC Tax Policy in Canada
EC Tax Policy in developing countries
4.3 我国电子商务税收管理现状
EC Tax management status in China
第五章 我国电子商务环境下的税收问题对策
Chapter Five Solution to tax problems in China's EC environment
5.1 确定我国的电子商务税收政策的思路
Fix the thread of China's EC policy
5.2 制定我国电子商务的税收政策的建议
suggestion on making China's EC Tax policy
follow the basic principles of tax collection
Complete related tax law system
establish tax collection and administration mechanism
5.2.4 创新电子商务税收税款征收方式
bring forth new ideas on EC tax collection methods
5.2.5 建立电子商务税收征管的配套制度
establish a set of tax collection and administration system
5.2.6 加强电子商务国际税收的管理
reinforce management on EC international tax collection

第1章 前书き
1.4 本文の革新と不足
第2章 电子商取引の発展と経済学は分析します
2.2 电子商取引の発展と変迁
2.2.1 全世界の电子商取引の発展と成り行き
2.2.2 我が国の电子商取引の発展と成り行き
2.3 电子商取引の経済学は分析します
第3章 电子商取引は税収の持ってくるチャンスと挑戦に
3.2.4 电子商取引の国际税収の协定に対する影响
第4章 电子商取引の税収の政策の国际は比较して参考にします
4.1.4 カナダの电子商取引の税収の政策
4.3 我が国の电子商取引の税収は现状を管理します
第5章 我が国の电子商取引の环境の下の税収の问题の対策
5.1 我が国の电子商取引の税収の政策の构想を确定します
5.2 我が国の电子商取引の税収の政策の提案を制定します
5.2.4 革新の电子商取引の税収の税金は方式を徴収します
5.2.5 电子商取引の税金の徴収と管理の组み合わせの制度を创立します
5.2.6 电子商取引の国际税収の管理を强化します

Chapter Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Research at home and abroad and Literature Review
1.3 This paper studies the structure and main contents and methods
This article 1.4 of the lack of innovation and
Chapter II of the development of e-commerce and Economic Analysis
2.1 Overview of e-commerce
2.1.1 e-business processes and the basic model
2.2 e-commerce development and evolution of the
2.2.1 and the development of global e-commerce trends
2.2.2 China's development of e-commerce trends and
2.3 Economic Analysis of e-commerce
Chapter III of the e-commerce revenue to the opportunities and challenges
3.1 e-commerce tax collection and management to the opportunities brought about by
3.1.1 e-commerce can promote the tax collection and management of information technology
3.1.2 e-commerce can reduce the cost of tax collection and management
3.2 e-commerce tax system to the challenges brought about by
3.2.1 e-commerce revenue to the principles of the challenges
3.2.2 e-commerce elements of the tax impact
3.2.3 e-commerce tax collection and management of the impact of
3.2.4 e-commerce on the impact of international taxation agreements
Chapter IV of e-commerce tax policies International Comparison
4.1 The major developed countries e-commerce tax policy
4.1.1 U.S. e-commerce tax policy
4.1.2 Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) E-Commerce Strategies
EU 4.1.3 E-commerce tax policy
4.1.4 Canada's e-commerce tax policy
4.2 developing e-commerce tax policy
4.3 Status of China's e-commerce revenue management
Chapter V of our e-business environment, taxation issues Countermeasures
5.1 determine our e-commerce taxation policy ideas
5.2 The development of China's e-commerce tax policy
5.2.1 follow the basic principles of taxation
5.2.2 improve the tax-related legal system
5.2.3 the establishment of tax collection and management mechanism
5.2.4 innovative e-commerce revenue tax collection method
5.2.5 the establishment of tax collection and management of e-commerce support system
5.2.6 Tax international e-commerce to strengthen the management

( The Chinese Version translate by Tang Pok,From Hong Kong,China
汉语版本由从香港的Tang Pok翻译 来自:www.Msn.Com)
1.1 Background
1.2 Research at home and abroad and Literature Review
1.3 This paper studies the structure and main contents and methods
This article 1.4 of the lack of innovation and
Chapter II of the development of e-commerce and Economic Analysis
2.1 Overview of e-commerce
2.1.1 e-business processes and the basic model
2.2 e-commerce development and evolution of the
2.2.1 and the development of global e-commerce trends
2.2.2 China's development of e-commerce trends and
2.3 Economic Analysis of e-commerce
Chapter III of the e-commerce revenue to the opportunities and challenges
3.1 e-commerce tax collection and management to the opportunities brought about by
3.1.1 e-commerce can promote the tax collection and management of information technology
3.1.2 e-commerce can reduce the cost of tax collection and management
3.2 e-commerce tax system to the challenges brought about by
3.2.1 e-commerce revenue to the principles of the challenges
3.2.2 e-commerce elements of the tax impact
3.2.3 e-commerce tax collection and management of the impact of
3.2.4 e-commerce on the impact of international taxation agreements
Chapter IV of e-commerce tax policies International Comparison
4.1 The major developed countries e-commerce tax policy
4.1.1 U.S. e-commerce tax policy
4.1.2 Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) E-Commerce Strategies
EU 4.1.3 E-commerce tax policy
4.1.4 Canada's e-commerce tax policy
4.2 developing e-commerce tax policy
4.3 Status of China's e-commerce revenue management
Chapter V of our e-business environment, taxation issues Countermeasures
5.1 determine our e-commerce taxation policy ideas
5.2 The development of China's e-commerce tax policy
5.2.1 follow the basic principles of taxation
5.2.2 improve the tax-related legal system
5.2.3 the establishment of tax collection and management mechanism
5.2.4 innovative e-commerce revenue tax collection method
5.2.5 the establishment of tax collection and management of e-commerce support system
5.2.6 Tax international e-commerce to strengthen the management




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