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On E-commerce and the Development of Foreign Trade of Our Country

E-commerce for international trade and the impact of countermeasures
When the summary of positive world economic globalization and integration to accelerate the process of transforming traditional business because of the many defects, can no longer qualified under the conditions of the existing trading environment. And the growing e-commerce update on the expansion of international trade opportunities and improve trade efficiency, reduce trade costs and enhance their competitiveness and adaptability to play an important role. It is not only to increase the vitality of the global economy, and changed people's work and traditional way of thinking. As a new economic mode of operation, is an efficient, rapid and accurate characteristics of effective promotion of international trade paperless process, thus enabling business environment to electronic.
Based on the characteristics of e-commerce and international trade and the impact of China's national conditions of China's business e-commerce in trade and the problems that exist in countermeasures.
Key words in international trade; electronic commerce;; Countermeasures

The international trade is a creation under the certain history condition and develop.Two basic conditions which become international trade are:
(1)The development of social productivity;
(2)The formation of nation.
The development of social productivity produces to used for a switching surplus merchandise, these surplus merchandises exchange between the state-to-state, produced international trade.

The international goods trade belongs to merchandise commutation scope, with domestic trade on the property combine all together, but because it is at the different nation or the region carry on, so compare with domestic trade to have a following characteristics:
1.the international goods trade want to involve difference and conflict that different nation or region probably exist in the policy measure, law system, and the language culture, social custom etc. bring of difference, the problem involve far compares domestic trade complications.
2.the international goods trade of bargain amount and amount of money be generally more big, conveyance distance farther, implement time longer, so trade both parties undertake of the risk far wants to be greatly than the domestic trade.
3.the international goods trade is easily subjected to bargain both parties place nation of politics, economy change, bilateral relation and international situation variety etc. conditional influence.
4.in addition to trading both parties, international goods trade also cooperation that need to be involved sections, such as conveyance and insurance, bank, company's check, maritime customs...etc., match, process compare the domestic trade want to be complicated of many.
It mainly is to carry on international trade and domestic trade some contrasts here.International trade and domestic trade since exist intercommunity, and then is very greatly distinct, the international trade is more more complicated than domestic trade.

International trade history:
1, from formality, Industrial Revolution period of international trade with direct export goods is lord, but two post-war directly invest in the foreign country main current;
2, from the contents, the period international trade of the Industrial Revolution has occasionally, pure, the unilateral rent service output or the merchandise output, the trade involve of the merchandise mostly industrial finished product and entry-level raw material.Two post-war, the international trade form is diverse and the merchandise layer be abundant and cover three greatest industries;
3, from the organization, the Industrial Revolution is period to lack International Trade Organization and export mostly amateur by chance, few exclusively be engaged in the company of trade conversion, divide the work not thin.Two post-war, established WTO etc. coordination all countries trade, establishment trade principle, and the multinational company basic Long break international trade and divide the work very thin;
4, from the scope, the period international trade of the Industrial Revolution usually limits at an of colony and suzerain state, capitalism nation, and concerns noodles narrow.(point people)Two post-war, the whole world is subjected to a spread, have no which nation place oneself at the international trade outside;
5, from the consciousness appearance, Industrial Revolution the period mercantile system be more widely accepted and the turn of capitalism nation shares colony;Two post-war, although once appeared Cold War the trade of the two greatest camps with each other not contacts, basic carry out free trade.

International trade is a certain historical conditions and have developed. The formation of international trade are two basic conditions:

(1) the development of social productive forces;

(2) the formation of the country.

Development of social productive forces for the exchange of the remaining goods, for the rest of the commodities between countries in the exchange, have had on international trade.

International trade in goods is the scope of exchange of goods, trade and domestic in nature, there is no difference, but because it is in a different country or region between, so compared to domestic trade and have the following characteristics:

1. To be involved in international trade in goods in different countries or regions of policies and measures, the legal system there may be differences and conflicts, as well as language and culture, social customs, and other aspects of differences and the issues involved are complex than domestic trade.

2. International trade in goods, trade volume and a larger amount of general, the transport distance, time to carry out a longer, so the two sides to assume the risk of trading than to large domestic trade.

3. Vulnerable to international trade in goods, trade in countries where both political and economic changes in the bilateral relations and international situation changes, and other conditions.

4. International trade in goods, trade in addition to the two sides, also involves the transportation, insurance, banking, commodity inspection, customs cooperation, with over the course of domestic trade to be more complex.

Here, mainly to international trade and domestic trade for some comparison. International trade and domestic trade there is not only common, but very different, international trade is more complex than domestic trade.

The history of international trade:

1, from the form, during the industrial revolution in international trade so as to directly export-oriented goods, and the end of World War II in direct foreign investment into the mainstream;

2, from the content of the industrial revolution in international trade with occasional, simple, one-sided labor exports or export of goods, trade in goods involved are industrial raw materials and primary products. After World War II, various forms of international trade, commodity-rich levels, covering three major industries;

3, from the organization, during the industrial revolution, the lack of international trade, exports most of the time by chance, there are very few specializing in the conversion of trade, division of labor is not fine. After World War II, established the WTO, and other countries to coordinate trade, the development of the principles of trade, multinational corporations and monopoly of the basic international trade, the division of labor is very small;

4, from the scope of the industrial revolution in international trade are often limited to the colonial and sovereign state, between the capitalist countries, but it also reflects the narrow side (referring to the public). After World War II, around the world are affected, and no country outside the international trade;

5, from the ideological, during the industrial revolution, mercantilism is more popular among the capitalist countries of the colonial Quanzhan; after World War II, although the two camps was once the Cold War trade between each other, but the basic realization of free trade. 本人翻译的

International trade is a certain historical conditions and have developed. The formation of international trade are two basic conditions:
(1) the development of social productive forces;
(2) the formation of the country.
Development of social productive forces for the exchange of the remaining goods, for the rest of the commodities between countries in the exchange, have had on international trade.

International trade in goods is the scope of exchange of goods, trade and domestic in nature, there is no difference, but because it is in a different country or region between, so compared to domestic trade and have the following characteristics:
1. International trade in goods related to different countries or regions of policies and measures, the legal system there may be differences and conflicts, as well as language and culture, social customs, and other aspects of differences and the issues involved are complex than domestic trade.
2. International trade in goods, trade volume and a larger amount of general, the transport distance, time to carry out a longer, so the two sides to assume the risk of trading than to large domestic trade.
3. International trade in goods, trade vulnerable to the country in which the two sides of the political and economic changes in the bilateral relations and international situation changes, and other conditions.
4. International trade in goods, trade in addition to the two sides, also involves the transportation, insurance, banking, commodity inspection, customs cooperation, with over the course of domestic trade to be more complex.
Here, mainly to international trade and domestic trade for some comparison. International trade and domestic trade there is not only common, but very different, international trade is more complex than domestic trade.

The history of international trade:
1, from the form, during the industrial revolution in international trade so as to directly export-oriented goods, and the end of World War II in direct foreign investment into the mainstream;
2, from the content of the industrial revolution in international trade with occasional, simple, one-sided labor exports or export of goods, trade in goods involved are industrial raw materials and primary products. After World War II, various forms of international trade, commodity-rich levels, covering three major industries;
3, from the organization, during the industrial revolution, the lack of international trade, exports most of the time by chance, there are very few specializing in the conversion of trade, division of labor is not fine. After World War II, established the WTO, and other countries to coordinate trade, the development of the principles of trade, multinational corporations and monopoly of the basic international trade, the division of labor is very small;
4, from the scope of the industrial revolution in international trade are often limited to the colonial and sovereign state, between the capitalist countries, but it also reflects the narrow side (referring to the public). After World War II, around the world are affected, and no country outside the international trade;
5, from the ideological, during the industrial revolution, mercantilism is more popular among the capitalist countries of the colonial Quanzhan; after World War II, although the two camps was once the Cold War trade between each other, but the basic realization of free trade.


International trade has been appeared and developing under certain historical circumstances.

International trade is a certain historical conditions and have developed. The formation of the international trade of the two basic conditions: (1) the development of social productive forces; (2) the formation of the country. Development of social productive forces for the exchange of the remaining goods, for the rest of the commodities between countries in the exchange, have had on international trade.International trade in goods is the scope of exchange of goods, trade and domestic in nature, there is no difference, but because it is in a different country or region between, so compared to domestic trade and have the following characteristics:1. International trade in goods related to different countries or regions of policies and measures, the legal system there may be differences and conflicts, as well as language and culture, social customs, and other aspects of differences and the issues involved are complex than domestic trade. 2. International trade in goods, trade volume and a larger amount of general, the transport distance, time to carry out a longer, so the two sides to assume the risk of trading than to large domestic trade.3. International trade in goods, trade vulnerable to the country in which the two sides of the political and economic changes in the bilateral relations and international situation changes, and other conditions. 4. International trade in goods, trade in addition to the two sides, also involves the transportation, insurance, banking, commodity inspection, customs cooperation, with over the course of domestic trade to be more complex. Here, mainly to international trade and domestic trade for some comparison. International trade and domestic trade there is not only common, but very different, international trade is more complex than domestic trade.The history of international trade: 1, in form from the industrial revolution of the international trade in order to direct export-oriented goods, and the end of World War II in direct foreign investment into the mainstream; 2, from the content of the industrial revolution in international trade has occasionally, simply, One-sided labor exports or export of goods, trade in goods involved are industrial raw materials and primary products. After World War II, various forms of international trade, commodity-rich levels, covering three major industries;4, from the scope of the industrial revolution in international trade are often limited to the colonial and sovereign state, between the capitalist countries, but it also reflects the narrow side (referring to the public). After World War II, around the world are affected, and no country outside the international trade; 5, from the ideological, during the industrial revolution, mercantilism is more popular among the capitalist countries of the colonial Quanzhan; after World War II, although once The cold war the two camps trade between each other, but the basic realization of free trade.

我国在环境关税方面应采取的对策 目前,国际贸易中的环境问题已引起世界各国的重视,环境关税作为与环境有关的贸易措施被越来越多的国家所使用。作为发展中国家,我国不仅经受着经济发展中出现的环境问题的困扰,也面临着来自于全球性环境问题的威胁,开展环境关税的研究并采取相关措施已显得十分迫切和必要。

4. 学术或研究机构:另外,一些国际贸易专业的毕业生可能会选择加入学术或研究机构,从事国际贸易相关的科研或教学工作。这要求毕业生具备坚实的理论基础和强大的研究能力,能够为国家或企业的决策提供专业建议。综上所述,国际贸易专业的毕业生拥有多样化的职业选择,可以在跨国公司、政府部门、金融机构以及...

国际贸易结算中,银行只接受“清洁提单”,即承运人未在提单上批注货物外表状况有任何不良情况。 3.根据提单是否可以流通分,即根据提单“收货人”栏内的书写内容划分:“记名提单”和“指示提单”。 记名提单(Straight B\/L)是在提单的抬头上注明指定的收货人,这种提单是不能转让的,只能由提单上注明的收货人提货; ...




国际贸易(International Trade)也称通商,是指跨越国境的货品和服务交易,一般由进口贸易和出口贸易所组成,因此也可称之为进出口贸易。国际贸易也叫世界贸易。进出口贸易可以调节国内生产要素的利用率,改善国际间的供求关系,调整经济结构,增加财政收入等。国际贸易专业属于经济学学科范畴,主要以经济学理论...

一战大连理工大学国际贸易学,政治74分,英语84分,数学三123分,专业课129,总分410,成功上岸,下面就给大家分享一下我自己的备考加复习经验~话不多说先上图! 关于择校原因 大连理工大学的国际贸易学,选择这个学校是因为大连这个地方是个沿海城市,然后我非常的喜欢,再加上我的家乡是在大连,想毕业之后回大连的一些外企...

关于商业银行国际贸易业务的一些问题? 我也去实习过。主要是开始跟综合员学习业务知识,记台账。然后是跟经办学操作和系统。入门的话差不多两个月吧。天天学天天问,做做笔记。熟能生巧啊。资料什么的银行的国际贸易部应该都有的。上面讲些基础知识,系统操作,流程和稽核要点。这个都是硬的。背背...

加强各国经济联系,促进经济发展 。2、以贸易全球化为首要内容的经济全球化,对中国经济和商务发展产生了深刻影响。深入分析和把握当前国际贸易的发展趋势和特点,对于我们科学决策,在更大范围、更广领域和更高层次上参与国际经济合作与竞争,把握好经济全球化带来的各种机遇,具有十分重要的意义。

江海区13426263204: 查阅资料,简述国际贸易产生和发展的背景?特点有哪些 -
僪虹美洛: 新时期国际贸易的特点世界经济联系程度大大加强,国际贸易以超越物质生产发展的速度迅猛增加,达到空前水平.国际资本贸易空前发展,已成为世界经济联系的重要潮流..世界经济联系的内容发生较大变化,进出口商品的结构出现新特点....

江海区13426263204: 当前国际贸易背景是什么? -
僪虹美洛: 全球化

江海区13426263204: 论国际贸易政策的演变历史、历史背景、理论依据及当时产生的重要影响 -
僪虹美洛: 国际贸易政策的历史演变: 1,重商主义 2,自由贸易政策和保护贸易政策 3,超保护贸易政策 4,贸易自由化 5,新贸易保护主义

江海区13426263204: 国际贸易包括哪些方面 -
僪虹美洛: 国际贸易也称通商,是指跨越国境的货品和服务交易,一般由进口贸易和出口贸易所组成,因此也可称之为进出口贸易. 1、按货物移动方向国际贸易可分为:进口贸易、出口贸易、过境贸易2、按统计标准国际贸易可分为:总贸易、专门贸易 ...

江海区13426263204: 什么是国际贸易 -
僪虹美洛: 国际贸易的概述 1、什么是国际贸易 国际贸易(International Trade)是指不同国家(和/或地区)之间的商品和劳务的交换活动.国际贸易是商品和劳务的国际转移.国际贸易也叫世界贸易. 国际贸易由进口贸易(Import Trade)和出口贸易...

江海区13426263204: 常见的国际贸易惯例有哪些? -
僪虹美洛: 国际贸易主要惯例如下: 在国际贸易中通行的主要惯例均由国际商会制定,主要有: (1)《国际贸易术语解释通则》(2000年). (2)《跟单信用证统一惯例》(1993年). (3)《托收统一规则》(1995年). (4)《国际保付代理惯例规则》(1994 年...

江海区13426263204: 国际贸易的定义是什么 -
僪虹美洛: 国际贸易是指世界各国(地区)之间货物,知识和服务的交换,是各国(地区)之间的分工的表现,反映了世界各国(地区)在经济上的相互依靠.

江海区13426263204: 在仓储方面与国际贸易的相关资料? -
僪虹美洛: 大家都是怎么开始做外贸的呢?浙江一个农村家庭小作坊里,阿宝正在用酒精布擦拭一串刚打磨好的玻璃手链.上海客户以5.2元的批发价订了10000串,阿宝和几个邻居忙活了十几天,每串大约可以挣到8角钱加工费.2个半月以后,这串手链...

江海区13426263204: 国际贸易 背景 -
僪虹美洛: 观点错误!贸易摩擦本身就不可避免.国内各地区都存在内贸摩擦呢,烟酒,水泥等行业都是地方保护主义.建议你快换观点.贸易摩擦减少到有可能:1. 全球经济一体化--例如欧盟内没摩擦2. 经济论坛沟通3. 政府的政策4. 全球行业的规范,行业的细分 等等

江海区13426263204: 一个国家或地区为什么要开展国际贸易,以及如何开展国际贸易. -
僪虹美洛: 就像你永远都需要拿钱去买你所需要的东西一样,一个国家或地区也永远无法生产出他所需要的所有东西,所以各国之间互通有无是最重要的.而且,一些地区或国家特产在当地可能一钱不值,但在其他国家和地区就可能是暴利.此外,一般来...

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